Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Exodus » Chapter 33 » Verse 17-23

Exodus 33:17-23 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

17 And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto Moses, H4872 I will do H6213 this thing H1697 also that thou hast spoken: H1696 for thou hast found H4672 grace H2580 in my sight, H5869 and I know H3045 thee by name. H8034

18 And he said, H559 I beseech thee, H4994 shew H7200 me thy glory. H3519

19 And he said, H559 I will make all my goodness H2898 pass H5674 before thee, and I will proclaim H7121 the name H8034 of the LORD H3068 before H6440 thee; and will be gracious H2603 to whom I will be gracious, H2603 and will shew mercy H7355 on whom I will shew mercy. H7355

20 And he said, H559 Thou canst H3201 not see H7200 my face: H6440 for there shall no man H120 see H7200 me, and live. H2425

21 And the LORD H3068 said, H559 Behold, there is a place H4725 by me, and thou shalt stand H5324 upon a rock: H6697

22 And it shall come to pass, while my glory H3519 passeth by, H5674 that I will put H7760 thee in a clift H5366 of the rock, H6697 and will cover H5526 thee with my hand H3709 while H5704 I pass by: H5674

23 And I will take H5493 away mine hand, H3709 and thou shalt see H7200 my back parts: H268 but my face H6440 shall not be seen. H7200

Commentary on Exodus 33 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ex 33:1-23. The Lord Refuses to Go with the People.

1. the Lord said—rather "had" said unto Moses. The conference detailed in this chapter must be considered as having occurred prior to the pathetic intercession of Moses, recorded at the close of the preceding chapter; and the historian, having mentioned the fact of his earnest and painful anxiety, under the overwhelming pressure of which he poured forth that intercessory prayer for his apostate countrymen, now enters on a detailed account of the circumstances.

3. I will not go up … lest I consume thee—Here the Lord is represented as determined to do what He afterwards did not. (See on Ex 32:7).

4. when the people heard these evil tidings—from Moses on his descent from the mount.

5. put off thy ornaments—In seasons of mourning, it is customary with Eastern people to lay aside all gewgaws and divest themselves of their jewels, their gold, and every thing rich and splendid in their dress. This token of their sorrow the Lord required of His offending people.

that I may know what to do unto thee—The language is accommodated to the feeble apprehensions of men. God judges the state of the heart by the tenor of the conduct. In the case of the Israelites, He cherished a design of mercy; and the moment He discerned the first symptoms of contrition, by their stripping off their ornaments, as penitents conscious of their error and sincerely sorrowful, this fact added its weight to the fervency of Moses' prayers, and gave them prevalence with God in behalf of the people.

7. Moses took the tabernacle, and pitched it without the camp—Not the tabernacle, of which a pattern had been given him, for it was not yet erected, but his own tent—conspicuous as that of the leader—in a part of which he heard cases and communed with God about the people's interests; hence called "the tabernacle of the congregation," and the withdrawal of which, in abhorrence from a polluted camp, was regarded as the first step in the total abandonment with which God had threatened them.

8. all the people rose up, and stood every man at his tent door—Its removal produced deep and universal consternation; and it is easy to conceive how anxiously all eyes would be directed towards it; how rapidly the happy intelligence would spread, when a phenomenon was witnessed from which an encouraging hope could be founded.

9-11. the cloudy pillar descended, and stood at the door of the tabernacle—How would the downcast hearts of the people revive—how would the tide of joy swell in every bosom, when the symbolic cloud was seen slowly and majestically to descend and stand at the entrance of the tabernacle!

as Moses entered—It was when he appeared as their mediator, when he repaired from day to day to intercede for them, that welcome token of assurance was given that his advocacy prevailed, that Israel's sin was forgiven, and that God would again be gracious.

18-23. I beseech thee, show me thy glory—This is one of the most mysterious scenes described in the Bible: he had, for his comfort and encouragement, a splendid and full display of the divine majesty, not in its unveiled effulgence, but as far as the weakness of humanity would admit. The face, hand, back parts, are to be understood figuratively.