Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Exodus » Chapter 38 » Verse 21

Exodus 38:21 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

21 This H428 is the sum H6485 of the tabernacle, H4908 even of the tabernacle H4908 of testimony, H5715 as it was counted, H6485 according to the commandment H6310 of Moses, H4872 for the service H5656 of the Levites, H3881 by the hand H3027 of Ithamar, H385 son H1121 to Aaron H175 the priest. H3548

Cross Reference

Acts 7:44 STRONG

Our G2257 fathers G3962 had G2258 the tabernacle G4633 of witness G3142 G1722 in G1722 the wilderness, G2048 as G2531 he had appointed, G1299 speaking G2980 unto Moses, G3475 that he should make G4160 it G846 according G2596 to the fashion G5179 that G3739 he had seen. G3708

2 Chronicles 24:6 STRONG

And the king H4428 called H7121 for Jehoiada H3077 the chief, H7218 and said H559 unto him, Why hast thou not required H1875 of the Levites H3881 to bring in H935 out of Judah H3063 and out of Jerusalem H3389 the collection, H4864 according to the commandment of Moses H4872 the servant H5650 of the LORD, H3068 and of the congregation H6951 of Israel, H3478 for the tabernacle H168 of witness? H5715

Numbers 10:11 STRONG

And it came to pass on the twentieth H6242 day of the second H8145 month, H2320 in the second H8145 year, H8141 that the cloud H6051 was taken up H5927 from off the tabernacle H4908 of the testimony. H5715

Numbers 9:15 STRONG

And on the day H3117 that the tabernacle H4908 was reared up H6965 the cloud H6051 covered H3680 the tabernacle, H4908 namely, the tent H168 of the testimony: H5715 and at even H6153 there was upon the tabernacle H4908 as it were the appearance H4758 of fire, H784 until the morning. H1242

Numbers 1:53 STRONG

But the Levites H3881 shall pitch H2583 round about H5439 the tabernacle H4908 of testimony, H5715 that there be no wrath H7110 upon the congregation H5712 of the children H1121 of Israel: H3478 and the Levites H3881 shall keep H8104 the charge H4931 of the tabernacle H4908 of testimony. H5715

Numbers 1:50 STRONG

But thou shalt appoint H6485 the Levites H3881 over the tabernacle H4908 of testimony, H5715 and over all the vessels H3627 thereof, and over all things that belong to it: they shall bear H5375 the tabernacle, H4908 and all the vessels H3627 thereof; and they shall minister H8334 unto it, and shall encamp H2583 round about H5439 the tabernacle. H4908

Numbers 18:2 STRONG

And thy brethren H251 also of the tribe H4294 of Levi, H3878 the tribe H7626 of thy father, H1 bring H7126 thou with thee, that they may be joined H3867 unto thee, and minister H8334 unto thee: but thou and thy sons H1121 with thee shall minister before H6440 the tabernacle H168 of witness. H5715

Numbers 17:7-8 STRONG

And Moses H4872 laid up H3240 the rods H4294 before H6440 the LORD H3068 in the tabernacle H168 of witness. H5715 And it came to pass, that on the morrow H4283 Moses H4872 went H935 into the tabernacle H168 of witness; H5715 and, behold, the rod H4294 of Aaron H175 for the house H1004 of Levi H3878 was budded, H6524 and brought forth H3318 buds, H6525 and bloomed H6692 blossoms, H6731 and yielded H1580 almonds. H8247

Exodus 6:23 STRONG

And Aaron H175 took H3947 him Elisheba, H472 daughter H1323 of Amminadab, H5992 sister H269 of Naashon, H5177 to wife; H802 and she bare H3205 him Nadab, H5070 and Abihu, H30 Eleazar, H499 and Ithamar. H385

Hebrews 9:2-3 STRONG

For G1063 there was G2680 a tabernacle G4633 made; G2680 the first, G4413 wherein G1722 G3739 G5037 was the candlestick, G3087 and G2532 the table, G5132 and G2532 the shewbread; G4286 G740 which G3748 is called G3004 the sanctuary. G39 And G1161 after G3326 the second G1208 veil, G2665 the tabernacle G4633 which G3588 is called G3004 the Holiest of all; G39 G39

Revelation 21:3 STRONG

And G2532 I heard G191 a great G3173 voice G5456 out of G1537 heaven G3772 saying, G3004 Behold, G2400 the tabernacle G4633 of God G2316 is with G3326 men, G444 and G2532 he will dwell G4637 with G3326 them, G846 and G2532 they G846 shall be G2071 his G846 people, G2992 and G2532 God G2316 himself G846 shall be G2071 with G3326 them, G846 and be their G846 God. G2316

Revelation 11:19 STRONG

And G2532 the temple G3485 of God G2316 was opened G455 in G1722 heaven, G3772 and G2532 there was seen G3700 in G1722 his G846 temple G3485 the ark G2787 of his G846 testament: G1242 and G2532 there were G1096 lightnings, G796 and G2532 voices, G5456 and G2532 thunderings, G1027 and G2532 an earthquake, G4578 and G2532 great G3173 hail. G5464

2 Peter 1:13 STRONG

Yea, G1161 I think it G2233 meet, G1342 as long as G1909 G3745 I am G1510 in G1722 this G5129 tabernacle, G4638 to stir G1326 you G5209 up G1326 by G1722 putting you in remembrance; G5280

Hebrews 9:11 STRONG

But G1161 Christ G5547 being come G3854 an high priest G749 of good things G18 to come, G3195 by G1223 a greater G3187 and G2532 more perfect G5046 tabernacle, G4633 not G3756 made with hands, G5499 that is to say, G5123 not G3756 of this G5026 building; G2937

Exodus 25:16 STRONG

And thou shalt put H5414 into the ark H727 the testimony H5715 which I shall give H5414 thee.

Hebrews 8:2 STRONG

A minister G3011 of the sanctuary, G39 and G2532 of the true G228 tabernacle, G4633 which G3739 the Lord G2962 pitched, G4078 and G2532 not G3756 man. G444

2 Corinthians 5:1 STRONG

For G1063 we know G1492 that G3754 if G1437 our G2257 earthly G1919 house G3614 of this tabernacle G4636 were dissolved, G2647 we have G2192 a building G3619 of G1537 God, G2316 an house G3614 not made with hands, G886 eternal G166 in G1722 the heavens. G3772

Matthew 17:4 STRONG

Then G1161 answered G611 Peter, G4074 and said G2036 unto Jesus, G2424 Lord, G2962 it is G2076 good G2570 for us G2248 to be G1511 here: G5602 if G1487 thou wilt, G2309 let us make G4160 here G5602 three G5140 tabernacles; G4633 one G3391 for thee, G4671 and G2532 one G3391 for Moses, G3475 and G2532 one G3391 for Elias. G2243

Psalms 15:1 STRONG

[[A Psalm H4210 of David.]] H1732 LORD, H3068 who shall abide H1481 in thy tabernacle? H168 who shall dwell H7931 in thy holy H6944 hill? H2022

Job 26:1 STRONG

But Job H347 answered H6030 and said, H559

Job 22:23 STRONG

If thou return H7725 to the Almighty, H7706 thou shalt be built up, H1129 thou shalt put away H7368 iniquity H5766 far H7368 from thy tabernacles. H168

Job 11:4 STRONG

For thou hast said, H559 My doctrine H3948 is pure, H2134 and I am clean H1249 in thine eyes. H5869

Ezra 8:26-30 STRONG

I even weighed H8254 unto their hand H3027 six H8337 hundred H3967 and fifty H2572 talents H3603 of silver, H3701 and silver H3701 vessels H3627 an hundred H3967 talents, H3603 and of gold H2091 an hundred H3967 talents; H3603 Also twenty H6242 basons H3713 of gold, H2091 of a thousand H505 drams; H150 and two H8147 vessels H3627 of fine H2896 H6668 copper, H5178 precious H2532 as gold. H2091 And I said H559 unto them, Ye are holy H6944 unto the LORD; H3068 the vessels H3627 are holy H6944 also; and the silver H3701 and the gold H2091 are a freewill offering H5071 unto the LORD H3068 God H430 of your fathers. H1 Watch H8245 ye, and keep H8104 them, until ye weigh H8254 them before H6440 the chief H8269 of the priests H3548 and the Levites, H3881 and chief H8269 of the fathers H1 of Israel, H3478 at Jerusalem, H3389 in the chambers H3957 of the house H1004 of the LORD. H3068 So took H6901 the priests H3548 and the Levites H3881 the weight H4948 of the silver, H3701 and the gold, H2091 and the vessels, H3627 to bring H935 them to Jerusalem H3389 unto the house H1004 of our God. H430

1 Chronicles 6:3 STRONG

And the children H1121 of Amram; H6019 Aaron, H175 and Moses, H4872 and Miriam. H4813 The sons H1121 also of Aaron; H175 Nadab, H5070 and Abihu, H30 Eleazar, H499 and Ithamar. H385

Numbers 24:5 STRONG

How goodly H2895 are thy tents, H168 O Jacob, H3290 and thy tabernacles, H4908 O Israel! H3478

Numbers 4:28-33 STRONG

This is the service H5656 of the families H4940 of the sons H1121 of Gershon H1649 in the tabernacle H168 of the congregation: H4150 and their charge H4931 shall be under the hand H3027 of Ithamar H385 the son H1121 of Aaron H175 the priest. H3548 As for the sons H1121 of Merari, H4847 thou shalt number H6485 them after their families, H4940 by the house H1004 of their fathers; H1 From thirty H7970 years H8141 old H1121 and upward H4605 even unto fifty H2572 years H8141 old H1121 shalt thou number H6485 them, every one that entereth H935 into the service, H6635 to do H5647 the work H5656 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation. H4150 And this is the charge H4931 of their burden, H4853 according to all their service H5656 in the tabernacle H168 of the congregation; H4150 the boards H7175 of the tabernacle, H4908 and the bars H1280 thereof, and the pillars H5982 thereof, and sockets H134 thereof, And the pillars H5982 of the court H2691 round about, H5439 and their sockets, H134 and their pins, H3489 and their cords, H4340 with all their instruments, H3627 and with all their service: H5656 and by name H8034 ye shall reckon H6485 the instruments H3627 of the charge H4931 of their burden. H4853 This is the service H5656 of the families H4940 of the sons H1121 of Merari, H4847 according to all their service, H5656 in the tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150 under the hand H3027 of Ithamar H385 the son H1121 of Aaron H175 the priest. H3548

Exodus 40:3 STRONG

And thou shalt put H7760 therein H8033 the ark H727 of the testimony, H5715 and cover H5526 the ark H727 with the vail. H6532

Exodus 26:33 STRONG

And thou shalt hang up H5414 the vail H6532 under the taches, H7165 that thou mayest bring H935 in thither within H1004 the vail H6532 the ark H727 of the testimony: H5715 and the vail H6532 shall divide H914 unto you between the holy H6944 place and the most H6944 holy. H6944

Commentary on Exodus 38 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ex 38:1-31. Furniture of the Tabernacle.

1. the altar of burnt offering—The repetitions are continued, in which may be traced the exact conformity of the execution to the order.

8. laver of brass … of the looking glasses of the women—The word mirrors should have been used, as those implements, usually round, inserted into a handle of wood, stone, or metal, were made of brass, silver, or bronze, highly polished [Wilkinson]. It was customary for the Egyptian women to carry mirrors with them to the temples; and whether by taking the looking glasses of the Hebrew women Moses designed to put it out of their power to follow a similar practice at the tabernacle, or whether the supply of brass from other sources in the camp was exhausted, it is interesting to learn how zealously and to a vast extent they surrendered those valued accompaniments of the female toilet.

of the women assembling … at the door—not priestesses but women of pious character and influence, who frequented the courts of the sacred building (Lu 2:37), and whose parting with their mirrors, like the cutting the hair of the Nazarites, was their renouncing the world for a season [Hengstenberg].

9. the court—It occupied a space of one hundred and fifty feet by seventy-five, and it was enclosed by curtains of fine linen about eight feet high, suspended on brazen or copper pillars. Those curtains were secured by rods fastened to the top, and kept extended by being fastened to pins stuck in the ground.

10. hooks—The hooks of the pillars in the court were for hanging up the carcasses of the sacrificial beasts—those on the pillars at the entry of the tabernacle were for hanging the sacerdotal robes and other things used in the service.

11. sockets—mortices or holes in which the end of the pillars stood.

17. chapiters—or capitals of the pillars, were wooden posts which ran along their top, to which were attached the hooks for the hangings.

18. the height in the breadth—or, "in the measure." The sense is that the hangings of the court gate, which was twenty cubits wide, were of the same height as the hangings all round the court [Wall].

21. This is the sum of the tabernacle—Having completed his description of the component parts of the tabernacle, the inspired historian digresses into a statement respecting the gold and silver employed in it, the computation being made according to an order of Moses—by the Levites, under the direction of Ithamar, Aaron's youngest son.

24. twenty and nine talents, and seven hundred and thirty shekels—equivalent to £150,00 sterling.

25. the silver of them that were numbered—603,550 men at half a shekel each would contribute 301,775 shekels; which at 2s. 4d. each, amounts to £35,207 sterling. It may seem difficult to imagine how the Israelites should be possessed of so much wealth in the desert; but it should be remembered that they were enriched first by the spoils of the Egyptians, and afterwards by those of the Amalekites. Besides, it is highly probable that during their sojourn they traded with the neighboring nations who bordered on the wilderness [Hewlett].