Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Exodus » Chapter 40 » Verse 36

Exodus 40:36 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

36 And when the cloud H6051 was taken up H5927 from H5921 over the tabernacle, H4908 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 went onward H5265 in all their journeys: H4550

Cross Reference

Nehemiah 9:19 STRONG

Yet thou in thy manifold H7227 mercies H7356 forsookest H5800 them not in the wilderness: H4057 the pillar H5982 of the cloud H6051 departed H5493 not from them by day, H3119 to lead H5148 them in the way; H1870 neither the pillar H5982 of fire H784 by night, H3915 to shew them light, H215 and the way H1870 wherein they should go. H3212

Numbers 9:17 STRONG

And when H6310 the cloud H6051 was taken up H5927 from the tabernacle, H168 then after H310 that the children H1121 of Israel H3478 journeyed: H5265 and in the place H4725 where the cloud H6051 abode, H7931 there the children H1121 of Israel H3478 pitched their tents. H2583

Exodus 13:21-22 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 went H1980 before H6440 them by day H3119 in a pillar H5982 of a cloud, H6051 to lead H5148 them the way; H1870 and by night H3915 in a pillar H5982 of fire, H784 to give them light; H215 to go H3212 by day H3119 and night: H3915 He took not away H4185 the pillar H5982 of the cloud H6051 by day, H3119 nor the pillar H5982 of fire H784 by night, H3915 from before H6440 the people. H5971

Numbers 10:11-13 STRONG

And it came to pass on the twentieth H6242 day of the second H8145 month, H2320 in the second H8145 year, H8141 that the cloud H6051 was taken up H5927 from off the tabernacle H4908 of the testimony. H5715 And the children H1121 of Israel H3478 took H5265 their journeys H4550 out of the wilderness H4057 of Sinai; H5514 and the cloud H6051 rested H7931 in the wilderness H4057 of Paran. H6290 And they first H7223 took their journey H5265 according to the commandment H6310 of the LORD H3068 by the hand H3027 of Moses. H4872

Numbers 10:33-36 STRONG

And they departed H5265 from the mount H2022 of the LORD H3068 three H7969 days' H3117 journey: H1870 and the ark H727 of the covenant H1285 of the LORD H3068 went H5265 before H6440 them in the three H7969 days' H3117 journey, H1870 to search out H8446 a resting place H4496 for them. And the cloud H6051 of the LORD H3068 was upon them by day, H3119 when they went out H5265 of the camp. H4264 And it came to pass, when the ark H727 set forward, H5265 that Moses H4872 said, H559 Rise up, H6965 LORD, H3068 and let thine enemies H341 be scattered; H6327 and let them that hate H8130 thee flee H5127 before H6440 thee. And when it rested, H5117 he said, H559 Return, H7725 O LORD, H3068 unto the many H7233 thousands H505 of Israel. H3478

Numbers 19:17-22 STRONG

And for an unclean H2931 person they shall take H3947 of the ashes H6083 of the burnt heifer H8316 of purification for sin, H2403 and running H2416 water H4325 shall be put H5414 thereto in a vessel: H3627 And a clean H2889 person H376 shall take H3947 hyssop, H231 and dip H2881 it in the water, H4325 and sprinkle H5137 it upon the tent, H168 and upon all the vessels, H3627 and upon the persons H5315 that were there, and upon him that touched H5060 a bone, H6106 or one slain, H2491 or one dead, H4191 or a grave: H6913 And the clean H2889 person shall sprinkle H5137 upon the unclean H2931 on the third H7992 day, H3117 and on the seventh H7637 day: H3117 and on the seventh H7637 day H3117 he shall purify H2398 himself, and wash H3526 his clothes, H899 and bathe H7364 himself in water, H4325 and shall be clean H2891 at even. H6153 But the man H376 that shall be unclean, H2930 and shall not purify H2398 himself, that soul H5315 shall be cut off H3772 from among H8432 the congregation, H6951 because he hath defiled H2930 the sanctuary H4720 of the LORD: H3068 the water H4325 of separation H5079 hath not been sprinkled H2236 upon him; he is unclean. H2931 And it shall be a perpetual H5769 statute H2708 unto them, that he that sprinkleth H5137 the water H4325 of separation H5079 shall wash H3526 his clothes; H899 and he that toucheth H5060 the water H4325 of separation H5079 shall be unclean H2930 until even. H6153 And whatsoever the unclean H2931 person toucheth H5060 shall be unclean; H2930 and the soul H5315 that toucheth H5060 it shall be unclean H2930 until even. H6153

Psalms 78:14 STRONG

In the daytime H3119 also he led H5148 them with a cloud, H6051 and all the night H3915 with a light H216 of fire. H784

Psalms 105:39 STRONG

He spread H6566 a cloud H6051 for a covering; H4539 and fire H784 to give light H215 in the night. H3915

1 Corinthians 10:1 STRONG

Moreover, G1161 brethren, G80 I would G2309 not G3756 that ye G5209 should be ignorant, G50 how that G3754 all G3956 our G2257 fathers G3962 were G2258 under G5259 the cloud, G3507 and G2532 all G3956 passed G1330 through G1223 the sea; G2281

2 Corinthians 5:19-20 STRONG

To wit, G5613 that G3754 God G2316 was G2258 in G1722 Christ, G5547 reconciling G2644 the world G2889 unto himself, G1438 not G3361 imputing G3049 their G846 trespasses G3900 unto them; G846 and G2532 hath committed G5087 unto G1722 us G2254 the word G3056 of reconciliation. G2643 Now then G3767 we are ambassadors G4243 for G5228 Christ, G5547 as though G5613 God G2316 did beseech G3870 you by G1223 us: G2257 we pray G1189 you in G5228 Christ's G5547 stead, G5228 be ye reconciled G2644 to God. G2316

Commentary on Exodus 40 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



This chapter contains the order for setting up the tabernacle, and placing the furniture of it where it was the will of God it should be put, Exodus 40:1 and for the anointing it, and all its vessels, and also Aaron and his sons, Exodus 40:9 all which were accordingly done, the tabernacle was reared up, and everything was put in its proper place, Exodus 40:16 upon which a cloud covered the tent, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle, so that Moses could not enter; which cloud afterwards was a direction in their journeys, by night and by day, Exodus 40:34.

Verse 1

And the Lord spake unto Moses,.... When the tabernacle, and the work of it, were finished, and he had taken a survey of it, and everything belonging to it, which appeared to be done as was ordered:

saying; as follows.

Verse 2

On the first day of the first month,.... Which was the month Nisan, as the Targum of Jonathan expresses it; which was the month the children of Israel came out of Egypt, out of which they had now been a whole year, excepting fourteen days:

shalt thou set up the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation; the tabernacle, which had a tent or covering over it, to which the people were gathered at times for religious service.

Verse 3

And thou shall put therein the ark of the testimony,.... The ark or chest where the law was, a testimony of the divine will, and which was to be put into the most holy place of the tabernacle:

and cover the ark with the vail; not with the propitiatory or mercy seat, as the Targum of Jonathan; for though that was a covering or lid to the ark, yet not a vail; this was the vail that divided between the holy place and the most holy, and so covered or hid the ark from the sight even of the priests that went into the holy place.

Verse 4

And thou shall bring in the table,.... The table of shewbread, which was to be set in the holy place:

and set in order the things that are to be set in order upon it; besides the dishes, spoons, covers, and bowls, there were the twelve loaves of shewbread to be set in two rows:

and thou shall bring in the candlestick, and light the lamps thereof; which was to be brought and set in the same holy place with the shewbread table; and though the lamps were to be lighted by Aaron, the priest of the Lord, he being not yet consecrated, the office was performed by Moses.

Verse 5

And thou shalt set the altar of gold for the incense before the ark of the testimony,.... Not in the most holy place where the ark was, but over against it in the holy place:

and put the hanging of the door of the tabernacle; the door of entrance into the holy place, where there were to be no other things set but those now mentioned, the shewbread table, the candlestick, and the altar of incense; and these being brought in, the hanging was to be put up, which hid the sight of the above things, and forbid the entrance of the people there.

Verse 6

And thou shall set the altar of the burnt offering,.... Where the sacrifices of the people were to be brought, and offered up by the priests; and this was to be set up in the open court, as it was proper it should, both because of the smell and smoke of the sacrifices:

before the door of the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation; just a little before the entrance into the holy place.

Verse 7

And thou shall set the laver,.... As is directed in Exodus 30:18.

Verse 8

And thou shall set up the court round about,.... Which consisted of various hangings, east, west, north, and south; see Exodus 27:9.

Verses 9-11

And thou shall take the anointing oil, and anoint the tabernacle,.... In this, and the two following verses Exodus 40:10, orders are given for the anointing of the tabernacle and its vessels, the altar of burnt offering and its vessels, the laver and its foot, whereby they were consecrated for divine use and service, according to Exodus 30:26

Verses 12-14

And thou shalt bring Aaron and his sons to the door of the tabernacle of the congregation,.... To wash, anoint, and clothe them, as in the two following verses Exodus 40:13, that they might minister in the priest's office, according to Exodus 28:41

Verse 15

And thou shall anoint them as thou didst anoint their father,.... For Aaron was first anointed, and then his sons:

that they may minister unto me in the priest's office; which they might not do before their anointing, though separated for it, and called unto it:

for their anointing shall surely be an everlasting priesthood throughout their generations; that is, this ceremony of anointing was to be used in all ages at the investiture of the high priest with his office, until the Messiah should come, who would put an end to the Aaronic priesthood; for not common priests, only the successors of the high priest, were anointed in later times; this present unction serving for all the priests that should follow in successive generations, so long as the priesthood continued.

Verse 16

Thus did Moses,.... He set up the tabernacle, and every thing in its place, and anointed them, and Aaron and his sons:

according to all that the Lord commanded him, so did he; by which he approved himself to be a faithful servant in the house of God.

Verse 17

And it came to pass in the first month, in the second year,.... Of the departure of the children of Israel out of Egypt:

on the first day of the month, that the tabernacle was reared up; so that this was in the spring of the year, about the vernal equinox, on a new year's day, that this was done, which was beginning the year well: it was within a fortnight of a year after their coming out of Egypt, and when they had been about five months and a half in building the tabernacle; for such a time it seems they were in doing that, and which, considering the many things to be done, and in the winter season, it shows great dispatch. Where was the place, in which the tabernacle was reared up, is not said: it isF4Pocock's Travels, p. 147. observed, that near the southwest corner of that part of Mount Sinai, which is called Mount Episteme, there is a little hill called Araone by the Arabs, and by the Greeks the tabernacle of the testimony, where they say Aaron was consecrated, and first performed the offices of the priesthood: probably, says a learned manF5Clayton's Chronology of the Hebrew Bible, p. 350. , on this hill was placed the tabernacle of the congregation, which Moses was ordered to place without the camp afar off; but he seems to mistake the tent of Moses, or however the little tabernacle erected before the grand one was made, for this tabernacle in Exodus 33:7 which he seems to refer to; it is more probable that it was now reared up in the midst of the camp of Israel, see Numbers 2:2.

Verse 18

And Moses reared up the tabernacle,.... Not of himself, but with the help of others:

and fastened the sockets, and set up the boards thereof; fixed the silver sockets all around, which were the foundation of the building, and placed and established the shittim boards in them:

and put in the bars thereof; to keep the boards close and tight:

and reared up his pillars; the pillars that supported the vail between the holy and holy of holies, and those on which the hanging for the door of the tabernacle was put, as well as the several pillars all around the court of the tabernacle for the hangings of that.

Verse 19

And he spread abroad the tent over the tabernacle,.... Which were curtains of goats' hair:

and put the covering of the tent above upon it; which was of rams' skins died red, and over that another covering of badgers' skins:

as the Lord commanded Moses; Exodus 26:7.

Verse 20

And he took and put the testimony into the ark,.... The ten commands, called the "testimony", because they testified and declared what was the will of God with respect to things to be done, or not done. The Targum of Jonathan says, he put the broken pieces of the tables into it; but what became of them, or were done with them, we nowhere read; and it does not appear that any other, but those that Moses hewed by the order of God, were put into the ark; see Deuteronomy 10:1.

and set the staves on the ark; that it might be ready to be carried whenever a remove was necessary:

and put the mercy seat above upon the ark; together with the cherubim.

Verse 21

And he brought the ark into the tabernacle,.... Into that part of it called the holy of holies:

and set up the vail of the covering, and covered the ark of the testimony; the vail which divided between the and most holy place, and so kept out of sight the ark of the testimony within, from being seen by any, even by the priests in the holy place:

as the Lord commanded Moses; Exodus 26:33.

Verse 22

And he put the table in the tent of the congregation,.... In the holy place; for there the shewbread table, which is here meant, was put:

upon the side of the tabernacle northward, without the vail; on the north side of the tabernacle, at a little distance from the walls, which were the curtains and boards, even in the holy place on the outside of the vail, which divided from the most holy place.

Verse 23

And he set the bread in order upon it before the Lord,.... The shewbread, the twelve cakes of it, in two rows, six in a row:

as the Lord had commanded Moses: Exodus 25:30.

Verse 24

And he put the candlestick in the tent of the congregation,.... In the same place, the holy place: over against the table: the shewbread table:

on the side of the tabernacle southward: directly opposite to the table.

Verse 25

And he lighted the lamps before the Lord,.... The seven lamps belonging to it: this, though it was the business of the priests of Aaron, and his sons, yet they not being at present invested with their office, was done by Moses, who in this and several other things mentioned in this chapter officiated as a priest:

as the Lord commanded Moses, Exodus 25:37.

Verse 26

And he put the golden altar,.... The altar of incense; so called because it was overlaid with gold, and to distinguish it from the altar of burnt offering, which was covered with brass: to this altar there is an allusion in Revelation 8:3.

in the tent of the congregation, before the vail; in the same place, the holy place, where the shewbread table and candlestick were, and these were all the furniture of it; and this was put, not within the vail, but before it, over against the ark, as that stood within it, Exodus 40:5.

Verse 27

And he burnt sweet incense thereon,.... Which is another branch of the priestly office exercised by Moses, and which he would never have done had he not had a command from God for it, as follows:

as the Lord commanded Moses; he commanded Moses indeed to order and direct Aaron to do this, but he being not yet consecrated, Moses, being the Lord's priest, did it.

Verse 28

And he set up the hanging at the door of the tabernacle. That is, at the door of the holy place, all being brought into it that were to be placed there.

Verse 29

And he put the altar of burnt offering by the door of the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation,.... Of which see Exodus 40:6.

and offered upon it the burnt offering and the meat offering; either the burnt offering the meat offering of the daily sacrifice, as Jarchi interprets it, see Exodus 28:38 or it may be rather the burnt offering and meat offering of the consecration of Aaron and his sons, Exodus 29:1.

as the Lord commanded Moses; in the places referred to.

Verse 30

And he set the laver between the tent of the congregation and the altar,.... Of which position, see Exodus 30:18.

and put water there to wash withal; for the priests to wash their hands and feet with; a type of that laver or fountain opened for the house of David and inhabitants of Jerusalem to wash in, Zechariah 13:1.

Verse 31

And Moses, and Aaron, and his sons, washed their hands and their feet thereat. This laver was for the priests, and Moses, officiating as a priest, washed in it, with Aaron, and his sons, whom he was now about to consecrate to the priest's office, and invest with it by offering sacrifice for them; Jarchi says this was on the eighth day of the consecration.

Verse 32

When they went into the tent of the congregation,.... Not only at this time, but at all other times:

and when they came near unto the altar, they washed; to the altar of burnt offering to offer sacrifice; and also to the altar of incense, and burn incense on that; for before whatever service they performed in the tabernacle they washed:

as the Lord commanded Moses; Exodus 30:20 this phrase is near twenty times expressed in this and the preceding chapter, to show that everything was done by the workmen, and everything put in its proper place by Moses, exactly according to the will of God; no one pursuing his own fancy and private judgment, but all consulting the mind of God, and acting according to that.

Verse 33

And he reared up the court round about the tabernacle and the altar,.... Which consisted of hangings one hundred cubits long and fifty broad; see Exodus 27:9, &c.

and set up the hanging of the court gate; which was at the east end of it; and the hanging was of twenty cubits, hung upon four pillars, Exodus 27:16.

so Moses finished the work; of the tabernacle, in making it by workmen, and in rearing it up by the help of others; and as the former was the work of some months, so the latter, it is highly probable, was the work of some days, at least, in doing all that is said to be done in this chapter relative to it; for though it is said to be reared up on the first day of the first month, yet not then fully set up, or everything done requisite to the use and service of it; see Numbers 7:1.

Verse 34

Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation,.... The outside of it; this cloud was the same with the pillar of cloud that went before the Israelites, as soon almost as they came out of Egypt; and led them through the Red sea, and conducted them to Mount Sinai; only it now appeared in a different form, not erect as a pillar, but more expanded, so as to cover the tabernacle without:

and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle; the inside of it, not the most holy place only, but the holy place also: this was an uncommon brightness, lustre, and splendour, a glorious stream of light, which the eye of man could not well bear to behold; such a glory filled the temple of Solomon at the dedication of that, 1 Kings 8:11 and was an emblem of Christ, the brightness of his Father's glory, dwelling in and filling the tabernacle of the human nature, where the Godhead, the Shechinah, the divine Majesty, dwells bodily, Hebrews 1:3 Colossians 2:9.

Verse 35

And Moses was not able to enter into the tent of the congregation,.... He had been there before, both in the holy, and in the most holy place, to see that the furniture of each were put as the Lord directed, which being done he came out again; and now a cloud being on the outside of it, and the glory of the Lord within, he was so struck with an awe and reverence of the divine Being, of whose presence these were a symbol, that he could not engage his heart, or had not boldness to go into the tabernacle until he was called, Leviticus 1:1 for so it follows:

because the cloud abode thereon, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle; there was something, no doubt, very venerable in the spreading cloud, as well as very striking in the refulgent glory, which commanded distance, even to a person that had been used to converse with God; Moses, that went into the midst of the cloud where the Lord was, now could not or durst not go into the tabernacle it covered; and he who then was not deterred by the sight of the glory of God, which was like devouring fire, Exodus 24:16 now could not, or at least thought it not proper and advisable to enter into the holy place erected for the service and worship of God; the chief reason of which may be, because, as yet, he had not a call to enter, as he then had, and as we find was afterwards given him, Leviticus 1:1 and perhaps another reason may be, because he was now no longer a priest; Aaron and his sons being invested with the priestly office, whose business it was to draw nigh to God; and indeed the call he afterwards had was not to come into the tabernacle, but was a call unto him out of it.

Verse 36

And when the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle,.... By the Lord himself, or it removed by his order, that is, rose up and stood above the tabernacle, and appeared in the form of a pillar, and went before it:

the children of Israel went onward in all their journeys; the motion of the cloud was a direction to set forward and continue their journey as long as it lasted; but when it rested and abode upon the tabernacle, then they stopped and rested also, as is suggested in the following verse Exodus 40:37, see Numbers 9:17 thus the saints are to be followers of God as dear children, and to follow the Lamb whithersoever he goes or directs, and walk after the Spirit, the dictates and directions thereof; so the wheels in Ezekiel's vision went and stood, as did the living creatures, and the spirit in them, Ezekiel 1:19.

Verse 37

But if the cloud were not taken up, then they journeyed not,.... Even if it continued so two days, or a month, or a year, as very probably it sometimes did; which will in some measure account for the long continuance of the Israelites in the wilderness, see Numbers 9:22.

till the day that it was taken up: or, "of its ascent"F6העלתו "sustolli ejus", Montanus. , being "lifted up", or going upwards, higher in the air, right over the tabernacle, or perhaps more to the front of it; the word used before in this and the preceding verse has the signification of ascending upwards.

Verse 38

For the cloud of the Lord was upon the tabernacle by day,.... Or over itF7על המשכן "supra tabernaculum", Drusius. , it covered it, when it abode upon it, and rested; and stood on high over it when it moved and the people journeyed:

and fire was on it by night; the same phenomenon which had the appearance of a cloud in the day time shone like fire in the night time: or "fire was in it"F8בו "in ea"; Fagius, Junius & Tremellius; Drusius. ; that is, in the cloud; so it appeared in the night, and was, as the Targum of Jonathan here calls it, a pillar of fire; the same with the pillar of cloud and fire, which departed not from the people all the while they were in the wilderness, Exodus 13:21 and this was

in the sight of all the house of Israel, throughout all their journeys; whether by night or by day; for in hot countries they travel much by night; and as the cloud was both a shelter from the heat of the sun in the daytime, and a direction of their way; so the fire by night was of the same use for direction, and might be also terrifying to wild beasts in the wilderness, who are afraid of fire, and so be a security to the Israelites from them; all which is an emblem of the guidance and protection, light, joy, and comfort, the church of God has from his gracious presence, while in the wilderness of this world; see Isaiah 4:5.