Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Exodus » Chapter 39 » Verse 32

Exodus 39:32 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

32 Thus was all the work H5656 of the tabernacle H4908 of the tent H168 of the congregation H4150 finished: H3615 and the children H1121 of Israel H3478 did H6213 according to all that the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 Moses, H4872 so did H6213 they.

Cross Reference

Exodus 39:42-43 STRONG

According to all that the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 Moses, H4872 so the children H1121 of Israel H3478 made H6213 all the work. H5656 And Moses H4872 did look H7200 upon all H3651 the work, H4399 and, behold, they had done H6213 it as the LORD H3068 had commanded, H6680 even so had they done H6213 it: and Moses H4872 blessed H1288 them.

Exodus 25:40 STRONG

And look H7200 that thou make H6213 them after their pattern, H8403 which was shewed H7200 thee in the mount. H2022

Numbers 4:4-32 STRONG

This shall be the service H5656 of the sons H1121 of Kohath H6955 in the tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150 about the most H6944 holy things: H6944 And when the camp H4264 setteth forward, H5265 Aaron H175 shall come, H935 and his sons, H1121 and they shall take down H3381 the covering H4539 vail, H6532 and cover H3680 the ark H727 of testimony H5715 with it: And shall put H5414 thereon the covering H3681 of badgers' H8476 skins, H5785 and shall spread H6566 over H4605 it a cloth H899 wholly H3632 of blue, H8504 and shall put H7760 in the staves H905 thereof. And upon the table H7979 of shewbread H6440 they shall spread H6566 a cloth H899 of blue, H8504 and put H5414 thereon the dishes, H7086 and the spoons, H3709 and the bowls, H4518 and covers H7184 to cover withal: H5262 and the continual H8548 bread H3899 shall be thereon: And they shall spread H6566 upon them a cloth H899 of scarlet, H8438 H8144 and cover H3680 the same with a covering H4372 of badgers' H8476 skins, H5785 and shall put H7760 in the staves H905 thereof. And they shall take H3947 a cloth H899 of blue, H8504 and cover H3680 the candlestick H4501 of the light, H3974 and his lamps, H5216 and his tongs, H4457 and his snuffdishes, H4289 and all the oil H8081 vessels H3627 thereof, wherewith they minister H8334 unto it: And they shall put H5414 it and all the vessels H3627 thereof within a covering H4372 of badgers' H8476 skins, H5785 and shall put H5414 it upon a bar. H4132 And upon the golden H2091 altar H4196 they shall spread H6566 a cloth H899 of blue, H8504 and cover H3680 it with a covering H4372 of badgers' H8476 skins, H5785 and shall put H7760 to the staves H905 thereof: And they shall take H3947 all the instruments H3627 of ministry, H8335 wherewith they minister H8334 in the sanctuary, H6944 and put H5414 them in a cloth H899 of blue, H8504 and cover H3680 them with a covering H4372 of badgers' H8476 skins, H5785 and shall put H5414 them on a bar: H4132 And they shall take away the ashes H1878 from the altar, H4196 and spread H6566 a purple H713 cloth H899 thereon: And they shall put H5414 upon it all the vessels H3627 thereof, wherewith they minister H8334 about it, even the censers, H4289 the fleshhooks, H4207 and the shovels, H3257 and the basons, H4219 all the vessels H3627 of the altar; H4196 and they shall spread H6566 upon it a covering H3681 of badgers' H8476 skins, H5785 and put H7760 to the staves H905 of it. And when Aaron H175 and his sons H1121 have made an end H3615 of covering H3680 the sanctuary, H6944 and all the vessels H3627 of the sanctuary, H6944 as the camp H4264 is to set forward; H5265 after H310 that, the sons H1121 of Kohath H6955 shall come H935 to bear H5375 it: but they shall not touch H5060 any holy thing, H6944 lest they die. H4191 These things are the burden H4853 of the sons H1121 of Kohath H6955 in the tabernacle H168 of the congregation. H4150 And to the office H6486 of Eleazar H499 the son H1121 of Aaron H175 the priest H3548 pertaineth the oil H8081 for the light, H3974 and the sweet H5561 incense, H7004 and the daily H8548 meat offering, H4503 and the anointing H4888 oil, H8081 and the oversight H6486 of all the tabernacle, H4908 and of all that therein is, in the sanctuary, H6944 and in the vessels H3627 thereof. And the LORD H3068 spake H1696 unto Moses H4872 and unto Aaron, H175 saying, H559 Cut ye not off H3772 the tribe H7626 of the families H4940 of the Kohathites H6956 from among H8432 the Levites: H3881 But thus do H6213 unto them, that they may live, H2421 and not die, H4191 when they approach H5066 unto the most H6944 holy things: H6944 Aaron H175 and his sons H1121 shall go in, H935 and appoint H7760 them every H376 one H376 to his service H5656 and to his burden: H4853 But they shall not go in H935 to see H7200 when the holy things H6944 are covered, H1104 lest they die. H4191 And the LORD H3068 spake H1696 unto Moses, H4872 saying, H559 Take H5375 also the sum H7218 of the sons H1121 of Gershon, H1648 throughout the houses H1004 of their fathers, H1 by their families; H4940 From thirty H7970 years H8141 old H1121 and upward H4605 until fifty H2572 years H8141 old H1121 shalt thou number H6485 them; all that enter in H935 to perform H6633 the service, H6635 to do H5647 the work H5656 in the tabernacle H168 of the congregation. H4150 This is the service H5656 of the families H4940 of the Gershonites, H1649 to serve, H5647 and for burdens: H4853 And they shall bear H5375 the curtains H3407 of the tabernacle, H4908 and the tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150 his covering, H4372 and the covering H4372 of the badgers' H8476 skins that is above H4605 upon it, and the hanging H4539 for the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150 And the hangings H7050 of the court, H2691 and the hanging H4539 for the door H6607 of the gate H8179 of the court, H2691 which is by the tabernacle H4908 and by the altar H4196 round about, H5439 and their cords, H4340 and all the instruments H3627 of their service, H5656 and all that is made H6213 for them: so shall they serve. H5647 At the appointment H6310 of Aaron H175 and his sons H1121 shall be all the service H5656 of the sons H1121 of the Gershonites, H1649 in all their burdens, H4853 and in all their service: H5656 and ye shall appoint H6485 unto them in charge H4931 all their burdens. H4853 This is the service H5656 of the families H4940 of the sons H1121 of Gershon H1649 in the tabernacle H168 of the congregation: H4150 and their charge H4931 shall be under the hand H3027 of Ithamar H385 the son H1121 of Aaron H175 the priest. H3548 As for the sons H1121 of Merari, H4847 thou shalt number H6485 them after their families, H4940 by the house H1004 of their fathers; H1 From thirty H7970 years H8141 old H1121 and upward H4605 even unto fifty H2572 years H8141 old H1121 shalt thou number H6485 them, every one that entereth H935 into the service, H6635 to do H5647 the work H5656 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation. H4150 And this is the charge H4931 of their burden, H4853 according to all their service H5656 in the tabernacle H168 of the congregation; H4150 the boards H7175 of the tabernacle, H4908 and the bars H1280 thereof, and the pillars H5982 thereof, and sockets H134 thereof, And the pillars H5982 of the court H2691 round about, H5439 and their sockets, H134 and their pins, H3489 and their cords, H4340 with all their instruments, H3627 and with all their service: H5656 and by name H8034 ye shall reckon H6485 the instruments H3627 of the charge H4931 of their burden. H4853

Hebrews 8:5 STRONG

Who G3748 serve G3000 unto the example G5262 and G2532 shadow G4639 of heavenly things, G2032 as G2531 Moses G3475 was admonished of God G5537 when he was about G3195 to make G2005 the tabernacle: G4633 for, G1063 See, G3708 saith he, G5346 that thou make G4160 all things G3956 according to G2596 the pattern G5179 shewed G1166 to thee G4671 in G1722 the mount. G3735

Hebrews 3:2 STRONG

Who was G5607 faithful G4103 to him that appointed G4160 him, G846 as G5613 also G2532 Moses G3475 was faithful in G1722 all G3650 his G846 house. G3624

Matthew 28:20 STRONG

Teaching G1321 them G846 to observe G5083 all things G3956 whatsoever G3745 I have commanded G1781 you: G5213 and, G2532 lo, G2400 I G1473 am G1510 with G3326 you G5216 alway, G3956 G2250 even unto G2193 the end G4930 of the world. G165 Amen. G281

1 Chronicles 28:19 STRONG

All this, said David, the LORD H3068 made me understand H7919 in writing H3791 by his hand H3027 upon me, even all the works H4399 of this pattern. H8403

1 Samuel 15:22 STRONG

And Samuel H8050 said, H559 Hath the LORD H3068 as great delight H2656 in burnt offerings H5930 and sacrifices, H2077 as in obeying H8085 the voice H6963 of the LORD? H3068 Behold, to obey H8085 is better H2896 than sacrifice, H2077 and to hearken H7181 than the fat H2459 of rams. H352

Deuteronomy 12:32 STRONG

What thing H1697 soever I command H6680 you, observe H8104 to do H6213 it: thou shalt not add H3254 thereto, nor diminish H1639 from it.

Exodus 25:1-31 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 spake H1696 unto Moses, H4872 saying, H559 Speak H1696 unto the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 that they bring H3947 me an offering: H8641 of every man H376 that giveth it willingly H5068 with his heart H3820 ye shall take H3947 my offering. H8641 And this is the offering H8641 which ye shall take H3947 of them; gold, H2091 and silver, H3701 and brass, H5178 And blue, H8504 and purple, H713 and scarlet, H8438 H8144 and fine linen, H8336 and goats' H5795 hair, And rams' H352 skins H5785 dyed red, H119 and badgers' H8476 skins, H5785 and shittim H7848 wood, H6086 Oil H8081 for the light, H3974 spices H1314 for anointing H4888 oil, H8081 and for sweet H5561 incense, H7004 Onyx H7718 stones, H68 and stones H68 to be set H4394 in the ephod, H646 and in the breastplate. H2833 And let them make H6213 me a sanctuary; H4720 that I may dwell H7931 among H8432 them. According to all that I shew H7200 thee, after the pattern H8403 of the tabernacle, H4908 and the pattern H8403 of all the instruments H3627 thereof, even so shall ye make H6213 it. And they shall make H6213 an ark H727 of shittim H7848 wood: H6086 two cubits H520 and a half H2677 shall be the length H753 thereof, and a cubit H520 and a half H2677 the breadth H7341 thereof, and a cubit H520 and a half H2677 the height H6967 thereof. And thou shalt overlay H6823 it with pure H2889 gold, H2091 within H1004 and without H2351 shalt thou overlay H6823 it, and shalt make H6213 upon it a crown H2213 of gold H2091 round about. H5439 And thou shalt cast H3332 four H702 rings H2885 of gold H2091 for it, and put H5414 them in the four H702 corners H6471 thereof; and two H8147 rings H2885 shall be in the one H259 side H6763 of it, and two H8147 rings H2885 in the other H8145 side of it. And thou shalt make H6213 staves H905 of shittim H7848 wood, H6086 and overlay H6823 them with gold. H2091 And thou shalt put H935 the staves H905 into the rings H2885 by the sides H6763 of the ark, H727 that the ark H727 may be borne H5375 with them. The staves H905 shall be H1961 in the rings H2885 of the ark: H727 they shall not be taken H5493 from it. And thou shalt put H5414 into the ark H727 the testimony H5715 which I shall give H5414 thee. And thou shalt make H6213 a mercy seat H3727 of pure H2889 gold: H2091 two cubits H520 and a half H2677 shall be the length H753 thereof, and a cubit H520 and a half H2677 the breadth H7341 thereof. And thou shalt make H6213 two H8147 cherubims H3742 of gold, H2091 of beaten work H4749 shalt thou make H6213 them, in the two H8147 ends H7098 of the mercy seat. H3727 And make H6213 one H259 cherub H3742 on the one end, H7098 and the other H259 cherub H3742 on the other H2088 end: H7098 even of the mercy seat H3727 shall ye make H6213 the cherubims H3742 on the two H8147 ends H7098 thereof. And the cherubims H3742 shall stretch H6566 forth their wings H3671 on high, H4605 covering H5526 the mercy seat H3727 with their wings, H3671 and their faces H6440 shall look one H376 to another; H251 toward the mercy seat H3727 shall the faces H6440 of the cherubims H3742 be. And thou shalt put H5414 the mercy seat H3727 above H4605 upon the ark; H727 and in the ark H727 thou shalt put H5414 the testimony H5715 that I shall give H5414 thee. And there I will meet H3259 with thee, and I will commune H1696 with thee from above the mercy seat, H3727 from between H996 the two H8147 cherubims H3742 which are upon H5921 the ark H727 of the testimony, H5715 of all things which I will give thee in commandment H6680 unto the children H1121 of Israel. H3478 Thou shalt also make H6213 a table H7979 of shittim H7848 wood: H6086 two cubits H520 shall be the length H753 thereof, and a cubit H520 the breadth H7341 thereof, and a cubit H520 and a half H2677 the height H6967 thereof. And thou shalt overlay H6823 it with pure H2889 gold, H2091 and make H6213 thereto a crown H2213 of gold H2091 round about. H5439 And thou shalt make H6213 unto it a border H4526 of an hand breadth H2948 round about, H5439 and thou shalt make H6213 a golden H2091 crown H2213 to the border H4526 thereof round about. H5439 And thou shalt make H6213 for it four H702 rings H2885 of gold, H2091 and put H5414 the rings H2885 in the four H702 corners H6285 that are on the four H702 feet H7272 thereof. Over against H5980 the border H4526 shall the rings H2885 be for places H1004 of the staves H905 to bear H5375 the table. H7979 And thou shalt make H6213 the staves H905 of shittim H7848 wood, H6086 and overlay H6823 them with gold, H2091 that the table H7979 may be borne H5375 with them. And thou shalt make H6213 the dishes H7086 thereof, and spoons H3709 thereof, and covers H7184 thereof, and bowls H4518 thereof, to cover H5258 withal: H2004 of pure H2889 gold H2091 shalt thou make H6213 them. And thou shalt set H5414 upon the table H7979 shewbread H3899 before H6440 me alway. H8548 And thou shalt make H6213 a candlestick H4501 of pure H2889 gold: H2091 of beaten work H4749 shall the candlestick H4501 be made: H6213 his shaft, H3409 and his branches, H7070 his bowls, H1375 his knops, H3730 and his flowers, H6525 shall be of the same.

Numbers 3:36-37 STRONG

And under the custody H6486 and charge H4931 of the sons H1121 of Merari H4847 shall be the boards H7175 of the tabernacle, H4908 and the bars H1280 thereof, and the pillars H5982 thereof, and the sockets H134 thereof, and all the vessels H3627 thereof, and all that serveth H5656 thereto, And the pillars H5982 of the court H2691 round about, H5439 and their sockets, H134 and their pins, H3489 and their cords. H4340

Numbers 3:31 STRONG

And their charge H4931 shall be the ark, H727 and the table, H7979 and the candlestick, H4501 and the altars, H4196 and the vessels H3627 of the sanctuary H6944 wherewith they minister, H8334 and the hanging, H4539 and all the service H5656 thereof.

Numbers 3:25-26 STRONG

And the charge H4931 of the sons H1121 of Gershon H1648 in the tabernacle H168 of the congregation H4150 shall be the tabernacle, H4908 and the tent, H168 the covering H4372 thereof, and the hanging H4539 for the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150 And the hangings H7050 of the court, H2691 and the curtain H4539 for the door H6607 of the court, H2691 which is by the tabernacle, H4908 and by the altar H4196 round about, H5439 and the cords H4340 of it for all the service H5656 thereof.

Leviticus 8:1-9 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 spake H1696 unto Moses, H4872 saying, H559 Take H3947 Aaron H175 and his sons H1121 with him, and the garments, H899 and the anointing H4888 oil, H8081 and a bullock H6499 for the sin offering, H2403 and two H8147 rams, H352 and a basket H5536 of unleavened bread; H4682 And gather H6950 thou all the congregation H5712 together H6950 unto the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation. H4150 And Moses H4872 did H6213 as the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 him; and the assembly H5712 was gathered together H6950 unto the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation. H4150 And Moses H4872 said H559 unto the congregation, H5712 This is the thing H1697 which the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 to be done. H6213 And Moses H4872 brought H7126 Aaron H175 and his sons, H1121 and washed H7364 them with water. H4325 And he put H5414 upon him the coat, H3801 and girded H2296 him with the girdle, H73 and clothed H3847 him with the robe, H4598 and put H5414 the ephod H646 upon him, and he girded H2296 him with the curious girdle H2805 of the ephod, H646 and bound H640 it unto him therewith. And he put H7760 the breastplate H2833 upon him: also he put H5414 in the breastplate H2833 the Urim H224 and the Thummim. H8550 And he put H7760 the mitre H4701 upon his head; H7218 also upon the mitre, H4701 even upon his forefront, H6440 H4136 did he put H7760 the golden H2091 plate, H6731 the holy H6944 crown; H5145 as the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 Moses. H4872

Exodus 40:32 STRONG

When they went H935 into the tent H168 of the congregation, H4150 and when they came near H7126 unto the altar, H4196 they washed; H7364 as the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 Moses. H4872

Exodus 39:33 STRONG

And they brought H935 the tabernacle H4908 unto Moses, H4872 the tent, H168 and all his furniture, H3627 his taches, H7165 his boards, H7175 his bars, H1280 and his pillars, H5982 and his sockets, H134

Exodus 35:1-35 STRONG

And Moses H4872 gathered H6950 all the congregation H5712 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 together, H6950 and said H559 unto them, These are the words H1697 which the LORD H3068 hath commanded, H6680 that ye should do H6213 them. Six H8337 days H3117 shall work H4399 be done, H6213 but on the seventh H7637 day H3117 there shall be to you an holy day, H6944 a sabbath H7676 of rest H7677 to the LORD: H3068 whosoever doeth H6213 work H4399 therein shall be put to death. H4191 Ye shall kindle H1197 no fire H784 throughout your habitations H4186 upon the sabbath H7676 day. H3117 And Moses H4872 spake H559 unto all the congregation H5712 of the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 saying, H559 This is the thing H1697 which the LORD H3068 commanded, H6680 saying, H559 Take H3947 ye from among you an offering H8641 unto the LORD: H3068 whosoever H3605 is of a willing H5081 heart, H3820 let him bring H935 it, an offering H8641 of the LORD; H3068 gold, H2091 and silver, H3701 and brass, H5178 And blue, H8504 and purple, H713 and scarlet, H8144 H8438 and fine linen, H8336 and goats' H5795 hair, And rams' H352 skins H5785 dyed red, H119 and badgers' H8476 skins, H5785 and shittim H7848 wood, H6086 And oil H8081 for the light, H3974 and spices H1314 for anointing H4888 oil, H8081 and for the sweet H5561 incense, H7004 And onyx H7718 stones, H68 and stones H68 to be set H4394 for the ephod, H646 and for the breastplate. H2833 And every wise H2450 hearted H3820 among you shall come, H935 and make H6213 all that the LORD H3068 hath commanded; H6680 The tabernacle, H4908 his tent, H168 and his covering, H4372 his taches, H7165 and his boards, H7175 his bars, H1280 his pillars, H5982 and his sockets, H134 The ark, H727 and the staves H905 thereof, with the mercy seat, H3727 and the vail H6532 of the covering, H4539 The table, H7979 and his staves, H905 and all his vessels, H3627 and the shewbread, H6440 H3899 The candlestick H4501 also for the light, H3974 and his furniture, H3627 and his lamps, H5216 with the oil H8081 for the light, H3974 And the incense H7004 altar, H4196 and his staves, H905 and the anointing H4888 oil, H8081 and the sweet H5561 incense, H7004 and the hanging H4539 for the door at the entering in H6607 of the tabernacle, H4908 The altar H4196 of burnt offering, H5930 with his brasen H5178 grate, H4345 his staves, H905 and all his vessels, H3627 the laver H3595 and his foot, H3653 The hangings H7050 of the court, H2691 his pillars, H5982 and their sockets, H134 and the hanging H4539 for the door H8179 of the court, H2691 The pins H3489 of the tabernacle, H4908 and the pins H3489 of the court, H2691 and their cords, H4340 The cloths H899 of service, H8278 to do service H8334 in the holy H6944 place, the holy H6944 garments H899 for Aaron H175 the priest, H3548 and the garments H899 of his sons, H1121 to minister in the priest's office. H3547 And all the congregation H5712 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 departed H3318 from the presence H6440 of Moses. H4872 And they came, H935 every one H376 whose H834 heart H3820 stirred him up, H5375 and every one whom his spirit H7307 made willing, H5068 and they brought H935 the LORD'S H3068 offering H8641 to the work H4399 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150 and for all his service, H5656 and for the holy H6944 garments. H899 And they came, H935 both H5921 men H582 and women, H802 as many as H3605 were willing H5081 hearted, H3820 and brought H935 bracelets, H2397 and earrings, H5141 and rings, H2885 and tablets, H3558 all jewels H3627 of gold: H2091 and every man H376 that offered H5130 offered an offering H8573 of gold H2091 unto the LORD. H3068 And every man, H376 with whom was found H4672 blue, H8504 and purple, H713 and scarlet, H8144 H8438 and fine linen, H8336 and goats' H5795 hair, and red H119 skins H5785 of rams, H352 and badgers' H8476 skins, H5785 brought H935 them. Every one that did offer H7311 an offering H8641 of silver H3701 and brass H5178 brought H935 the LORD'S H3068 offering: H8641 and every man, with whom was found H4672 shittim H7848 wood H6086 for any work H4399 of the service, H5656 brought H935 it. And all the women H802 that were wise H2450 hearted H3820 did spin H2901 with their hands, H3027 and brought H935 that which they had spun, H4299 both of blue, H8504 and of purple, H713 and of scarlet, H8144 H8438 and of fine linen. H8336 And all the women H802 whose heart H3820 stirred H5375 them up in wisdom H2451 spun H2901 goats' H5795 hair. And the rulers H5387 brought H935 onyx H7718 stones, H68 and stones H68 to be set, H4394 for the ephod, H646 and for the breastplate; H2833 And spice, H1314 and oil H8081 for the light, H3974 and for the anointing H4888 oil, H8081 and for the sweet H5561 incense. H7004 The children H1121 of Israel H3478 brought H935 a willing offering H5071 unto the LORD, H3068 every man H376 and woman, H802 whose H834 heart H3820 made them willing H5068 to bring H935 for all manner of work, H4399 which the LORD H3068 had commanded H6680 to be made H6213 by the hand H3027 of Moses. H4872 And Moses H4872 said H559 unto the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 See, H7200 the LORD H3068 hath called H7121 by name H8034 Bezaleel H1212 the son H1121 of Uri, H221 the son H1121 of Hur, H2354 of the tribe H4294 of Judah; H3063 And he hath filled H4390 him with the spirit H7307 of God, H430 in wisdom, H2451 in understanding, H8394 and in knowledge, H1847 and in all manner of workmanship; H4399 And to devise H2803 curious works, H4284 to work H6213 in gold, H2091 and in silver, H3701 and in brass, H5178 And in the cutting H2799 of stones, H68 to set H4390 them, and in carving H2799 of wood, H6086 to make H6213 any manner of cunning H4284 work. H4399 And he hath put H5414 in his heart H3820 that he may teach, H3384 both he, and Aholiab, H171 the son H1121 of Ahisamach, H294 of the tribe H4294 of Dan. H1835 Them hath he filled H4390 with wisdom H2451 of heart, H3820 to work H6213 all manner of work, H4399 of the engraver, H2796 and of the cunning workman, H2803 and of the embroiderer, H7551 in blue, H8504 and in purple, H713 in scarlet, H8144 H8438 and in fine linen, H8336 and of the weaver, H707 even of them that do H6213 any H3605 work, H4399 and of those that devise H2803 cunning work. H4284

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Exodus 39

Commentary on Exodus 39 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-31

Preparation of the priests' clothes . - Previous to the description of the dress itself, we have a statement in Exodus 39:1 of the materials employed, and the purpose to which they were devoted (“cloths of service,” see at Exodus 31:10). The robes consisted of the ephod (Exodus 39:2-7, as in Exodus 28:6-12), the choshen or breastplate (Exodus 39:8-21, as in Exodus 28:15-29), the meïl or over-coat (Exodus 39:22-26, as in Exodus 28:31-34); the body-coats, turbans, drawers, and girdles, for Aaron and his sons (Exodus 39:27-29, as in Exodus 28:39-40, and Exodus 28:42). The Urim and Thummim are not mentioned (cf. Exodus 28:30). The head-dresses of the ordinary priests, which are simply called “bonnets” in Exodus 28:40, are called “goodly bonnets” or “ornamental caps” in Exodus 39:28 of this chapter ( מגבּעת פּארי , from פּאר an ornament, cf. פּאר ornatus fuit ). The singular, “ girdle ,” in Exodus 39:29, with the definite article, “ the girdle, ” might appear to refer simply to Aaron's girdle, i.e., the girdle of the high priest; but as there is no special description of the girdles of Aaron's sons (the ordinary priests) in Exodus 29:40, where they are distinctly mentioned and called by the same name ( abnet ) as the girdle of Aaron himself, we can only conclude that they were of the same materials and the same form and make as the latter, and that the singular, האבנט , is used here either in the most general manner, or as a generic noun in a collective sense (see Ges. §109, 1). The last thing mentioned is the diadem upon Aaron's turban (Exodus 39:30, Exodus 39:31, as in Exodus 28:36-38), so that the order in which the priests' robes are given here is analogous to the position in which the ark of the covenant and the golden altar stand to one another in the directions concerning the sacred things in ch. 25-30. “For just as all the other things are there placed between the holy ark and the golden altar as the two poles, so here all the rest of the priests' robes are included between the shoulder-dress, the principal part of the official robes of the high priest, and the golden frontlet, the inscription upon which rendered it the most striking sign of the dignity of his office” ( Baumgarten ).

Verses 32-36

Delivery of the work to Moses . - The different things are again mentioned one by one. By “the tent,” in Exodus 39:33, we are to understand the two tent-cloths, the one of purple and the other of goats' hair, by which the dwelling ( משׁכּן , generally rendered tabernacle) was made into a tent ( אלה ). From this it is perfectly obvious, that the variegated cloth formed the inner walls of the dwelling, or covered the boards on the inner side, and that the goats' hair-cloth formed the other covering. Moreover it is also obvious, that this is the way in which האהל is to be understood, from the fact, that in the list of the things belonging to the ohel the first to be mentioned are the gold and copper hooks (Exodus 26:6, Exodus 26:11) with which the two halves of the drapery that formed the tent were joined together, and then after that the boards, bolts, pillars, and sockets, as though subordinate to the tent-cloths, and only intended to answer the purpose of spreading them out into a tent of dwelling.

Verses 37-39

The lamps of the order, ” i.e., the lamps set in order upon the candlestick. In addition to all the vessels of the sanctuary, shew-bread (Exodus 39:36), holy oil for the candlestick and for anointing, and fragrant incense (Exodus 39:38), were also prepared and delivered to Moses, - everything, therefore, that was required for the institution of the daily worship, as soon as the tabernacle was set up.

Verses 40-42

Vessels of service: ” see Exodus 27:19.

Verse 43

When Moses had received and examined all the different articles, and found that everything was made according to the directions of Jehovah, he blessed the children of Israel. The readiness and liberality with which the people had presented the gifts required for this work, and the zeal which they had shown in executing the whole of the work in rather less than half a year (see at Exodus 40:17), were most cheering signs of the willingness of the Israelites to serve the Lord, for which they could not fail to receive the blessing of God.