Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Exodus » Chapter 33 » Verse 4

Exodus 33:4 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

4 And when the people H5971 heard H8085 these evil H7451 tidings, H1697 they mourned: H56 and no man H376 did put H7896 on him his ornaments. H5716

Cross Reference

Numbers 14:39 STRONG

And Moses H4872 told H1696 these sayings H1697 unto all the children H1121 of Israel: H3478 and the people H5971 mourned H56 greatly. H3966

Ezekiel 26:16 STRONG

Then all the princes H5387 of the sea H3220 shall come down H3381 from their thrones, H3678 and lay away H5493 their robes, H4598 and put off H6584 their broidered H7553 garments: H899 they shall clothe H3847 themselves with trembling; H2731 they shall sit H3427 upon the ground, H776 and shall tremble H2729 at every moment, H7281 and be astonished H8074 at thee.

Ezekiel 24:23 STRONG

And your tires H6287 shall be upon your heads, H7218 and your shoes H5275 upon your feet: H7272 ye shall not mourn H5594 nor weep; H1058 but ye shall pine away H4743 for your iniquities, H5771 and mourn H5098 one H376 toward another. H251

Ezekiel 24:17 STRONG

Forbear H1826 to cry, H602 make H6213 no mourning H60 for the dead, H4191 bind H2280 the tire of thine head H6287 upon thee, and put on H7760 thy shoes H5275 upon thy feet, H7272 and cover H5844 not thy lips, H8222 and eat H398 not the bread H3899 of men. H582

Numbers 14:1 STRONG

And all the congregation H5712 lifted up H5375 their voice, H6963 and cried; H5414 and the people H5971 wept H1058 that night. H3915

Hosea 7:14 STRONG

And they have not cried H2199 unto me with their heart, H3820 when they howled H3213 upon their beds: H4904 they assemble H1481 themselves for corn H1715 and wine, H8492 and they rebel H5493 against me.

Zechariah 7:5 STRONG

Speak H559 unto all the people H5971 of the land, H776 and to the priests, H3548 saying, H559 When ye fasted H6684 and mourned H5594 in the fifth H2549 and seventh H7637 month, even those seventy H7657 years, H8141 did ye at all H6684 fast H6684 unto me, even to me?

Zechariah 7:3 STRONG

And to speak H559 unto the priests H3548 which were in the house H1004 of the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 and to the prophets, H5030 saying, H559 Should I weep H1058 in the fifth H2549 month, H2320 separating H5144 myself, as I have done H6213 these so many years? H8141

Jonah 3:6 STRONG

For word H1697 came H5060 unto the king H4428 of Nineveh, H5210 and he arose H6965 from his throne, H3678 and he laid H5674 his robe H155 from him, and covered H3680 him with sackcloth, H8242 and sat H3427 in ashes. H665

Leviticus 10:6 STRONG

And Moses H4872 said H559 unto Aaron, H175 and unto Eleazar H499 and unto Ithamar, H385 his sons, H1121 Uncover H6544 not your heads, H7218 neither rend H6533 your clothes; H899 lest ye die, H4191 and lest wrath H7107 come upon all the people: H5712 but let your brethren, H251 the whole house H1004 of Israel, H3478 bewail H1058 the burning H8316 which the LORD H3068 hath kindled. H8313

Isaiah 32:11 STRONG

Tremble, H2729 ye women that are at ease; H7600 be troubled, H7264 ye careless ones: H982 strip H6584 you, and make you bare, H6209 and gird H2290 sackcloth upon your loins. H2504

Job 2:12 STRONG

And when they lifted up H5375 their eyes H5869 afar off, H7350 and knew H5234 him not, they lifted up H5375 their voice, H6963 and wept; H1058 and they rent H7167 every one H376 his mantle, H4598 and sprinkled H2236 dust H6083 upon their heads H7218 toward heaven. H8064

Job 1:20 STRONG

Then Job H347 arose, H6965 and rent H7167 his mantle, H4598 and shaved H1494 his head, H7218 and fell down H5307 upon the ground, H776 and worshipped, H7812

Esther 4:1-4 STRONG

When Mordecai H4782 perceived H3045 all that was done, H6213 Mordecai H4782 rent H7167 his clothes, H899 and put on H3847 sackcloth H8242 with ashes, H665 and went out H3318 into the midst H8432 of the city, H5892 and cried H2199 with a loud H1419 and a bitter H4751 cry; H2201 And came H935 even before H6440 the king's H4428 gate: H8179 for none might enter H935 into the king's H4428 gate H8179 clothed H3830 with sackcloth. H8242 And in every province, H4082 whithersoever H4725 the king's H4428 commandment H1697 and his decree H1881 came, H5060 there was great H1419 mourning H60 among the Jews, H3064 and fasting, H6685 and weeping, H1065 and wailing; H4553 and many H7227 lay H3331 in sackcloth H8242 and ashes. H665 So Esther's H635 maids H5291 and her chamberlains H5631 came H935 and told H5046 it her. Then was the queen H4436 exceedingly H3966 grieved; H2342 and she sent H7971 raiment H899 to clothe H3847 Mordecai, H4782 and to take away H5493 his sackcloth H8242 from him: but he received H6901 it not.

Ezra 9:3 STRONG

And when I heard H8085 this thing, H1697 I rent H7167 my garment H899 and my mantle, H4598 and plucked off H4803 the hair H8181 of my head H7218 and of my beard, H2206 and sat down H3427 astonied. H8074

2 Kings 19:1 STRONG

And it came to pass, when king H4428 Hezekiah H2396 heard H8085 it, that he rent H7167 his clothes, H899 and covered H3680 himself with sackcloth, H8242 and went H935 into the house H1004 of the LORD. H3068

1 Kings 21:27 STRONG

And it came to pass, when Ahab H256 heard H8085 those words, H1697 that he rent H7167 his clothes, H899 and put H7760 sackcloth H8242 upon his flesh, H1320 and fasted, H6684 and lay H7901 in sackcloth, H8242 and went H1980 softly. H328

2 Samuel 19:24 STRONG

And Mephibosheth H4648 the son H1121 of Saul H7586 came down H3381 to meet H7125 the king, H4428 and had neither H3808 dressed H6213 his feet, H7272 nor trimmed H6213 his beard, H8222 nor washed H3526 his clothes, H899 from the day H3117 the king H4428 departed H3212 until the day H3117 he came H935 again in peace. H7965

Commentary on Exodus 33 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ex 33:1-23. The Lord Refuses to Go with the People.

1. the Lord said—rather "had" said unto Moses. The conference detailed in this chapter must be considered as having occurred prior to the pathetic intercession of Moses, recorded at the close of the preceding chapter; and the historian, having mentioned the fact of his earnest and painful anxiety, under the overwhelming pressure of which he poured forth that intercessory prayer for his apostate countrymen, now enters on a detailed account of the circumstances.

3. I will not go up … lest I consume thee—Here the Lord is represented as determined to do what He afterwards did not. (See on Ex 32:7).

4. when the people heard these evil tidings—from Moses on his descent from the mount.

5. put off thy ornaments—In seasons of mourning, it is customary with Eastern people to lay aside all gewgaws and divest themselves of their jewels, their gold, and every thing rich and splendid in their dress. This token of their sorrow the Lord required of His offending people.

that I may know what to do unto thee—The language is accommodated to the feeble apprehensions of men. God judges the state of the heart by the tenor of the conduct. In the case of the Israelites, He cherished a design of mercy; and the moment He discerned the first symptoms of contrition, by their stripping off their ornaments, as penitents conscious of their error and sincerely sorrowful, this fact added its weight to the fervency of Moses' prayers, and gave them prevalence with God in behalf of the people.

7. Moses took the tabernacle, and pitched it without the camp—Not the tabernacle, of which a pattern had been given him, for it was not yet erected, but his own tent—conspicuous as that of the leader—in a part of which he heard cases and communed with God about the people's interests; hence called "the tabernacle of the congregation," and the withdrawal of which, in abhorrence from a polluted camp, was regarded as the first step in the total abandonment with which God had threatened them.

8. all the people rose up, and stood every man at his tent door—Its removal produced deep and universal consternation; and it is easy to conceive how anxiously all eyes would be directed towards it; how rapidly the happy intelligence would spread, when a phenomenon was witnessed from which an encouraging hope could be founded.

9-11. the cloudy pillar descended, and stood at the door of the tabernacle—How would the downcast hearts of the people revive—how would the tide of joy swell in every bosom, when the symbolic cloud was seen slowly and majestically to descend and stand at the entrance of the tabernacle!

as Moses entered—It was when he appeared as their mediator, when he repaired from day to day to intercede for them, that welcome token of assurance was given that his advocacy prevailed, that Israel's sin was forgiven, and that God would again be gracious.

18-23. I beseech thee, show me thy glory—This is one of the most mysterious scenes described in the Bible: he had, for his comfort and encouragement, a splendid and full display of the divine majesty, not in its unveiled effulgence, but as far as the weakness of humanity would admit. The face, hand, back parts, are to be understood figuratively.