Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Exodus » Chapter 36 » Verse 1-38

Exodus 36:1-38 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

1 Then wrought H6213 Bezaleel H1212 and Aholiab, H171 and every wise H2450 hearted H3820 man, H376 in whom H1992 the LORD H3068 put H5414 wisdom H2451 and understanding H8394 to know H3045 how to work H6213 all manner of work H4399 for the service H5656 of the sanctuary, H6944 according to all that the LORD H3068 had commanded. H6680

2 And Moses H4872 called H7121 Bezaleel H1212 and Aholiab, H171 and every wise H2450 hearted H3820 man, H376 in whose heart H3820 the LORD H3068 had put H5414 wisdom, H2451 even every one whose heart H3820 stirred him up H5375 to come H7126 unto the work H4399 to do H6213 it:

3 And they received H3947 of H6440 Moses H4872 all the offering, H8641 which the children H1121 of Israel H3478 had brought H935 for the work H4399 of the service H5656 of the sanctuary, H6944 to make H6213 it withal. And they brought H935 yet unto him free offerings H5071 every morning. H1242

4 And all the wise men, H2450 that wrought H6213 all the work H4399 of the sanctuary, H6944 came H935 every man H376 from his work H4399 which they made; H6213

5 And they spake H559 unto Moses, H4872 saying, H559 The people H5971 bring H935 much more H7235 than enough H1767 for the service H5656 of the work, H4399 which the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 to make. H6213

6 And Moses H4872 gave commandment, H6680 and they caused it to be proclaimed H6963 H5674 throughout the camp, H4264 saying, H559 Let neither man H376 nor woman H802 make H6213 any more work H4399 for the offering H8641 of the sanctuary. H6944 So the people H5971 were restrained H3607 from bringing. H935

7 For the stuff H4399 they had was sufficient H1767 for all the work H4399 to make H6213 it, and too much. H3498

8 And every wise H2450 hearted man H3820 among them that wrought H6213 the work H4399 of the tabernacle H4908 made H6213 ten H6235 curtains H3407 of fine twined H7806 linen, H8336 and blue, H8504 and purple, H713 and scarlet: H8144 H8438 with cherubims H3742 of cunning H2803 work H4639 made H6213 he them.

9 The length H753 of one H259 curtain H3407 was twenty H6242 and eight H8083 cubits, H520 and the breadth H7341 of one H259 curtain H3407 four H702 cubits: H520 the curtains H3407 were all of one H259 size. H4060

10 And he coupled H2266 the five H2568 curtains H3407 one H259 unto another: H259 and the other five H2568 curtains H3407 he coupled H2266 one H259 unto another. H259

11 And he made H6213 loops H3924 of blue H8504 on the edge H8193 of one H259 curtain H3407 from the selvedge H7098 in the coupling: H4225 likewise he made H6213 in the uttermost H7020 side H8193 of another curtain, H3407 in the coupling H4225 of the second. H8145

12 Fifty H2572 loops H3924 made H6213 he in one H259 curtain, H3407 and fifty H2572 loops H3924 made H6213 he in the edge H7097 of the curtain H3407 which was in the coupling H4225 of the second: H8145 the loops H3924 held H6901 one H259 curtain to another. H259

13 And he made H6213 fifty H2572 taches H7165 of gold, H2091 and coupled H2266 the curtains H3407 one H259 unto another H259 with the taches: H7165 so it became one H259 tabernacle. H4908

14 And he made H6213 curtains H3407 of goats' H5795 hair for the tent H168 over the tabernacle: H4908 eleven H6249 H6240 curtains H3407 he made H6213 them.

15 The length H753 of one H259 curtain H3407 was thirty H7970 cubits, H520 and four H702 cubits H520 was the breadth H7341 of one H259 curtain: H3407 the eleven H6249 H6240 curtains H3407 were of one H259 size. H4060

16 And he coupled H2266 five H2568 curtains H3407 by themselves, and six H8337 curtains H3407 by themselves.

17 And he made H6213 fifty H2572 loops H3924 upon the uttermost H7020 edge H8193 of the curtain H3407 in the coupling, H4225 and fifty H2572 loops H3924 made H6213 he upon the edge H8193 of the curtain H3407 which coupleth H2279 the second. H8145

18 And he made H6213 fifty H2572 taches H7165 of brass H5178 to couple H2266 the tent H168 together, H2266 that it might be one. H259

19 And he made H6213 a covering H4372 for the tent H168 of rams' H352 skins H5785 dyed red, H119 and a covering H4372 of badgers' H8476 skins H5785 above H4605 that.

20 And he made H6213 boards H7175 for the tabernacle H4908 of shittim H7848 wood, H6086 standing up. H5975

21 The length H753 of a board H7175 was ten H6235 cubits, H520 and the breadth H7341 of a board H7175 one H259 cubit H520 and a half. H2677

22 One H259 board H7175 had two H8147 tenons, H3027 equally distant H7947 one H259 from H413 another: H259 thus did he make H6213 for all the boards H7175 of the tabernacle. H4908

23 And he made H6213 boards H7175 for the tabernacle; H4908 twenty H6242 boards H7175 for the south H5045 side H6285 southward: H8486

24 And forty H705 sockets H134 of silver H3701 he made H6213 under the twenty H6242 boards; H7175 two H8147 sockets H134 under one H259 board H7175 for his two H8147 tenons, H3027 and two H8147 sockets H134 under another H259 board H7175 for his two H8147 tenons. H3027

25 And for the other H8145 side H6763 of the tabernacle, H4908 which is toward the north H6828 corner, H6285 he made H6213 twenty H6242 boards, H7175

26 And their forty H705 sockets H134 of silver; H3701 two H8147 sockets H134 under one H259 board, H7175 and two H8147 sockets H134 under another H259 board. H7175

27 And for the sides H3411 of the tabernacle H4908 westward H3220 he made H6213 six H8337 boards. H7175

28 And two H8147 boards H7175 made H6213 he for the corners H4742 of the tabernacle H4908 in the two sides. H3411

29 And they were coupled H8382 beneath, H4295 and coupled H8382 together H3162 at the head H7218 thereof, to one H259 ring: H2885 thus he did H6213 to both H8147 of them in both H8147 the corners. H4740

30 And there were eight H8083 boards; H7175 and their sockets H134 were sixteen H8337 H6240 sockets H134 of silver, H3701 under every H259 board H7175 two H8147 H8147 sockets. H134 H134

31 And he made H6213 bars H1280 of shittim H7848 wood; H6086 five H2568 for the boards H7175 of the one H259 side H6763 of the tabernacle, H4908

32 And five H2568 bars H1280 for the boards H7175 of the other H8145 side H6763 of the tabernacle, H4908 and five H2568 bars H1280 for the boards H7175 of the tabernacle H4908 for the sides H3411 westward. H3220

33 And he made H6213 the middle H8484 bar H1280 to shoot H1272 through H8432 the boards H7175 from the one end H7097 to the other. H7097

34 And he overlaid H6823 the boards H7175 with gold, H2091 and made H6213 their rings H2885 of gold H2091 to be places H1004 for the bars, H1280 and overlaid H6823 the bars H1280 with gold. H2091

35 And he made H6213 a vail H6532 of blue, H8504 and purple, H713 and scarlet, H8144 H8438 and fine twined H7806 linen: H8336 with cherubims H3742 made H6213 he it of cunning H2803 work. H4639

36 And he made H6213 thereunto four H702 pillars H5982 of shittim H7848 wood, and overlaid H6823 them with gold: H2091 their hooks H2053 were of gold; H2091 and he cast H3332 for them four H702 sockets H134 of silver. H3701

37 And he made H6213 an hanging H4539 for the tabernacle H168 door H6607 of blue, H8504 and purple, H713 and scarlet, H8144 H8438 and fine twined H7806 linen, H8336 of needlework; H7551 H4639

38 And the five H2568 pillars H5982 of it with their hooks: H2053 and he overlaid H6823 their chapiters H7218 and their fillets H2838 with gold: H2091 but their five H2568 sockets H134 were of brass. H5178

Commentary on Exodus 36 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



Bezaleel and Aholiab, with the artificers under them, having a call as well as qualifications for the service of the sanctuary, and having received from Moses the materials for it, set about it, Exodus 36:1 but the people bringing more than was necessary, they acquaint Moses with it, who by a proclamation restrained from it, Exodus 36:4 and next an account is given of the several things that were wrought by them, as first the curtains for the tabernacle, both of linen and goats' hair, and the coverings of them, Exodus 36:8 next the boards for the tabernacle, and the sockets they were set in, and the bars for the boards, Exodus 36:20 and then the vail which parted the most holy place from the holy place, and the hanging which divided between the holy place and the court, Exodus 36:35.

Verse 1

Then wrought Bezaleel and Aholiab, and every wise hearted man,.... Or every ingenious artificer under them: when they began to work is not precisely said, but it is very probable they set about it directly, as soon as they were furnished with materials for it, nor is it said where they wrought; it is very likely there was a particular place, where they were ranged according to their respective manufactories, and where they did their work under the inspection, and by the direction of these two men:

in whom the Lord put wisdom and understanding, to know how to work all manner of work, for the service of the sanctuary, according to all that the Lord had commanded; for as all the wisdom and understanding, which Bezaleel and Aholiab had for the building of the tabernacle, and making everything appertaining to it, and for instructing others to do the same, were from the Lord; so all the wisdom, understanding, and capacity in the artificers to learn of them, and work according to their directions, were also from him; who in a very extraordinary manner enlarged their faculties, and increased their natural abilities, to take in what was suggested to them, and perform their work exactly agreeable thereunto.

Verse 2

And Moses called Bezaleel and Aholiab, and every wise hearted man,.... It was not enough that they had qualifications for this work, but they must have a call to it from Moses, to whom the whole affair was committed, to see that it was done according to the pattern shown him in the mount: so all that are concerned in the public work and service of the church of God should have a call unto it both from the Lord and from the church:

in whose heart the Lord had put wisdom, even everyone whose heart stirred him up to come unto the work to do it; who had not only abilities given him of God, but a mind disposed for it, a willingness of heart, a readiness of soul for such service, was even eager upon it, and in haste to be at it.

Verse 3

And they received of Moses all the offering,.... That is, Bezaleel and Aholiab received it of him, who delivered it to the several workmen, as the nature of their work required, some one thing, and some another: to some gold, to others silver, to others brass, and to some they delivered out fine linen, and blue, purple, and scarlet yarn, and to others shittim wood; Moses gave all out faithfully that he received, and kept back nothing for his own use or private advantage, even all the above things of which the offering consisted:

which the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, to make it withal; and which perhaps they went and fetched the same day they were called together, and acquainted with the mind of God concerning it; or at least they brought it in a very short space of time, and as soon as it possibly could be; it was delivered to the workmen, that the work might be begun, and carried on with the utmost expedition:

and they brought yet unto him free offerings every morning; they continued for a course of time afterwards to bring their freewill offerings of one thing or another to Moses, every morning, which perhaps was the most suitable time for him to receive them; and best expresses their readiness and diligence in bringing them, and which, as they brought, he sent to the workmen, as appears by what follows.

Verse 4

And all the wise men that wrought all the work of the sanctuary,.... The ingenious artificers who were employed, some in one thing, and some in another, either on the tabernacle itself, or the vessels of it, and things appertaining to it:

came every man from his work which they made; left off their work by mutual consent and agreement, and came in a body to Moses.

Verse 5

And they spake unto Moses, saying,.... One in the name of the rest:

the people bring much more than enough for the service of the work, which the Lord commanded to make; they had taken an estimate of what was to be done, and of what was necessary for the doing of it, and of what the people brought for this service; and they found there was a great deal more brought than would be wanted, and therefore they thought proper to advise Moses of it, that no more might be brought: it is hard to say which is most to be wondered at, the great liberality of the people in contributing so freely and bountifully, and continuing to do so without being urged, or even asked; or the honesty of the workmen, one and all, who might have gone on to have received the gifts of the people by the hands of Moses, and what was superfluous might have converted to their own use; but instead of this, they agree as one man to let Moses know how the state of things was, and prevent the people from making any more contributions.

Verse 6

And Moses gave commandment,.... Orders to some proper person or persons about him:

and they caused it to be proclaimed throughout the camp, or "caused a voice to pass"; a crier or herald, as the Targums, who went through the camp and published in every quarter:

saying, let neither man nor woman make any more work for the offering of the sanctuary; as the men in cutting shittim wood, and planing it, and the women in spinning blue, purple, and scarlet yarn and goats' hair:

so the people were restrained from bringing; that is, any more: instead of a spur to liberality, which most want, a restraint was laid upon these to check it, and prevent an excess in it, of which there is rarely any danger; so eager, forward, and zealous were they in this good work.

Verse 7

For the stuff they had was sufficient for all the work to make it,.... The gold, silver, brass, and precious stones, the wood and yarn, which had been already brought in, were sufficient for everything they were ordered to make:

and too much; a great deal more than would be used; much would remain after all was wrought: what was done with this is not said, whether it was returned to the people, or laid up for the use of the tabernacle and service, as might hereafter be wanted; which latter seems most probable.

Verses 8-38

And every wise hearted man among them that wrought the work of the tabernacle,.... Did the part assigned him, what he was fittest for, and most skilful in: particularly some

made ten curtains, &c. which were properly the tabernacle, and were made first, and then the several things appertaining to it; and from hence, to the end of the chapter Exodus 36:9, is only an account of the making of the tabernacle, its curtains, coverings, boards, sockets, and bars, the vail for the most holy place, and the hangings for the tabernacle, exactly as they are ordered to be made; see Gill on Exodus 26:1 &c. to end of chapter: and it may be observed, that throughout the account of the various articles, it is all along said "he" did this and the other; either referring to Moses, by whose orders they were done, or to Bezaleel, the chief director of the work, or to each and everyone of the artificers severally concerned.