Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Exodus » Chapter 31 » Verse 13

Exodus 31:13 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

13 Speak H1696 thou also unto the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 saying, H559 Verily H389 my sabbaths H7676 ye shall keep: H8104 for it is a sign H226 between me and you throughout your generations; H1755 that ye may know H3045 that I am the LORD H3068 that doth sanctify H6942 you.

Cross Reference

Ezekiel 20:20 STRONG

And hallow H6942 my sabbaths; H7676 and they shall be a sign H226 between me and you, that ye may know H3045 that I am the LORD H3068 your God. H430

Ezekiel 20:12 STRONG

Moreover also I gave H5414 them my sabbaths, H7676 to be a sign H226 between me and them, that they might know H3045 that I am the LORD H3068 that sanctify H6942 them.

Leviticus 19:30 STRONG

Ye shall keep H8104 my sabbaths, H7676 and reverence H3372 my sanctuary: H4720 I am the LORD. H3068

Leviticus 19:3 STRONG

Ye shall fear H3372 every man H376 his mother, H517 and his father, H1 and keep H8104 my sabbaths: H7676 I am the LORD H3068 your God. H430

Exodus 31:17 STRONG

It is a sign H226 between me and the children H1121 of Israel H3478 for ever: H5769 for in six H8337 days H3117 the LORD H3068 made H6213 heaven H8064 and earth, H776 and on the seventh H7637 day H3117 he rested, H7673 and was refreshed. H5314

John 17:17 STRONG

Sanctify G37 them G846 through G1722 thy G4675 truth: G225 thy G4674 word G3056 is G2076 truth. G225

Jude 1:1 STRONG

Jude, G2455 the servant G1401 of Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 and G1161 brother G80 of James, G2385 to them that are sanctified G37 by G1722 God G2316 the Father, G3962 and G2532 preserved G5083 in Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 and called: G2822

1 Thessalonians 5:23 STRONG

And G1161 the very G846 God G2316 of peace G1515 sanctify G37 you G5209 wholly; G3651 and G2532 I pray God your G5216 whole G3648 spirit G4151 and G2532 soul G5590 and G2532 body G4983 be preserved G5083 blameless G274 unto G1722 the coming G3952 of our G2257 Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ. G5547

John 17:19 STRONG

And G2532 for G5228 their G846 sakes G5228 I G1473 sanctify G37 myself, G1683 that G2443 they G846 also G2532 might G5600 be sanctified G37 through G1722 the truth. G225

Exodus 20:8-11 STRONG

Remember H2142 the sabbath H7676 day, H3117 to keep it holy. H6942 Six H8337 days H3117 shalt thou labour, H5647 and do H6213 all thy work: H4399 But the seventh H7637 day H3117 is the sabbath H7676 of the LORD H3068 thy God: H430 in it thou shalt not do H6213 any work, H4399 thou, nor thy son, H1121 nor thy daughter, H1323 thy manservant, H5650 nor thy maidservant, H519 nor thy cattle, H929 nor thy stranger H1616 that is within thy gates: H8179 For in six H8337 days H3117 the LORD H3068 made H6213 heaven H8064 and earth, H776 the sea, H3220 and all that in them is, and rested H5117 the seventh H7637 day: H3117 wherefore the LORD H3068 blessed H1288 the sabbath H7676 day, H3117 and hallowed H6942 it.

Ezekiel 44:24 STRONG

And in controversy H7379 they shall stand H5975 in judgment; H8199 and they shall judge H8199 it according to my judgments: H4941 and they shall keep H8104 my laws H8451 and my statutes H2708 in all mine assemblies; H4150 and they shall hallow H6942 my sabbaths. H7676

Ezekiel 37:28 STRONG

And the heathen H1471 shall know H3045 that I the LORD H3068 do sanctify H6942 Israel, H3478 when my sanctuary H4720 shall be in the midst H8432 of them for evermore. H5769

Nehemiah 9:14 STRONG

And madest known H3045 unto them thy holy H6944 sabbath, H7676 and commandedst H6680 them precepts, H4687 statutes, H2706 and laws, H8451 by the hand H3027 of Moses H4872 thy servant: H5650

Leviticus 26:2 STRONG

Ye shall keep H8104 my sabbaths, H7676 and reverence H3372 my sanctuary: H4720 I am the LORD. H3068

Leviticus 25:2 STRONG

Speak H1696 unto the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 and say H559 unto them, When ye come H935 into the land H776 which I give H5414 you, then shall the land H776 keep H7673 a sabbath H7676 unto the LORD. H3068

Leviticus 23:3 STRONG

Six H8337 days H3117 shall work H4399 be done: H6213 but the seventh H7637 day H3117 is the sabbath H7676 of rest, H7677 an holy H6944 convocation; H4744 ye shall do H6213 no work H4399 therein: it is the sabbath H7676 of the LORD H3068 in all your dwellings. H4186

Leviticus 21:8 STRONG

Thou shalt sanctify H6942 him therefore; for he offereth H7126 the bread H3899 of thy God: H430 he shall be holy H6918 unto thee: for I the LORD, H3068 which sanctify H6942 you, am holy. H6918

Leviticus 20:8 STRONG

And ye shall keep H8104 my statutes, H2708 and do H6213 them: I am the LORD H3068 which sanctify H6942 you.

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Exodus 31

Commentary on Exodus 31 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-5

The Builders (cf. Ex 35:30-36:1). - After having given directions for the construction of the sanctuary, and all the things required for the worship, Jehovah pointed out the builders, whom He had called to carry out the work, and had filled with His Spirit for that purpose. To “ call by name ” is to choose or appoint by name for a particular work (cf. Isaiah 45:3-4). Bezaleel was a grandson of Hur , of the tribe of Judah, who is mentioned in Exodus 17:10; Exodus 24:14, and was called to be the master-builder, to superintend the whole of the building and carry out the artistic work; consequently he is not only invariably mentioned first (Exodus 35:30; Exodus 36:1-2), but in the accounts of the execution of the separate portions he is mentioned alone (Exodus 37:1; Exodus 38:22). Filling with the Spirit of God signifies the communication of an extraordinary and supernatural endowment and qualification, “in wisdom,” etc., i.e., consisting of wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and every kind of workmanship, that is to say, for the performance of every kind of work. This did not preclude either natural capacity or acquired skill, but rather presupposed them; for in Exodus 31:6 it is expressly stated in relation to his assistants, that God had put wisdom into all that were wise-hearted (see at Exodus 28:3). Being thus endowed with a supernaturally exalted gift, Bezaleel was qualified “ to think out inventions ,” i.e., ideas or artistic designs. Although everything had been minutely described by Jehovah, designs and plans were still needed in carrying out the work, so that the result should correspond to the divine instructions.

Verses 6-11

There were associated with Bezaleel as assistants, Oholiab , the son of Achisamach , of the tribe of Dan, and other men endowed with understanding, whom God had filled with wisdom for the execution of His work. According to Exodus 38:23, Oholiab was both faber , a master in metal, stone, and wood work, and also an artistic weaver of colours. In Exodus 38:7-11, the words to be executed, which have been minutely described in ch. 24-30, are mentioned singly once more; and, in addition to these, we find in Exodus 31:10 השּׂרד בּגדי mentioned, along with, or rather before, the holy dress of Aaron. This is the case also in Exodus 35:19 and Exodus 39:41, where there is also the additional clause, “to serve ( שׁרת ministrare ) in the sanctuary.” They were composed, according to Exodus 39:1, of blue and red purple, and crimson. The meaning of the word serad , which only occurs in these passages, is quite uncertain. The Rabbins understand by the bigde hasserad the wrappers in which the vessels of the sanctuary were enclosed when the camp was broken up, as these are called begadim of blue and red purple, and crimson, in Numbers 4:6. But this rendering is opposed to the words which follow, and which indicate their use in the holy service, i.e., in the performance of worship, and therefore are quite inapplicable to the wrappers referred to. There is even less ground for referring them, as Gesenius and others do, to the inner curtains of the tabernacle, or the inner hangings of the dwelling-place. For, apart from the uncertainty of the rendering given to serad , viz., netted cloth, filet , it is overthrown by the fact that these curtains of the dwelling-place were not of net-work; and still more decisively by the order in which the bigde hasserad occur in Exodus 39:41, viz., not till the dwelling-place and tent, and everything belonging to them, have been mentioned, even down to the hangings of the court and the pegs of the tent, and all that remains to be noticed is the clothing of the priests. From the definition “to serve in the sanctuary,” it is obvious that the bigde serad were clothes used in the worship, στολαὶ λειτουργικαί , as the lxx have rendered it in agreement with the rest of the ancient versions-that they were, in fact, the rich robes which constituted the official dress of the high priest, whilst “the holy garments for Aaron” were the holy clothes which were worn by him in common with the priests.

Verses 12-17

(cf. Exodus 35:2-3). God concludes by enforcing the observance of His Sabbaths in the most solemn manner, repeating the threat of death and extermination in the case of every transgressor. The repetition and further development of this command, which was included already in the decalogue, is quite in its proper place here, inasmuch as the thought might easily have occurred, that it was allowable to omit the keeping of the Sabbath, when the execution of so great a work in honour of Jehovah had been commanded. “ My Sabbaths: ” by these we are to understand the weekly Sabbaths, not the other sabbatical festivals, since the words which follow apply to the weekly Sabbath alone. This was “ a sign between Jehovah and Israel for all generations, to know (i.e., by which Israel might learn) that it was Jehovah who sanctified them, ” viz., by the sabbatical rest (see at Exodus 20:11). It was therefore a holy thing for Israel (Exodus 31:14), the desecration of which would be followed by the punishment of death, as a breach of the covenant. The kernel of the Sabbath commandment is repeated in Exodus 31:15; the seventh day of the week, however, is not simply designated a “Sabbath,” but שׁבּתון שׁבּת “a high Sabbath” (the repetition of the same word, or of an abstract form of the concrete noun, denoting the superlative; see Ges. §113, 2), and “holy to Jehovah” (see at Exodus 16:23). For this reason Israel was to keep it in all future generations, i.e., to observe it as an eternal covenant (Exodus 31:16), as in the case of circumcision, since it was to be a sign for ever between Jehovah and the children of Israel (Ezekiel 20:20). The eternal duration of this sign was involved in the signification of the sabbatical rest, which is pointed out in Exodus 20:11, and reaches forward into eternity.

Verse 18

When Moses had received all the instructions respecting the sanctuary to be erected, Jehovah gave him the two tables of testimony-tables of stone, upon which the decalogue was written with the finger of God. It was to receive these tables that he had been called up the mountain (Exodus 24:12). According to Exodus 32:16, the tables themselves, as well as the writing, were the work of God; and the writing was engraved upon them ( חרוּת from חרת = χαράττειν ), and the tables were written on both their sides (Exodus 32:15). Both the choice of stone as the material for the tables, and the fact that the writing was engraved, were intended to indicate the imperishable duration of these words of God. The divine origin of the tables, as well as of the writing, corresponded to the direct proclamation of the ten words to the people from the summit of the mountain by the mouth of God. As this divine promulgation was a sufficient proof that they were the immediate word of God, unchanged by the mouth and speech of man, so the writing of God was intended to secure their preservation in Israel as a holy and inviolable thing. The writing itself was not a greater miracle than others, by which God has proved Himself to be the Lord of nature, to whom all things that He has created are subservient for the establishment and completion of His kingdom upon earth; and it can easily be conceived of without the anthropomorphic supposition of a material finger being possessed by God. Nothing is said about the dimensions of the tables: at the same time, we can hardly imagine them to have been as large as the inside of the ark; for stone slab 2 1/2 cubits long and 1 1/2 cubits broad, which must necessarily have been some inches in thickness to prevent their breaking in the hand, would have required the strength of Samson to enable Moses to carry them down the mountain “in his hand” (Exodus 32:15), or even “in his two hands” (Deuteronomy 9:15, Deuteronomy 9:17). But if we suppose them to have been smaller than this, say at the most a cubit and a half long and one cubit broad, there would have been plenty of room on the four sides for the 172 words contained in the decalogue, with its threats and promises (Ex 20:2-17), without the writing being excessively small.