Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Exodus » Chapter 36 » Verse 29

Exodus 36:29 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

29 And they were coupled H8382 beneath, H4295 and coupled H8382 together H3162 at the head H7218 thereof, to one H259 ring: H2885 thus he did H6213 to both H8147 of them in both H8147 the corners. H4740

Cross Reference

Exodus 26:24 STRONG

And they shall be coupled H8382 together beneath, H4295 and they shall be coupled H8382 together H3162 above the head H7218 of it unto one H259 ring: H2885 thus shall it be for them both; H8147 they shall be for the two H8147 corners. H4740

Psalms 122:3 STRONG

Jerusalem H3389 is builded H1129 as a city H5892 that is compact H2266 together: H3162

Psalms 133:1 STRONG

[[A Song H7892 of degrees H4609 of David.]] H1732 Behold, how good H2896 and how pleasant H5273 it is for brethren H251 to dwell H3427 together H3162 in unity! H3162

Acts 2:46 STRONG

And G5037 they, continuing G4342 daily G2596 G2250 with one accord G3661 in G1722 the temple, G2411 and G5037 breaking G2806 bread G740 from G2596 house to house, G3624 did eat G3335 their meat G5160 with G1722 gladness G20 and G2532 singleness G858 of heart, G2588

Acts 4:32 STRONG

And G1161 the multitude G4128 of them that believed G4100 were G2258 of one heart G2588 and G2532 of one G3391 soul: G5590 neither G2532 G3761 said G3004 any G1520 of them that ought G5100 of the things which he G846 possessed G5224 was G1511 his own; G2398 but G235 they G846 had G2258 all things G537 common. G2839

1 Corinthians 1:10 STRONG

Now G1161 I beseech G3870 you, G5209 brethren, G80 by G1223 the name G3686 of our G2257 Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 that G2443 ye G3004 all G3956 speak G3004 the same thing, G846 and G2532 that there be G5600 no G3361 divisions G4978 among G1722 you; G5213 but G1161 that ye be G5600 perfectly joined together G2675 in G1722 the same G846 mind G3563 and G2532 in G1722 the same G846 judgment. G1106

1 Corinthians 12:13 STRONG

For G1063 G2532 by G1722 one G1520 Spirit G4151 are G907 we G2249 all G3956 baptized G907 into G1519 one G1520 body, G4983 whether G1535 we be Jews G2453 or G1535 Gentiles, G1672 whether G1535 we be bond G1401 or G1535 free; G1658 and G2532 have been G4222 all G3956 made to drink G4222 into G1519 one G1520 Spirit. G4151

2 Corinthians 1:10 STRONG

Who G3739 delivered G4506 us G2248 from G1537 so great G5082 a death, G2288 and G2532 doth deliver: G4506 in G1519 whom G3739 we trust G1679 that G3754 he will G4506 G2532 yet G2089 deliver G4506 us;

Ephesians 2:15 STRONG

Having abolished G2673 in G1722 his G846 flesh G4561 the enmity, G2189 even the law G3551 of commandments G1785 contained in G1722 ordinances; G1378 for to G2443 make G2936 in G1722 himself G1438 of twain G1417 one G1519 G1520 new G2537 man, G444 so making G4160 peace; G1515

Ephesians 2:19 STRONG

Now G3767 therefore G686 ye are G2075 no more G3765 strangers G3581 and G2532 foreigners, G3941 but G235 fellowcitizens G4847 with the saints, G40 and G2532 of the household G3609 of God; G2316

Ephesians 2:21 STRONG

In G1722 whom G3739 all G3956 the building G3619 fitly framed together G4883 groweth G837 unto G1519 an holy G40 temple G3485 in G1722 the Lord: G2962

Ephesians 3:18-19 STRONG

May be able G1840 to comprehend G2638 with G4862 all G3956 saints G40 what G5101 is the breadth, G4114 and G2532 length, G3372 and G2532 depth, G899 and G2532 height; G5311 And G5037 to know G1097 the love G26 of Christ, G5547 which passeth G5235 knowledge, G1108 that G2443 ye might be filled G4137 with G1519 all G3956 the fulness G4138 of God. G2316

Ephesians 4:2-6 STRONG

With G3326 all G3956 lowliness G5012 and G2532 meekness, G4236 with G3326 longsuffering, G3115 forbearing G430 one another G240 in G1722 love; G26 Endeavouring G4704 to keep G5083 the unity G1775 of the Spirit G4151 in G1722 the bond G4886 of peace. G1515 There is one G1520 body, G4983 and G2532 one G1520 Spirit, G4151 even as G2531 G2532 ye are called G2564 in G1722 one G3391 hope G1680 of your G5216 calling; G2821 One G1520 Lord, G2962 one G1520 faith, G4102 one G3391 baptism, G908 One G1520 God G2316 and G2532 Father G3962 of all, G3956 who G3588 is above G1909 all, G3956 and G2532 through G1223 all, G3956 and G2532 in G1722 you G5213 all. G3956

Ephesians 4:15-16 STRONG

But G1161 speaking the truth G226 in G1722 love, G26 may grow up G837 into G1519 him G846 in all things, G3956 which G3739 is G2076 the head, G2776 even Christ: G5547 From G1537 whom G3739 the whole G3956 body G4983 fitly joined together G4883 and G2532 compacted G4822 by G1223 that which every G3956 joint G860 supplieth, G2024 according G2596 to the effectual working G1753 in G1722 the measure G3358 of every G1538 part, G1520 G3313 maketh G4160 increase G838 of the body G4983 unto G1519 the edifying G3619 of itself G1438 in G1722 love. G26

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Exodus 36

Commentary on Exodus 36 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verse 2-3

Moses then summoned the master-builders named, and all who were skilled in art, “ every one whom his heart lifted up to come near to the work to do it ” (i.e., who felt himself stirred up in heart to take part in the work), and handed over to them the heaven-offering presented by the people for that purpose, whilst the children of Israel still continued bringing freewill-offerings every morning.

Verses 4-6

Then the wise workmen came, every one from his work that they were making, and said to Moses, “ Much make the people to bring, more than suffices for the labour (the finishing, as in Exodus 27:19) of the work, ” i.e., they are bringing more than will be wanted for carrying out the work (the מן in מדּי is comparative); whereupon Moses let the cry go through the camp, i.e., had proclamation made, “No one is to make any more property ( מלאכה as in Exodus 22:7, Exodus 22:10, cf. Genesis 33:14) for a holy heave-offering,” i.e., to prepare anything more from his own property to offer for the building of the sanctuary; and with this he put a stop to any further offerings.

Verse 7

And there was enough ( דּיּם their sufficiency, i.e., the requisite supply for the different things to be made) of the property for every work to make it, and over ” (lit., and to leave some over). By this liberal contribution of freewill gifts, for the work commanded by the Lord, the people proved their willingness to uphold their covenant relationship with Jehovah their God.

Verses 8-38

Ex 36:8-38:20. Execution of the Work. - Preparation of the dwelling-place: viz., the hangings and covering (Exodus 36:8-19, as in Exodus 26:1-14); the wooden boards and bolts (Exodus 36:20-34, as in Ex 26:15-30); the two curtains, with the pillars, hooks, and rods that supported them (Exodus 36:35-38, as in Exodus 26:31-37). As these have all been already explained, the only thing remaining to be noticed here is, that the verbs עשׂה in Exodus 36:8, ויחבּר in Exodus 36:10, etc., are in the third person singular with an indefinite subject, corresponding to the German man (the French on ).