Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Ezekiel » Chapter 2 » Verse 10

Ezekiel 2:10 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

10 And he spread H6566 it before H6440 me; and it was written H3789 within H6440 and without: H268 and there was written H3789 therein lamentations, H7015 and mourning, H1899 and woe. H1958

Cross Reference

Revelation 8:13 STRONG

And G2532 I beheld, G1492 and G2532 heard G191 an G1520 angel G32 flying G4072 through G1722 the midst of heaven, G3321 saying G3004 with a loud G3173 voice, G5456 Woe, G3759 woe, G3759 woe, G3759 to the inhabiters G2730 of G1909 the earth G1093 by reason of G1537 the other G3062 voices G5456 of the trumpet G4536 of the three G5140 angels, G32 which G3588 are yet G3195 to sound! G4537

Isaiah 3:11 STRONG

Woe H188 unto the wicked! H7563 it shall be ill H7451 with him: for the reward H1576 of his hands H3027 shall be given H6213 him.

Isaiah 30:8-11 STRONG

Now go, H935 write H3789 it before them in a table, H3871 and note H2710 it in a book, H5612 that it may be for the time H3117 to come H314 for H5704 ever H5703 and ever: H5769 That this is a rebellious H4805 people, H5971 lying H3586 children, H1121 children H1121 that will H14 not hear H8085 the law H8451 of the LORD: H3068 Which say H559 to the seers, H7200 See H7200 not; and to the prophets, H2374 Prophesy H2372 not unto us right things, H5229 speak H1696 unto us smooth things, H2513 prophesy H2372 deceits: H4123 Get you out H5493 of the way, H1870 turn aside H5186 out of the path, H734 cause the Holy One H6918 of Israel H3478 to cease H7673 from before H6440 us.

Jeremiah 36:29-32 STRONG

And thou shalt say H559 to Jehoiakim H3079 king H4428 of Judah, H3063 Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 Thou hast burned H8313 this roll, H4039 saying, H559 Why hast thou written H3789 therein, saying, H559 The king H4428 of Babylon H894 shall certainly H935 come H935 and destroy H7843 this land, H776 and shall cause to cease H7673 from thence man H120 and beast? H929 Therefore thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of Jehoiakim H3079 king H4428 of Judah; H3063 He shall have none to sit H3427 upon the throne H3678 of David: H1732 and his dead body H5038 shall be cast out H7993 in the day H3117 to the heat, H2721 and in the night H3915 to the frost. H7140 And I will punish H6485 him and his seed H2233 and his servants H5650 for their iniquity; H5771 and I will bring H935 upon them, and upon the inhabitants H3427 of Jerusalem, H3389 and upon the men H376 of Judah, H3063 all the evil H7451 that I have pronounced H1696 against them; but they hearkened H8085 not. Then took H3947 Jeremiah H3414 another H312 roll, H4039 and gave H5414 it to Baruch H1263 the scribe, H5608 the son H1121 of Neriah; H5374 who wrote H3789 therein from the mouth H6310 of Jeremiah H3414 all the words H1697 of the book H5612 which Jehoiakim H3079 king H4428 of Judah H3063 had burned H8313 in the fire: H784 and there were added H3254 besides unto them many H7227 like H1992 words. H1697

Habakkuk 2:2 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 answered H6030 me, and said, H559 Write H3789 the vision, H2377 and make it plain H874 upon tables, H3871 that he may run H7323 that readeth H7121 it.

Revelation 9:12 STRONG

One G3391 woe G3759 is past; G565 and, behold, G2400 there come G2064 two G1417 woes G3759 more G2089 hereafter. G3326 G5023

Revelation 11:14 STRONG

The second G1208 woe G3759 is past; G565 and, G2532 behold, G2400 the third G5154 woe G3759 cometh G2064 quickly. G5035

Commentary on Ezekiel 2 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Eze 2:1-10. Ezekiel's Commission.

1. Son of man—often applied to Ezekiel; once only to Daniel (Da 8:17), and not to any other prophet. The phrase was no doubt taken from Chaldean usage during the sojourn of Daniel and Ezekiel in Chaldea. But the spirit who sanctioned the words of the prophet implied by it the lowliness and frailty of the prophet as man "lower than the angels," though now admitted to the vision of angels and of God Himself, "lest he should be exalted through the abundance of the revelations" (2Co 12:7). He is appropriately so called as being type of the divine "Son of man" here revealed as "man" (see on Eze 1:26). That title, as applied to Messiah, implies at once His lowliness and His exaltation, in His manifestations as the Representative man, at His first and second comings respectively (Ps 8:4-8; Mt 16:13; 20:18; and on the other hand, Da 7:13, 14; Mt 26:64; Joh 5:27).

2. spirit entered … when he spake—The divine word is ever accompanied by the Spirit (Ge 1:2, 3).

set … upon … feet—He had been "upon his face" (Eze 1:28). Humiliation on our part is followed by exaltation on God's part (Eze 3:23, 24; Job 22:29; Jas 4:6; 1Pe 5:5). "On the feet" was the fitting attitude when he was called on to walk and work for God (Eph 5:8; 6:15).

that I heard—rather, "then I heard."

3. nation—rather, "nations"; the word usually applied to the heathen or Gentiles; here to the Jews, as being altogether heathenized with idolatries. So in Isa 1:10, they are named "Sodom" and "Gomorrah." They were now become "Lo-ammi," not the people of God (Ho 1:9).

4. impudent—literally, "hard-faced" (Eze 3:7, 9).

children—resumptive of "they" (Eze 2:3); the "children" walk in their "fathers'" steps.

I … send thee—God opposes His command to all obstacles. Duties are ours; events are God's.

Thus saith the Lord God—God opposes His name to the obstinacy of the people.

5. forbear—namely, to hear.

yet shall know—Even if they will not hear, at least they will not have ignorance to plead as the cause of their perversity (Eze 33:33).

6. briers—not as the Margin and Gesenius, "rebels," which would not correspond so well to "thorns." The Hebrew is from a root meaning "to sting" as nettles do. The wicked are often so called (2Sa 23:6; So 2:2; Isa 9:18).

scorpions—a reptile about six inches long with a deadly sting at the end of the tail.

be not afraid—(Lu 12:4; 1Pe 3:14).

7. most rebellious—literally, "rebellion" itself: its very essence.

8. eat—(See on Jer 15:16; Re 10:9, 10). The idea is to possess himself fully of the message and digest it in the mind; not literal eating, but such an appropriation of its unsavory contents that they should become, as it were, part of himself, so as to impart them the more vividly to his hearers.

9. roll—the form in which ancient books were made.

10. within and without—on the face and the back. Usually the parchment was written only on its inside when rolled up; but so full was God's message of impending woes that it was written also on the back.