Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Exodus » Chapter 38 » Verse 1

Exodus 38:1 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

1 And he made H6213 the altar H4196 of burnt offering H5930 of shittim H7848 wood: H6086 five H2568 cubits H520 was the length H753 thereof, and five H2568 cubits H520 the breadth H7341 thereof; it was foursquare; H7251 and three H7969 cubits H520 the height H6967 thereof.

Cross Reference

Exodus 27:1-8 STRONG

And thou shalt make H6213 an altar H4196 of shittim H7848 wood, H6086 five H2568 cubits H520 long, H753 and five H2568 cubits H520 broad; H7341 the altar H4196 shall be foursquare: H7251 and the height H6967 thereof shall be three H7969 cubits. H520 And thou shalt make H6213 the horns H7161 of it upon the four H702 corners H6438 thereof: his horns H7161 shall be of the same: and thou shalt overlay H6823 it with brass. H5178 And thou shalt make H6213 his pans H5518 to receive his ashes, H1878 and his shovels, H3257 and his basons, H4219 and his fleshhooks, H4207 and his firepans: H4289 all the vessels H3627 thereof thou shalt make H6213 of brass. H5178 And thou shalt make H6213 for it a grate H4345 of network H4639 of brass; H5178 and upon the net H7568 shalt thou make H6213 four H702 brasen H5178 rings H2885 in the four H702 corners H7098 thereof. And thou shalt put H5414 it under the compass H3749 of the altar H4196 beneath, H4295 that the net H7568 may be even to H5704 the midst H2677 of the altar. H4196 And thou shalt make H6213 staves H905 for the altar, H4196 staves H905 of shittim H7848 wood, H6086 and overlay H6823 them with brass. H5178 And the staves H905 shall be put H935 into the rings, H2885 and the staves H905 shall be upon the two H8147 sides H6763 of the altar, H4196 to bear H5375 it. Hollow H5014 with boards H3871 shalt thou make H6213 it: as it was shewed H7200 thee in the mount, H2022 so shall they make H6213 it.

Exodus 40:6 STRONG

And thou shalt set H5414 the altar H4196 of the burnt offering H5930 before H6440 the door H6607 of the tabernacle H4908 of the tent H168 of the congregation. H4150

Exodus 40:29 STRONG

And he put H7760 the altar H4196 of burnt offering H5930 by the door H6607 of the tabernacle H4908 of the tent H168 of the congregation, H4150 and offered H5927 upon it the burnt offering H5930 and the meat offering; H4503 as the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 Moses. H4872

2 Chronicles 4:1 STRONG

Moreover he made H6213 an altar H4196 of brass, H5178 twenty H6242 cubits H520 the length H753 thereof, and twenty H6242 cubits H520 the breadth H7341 thereof, and ten H6235 cubits H520 the height H6967 thereof.

Ezekiel 43:13-17 STRONG

And these are the measures H4060 of the altar H4196 after the cubits: H520 The cubit H520 is a cubit H520 and an hand breadth; H2948 even the bottom H2436 shall be a cubit, H520 and the breadth H7341 a cubit, H520 and the border H1366 thereof by the edge H8193 thereof round about H5439 shall be a H259 span: H2239 and this shall be the higher place H1354 of the altar. H4196 And from the bottom H2436 upon the ground H776 even to the lower H8481 settle H5835 shall be two H8147 cubits, H520 and the breadth H7341 one H259 cubit; H520 and from the lesser H6996 settle H5835 even to the greater H1419 settle H5835 shall be four H702 cubits, H520 and the breadth H7341 one cubit. H520 So the altar H741 H2025 shall be four H702 cubits; H520 and from the altar H741 and upward H4605 shall be four H702 horns. H7161 And the altar H741 shall be twelve H8147 H6240 cubits long, H753 twelve H8147 H6240 broad, H7341 square H7251 in the four H702 squares H7253 thereof. And the settle H5835 shall be fourteen H702 H6240 cubits long H753 and fourteen H702 H6240 broad H7341 in the four H702 squares H7253 thereof; and the border H1366 about H5439 it shall be half H2677 a cubit; H520 and the bottom H2436 thereof shall be a cubit H520 about; H5439 and his stairs H4609 shall look H6437 toward the east. H6921

John 6:37 STRONG

All G3956 that G3739 the Father G3962 giveth G1325 me G3427 shall come G2240 to G4314 me; G1691 and G2532 him that cometh G2064 to G4314 me G3165 I will G1544 in no wise G3364 cast G1544 out. G1854

Romans 8:3-4 STRONG

For G1063 what the law G3551 could not do, G102 in G1722 that G3739 it was weak G770 through G1223 the flesh, G4561 God G2316 sending G3992 his own G1438 Son G5207 in G1722 the likeness G3667 of sinful G266 flesh, G4561 and G2532 for G4012 sin, G266 condemned G2632 sin G266 in G1722 the flesh: G4561 That G2443 the righteousness G1345 of the law G3551 might be fulfilled G4137 in G1722 us, G2254 who walk G4043 not G3361 after G2596 the flesh, G4561 but G235 after G2596 the Spirit. G4151

Romans 12:1 STRONG

I beseech G3870 you G5209 therefore, G3767 brethren, G80 by G1223 the mercies G3628 of God, G2316 that ye present G3936 your G5216 bodies G4983 a living G2198 sacrifice, G2378 holy, G40 acceptable G2101 unto God, G2316 which is your G5216 reasonable G3050 service. G2999

Hebrews 3:1 STRONG

Wherefore, G3606 holy G40 brethren, G80 partakers G3353 of the heavenly G2032 calling, G2821 consider G2657 the Apostle G652 and G2532 High Priest G749 of our G2257 profession, G3671 Christ G5547 Jesus; G2424

Hebrews 9:14 STRONG

How much G4214 more G3123 shall G2511 the blood G129 of Christ, G5547 who G3739 through G1223 the eternal G166 Spirit G4151 offered G4374 himself G1438 without spot G299 to God, G2316 purge G2511 your G5216 conscience G4893 from G575 dead G3498 works G2041 to G1519 serve G3000 the living G2198 God? G2316

Hebrews 13:8 STRONG

Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 the same G846 yesterday, G5504 and G2532 to day, G4594 and G2532 for G1519 ever. G165

Hebrews 13:10 STRONG

We have G2192 an altar, G2379 whereof G1537 G3739 they have G2192 no G3756 right G1849 to eat G5315 which serve G3000 the tabernacle. G4633

1 Peter 2:5 STRONG

Ye G846 also, G2532 as G5613 lively G2198 stones, G3037 are built up G3618 a spiritual G4152 house, G3624 an holy G40 priesthood, G2406 to offer up G399 spiritual G4152 sacrifices, G2378 acceptable G2144 to God G2316 by G1223 Jesus G2424 Christ. G5547

Revelation 21:16 STRONG

And G2532 the city G4172 lieth G2749 foursquare, G5068 and G2532 the length G3372 G846 is G2076 as large G5118 as G3745 G2532 the breadth: G4114 and G2532 he measured G3354 the city G4172 with the reed, G2563 G1909 twelve G1427 thousand G5505 furlongs. G4712 The length G3372 and G2532 the breadth G4114 and G2532 the height G5311 of it G846 are G2076 equal. G2470

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Exodus 38

Commentary on Exodus 38 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 21-31

Estimate of the Amount of Metal Used. - Exodus 38:21. “ These are the numbered things of the dwelling, of the dwelling of the testimony, that were numbered at the command of Moses, through the service of the Levites, by the hand of Ithamar, the son of Aaron the priest .” פּקוּדים does not mean the numbering (equivalent to מפקד 2 Samuel 4:9, or פּקדּה 2 Chronicles 17:14; 2 Chronicles 26:11), as Knobel supposes, but here as elsewhere, even in Numbers 26:63-64, it signifies “the numbered;” the only difference being, that in most cases it refers to persons, here to things, and that the reckoning consisted not merely in the counting and entering of the different things, but in ascertaining their weight and estimating their worth. Lyra has given the following correct rendering of this heading: “ haec est summa numeri ponderis eorum, quae facta sunt in tabernaculo ex auro, argento et aere .” It was apparently superfluous to enumerate the different articles again, as this had been repeatedly done before. The weight of the different metals, therefore, is all that is given. The “dwelling” is still further described as “the dwelling of the testimony,” because the testimony, i.e., the decalogue written with the finger of God upon the tables of stone, was kept in the dwelling, and this testimony formed the base of the throne of Jehovah, and was the material pledge that Jehovah would cause His name, His manifested presence, to dwell there, and would thus show Himself to His people in grace and righteousness. “That which was numbered” is an explanatory apposition to the previous clause, “the numbering of the dwelling;” and the words הלויּם עבדת , which follow, are an accusative construed freely to indicate more particularly the mode of numbering ( Ewald , §204 a ), viz., “through the service,” or “by means of the service of the Levites,” not for their service. “By the hand of Ithamar:” who presided over the calculations which the Levites carried out under his superintendence.

Exodus 38:22-23

The allusion to the service of the Levites under Ithamar leads the historian to mention once more the architects of the whole building, and the different works connected with it (cf. Exodus 31:2.).

Exodus 38:24

“(As for) all the gold that was used ( העשׂוּי ) for the work in every kind of holy work, the gold of the wave-offering (the gold that was offered as a wave-offering, see at Exodus 35:22) was (amounted to) 29 talents and 730 shekels in holy shekel, ” that is to say, 87,370 shekels or 877,300 thalers (L.131,595), if we accept Thenius' estimate, that the gold shekel was worth 10 thalers (L.1, 10s.), which is probably very near the truth.

Exodus 38:25-28

Of the silver, all that is mentioned is the amount of atonement-money raised from those who were numbered (see at Exodus 30:12.) at the rate of half a shekel for every male, without including the freewill-offerings of silver (Exodus 35:24, cf. Exodus 25:3), whether it was that they were too insignificant, or that they were not used for the work, but were placed with the excess mentioned in Exodus 36:7. The result of the numbering gave 603,550 men, every one of whom paid half a shekel. This would yield 301,775 shekels, or 100 talents and 1775 shekels, which proves by the way that a talent contained 3000 shekels. A hundred talents of this were used for casting 96 sockets for the 48 boards, and 4 sockets for the 4 pillars of the inner court, - one talent therefore for each socket, - and the 1775 shekels for the hooks of the pillars that sustained the curtains, for silvering their capitals, and “for binding the pillars,” i.e., for making the silver connecting rods for the pillars of the court (Exodus 27:10-11; Exodus 38:10.).

Exodus 38:29-31

The copper of the wave-offering amounted to 70 talents and 2400 shekels; and of this the sockets of the pillars at the entrance of the tabernacle (Exodus 26:37), the altar of burnt-offering with its network and vessels, the supports of the pillars of the court, all the pegs of the dwelling and court, and, what is not expressly mentioned here, the laver with its support (Exodus 30:18), were made. בּ עשׂה to work in (with) copper, i.e., to make of copper.

If this quantity of the precious metals may possibly strike some readers as very large, and was in fact brought forward years ago as a reason for questioning the historical credibility of our account of the building of the tabernacle, it has been frequently urged, on the other hand, that it looks quite small, in comparison with the quantities of gold and silver that have been found accumulated in the East, in both ancient and modern times. According to the account before us, the requisite amount of silver was raised by the comparatively small payment of half a shekel, about fifteen pence, for every male Israelite of 20 years old and upwards. Now no tenable objection can be raised against the payment of such a tribute, since we have no reason whatever for supposing the Israelites to have been paupers, notwithstanding the oppression which they endured during the closing period of their stay in Egypt. They were settled in the most fertile part of Egypt; and coined silver was current in western Asia even in the time of the patriarchs (Genesis 23:16). But with reference to the quantities of gold and copper that were delivered, we need not point to the immense stores of gold and other metals that were kept in the capitals of the Asiatic kingdoms of antiquity,

(Note: Thus, to mention only one or two examples, the images in the temple of Belus, at Babylon, consisted of several thousand talents of gold, to say nothing of the golden tables, the bedsteads, and other articles of gold and silver ( Diod. Sic. 2, 9; Herod . 1, 181, 183). In the siege of Nineveh, Sardanapalus erected a funeral pile, upon which he collected all his wealth, including 150 golden bedsteads, 150 golden tables, a million talents of gold, and ten times as much silver and other valuables, to prevent their falling into the hands of the foe ( Ctesias in Athen . 12, 28, p. 529). According to a statement in Pliny's Hist. Nat. 33, 3, on the conquest of Asia by Cyrus, he carried off booty to the extent of 34,000 lbs. of gold, beside the golden vessels and 500,000 talents of silver, including the goblet of Semiramis, which alone weighed 15 talents. Alexander the Great found more than 40,000 talents of gold and silver and 9000 talents of coined gold in the royal treasury at Susa ( Diod. Sic. 17, 66), and a treasure of 120,000 talents of gold in the citadel of Persepolis ( Diod. Sic. 17, 71; Curtius , v. 6, 9). For further accounts of the enormous wealth of Asia in gold and silver, see Bähr, Symbolik i. pp. 258ff.)

but will merely call to mind the fact, that the kings of Egypt possessed many large gold mines on the frontiers of the country, and in the neighbouring lands of Arabia and Ethiopia, which were worked by criminals, prisoners of war, and others, under the harshest pressure, and the very earliest times copper mines were discovered on the Arabian peninsula, which were worked by a colony of labourers ( Lepsius , Letters from Egypt, p. 336). Moreover, the love of the ancient Egyptians for valuable and elegant ornaments, gold rings, necklaces, etc., is sufficiently known from the monuments (see Rosellini in Hengstenberg's Egypt, p. 137). Is it not likely, then, that the Israelites should have acquired a taste for jewellery of this kind, and should have possessed or discovered the means of procuring all kinds of gold and silver decorations, not to mention the gold and silver jewellery which they received from the Egyptians on their departure? The liking for such things even among nomad tribes is very well known. Thus, for example, after the defeat of the Midianites, the Israelites carried off so much gold, silver, copper, and other metals as spoil, that their princes alone were able to offer 16,750 shekels of gold as a heave-offering to Jehovah from the booty that had been obtained in this kind of jewellery (Numbers 31:50.). Diodorus Sic. (3, 44) and Strabo (xvi. p. 778) bear witness to the great wealth of the Nabateans and other Arab tribes on the Elanitic Gulf, and mention not only a river, said to flow through the land, carrying gold dust with it, but also gold that was dug up, and which was found, “not in the form of sand, but of nuggets, which did not require much cleaning, and the smallest of which were of the size of a nut, the average size being that of a medlar, whilst the largest pieces were as big as a walnut. These they bored, and made necklaces or bracelets by stringing them together alternately with transparent stones. They also sold the gold very cheap to their neighbours, giving three times the quantity for copper, and double the quantity for iron, both on account of their inability to work these metals, and also because of the scarcity of the metals which were so much more necessarily for daily use” ( Strabo ). The Sabaeans and Gerrhaeans are also mentioned as the richest of all the tribes of Arabia, through their trade in incense and in cinnamon and other spices.

(Note: “They possess an immense quantity of gold and silver articles, such as beds, tripods, bowls, and cups, in addition to the decorations of their houses; for doors, walls, and ceilings are all wrought with ivory, gold, silver, and precious stones” ( Strabo ut sup.). In accordance with this, Pliny ( n. h. 6, 28) not only calls the Sabaeans “ ditissimos silvarum fertilitate odorifera, auri metallis, etc.,” but the tribes of Arabia in general, “in universum gentes ditissimas, ut apud quas maximae opes Romanorum Parthorum que subsistant, vendentibus quae e mari aut silvis capiunt, nihil invicem redimentibus .”)

From the Arabs, who carried on a very extensive caravan trade through the desert even at that time, the Israelites would be able to purchase such spices and materials for the building of the tabernacle as they had not brought with them from Egypt; and in Egypt itself, where all descriptions of art and handicraft were cultivated from the very earliest times (for proofs see Hengst . Egypt, pp. 133-139), they might so far have acquired all the mechanical and artistic ability required for the work, that skilled artisans could carry out all that was prescribed, under the superintendence of the two master-builders who had been specially inspired for the purpose.