Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Ezekiel » Chapter 15 » Verse 3

Ezekiel 15:3 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

3 Shall wood H6086 be taken H3947 thereof to do H6213 any work? H4399 or will men take H3947 a pin H3489 of it to hang H8518 any vessel H3627 thereon?

Cross Reference

Jeremiah 24:8 STRONG

And as the evil H7451 figs, H8384 which cannot be eaten, H398 they are so evil; H7455 surely thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 So will I give H5414 Zedekiah H6667 the king H4428 of Judah, H3063 and his princes, H8269 and the residue H7611 of Jerusalem, H3389 that remain H7604 in this land, H776 and them that dwell H3427 in the land H776 of Egypt: H4714

Matthew 5:13 STRONG

Ye G5210 are G2075 the salt G217 of the earth: G1093 but G1161 if G1437 the salt G217 have lost his savour, G3471 wherewith G1722 G5101 shall it be salted? G233 it is thenceforth G2089 good G2480 for G1519 nothing, G3762 but G1508 to be cast G906 out, G1854 and G2532 to be trodden under foot G2662 of G5259 men. G444

Mark 9:50 STRONG

Salt G217 is good: G2570 but G1161 if G1437 the salt G217 have lost G1096 his saltness, G358 wherewith G1722 G5101 will ye season G741 it? G846 Have G2192 salt G217 in G1722 yourselves, G1438 and G2532 have peace G1514 one G240 with G1722 another. G240

Luke 14:34-35 STRONG

Salt G217 is good: G2570 but G1161 if G1437 the salt G217 have lost his savour, G3471 wherewith G1722 G5101 shall it be seasoned? G741 It is G2076 neither G3777 fit G2111 for G1519 the land, G1093 nor yet G3777 for G1519 the dunghill; G2874 but men cast G906 it G846 out. G1854 He that hath G2192 ears G3775 to hear, G191 let him hear. G191

Commentary on Ezekiel 15 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Eze 15:1-8. The Worthlessness of the Vine as Wood Especially When Burnt, Is the Image of the Worthlessness and Guilt of the Jews, Who Shall Pass from One Fire to Another.

This chapter represents, in the way of a brief introduction, what the sixteenth chapter details minutely.

2, 3. What has the vine-wood to make it pre-eminent above other forest-wood? Nothing. Nay, the reverse. Other trees yield useful timber, but vine-wood is soft, brittle, crooked, and seldom large; not so much as a "pin" (the large wooden peg used inside houses in the East to hang household articles on, Isa 22:23-25) can be made of it. Its sole excellency is that it should bear fruit; when it does not bear fruit, it is not only not better, but inferior to other trees: so if God's people lose their distinctive excellency by not bearing fruits of righteousness, they are more unprofitable than the worldly (De 32:32), for they are the vine; the sole end of their being is to bear fruit to His glory (Ps 80:8, 9; Isa 5:1, &c.; Jer 2:21; Ho 10:1; Mt 21:33). In all respects, except in their being planted by God, the Jews were inferior to other nations, as Egypt, Babylon, &c., for example, in antiquity, extent of territory, resources, military power, attainments in arts and sciences.

or than a branch—rather, in apposition with "the vine tree." Omit "or than." What superiority has the vine if it be but a branch among the trees of the forest, that is, if, as having no fruit, it lies cut down among other woods of trees?

4. cast into … fire—(Joh 15:6).

both the ends—the north kingdom having been already overturned by Assyria under Tiglath-pileser; the south being pressed on by Egypt (2Ki 23:29-35).

midst of it is burned—rather, "is on flame"; namely, Jerusalem, which had now caught the flame by the attack of Nebuchadnezzar.

Is it meet for any work—"it," that is, the scorched part still remaining.

5. If useless before, much more so when almost wholly burnt.

6. So will I give the inhabitants of Jerusalem, as being utterly unprofitable (Mt 21:33-41; 25:30; Mr 11:12-14; Lu 13:6-9) in answering God's design that they should be witnesses for Jehovah before the heathen (Mt 3:10; 5:13).

7. And I will set my face against them—(See on Le 17:10).

from one fire … another—(Compare Isa 24:18). "Fire" means here every kind of calamity (Ps 66:12). The Jewish fugitives shall escape from the ruin of Jerusalem, only to fall into some other calamity.

8. trespass—rather, "they have perversely fallen into perverse rebellion." The Jews were not merely sinners as the other nations, but revolters and apostates. It is one thing to neglect what we know not, but quite another thing to despise what we profess to worship [Jerome], as the Jews did towards God and the law.