Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Exodus » Chapter 39 » Verse 38

Exodus 39:38 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

38 And the golden H2091 altar, H4196 and the anointing H4888 oil, H8081 and the sweet H5561 incense, H7004 and the hanging H4539 for the tabernacle H168 door, H6607

Cross Reference

Exodus 30:7 STRONG

And Aaron H175 shall burn H6999 thereon sweet H5561 incense H7004 every morning: H1242 when he dresseth H3190 the lamps, H5216 he shall burn incense H6999 upon it.

Exodus 25:6 STRONG

Oil H8081 for the light, H3974 spices H1314 for anointing H4888 oil, H8081 and for sweet H5561 incense, H7004

Exodus 30:3 STRONG

And thou shalt overlay H6823 it with pure H2889 gold, H2091 the top H1406 thereof, and the sides H7023 thereof round about, H5439 and the horns H7161 thereof; and thou shalt make H6213 unto it a crown H2213 of gold H2091 round about. H5439

Exodus 31:11 STRONG

And the anointing H4888 oil, H8081 and sweet H5561 incense H7004 for the holy H6944 place: according to all that I have commanded H6680 thee shall they do. H6213

Exodus 35:8 STRONG

And oil H8081 for the light, H3974 and spices H1314 for anointing H4888 oil, H8081 and for the sweet H5561 incense, H7004

Exodus 37:29 STRONG

And he made H6213 the holy H6944 anointing H4888 oil, H8081 and the pure H2889 incense H7004 of sweet spices, H5561 according to the work H4639 of the apothecary. H7543

2 Chronicles 2:4 STRONG

Behold, I build H1129 an house H1004 to the name H8034 of the LORD H3068 my God, H430 to dedicate H6942 it to him, and to burn H6999 before H6440 him sweet H5561 incense, H7004 and for the continual H8548 shewbread, H4635 and for the burnt offerings H5930 morning H1242 and evening, H6153 on the sabbaths, H7676 and on the new moons, H2320 and on the solemn feasts H4150 of the LORD H3068 our God. H430 This is an ordinance for ever H5769 to Israel. H3478

Commentary on Exodus 39 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ex 39:1-43. Garments of the Priests.

1, 2. cloths of service—official robes. The ephod of the high priest, the robe of the ephod, the girdle of needlework, and the embroidered coat were all of fine linen; for on no material less delicate could such elaborate symbolical figures have been portrayed in embroidery, and all beautified with the same brilliant colors. (See on Ex 28:1-43).

3. cut the gold into wires to work it—that is, the metal was beaten with a hammer into thin plates, cut with scissors or some other instrument into long slips, then rounded into filaments or threads. "Cloth of golden tissue is not uncommon on the monuments, and specimens of it have been found rolled about mummies; but it is not easy to determine whether the gold thread was originally interwoven or subsequently inserted by the embroiderer" [Taylor].

30. a writing, like to the engravings of a signet—The seal-ring worn both by ancient and modern Egyptians on the little finger of the right hand, contained, inscribed on a cornelian or other precious stone, along with the owner's name, a religious sentiment or sacred symbol, intimating that he was the servant of God, or expressive of trust in Him. And it was to this practice the inscription on the high priest alludes (compare Joh 3:33).

34. the covering of rams' skin dyed red—(See on Ex 25:5). It was probably red morocco leather and "badgers' skins," rather "the skins of the tahash, supposed to be the dugong, or dolphin of the Red Sea, the skin of which is still used by the Arabs under the same appellation" [Goss].

43. Moses did look upon all the work, and, behold, they had done it as the Lord had commanded—A formal inspection was made on the completion of the tabernacle, not only with a view to have the work transferred from the charge of the workmen, but to ascertain whether it corresponded with "the pattern." The result of a careful and minute survey showed that every plank, curtain, altar, and vase had been most accurately made of the form, and in the place designed by the Divine Architect—and Moses, in accepting it of their hands, thanked God for them, and begged Him to bless them.