Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Exodus » Chapter 29 » Verse 30

Exodus 29:30 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

30 And that son H1121 that is priest H3548 in his stead shall put H3847 them on seven H7651 days, H3117 when he cometh H935 into the tabernacle H168 of the congregation H4150 to minister H8334 in the holy H6944 place.

Cross Reference

Numbers 20:28 STRONG

And Moses H4872 stripped H6584 Aaron H175 of his garments, H899 and put H3847 them upon Eleazar H499 his son; H1121 and Aaron H175 died H4191 there in the top H7218 of the mount: H2022 and Moses H4872 and Eleazar H499 came down H3381 from the mount. H2022

Genesis 8:10 STRONG

And he stayed H2342 yet other H312 seven H7651 days; H3117 and again H3254 he sent forth H7971 the dove H3123 out of the ark; H8392

Genesis 8:12 STRONG

And he stayed H3176 yet other H312 seven H7651 days; H3117 and sent forth H7971 the dove; H3123 which returned H7725 not again H3254 unto him any more. H5750

Exodus 12:15 STRONG

Seven H7651 days H3117 shall ye eat H398 unleavened bread; H4682 even H389 the first H7223 day H3117 ye shall put away H7673 leaven H7603 out of your houses: H1004 for whosoever eateth H398 leavened bread H2557 from the first H7223 day H3117 until the seventh H7637 day, H3117 that soul H5315 shall be cut H3772 off from Israel. H3478

Exodus 29:35 STRONG

And thus shalt thou do H6213 unto Aaron, H175 and to his sons, H1121 according to all things which I have commanded H6680 thee: seven H7651 days H3117 shalt thou consecrate H4390 H3027 them.

Leviticus 8:33-35 STRONG

And ye shall not go out H3318 of the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation H4150 in seven H7651 days, H3117 until the days H3117 of your consecration H4394 be at an end: H4390 for seven H7651 days H3117 shall he consecrate H4390 H3027 you. As he hath done H6213 this day, H3117 so the LORD H3068 hath commanded H6680 to do, H6213 to make an atonement H3722 for you. Therefore shall ye abide H3427 at the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation H4150 day H3119 and night H3915 seven H7651 days, H3117 and keep H8104 the charge H4931 of the LORD, H3068 that ye die H4191 not: for so I am commanded. H6680

Leviticus 9:1 STRONG

And it came to pass on the eighth H8066 day, H3117 that Moses H4872 called H7121 Aaron H175 and his sons, H1121 and the elders H2205 of Israel; H3478

Leviticus 9:8 STRONG

Aaron H175 therefore went H7126 unto the altar, H4196 and slew H7819 the calf H5695 of the sin offering, H2403 which was for himself.

Leviticus 12:2-3 STRONG

Speak H1696 unto the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 saying, H559 If a woman H802 have conceived seed, H2232 and born H3205 a man child: H2145 then she shall be unclean H2930 seven H7651 days; H3117 according to the days H3117 of the separation H5079 for her infirmity H1738 shall she be unclean. H2930 And in the eighth H8066 day H3117 the flesh H1320 of his foreskin H6190 shall be circumcised. H4135

Leviticus 13:5 STRONG

And the priest H3548 shall look H7200 on him the seventh H7637 day: H3117 and, behold, if the plague H5061 in his sight H5869 be at a stay, H5975 and the plague H5061 spread H6581 not in the skin; H5785 then the priest H3548 shall shut H5462 him up seven H7651 days H3117 more: H8145

Joshua 6:14-15 STRONG

And the second H8145 day H3117 they compassed H5437 the city H5892 once, H6471 H259 and returned H7725 into the camp: H4264 so they did H6213 six H8337 days. H3117 And it came to pass on the seventh H7637 day, H3117 that they rose early H7925 about the dawning H5927 of the day, H7837 and compassed H5437 the city H5892 after the same manner H4941 seven H7651 times: H6471 only on that day H3117 they compassed H5437 the city H5892 seven H7651 times. H6471

Ezekiel 43:26 STRONG

Seven H7651 days H3117 shall they purge H3722 the altar H4196 and purify H2891 it; and they shall consecrate themselves. H4390 H3027

Acts 20:6-7 STRONG

And G1161 we G2249 sailed away G1602 from G575 Philippi G5375 after G3326 the days G2250 of unleavened bread, G106 and G2532 came G2064 unto G4314 them G846 to G1519 Troas G5174 in G891 five G4002 days; G2250 where G3757 we abode G1304 seven G2033 days. G2250 And G1161 upon G1722 the first G3391 day of the week, G4521 when the disciples G3101 came together G4863 to break G2806 bread, G740 Paul G3972 preached G1256 unto them, G846 ready G3195 to depart G1826 on the morrow; G1887 and G5037 continued G3905 his speech G3056 until G3360 midnight. G3317

Hebrews 7:26 STRONG

For G1063 such G5108 an high priest G749 became G4241 us, G2254 who is holy, G3741 harmless, G172 undefiled, G283 separate G5563 from G575 sinners, G268 and G2532 made G1096 higher than G5308 the heavens; G3772

Commentary on Exodus 29 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ex 29:1-35. Consecrating the Priests and the Altar.

1. hallow them, to minister unto me in the priest's office—The act of inaugurating the priests was accompanied by ceremonial solemnities well calculated not only to lead the people to entertain exalted views of the office, but to impress those functionaries themselves with a profound sense of its magnitude and importance. In short, they were taught to know that the service was for them as well as for the people; and every time they engaged in a new performance of their duties, they were reminded of their personal interest in the worship, by being obliged to offer for themselves, before they were qualified to offer as the representatives of the people.

this is the thing that thou shalt do—Steps are taken at the beginning of a society, which would not be repeated when the social machine was in full motion; and Moses, at the opening of the tabernacle, was employed to discharge functions which in later periods would have been regarded as sacrilege and punished with instant death. But he acted under the special directions of God.

4-9. Aaron and his sons thou shalt bring unto the door of the tabernacle—as occupying the intermediate space between the court where the people stood, and the dwelling-place of Israel's king, and therefore the fittest spot for the priests being duly prepared for entrance, and the people witnessing the ceremony of inauguration.

wash them with water. And … take the garments—The manner in which these parts of the ceremonial were performed is minutely described, and in discovering their symbolical import, which indeed, is sufficiently plain and obvious, we have inspired authority to guide us. It signified the necessity and importance of moral purity or holiness (Isa 52:11; Joh 13:10; 2Co 7:1; 1Pe 3:21). In like manner, the investiture with the holy garments signified their being clothed with righteousness (Re 19:8) and equipped as men active and well-prepared for the service of God; the anointing the high priest with oil denoted that he was to be filled with the influences of the Spirit, for the edification and delight of the church (Le 10:7; Ps 45:7; Isa 61:1; 1Jo 2:27), and as he was officially a type of Christ (Heb 7:26; Joh 3:34; also Mt 3:16; 11:29).

10-22. And thou shalt cause a bullock to be brought before the tabernacle—This part of the ceremonial consisted of three sacrifices: (1) The sacrifice of a bullock, as a sin offering; and in rendering it, the priest was directed to put his hand upon the head of his sacrifice, expressing by that act a consciousness of personal guilt, and a wish that it might be accepted as a vicarious satisfaction. (2) The sacrifice of a ram as a burnt offering (Ex 29:15-18). The ram was to be wholly burnt, in token of the priest's dedication of himself to God and His service. The sin offering was first to be presented, and then the burnt offering; for until guilt be removed, no acceptable service can be performed. (3) There was to be a peace offering, called "the ram of consecration" (Ex 29:19-22). And there was a marked peculiarity in the manner in which this other ram was to be disposed of. The former was for the glory of God—this was for the comfort of the priest himself; and as a sign of a mutual covenant being ratified, the blood of the sacrifice was divided—part sprinkled on the altar round about, and part upon the persons and garments of the priests. Nay, the blood was, by a singular act, directed to be put upon the extremities of the body, thereby signifying that the benefits of the atonement would be applied to the whole nature of man. Moreover, the flesh of this sacrifice was to be divided, as it were, between God and the priest—part of it to be put into his hand to be waved up and down, in token of its being offered to God, and then it was to be burnt upon the altar; the other part was to be eaten by the priests at the door of the tabernacle—that feast being a symbol of communion or fellowship with God. These ceremonies, performed in the order described, showed the qualifications necessary for the priests. (See Heb 7:26, 27; 10:14).

35. seven days shalt thou consecrate them—The renewal of these ceremonies on the return of every day in the seven, with the intervention of a Sabbath, was a wise preparatory arrangement, in order to afford a sufficient interval for calm and devout reflection (Heb 9:1; 10:1).

Ex 29:36, 37. Consecration of the Altar.

36. and thou shalt cleanse the altar—The phrase, "when thou hast made an atonement for it," should be, upon it; and the purport of the direction is, that during all the time they were engaged as above from day to day in offering the appointed sacrifices, the greatest care was to be taken to keep the altar properly cleansed—to remove the ashes, and sprinkle it with the prescribed unction that, at the conclusion of the whole ceremonial, the altar itself should be consecrated as much as the ministers who were to officiate at it (Mt 23:19). It was thenceforth associated with the services of religion.

Ex 29:38-46. Institution of Daily Service.

38. two lambs of the first year day by day continually—The sacred preliminaries being completed, Moses was instructed in the end or design to which these preparations were subservient, namely, the worship of God; and hence the institution of the morning and evening sacrifice. The institution was so imperative, that in no circumstances was this daily oblation to be dispensed with; and the due observance of it would secure the oft-promised grace and blessing of their heavenly King.