Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Exodus » Chapter 31 » Verse 7

Exodus 31:7 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

7 The tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150 and the ark H727 of the testimony, H5715 and the mercy seat H3727 that is thereupon, and all the furniture H3627 of the tabernacle, H168

Cross Reference

Exodus 25:10-22 STRONG

And they shall make H6213 an ark H727 of shittim H7848 wood: H6086 two cubits H520 and a half H2677 shall be the length H753 thereof, and a cubit H520 and a half H2677 the breadth H7341 thereof, and a cubit H520 and a half H2677 the height H6967 thereof. And thou shalt overlay H6823 it with pure H2889 gold, H2091 within H1004 and without H2351 shalt thou overlay H6823 it, and shalt make H6213 upon it a crown H2213 of gold H2091 round about. H5439 And thou shalt cast H3332 four H702 rings H2885 of gold H2091 for it, and put H5414 them in the four H702 corners H6471 thereof; and two H8147 rings H2885 shall be in the one H259 side H6763 of it, and two H8147 rings H2885 in the other H8145 side of it. And thou shalt make H6213 staves H905 of shittim H7848 wood, H6086 and overlay H6823 them with gold. H2091 And thou shalt put H935 the staves H905 into the rings H2885 by the sides H6763 of the ark, H727 that the ark H727 may be borne H5375 with them. The staves H905 shall be H1961 in the rings H2885 of the ark: H727 they shall not be taken H5493 from it. And thou shalt put H5414 into the ark H727 the testimony H5715 which I shall give H5414 thee. And thou shalt make H6213 a mercy seat H3727 of pure H2889 gold: H2091 two cubits H520 and a half H2677 shall be the length H753 thereof, and a cubit H520 and a half H2677 the breadth H7341 thereof. And thou shalt make H6213 two H8147 cherubims H3742 of gold, H2091 of beaten work H4749 shalt thou make H6213 them, in the two H8147 ends H7098 of the mercy seat. H3727 And make H6213 one H259 cherub H3742 on the one end, H7098 and the other H259 cherub H3742 on the other H2088 end: H7098 even of the mercy seat H3727 shall ye make H6213 the cherubims H3742 on the two H8147 ends H7098 thereof. And the cherubims H3742 shall stretch H6566 forth their wings H3671 on high, H4605 covering H5526 the mercy seat H3727 with their wings, H3671 and their faces H6440 shall look one H376 to another; H251 toward the mercy seat H3727 shall the faces H6440 of the cherubims H3742 be. And thou shalt put H5414 the mercy seat H3727 above H4605 upon the ark; H727 and in the ark H727 thou shalt put H5414 the testimony H5715 that I shall give H5414 thee. And there I will meet H3259 with thee, and I will commune H1696 with thee from above the mercy seat, H3727 from between H996 the two H8147 cherubims H3742 which are upon H5921 the ark H727 of the testimony, H5715 of all things which I will give thee in commandment H6680 unto the children H1121 of Israel. H3478

Exodus 26:1-37 STRONG

Moreover thou shalt make H6213 the tabernacle H4908 with ten H6235 curtains H3407 of fine twined H7806 linen, H8336 and blue, H8504 and purple, H713 and scarlet: H8144 H8438 with cherubims H3742 of cunning H2803 work H4639 shalt thou make H6213 them. The length H753 of one H259 curtain H3407 shall be eight H8083 and twenty H6242 cubits, H520 and the breadth H7341 of one H259 curtain H3407 four H702 cubits: H520 and every one of the curtains H3407 shall have one H259 measure. H4060 The five H2568 curtains H3407 shall be coupled together H2266 one H802 to another; H269 and other five H2568 curtains H3407 shall be coupled H2266 one H802 to another. H269 And thou shalt make H6213 loops H3924 of blue H8504 upon the edge H8193 of the one H259 curtain H3407 from the selvedge H7098 in the coupling; H2279 and likewise shalt thou make H6213 in the uttermost H7020 edge H8193 of another curtain, H3407 in the coupling H4225 of the second. H8145 Fifty H2572 loops H3924 shalt thou make H6213 in the one H259 curtain, H3407 and fifty H2572 loops H3924 shalt thou make H6213 in the edge H7097 of the curtain H3407 that is in the coupling H4225 of the second; H8145 that the loops H3924 may take hold H6901 one H802 of another. H269 And thou shalt make H6213 fifty H2572 taches H7165 of gold, H2091 and couple H2266 the curtains H3407 together with H802 H269 the taches: H7165 and it shall be one H259 tabernacle. H4908 And thou shalt make H6213 curtains H3407 of goats' H5795 hair to be a covering H168 upon the tabernacle: H4908 eleven H6249 H6240 curtains H3407 shalt thou make. H6213 The length H753 of one H259 curtain H3407 shall be thirty H7970 cubits, H520 and the breadth H7341 of one H259 curtain H3407 four H702 cubits: H520 and the eleven H6249 H6240 curtains H3407 shall be all of one H259 measure. H4060 And thou shalt couple H2266 five H2568 curtains H3407 by themselves, and six H8337 curtains H3407 by themselves, and shalt double H3717 the sixth H8345 curtain H3407 in the forefront H4136 H6440 of the tabernacle. H168 And thou shalt make H6213 fifty H2572 loops H3924 on the edge H8193 of the one H259 curtain H3407 that is outmost H7020 in the coupling, H2279 and fifty H2572 loops H3924 in the edge H8193 of the curtain H3407 which coupleth H2279 the second. H8145 And thou shalt make H6213 fifty H2572 taches H7165 of brass, H5178 and put H935 the taches H7165 into the loops, H3924 and couple H2266 the tent H168 together, that it may be one. H259 And the remnant H5629 that remaineth H5736 of the curtains H3407 of the tent, H168 the half H2677 curtain H3407 that remaineth, H5736 shall hang H5628 over the backside H268 of the tabernacle. H4908 And a cubit H520 on the one side, H2088 and a cubit H520 on the other side of that which remaineth H5736 in the length H753 of the curtains H3407 of the tent, H168 it shall hang H5628 over the sides H6654 of the tabernacle H4908 on this side and on that side, to cover H3680 it. And thou shalt make H6213 a covering H4372 for the tent H168 of rams' H352 skins H5785 dyed red, H119 and a covering H4372 above H4605 of badgers' H8476 skins. H5785 And thou shalt make H6213 boards H7175 for the tabernacle H4908 of shittim H7848 wood H6086 standing up. H5975 Ten H6235 cubits H520 shall be the length H753 of a board, H7175 and a cubit H520 and a half H2677 shall be the breadth H7341 of one H259 board. H7175 Two H8147 tenons H3027 shall there be in one H259 board, H7175 set in order H7947 one H802 against another: H269 thus shalt thou make H6213 for all the boards H7175 of the tabernacle. H4908 And thou shalt make H6213 the boards H7175 for the tabernacle, H4908 twenty H6242 boards H7175 on the south H5045 side H6285 southward. H8486 And thou shalt make H6213 forty H705 sockets H134 of silver H3701 under the twenty H6242 boards; H7175 two H8147 sockets H134 under one H259 board H7175 for his two H8147 tenons, H3027 and two H8147 sockets H134 under another H259 board H7175 for his two H8147 tenons. H3027 And for the second H8145 side H6763 of the tabernacle H4908 on the north H6828 side H6285 there shall be twenty H6242 boards: H7175 And their forty H705 sockets H134 of silver; H3701 two H8147 sockets H134 under one H259 board, H7175 and two H8147 sockets H134 under another H259 board. H7175 And for the sides H3411 of the tabernacle H4908 westward H3220 thou shalt make H6213 six H8337 boards. H7175 And two H8147 boards H7175 shalt thou make H6213 for the corners H4742 of the tabernacle H4908 in the two sides. H3411 And they shall be coupled H8382 together beneath, H4295 and they shall be coupled H8382 together H3162 above the head H7218 of it unto one H259 ring: H2885 thus shall it be for them both; H8147 they shall be for the two H8147 corners. H4740 And they shall be eight H8083 boards, H7175 and their sockets H134 of silver, H3701 sixteen H8337 H6240 sockets; H134 two H8147 sockets H134 under one H259 board, H7175 and two H8147 sockets H134 under another H259 board. H7175 And thou shalt make H6213 bars H1280 of shittim H7848 wood; H6086 five H2568 for the boards H7175 of the one H259 side H6763 of the tabernacle, H4908 And five H2568 bars H1280 for the boards H7175 of the other H8145 side H6763 of the tabernacle, H4908 and five H2568 bars H1280 for the boards H7175 of the side H6763 of the tabernacle, H4908 for the two sides H3411 westward. H3220 And the middle H8484 bar H1280 in the midst H8432 of the boards H7175 shall reach H1272 from end H7097 to end. H7097 And thou shalt overlay H6823 the boards H7175 with gold, H2091 and make H6213 their rings H2885 of gold H2091 for places H1004 for the bars: H1280 and thou shalt overlay H6823 the bars H1280 with gold. H2091 And thou shalt rear up H6965 the tabernacle H4908 according to the fashion H4941 thereof which was shewed H7200 thee in the mount. H2022 And thou shalt make H6213 a vail H6532 of blue, H8504 and purple, H713 and scarlet, H8144 H8438 and fine twined H7806 linen H8336 of cunning H2803 work: H4639 with cherubims H3742 shall it be made: H6213 And thou shalt hang H5414 it upon four H702 pillars H5982 of shittim H7848 wood overlaid H6823 with gold: H2091 their hooks H2053 shall be of gold, H2091 upon the four H702 sockets H134 of silver. H3701 And thou shalt hang up H5414 the vail H6532 under the taches, H7165 that thou mayest bring H935 in thither within H1004 the vail H6532 the ark H727 of the testimony: H5715 and the vail H6532 shall divide H914 unto you between the holy H6944 place and the most H6944 holy. H6944 And thou shalt put H5414 the mercy seat H3727 upon the ark H727 of the testimony H5715 in the most H6944 holy H6944 place. And thou shalt set H7760 the table H7979 without H2351 the vail, H6532 and the candlestick H4501 over against H5227 the table H7979 on the side H6763 of the tabernacle H4908 toward the south: H8486 and thou shalt put H5414 the table H7979 on the north H6828 side. H6763 And thou shalt make H6213 an hanging H4539 for the door H6607 of the tent, H168 of blue, H8504 and purple, H713 and scarlet, H8438 H8144 and fine twined H7806 linen, H8336 wrought H4639 with needlework. H7551 And thou shalt make H6213 for the hanging H4539 five H2568 pillars H5982 of shittim H7848 wood, and overlay H6823 them with gold, H2091 and their hooks H2053 shall be of gold: H2091 and thou shalt cast H3332 five H2568 sockets H134 of brass H5178 for them.

Exodus 27:9-19 STRONG

And thou shalt make H6213 the court H2691 of the tabernacle: H4908 for the south H5045 side H6285 southward H8486 there shall be hangings H7050 for the court H2691 of fine twined H7806 linen H8336 of an hundred H3967 cubits H520 long H753 for one H259 side: H6285 And the twenty H6242 pillars H5982 thereof and their twenty H6242 sockets H134 shall be of brass; H5178 the hooks H2053 of the pillars H5982 and their fillets H2838 shall be of silver. H3701 And likewise for the north H6828 side H6285 in length H753 there shall be hangings H7050 of an hundred H3967 cubits long, H753 and his twenty H6242 pillars H5982 and their twenty H6242 sockets H134 of brass; H5178 the hooks H2053 of the pillars H5982 and their fillets H2838 of silver. H3701 And for the breadth H7341 of the court H2691 on the west H3220 side H6285 shall be hangings H7050 of fifty H2572 cubits: H520 their pillars H5982 ten, H6235 and their sockets H134 ten. H6235 And the breadth H7341 of the court H2691 on the east H6924 side H6285 eastward H4217 shall be fifty H2572 cubits. H520 The hangings H7050 of one side H3802 of the gate shall be fifteen H2568 H6240 cubits: H520 their pillars H5982 three, H7969 and their sockets H134 three. H7969 And on the other H8145 side H3802 shall be hangings H7050 fifteen H2568 H6240 cubits: their pillars H5982 three, H7969 and their sockets H134 three. H7969 And for the gate H8179 of the court H2691 shall be an hanging H4539 of twenty H6242 cubits, H520 of blue, H8504 and purple, H713 and scarlet, H8144 H8438 and fine twined H7806 linen, H8336 wrought with needlework: H7551 H4639 and their pillars H5982 shall be four, H702 and their sockets H134 four. H702 All the pillars H5982 round about H5439 the court H2691 shall be filleted H2836 with silver; H3701 their hooks H2053 shall be of silver, H3701 and their sockets H134 of brass. H5178 The length H753 of the court H2691 shall be an hundred H3967 cubits, H520 and the breadth H7341 fifty H2572 every where, H2572 and the height H6967 five H2568 cubits H520 of fine twined H7806 linen, H8336 and their sockets H134 of brass. H5178 All the vessels H3627 of the tabernacle H4908 in all the service H5656 thereof, and all the pins H3489 thereof, and all the pins H3489 of the court, H2691 shall be of brass. H5178

Commentary on Exodus 31 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



In this chapter an account is given of the persons whom God had chosen, and qualified for the work of building the tabernacle, and all things relating to it, and for the direction and oversight thereof, Exodus 31:1 and an enumeration is made of the several things that were to be wrought, some in one way, some in another, Exodus 31:7 the law of the sabbath is repeated, and the violation of it made death, Exodus 31:12 and the chapter is concluded with observing, that at the close of the above orders, two tables of stone, with the law written upon them by the finger of God, were given to Moses, Exodus 31:18.

Verse 1

And the Lord spake unto Moses,.... After the Lord had given Moses instructions about building a tabernacle, the model of which he had shown him, and what should be the furniture of it, who should minister in it, and what clothes they should wear, he acquaints him that he had provided artificers for this service; which would prevent doubts and objections that might rise up in the mind of Moses, how and by whom all this should be done; since the children of Israel had not been brought up, nor used to any curious work in Egypt, out of which they were but just come:

saying; as follows:

Verse 2

See, I have called by name Bezaleel,.... Had pitched upon, chosen, and distinguished him particularly from all other men to be the architect or chief master builder of the tabernacle, and to be the director and overseer of the whole work relating to it: the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem paraphrase it,""I have called with a good name Bezaleel";'as if respect was to be had to his name Bezaleel, as given him by God, and very expressive and significant; whereas the phrase of calling "by name" does not signify the imposing of a name upon him, but the singular and personal choice of him to an office: indeed, his name Bezaleel is very significant, and may be rendered, "in the shadow of God"; and he was under the shadow, influence, and protection of the Lord, and was called to be concerned in making those things, which were shadows of good things to come; and he may be considered in all as a type of Christ, who is the chief and master builder of his church, has the care and oversight of it, and under whom others work; for except he built the house, they labour in vain that build it; he was called by name, or eminently chosen to this work, he took not this honour to himself, but was called of God, as Bezaleel was, and was hid and abode under the shadow of the Almighty all the while he was concerned in it, see Psalm 91:1.

the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah; Bezaleel's father's name was Uri, which signifies, "my light"; and his grandfather's name Hur, which has the signification of liberty or freedom; the same that Moses left with Aaron to judge the people of Israel during his stay in the mount, and is thought to have been the husband of Miriam; so that his grandfather being living, he may be supposed to be but a young man: the Jews sayF14Shalshalet Hakabala, fol. 6. 2. he was but thirteen years of age when he was employed in this service, but that is not probable; though indeed his antitype, when but twelve years of age, said, "wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?" his Father, whom he calls Uri, my light, Psalm 27:1 he being the brightness of his Father's glory, and the express image of his person; and is the Son of God that makes men free, and they are free indeed; and of whom it is evident that he sprung out of the tribe of Judah, a tribe greatly honoured of God.

Verse 3

And I have filled him with the Spirit of God,.... Not with the special graces of the Spirit, or with spiritual gifts fitting for spiritual service in the knowledge of spiritual things, and the instruction of men in them, though, no doubt, he might have them; but with the gifts of ingenuity and skill in manual arts, and mechanical operations, as follows:

in wisdom, and in understanding, and in all manner of workmanship; these explain what is meant by the Spirit of God he was filled with; namely, with a sufficient measure of natural wisdom, knowledge, and understanding in all sorts of workmanship hereafter mentioned, to qualify him for his office as a director therein; that is, he had such a share of knowledge of what was to be wrought, such wisdom and understanding in the ingenious and curious manner of working them, that though he did not work with his own hands, yet could teach, guide, and direct others how to do them: and this was not an ordinary but an extraordinary gift of knowledge of these things; nor was it owing to a fruitful invention, nor to long study and contrivance; but it was by the immediate inspiration of the Spirit of God, which was necessary at this time, the Israelites being now in a general state of ignorance of all ingenious arts and sciences, having lived so many years in a state of servitude, and scarce knew anything but making of bricks: and it may be observed, that God never calls any to any work or service of his but he qualifies for it: in all this Bezaleel was a type of Christ, who was filled with the Holy Spirit without measure; and on whom rested the spirit of wisdom and of counsel, and in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge; and who, as God's righteous and faithful servant as Mediator, dealt wisely and prudently in all his administrations.

Verse 4

To devise cunning works,.... To invent, contrive, and draw patterns, for the weavers particularly, for the making of the curtains of the tabernacle, the vail of the most holy place, the ephod, and the curious girdle of it, which were made of cunning work, curiously wrought by the weaver; and so Jarchi interprets this of the weaving of the work of Chosheb, or cunning work, of the devising of cunning works, or of the knowledge of witty inventions, by Wisdom or the Messiah, see Proverbs 8:12.

to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass; for it is not to be supposed there were either goldsmiths or brasiers among the Israelites; only masons and bricklayers, and brickmakers, and such sort of manufacturers; so that Bezaleel had need of immediate wisdom from the Spirit of God, not only to devise curious works in these several things as in others, but to teach men how to work in them, what tools to work with, and how to use them, how to melt these several metals, and into what forms and shapes to put them, and then to polish them; as there were some things in the temple to be made of gold, as the candlestick, others of silver, as the sockets of the tabernacle, and others of brass, as the altar of burnt offering, and its vessels, with other things.

Verse 5

And in cutting of stones to set them,.... Not of marble stones, or of any common stones used in building, and the cutting and hewing of them to be laid therein, for of those there was no use in the tabernacle; but of precious stones, and the cutting of them, and setting of them in their ouches or enclosures, as the onyx stones on the shoulders of the high priest, and the twelve precious stones in his breastplate: Bezaleel was taught by the Spirit of God the art of jewelling, and instructed others in it:

and in carving of timber; or rather, "in cutting timber"F15בהרשת עץ "in fabrefactione ligni", Montanus; so Tigurine version. ; for it is the same word as before, for we have no account of any carved work in the tabernacle; and therefore this must design the work of carpenters and joiners in cutting the shittim wood, making planks and boards of it, and of them the sides of the tabernacle, jointed into sockets; the ark of the testimony, the shewbread table, and altar of incense, which were of timber, and the workmanship of such persons:

to work in all manner of workmanship; in all other manufactories; as spinning, weaving, embroidery, dying various colours, compounding ointment, perfume, &c.

Verse 6

And I, behold, I have given with him Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan,.... To be a partner with him, and to assist in the direction and oversight of the work of the tabernacle; which was done that there might appear to be a sufficiency in the direction, and that too much honour might not be given to one tribe; and it is observable, that as Solomon of the tribe of Judah was the builder of the temple, one of the tribe of Dan also was a principal artificer in it, 2 Chronicles 2:14 and it is no unusual thing for two persons to be joined together in matters of moment and importance, as Moses and Aaron, who were sent to Pharaoh for Israel's dismission out of the land of Egypt; the apostles of Christ, and seventy disciples, who were sent out two by two; the two witnesses prophesying in sackcloth, the two anointed ones standing before the Lord of the whole earth; and Joshua and Zerubbabel in the rebuilding of the temple: nor is it unusual for both such persons to be types of Christ, as Moses and Aaron, Joshua and Zerubbabel, were; and here Bezaleel, as before, and now Aholiab, whose name signifies "the Father's tent" or "tabernacle"; he being concerned in the oversight of the tabernacle of God and the building of it, and his father's name Ahisamach, according to HillerusF16Onomast. Sacr. p. 735. , signifies, "one supports", i.e. God; and may be a figure of Christ, whose human nature is the true tabernacle God pitched, and not man, and who, as Mediator, is Jehovah's servant, whom he upholds:

and in the hearts of all that are wise hearted; men of ingenuity, that had good natural parts and abilities, and minds disposed to curious works, and able to perform them, under the guidance and direction of others:

I have put wisdom, that they may make all that I have commanded thee; in the preceding chapters; these persons were to work under Bezaleel and Aholiab, and to do as they were ordered and directed by them; and having good natural abilities, mechanical heads and hearts, and divine wisdom in a large measure communicated to them, they were greatly qualified for the service of the tabernacle, and making all things appertaining to it: thus Christ, the architect and master builder of his church, has wise builders under him, that work in his house, being qualified with the gifts and graces of his Spirit from him, see Zechariah 6:12.

Verse 7

The tabernacle of the congregation,.... That is, they had wisdom given to make that according to the pattern showed to Moses, and under the direction of the two above persons, to whom Moses communicated it; and from henceforward, in this and some following verses, mention is made of the various things wrought by these subordinate workmen; first the house, and then the furniture of it, as follows:

and the ark of the testimony, and the mercy seat that is thereupon, and all the furniture of the tabernacle; of that part of it called the holy of holies; the furniture of which was only the ark, the mercy seat over that, and the cherubim overshadowing that, where was the seat of the divine Majesty; this was properly his apartment, see Exodus 25:10.

Verse 8

And the table and his furniture,.... The shewbread table, with its dishes, spoons, and bowls, Exodus 25:23.

and the pure candlestick with all his furniture; called "pure", because made of pure gold, and was to be kept pure and clean by the priests, and in which pure oil olive was burnt, and gave a clear light; its furniture were its lamps, tongs, and snuff dishes, Exodus 25:31.

and the altar of incense: made of shittim wood covered with gold, Exodus 30:1.

Verse 9

And the altar of burnt offering with all his furniture,.... Which was made of shittim wood covered with brass; its furniture were its pans, shovels, basins, &c. Exodus 27:1.

and the laver and his foot; for the priests to wash their hands and feet at, Exodus 30:18.

Verse 10

And the clothes of service,.... Either those the priests ministered in in the time of service, and which they never wore but when in it, and so might with propriety be so called, and what they were the following words explain; or else these were clothes of blue, purple, and scarlet, and coverings of badgers' skins, in which the ark, the shewbread table, the candlestick, and the golden altar, and other instruments of the tabernacle were wrapped, as Aben Ezra observes, when the Israelites journeyed in the wilderness, see Numbers 4:5.

and the holy garments for Aaron the priest; the breastplate, ephod, and robe, the broidered coat, mitre, and girdle, Exodus 28:4.

and the garments of his sons to minister in the priest's office; the bonnets, coats, girdles, and breeches, Exodus 28:40.

Verse 11

And the anointing oil, and sweet incense for the holy place,.... Of the composition of both which, see Exodus 30:23.

according to all that I have commanded thee shall they do: not only make all the said things, but make them exactly according to the form and pattern given to Moses, communicated to Bezaleel and Aholiab, whose business it was to see that all things were done by the workmen agreeably to it.

Verse 12

And the Lord spake unto Moses,.... After he had described to him the place of worship, and appointed the priests that should minister in it, and ordered the making of all things appertaining to it, and the workmen that should be concerned therein, he repeats the law of the sabbath, and puts in mind of the time of worship:

saying: as follows.

Verse 13

Speak thou also unto the children of Israel,.... Notwithstanding all that has been said and ordered concerning making the tabernacle and all things belonging to it; yet this was not to be understood to the violation of the sabbath, or the neglect of that, in which no work was to be done, no, not any relating to the tabernacle and the vessels of it; and though that was to be made, and everything belonging to it, as soon as possible, yet the sabbath was to be observed, and not broken on that account; and this the people of Israel were told of:

saying; verily, or "nevertheless"F17אך "veruntamen", Pagninus, Montanus, Tigurine version, Fagius, Vatablus, Drusius, Cartwright, Junius & Tremellius, Piscator. :

my sabbaths ye shall keep not sabbaths of years, as the seventh year and the fiftieth year, but of weeks, expressed by the plural number, because there are many of them in course throughout the year, no less than fifty two; and so the apostle uses the same number, Colossians 2:16 and so do Heathen writersF18"Metuentem sabbata" Juvenal. Satyr. 14. :

for it is a sign between me and you, throughout your generations; a token of the covenant between them, of his being their God and they his people in a peculiar sense; seeing they observed the same day as a day of rest now, on which he had rested at the finishing of the works of creation, which other nations of the world did not observe; of his sanctifying and separating them from all other people; for this was not a sign between him and other nations, but between him and the people of Israel only; and was to be observed throughout their ages, as long as their civil and church state lasted, but not through others:

that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify you; had separated and distinguished them from the rest of the nations of the world; but if this law had been given to all nations, it could not have been a distinguishing sign of them from others; nor could it be known hereby that God had separated them to himself above all people; and this was done that it might be known, not only by them, for the word "ye" is not in the text, but by others, the nations of the world, as Jarchi; that they were a distinct people, having distinct laws from all others, and particularly this.

Verse 14

Ye shall keep the sabbath therefore,.... Strictly observe it, according to the rules given concerning it:

for it is holy unto you; a day that was set apart of God for holy exercises, peculiarly on their account:

everyone that defileth it; by doing any servile work upon it, or not observing it in a religious way:

shall surely be put to death; by the hand of the civil magistrate; if the law of the Jewish sabbath is now in force, the sanction continues, and the violation of it ought to be punished by a judge with death:

for whosoever doeth any work therein; so much as to kindle a fire, and dress any food, by boiling or roasting, or any other way:

that soul shall be cut off from among his people; that is, shall die by the hand of the civil magistrate, it being but another phrase for being put to death; though the Jewish writers, particularly Jarchi, understand the former phrase, "put to death", as to be done by a civil magistrate, when there are witnesses and full proof of the case; but this of "cutting off" by the hand of God, by immediate punishment from heaven, when it was done secretly, and there was no proof to be made of it.

Verse 15

Six days may work be done;.... Allowed to be done by an Israelite, if he would; for this is not a command to work, but a permission or grant to do it; and therefore, seeing they had so many days granted them for their use, it could not be thought hard and unreasonable that God should claim one day in seven for his own use and service, and oblige them to refrain from work on it:

but in the seventh is the sabbath of rest; from worldly labour, and was typical of spiritual rest here, and eternal rest hereafter:

holy to the Lord; separated from other days, and entirely devoted to the worship and service of God, and to be kept holy to the Lord in all holy and religious exercises, as hearing and reading the word, praying, praising, &c.

whosoever doeth any work in the sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death; the Targum of Jonathan adds, by casting stones, and so we find that the first transgressor of this law we read of was stoned to death, Numbers 15:35.

Verse 16

Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath,.... On whom the sabbath of the seventh day was only enjoined, as well as that of the seventh and of the fiftieth years, being all ceremonial and shadowy:

to observe the sabbath throughout their generations; so long as the Mosaic dispensation lasted, and their civil polity and church state continued, even until the Messiah came, when all those Jewish shadows, rites, and ceremonies, fled away and disappeared:

for a perpetual covenant; just in the same sense as circumcision was, Genesis 17:13.

Verse 17

It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever,.... In like sense as the land of Canaan was given them for an everlasting possession; and the covenant of circumcision, and the ordinance of the passover, and the fast on the day of atonement, were for ever; that is, unto the end of the Jewish world and state, at the coming of Christ, when a new world and state of things began, see Genesis 17:8.

for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed; which is to be understood figuratively after the manner of men, who ceasing from toil and labour find rest and refreshment; but not really and properly, for as not labour, and weariness, and fatigue, so neither rest nor refreshment can be properly said of God; but this denotes his cessation from the works of creation, though not of providence, and of the delight and pleasure he takes in a view of them; this is observed, not as the foundation of this law, and the reason of its being made, but as an illustration of it, and as an argument, showing the reasonableness of it, and the similarity of it with what God himself had done, and therefore the enjoining of it could not reasonably be objected to. See Gill on Exodus 20:11.

Verse 18

And he gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing with him on Mount Sinai,.... After all those laws, orders, and instructions before related, which having done, he ceased to converse with him any longer in that manner he had, and at parting gave him

two tables of testimony; the two tables of the law, which is a testimony of the will of God, and contained the duty of the Israelites both towards God and man, and are reducible to these two, love to God, and love to our neighbour: five of the commands of the decalogue were written on one table, and five on the other; or it may be rather four on one table, the first being the largest, and containing the duty owing to God, and six on the other, which regard the duty of men one to another; so Orpheus the Heathen poet, speaking of the law of Moses, calls it διπλακα θεσμονF19De Deo, "prope finem". . "Tables of stone"; the Targum of Jonathan will have them to be of the sapphire stone, from the throne of glory; the paraphrast seems to have respect to Exodus 24:10 and, with as little appearance of truth, says their weight was forty seahs; it is more probable they were of marble stone, of which there were great quantities in Mount Sinai. Dr. Shaw saysF20Travels, p. 443. that part of Mount Sinai, which lies to the westward of the plain of Rephidim, consists of a hard reddish marble like "porphyry", but is distinguished from it by the representations of little trees and bushes, which are dispersed all over it. The naturalists call this sort of marble "embuscatum", or "bushy marble"; some think Sinai had its name from thenceF21See Buxtorf. in voce סנה. . This may denote the firmness, stability, and duration of the law, not as in the hands of Moses, from which these tables were cast and broke, but as in the hands of Christ, and laid up in him the ark of the covenant, the fulfilling end of the law for righteousness: and it may also figure the hardness of man's heart, which is destitute of spiritual life, obdurate and impenitent, stupid, senseless and ignorant, stubborn and inflexible, and not subject to the law of God, and on which no impressions can be made but by the power and grace of God:

written with the finger of God: by God himself, and not by an angel, or by any creature or instrument: and it is by the finger of God, the Spirit, grace, and power of God, that the laws of God are put into the inward part, and written on the heart, to which the apostle refers, 2 Corinthians 3:3. This account is given by way of transition to what is recorded in the next chapter.