Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Exodus » Chapter 29 » Verse 41

Exodus 29:41 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

41 And the other H8145 lamb H3532 thou shalt offer H6213 at even, H6153 and shalt do H6213 thereto according to the meat offering H4503 of the morning, H1242 and according to the drink offering H5262 thereof, for a sweet H5207 savour, H7381 an offering made by fire H801 unto the LORD. H3068

Cross Reference

1 Kings 18:29 STRONG

And it came to pass, when midday H6672 was past, H5674 and they prophesied H5012 until the time of the offering H5927 of the evening sacrifice, H4503 that there was neither voice, H6963 nor any to answer, H6030 nor any that regarded. H7182

1 Kings 18:36 STRONG

And it came to pass at the time of the offering H5927 of the evening sacrifice, H4503 that Elijah H452 the prophet H5030 came near, H5066 and said, H559 LORD H3068 God H430 of Abraham, H85 Isaac, H3327 and of Israel, H3478 let it be known H3045 this day H3117 that thou art God H430 in Israel, H3478 and that I am thy servant, H5650 and that I have done H6213 all these things at thy word. H1697

2 Kings 16:15 STRONG

And king H4428 Ahaz H271 commanded H6680 Urijah H223 the priest, H3548 saying, H559 Upon the great H1419 altar H4196 burn H6999 the morning H1242 burnt offering, H5930 and the evening H6153 meat offering, H4503 and the king's H4428 burnt sacrifice, H5930 and his meat offering, H4503 with the burnt offering H5930 of all the people H5971 of the land, H776 and their meat offering, H4503 and their drink offerings; H5262 and sprinkle H2236 upon it all the blood H1818 of the burnt offering, H5930 and all the blood H1818 of the sacrifice: H2077 and the brasen H5178 altar H4196 shall be for me to enquire H1239 by.

Ezra 9:4-5 STRONG

Then were assembled H622 unto me every one that trembled H2730 at the words H1697 of the God H430 of Israel, H3478 because of the transgression H4604 of those that had been carried away; H1473 and I sat H3427 astonied H8074 until the evening H6153 sacrifice. H4503 And at the evening H6153 sacrifice H4503 I arose up H6965 from my heaviness; H8589 and having rent H7167 my garment H899 and my mantle, H4598 I fell H3766 upon my knees, H1290 and spread out H6566 my hands H3709 unto the LORD H3068 my God, H430

Psalms 141:2 STRONG

Let my prayer H8605 be set forth H3559 before H6440 thee as incense; H7004 and the lifting up H4864 of my hands H3709 as the evening H6153 sacrifice. H4503

Ezekiel 46:13-15 STRONG

Thou shalt daily H3117 prepare H6213 a burnt offering H5930 unto the LORD H3068 of a lamb H3532 of the first H1121 year H8141 without blemish: H8549 thou shalt prepare H6213 it every H1242 morning. H1242 And thou shalt prepare H6213 a meat offering H4503 for it every morning, H1242 the sixth part H8345 of an ephah, H374 and the third part H7992 of an hin H1969 of oil, H8081 to temper with H7450 the fine flour; H5560 a meat offering H4503 continually H8548 by a perpetual H5769 ordinance H2708 unto the LORD. H3068 Thus shall they prepare H6213 H6213 the lamb, H3532 and the meat offering, H4503 and the oil, H8081 every morning H1242 for a continual H8548 burnt offering. H5930

Daniel 9:21 STRONG

Yea, whiles I was speaking H1696 in prayer, H8605 even the man H376 Gabriel, H1403 whom I had seen H7200 in the vision H2377 at the beginning, H8462 being caused to fly H3286 swiftly, H3288 touched H5060 me about the time H6256 of the evening H6153 oblation. H4503

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Exodus 29

Commentary on Exodus 29 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-37

Consecration of Aaron and his Sons through the anointing of their persons and the offering of sacrifices, the directions for which form the subject of vv. 1-35. This can only be fully understood in connection with the sacrificial law contained in Lev 1-7. It will be more advisable therefore to defer the examination of this ceremony till we come to Lev 8, where the consecration itself is described. The same may also be said of the expiation and anointing of the altar, which are commanded in Exodus 29:36 and Exodus 29:37, and carried out in Leviticus 8:11.

Verses 38-46

The Daily Burnt-Offering, Meat-Offering, and Drink-Offering. - The directions concerning these are attached to the instructions for the consecration of the priests, because these sacrifices commenced immediately after the completion of the tabernacle, and, like the shew-bread (Exodus 25:30), the daily trimming of the lamps (Exodus 27:20-21), and the daily incense-offering (Exodus 30:7.), were most intimately connected with the erection of the sanctuary.

Exodus 29:38-40

And this is what thou shalt make (offer) upon the altar; yearling lambs two a day continually, ” one in the morning, the other between the two evenings (see at Exodus 12:6); to every one a meat-offering ( minchah ) of a tenth of fine wheaten flour ( soleth , see at Leviticus 2:1), mixed with a quarter of a hin of beaten oil ( cathith , see at Exodus 27:20), and a drink-offering ( nesek ) of a quarter of a hin of wine. עשּׂרן (a tenth) is equivalent to האיפה עשׂירית , the tenth part of an ephah (Numbers 28:5), or 198-5 Parisian cubic inches according to Bertheau's measurement. Thenius , however, sets it down at 101-4 inches, whilst the Rabbins reckon it as equivalent to 43 hen's eggs of average size, i.e., somewhat more than 2 1/4 lbs. A hin (a word of Egyptian origin) is 330-9 inches according to Bertheau , 168-9 according to Thenius, or 72 eggs, so that a quarter of a hin would be 18 eggs.

Exodus 29:41-46

להּ is to be understood ad sensum as referring to עולה . The daily morning and evening sacrifices were to be “for a sweet savour, a firing unto Jehovah” (see at Leviticus 1:9). In these Israel was to consecrate its life daily unto the Lord (see at Lev 1 and 2). In order that the whole of the daily life might be included, it was to be offered continually every morning and evening for all future time (“throughout your generations” as at Exodus 12:14) at the door of the tabernacle, i.e., upon the altar erected there, before Jehovah, who would meet with the people and commune with them there (see Exodus 25:22). This promise is carried out still further in Exodus 29:43-46. First of all, for the purpose of elucidating and strengthening the words, “I will meet with you there” (Exodus 29:42), the presence and communion of God, which are attached to the ark of the covenant in Exodus 25:22, are ensured to the whole nation in the words, “And there I will meet with the children of Israel, and it (Israel) shall be sanctified through My glory.” As the people were not allowed to approach the ark of the covenant, but only to draw near to the altar of burnt-offering in the sanctuary, it was important to declare that the Lord would manifest Himself to them even there, and sanctify them by His glory. Most of the commentators have taken the altar to be the subject of “shall be sanctified;” but this is certainly an error, not only because the altar is not mentioned in the previous clause, and only slightly hinted at in the להּ in Exodus 29:41, but principally because the sanctification of the altar is noticed by itself afterwards in Exodus 29:44. The correct exegesis is that adopted by Baumgarten and others, who supply the word Israel (viz., regarded as a nation), which they take from the expression “children of Israel” in the previous clause. In Exodus 29:44, the sanctification of the tabernacle and altar on the part of God is promised, also that of His servants, and finally, in Exodus 29:45, Exodus 29:46, the abode of God in the midst of the children of Israel, with an allusion to the blessings that would follow from Jehovah's dwelling in the midst of them as their God (Genesis 17:7).