Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Ezekiel » Chapter 24 » Verse 6

Ezekiel 24:6 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

6 Wherefore thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Woe H188 to the bloody H1818 city, H5892 to the pot H5518 whose scum H2457 is therein, and whose scum H2457 is not gone out H3318 of it! bring it out H3318 piece H5409 by piece; H5409 let no lot H1486 fall H5307 upon it.

Cross Reference

Ezekiel 22:2 STRONG

Now, thou son H1121 of man, H120 wilt thou judge, H8199 wilt thou judge H8199 the bloody H1818 city? H5892 yea, thou shalt shew H3045 her all her abominations. H8441

Nahum 3:1 STRONG

Woe H1945 to the bloody H1818 city! H5892 it is all full H4392 of lies H3585 and robbery; H6563 the prey H2964 departeth H4185 not;

Nahum 3:10 STRONG

Yet was she carried away, H1473 she went H1980 into captivity: H7628 her young children H5768 also were dashed in pieces H7376 at the top H7218 of all the streets: H2351 and they cast H3032 lots H1486 for her honourable men, H3513 and all her great men H1419 were bound H7576 in chains. H2131

Micah 7:2 STRONG

The good H2623 man is perished H6 out of the earth: H776 and there is none upright H3477 among men: H120 they all lie in wait H693 for blood; H1818 they hunt H6679 every man H376 his brother H251 with a net. H2764

Obadiah 1:11 STRONG

In the day H3117 that thou stoodest H5975 on the other side, in the day H3117 that the strangers H2114 carried away captive H7617 his forces, H2428 and foreigners H5237 entered H935 into his gates, H8179 and cast H3032 lots H1486 upon Jerusalem, H3389 even thou wast as one H259 of them.

Ezekiel 22:27 STRONG

Her princes H8269 in the midst H7130 thereof are like wolves H2061 ravening H2963 the prey, H2964 to shed H8210 blood, H1818 and to destroy H6 souls, H5315 to get H1214 dishonest gain. H1215

2 Kings 24:4 STRONG

And also for the innocent H5355 blood H1818 that he shed: H8210 for he filled H4390 Jerusalem H3389 with innocent H5355 blood; H1818 which the LORD H3068 would H14 not pardon. H5545

Ezekiel 24:11-13 STRONG

Then set H5975 it empty H7386 upon the coals H1513 thereof, that the brass H5178 of it may be hot, H3179 and may burn, H2787 and that the filthiness H2932 of it may be molten H5413 in it, H8432 that the scum H2457 of it may be consumed. H8552 She hath wearied H3811 herself with lies, H8383 and her great H7227 scum H2457 went not forth H3318 out of her: her scum H2457 shall be in the fire. H784 In thy filthiness H2932 is lewdness: H2154 because I have purged H2891 thee, and thou wast not purged, H2891 thou shalt not be purged H2891 from thy filthiness H2932 any more, till I have caused my fury H2534 to rest H5117 upon thee.

Revelation 18:24 STRONG

And G2532 in G1722 her G846 was found G2147 the blood G129 of prophets, G4396 and G2532 of saints, G40 and G2532 of all G3956 that were slain G4969 upon G1909 the earth. G1093

Revelation 17:6 STRONG

And G2532 I saw G1492 the woman G1135 drunken G3184 with G1537 the blood G129 of the saints, G40 and G2532 with G1537 the blood G129 of the martyrs G3144 of Jesus: G2424 and G2532 when I saw G1492 her, G846 I wondered G2296 with great G3173 admiration. G2295

Revelation 11:7-8 STRONG

And G2532 when G3752 they shall have finished G5055 their G846 testimony, G3141 the beast G2342 that ascendeth G305 out of G1537 the bottomless pit G12 shall make G4160 war G4171 against G3326 them, G846 and G2532 shall overcome G3528 them, G846 and G2532 kill G615 them. G846 And G2532 their G846 dead bodies G4430 shall lie in G1909 the street G4113 of the great G3173 city, G4172 which G3748 spiritually G4153 is called G2564 Sodom G4670 and G2532 Egypt, G125 where G3699 also G2532 our G2257 Lord G2962 was crucified. G4717

Matthew 23:35 STRONG

That G3704 upon G1909 you G5209 may come G2064 all G3956 the righteous G1342 blood G129 shed G1632 upon G1909 the earth, G1093 from G575 the blood G129 of righteous G1342 Abel G6 unto G2193 the blood G129 of Zacharias G2197 son G5207 of Barachias, G914 whom G3739 ye slew G5407 between G3342 the temple G3485 and G2532 the altar. G2379

Jonah 1:7 STRONG

And they said H559 every one H376 to his fellow, H7453 Come, H3212 and let us cast H5307 lots, H1486 that we may know H3045 for whose cause H7945 this evil H7451 is upon us. So they cast H5307 lots, H1486 and the lot H1486 fell H5307 upon Jonah. H3124

Joel 3:3 STRONG

And they have cast H3032 lots H1486 for my people; H5971 and have given H5414 a boy H3206 for an harlot, H2181 and sold H4376 a girl H3207 for wine, H3196 that they might drink. H8354

Joshua 7:16-18 STRONG

So Joshua H3091 rose up early H7925 in the morning, H1242 and brought H7126 Israel H3478 by their tribes; H7626 and the tribe H7626 of Judah H3063 was taken: H3920 And he brought H7126 the family H4940 of Judah; H3063 and he took H3920 the family H4940 of the Zarhites: H2227 and he brought H7126 the family H4940 of the Zarhites H2227 man H1397 by man; H1397 and Zabdi H2067 was taken: H3920 And he brought H7126 his household H1004 man H1397 by man; H1397 and Achan, H5912 the son H1121 of Carmi, H3756 the son H1121 of Zabdi, H2067 the son H1121 of Zerah, H2226 of the tribe H4294 of Judah, H3063 was taken. H3920

Ezekiel 24:9 STRONG

Therefore thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Woe H188 to the bloody H1818 city! H5892 I will even make the pile H4071 for fire great. H1431

Ezekiel 23:37-45 STRONG

That they have committed adultery, H5003 and blood H1818 is in their hands, H3027 and with their idols H1544 have they committed adultery, H5003 and have also caused their sons, H1121 whom they bare H3205 unto me, to pass for them through H5674 the fire, to devour H402 them. Moreover this they have done H6213 unto me: they have defiled H2930 my sanctuary H4720 in the same day, H3117 and have profaned H2490 my sabbaths. H7676 For when they had slain H7819 their children H1121 to their idols, H1544 then they came H935 the same day H3117 into my sanctuary H4720 to profane H2490 it; and, lo, thus have they done H6213 in the midst H8432 of mine house. H1004 And furthermore, H637 that ye have sent H7971 for men H582 to come H935 from far, H4801 unto whom a messenger H4397 was sent; H7971 and, lo, they came: H935 for whom thou didst wash H7364 thyself, paintedst H3583 thy eyes, H5869 and deckedst H5710 thyself with ornaments, H5716 And satest H3427 upon a stately H3520 bed, H4296 and a table H7979 prepared H6186 before H6440 it, whereupon thou hast set H7760 mine incense H7004 and mine oil. H8081 And a voice H6963 of a multitude H1995 being at ease H7961 was with her: and with the men H582 of the common sort H7230 H120 were brought H935 Sabeans H5436 H5433 from the wilderness, H4057 which put H5414 bracelets H6781 upon their hands, H3027 and beautiful H8597 crowns H5850 upon their heads. H7218 Then said H559 I unto her that was old H1087 in adulteries, H5004 Will they now commit H2181 whoredoms H8457 with her, and she with them? Yet they went in H935 unto her, as they go in H935 unto a woman H802 that playeth the harlot: H2181 so went they in H935 unto Aholah H170 and unto Aholibah, H172 the lewd H2154 women. H802 And the righteous H6662 men, H582 they shall judge H8199 them after the manner H4941 of adulteresses, H5003 and after the manner H4941 of women that shed H8210 blood; H1818 because they are adulteresses, H5003 and blood H1818 is in their hands. H3027

Ezekiel 22:12 STRONG

In thee have they taken H3947 gifts H7810 to shed H8210 blood; H1818 thou hast taken H3947 usury H5392 and increase, H8636 and thou hast greedily gained H1214 of thy neighbours H7453 by extortion, H6233 and hast forgotten H7911 me, saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD. H3069

Ezekiel 22:6-9 STRONG

Behold, the princes H5387 of Israel, H3478 every one H376 were in thee to their power H2220 to shed H8210 blood. H1818 In thee have they set light H7043 by father H1 and mother: H517 in the midst H8432 of thee have they dealt H6213 by oppression H6233 with the stranger: H1616 in thee have they vexed H3238 the fatherless H3490 and the widow. H490 Thou hast despised H959 mine holy things, H6944 and hast profaned H2490 my sabbaths. H7676 In thee are men H582 that carry tales H7400 to shed H8210 blood: H1818 and in thee they eat H398 upon the mountains: H2022 in the midst H8432 of thee they commit H6213 lewdness. H2154

Ezekiel 11:11 STRONG

This city shall not be your caldron, H5518 neither shall ye be the flesh H1320 in the midst H8432 thereof; but I will judge H8199 you in the border H1366 of Israel: H3478

Ezekiel 11:6-9 STRONG

Ye have multiplied H7235 your slain H2491 in this city, H5892 and ye have filled H4390 the streets H2351 thereof with the slain. H2491 Therefore thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Your slain H2491 whom ye have laid H7760 in the midst H8432 of it, they are the flesh, H1320 and this city is the caldron: H5518 but I will bring you forth H3318 out of the midst H8432 of it. Ye have feared H3372 the sword; H2719 and I will bring H935 a sword H2719 upon you, saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD. H3069 And I will bring you out H3318 of the midst H8432 thereof, and deliver H5414 you into the hands H3027 of strangers, H2114 and will execute H6213 judgments H8201 among you.

Ezekiel 9:5-6 STRONG

And to the others H428 he said H559 in mine hearing, H241 Go H5674 ye after H310 him through the city, H5892 and smite: H5221 let not your eye H5869 spare, H2347 neither have ye pity: H2550 Slay H2026 utterly H4889 old H2205 and young, H970 both maids, H1330 and little children, H2945 and women: H802 but come not near H5066 any man H376 upon whom is the mark; H8420 and begin H2490 at my sanctuary. H4720 Then they began H2490 at the ancient H2205 men H582 which were before H6440 the house. H1004

Jeremiah 6:29 STRONG

The bellows H4647 are burned, H2787 the lead H5777 is consumed H8552 of the fire; H800 H784 the founder H6884 melteth H6884 in vain: H7723 for the wicked H7451 are not plucked away. H5423

2 Kings 21:16 STRONG

Moreover Manasseh H4519 shed H8210 innocent H5355 blood H1818 very H3966 much, H7235 till he had filled H4390 Jerusalem H3389 from one end H6310 to another; H6310 beside his sin H2403 wherewith he made Judah H3063 to sin, H2398 in doing H6213 that which was evil H7451 in the sight H5869 of the LORD. H3068

2 Samuel 8:2 STRONG

And he smote H5221 Moab, H4124 and measured H4058 them with a line, H2256 casting them down H7901 to the ground; H776 even with two H8147 lines H2256 measured H4058 he to put to death, H4191 and with one full H4393 line H2256 to keep alive. H2421 And so the Moabites H4124 became David's H1732 servants, H5650 and brought H5375 gifts. H4503

1 Samuel 14:40-42 STRONG

Then said H559 he unto all Israel, H3478 Be ye on one H259 side, H5676 and I and Jonathan H3129 my son H1121 will be on the other H259 side. H5676 And the people H5971 said H559 unto Saul, H7586 Do H6213 what seemeth H5869 good H2896 unto thee. Therefore Saul H7586 said H559 unto the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel, H3478 Give H3051 a perfect H8549 lot. And Saul H7586 and Jonathan H3129 were taken: H3920 but the people H5971 escaped. H3318 And Saul H7586 said, H559 Cast H5307 lots between me and Jonathan H3129 my son. H1121 And Jonathan H3129 was taken. H3920

Joshua 10:22 STRONG

Then said H559 Joshua, H3091 Open H6605 the mouth H6310 of the cave, H4631 and bring out H3318 those five H2568 kings H4428 unto me out of the cave. H4631

Commentary on Ezekiel 24 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Eze 24:1-27. Vision of the Boiling Caldron, and of the Death of Ezekiel's Wife.

1, 2. Ezekiel proves his divine mission by announcing the very day, ("this same day") of the beginning of the investment of the city by Nebuchadnezzar; "the ninth year," namely, of Jehoiachin's captivity, "the tenth day of the tenth month"; though he was three hundred miles away from Jerusalem among the captives at the Chebar (2Ki 25:1; Jer 39:1).

2. set himself—laid siege; "lay against."

3. pot—caldron. Alluding to the self-confident proverb used among the people, Eze 11:3 (see on Eze 11:3), "This city is the caldron and we be the flesh"; your proverb shall prove awfully true, but in a different sense from what you intend. So far from the city proving an iron, caldron-like defense from the fire, it shall be as a caldron set on the fire, and the people as so many pieces of meat subjected to boiling heat. See Jer 1:13.

4. pieces thereof—those which properly belong to it, as its own.

every good piece … choice bones—that is, the most distinguished of the people. The "choice bones" in the pot have flesh adhering to them. The bones under the pot (Eze 24:5) are those having no flesh and used as fuel, answering to the poorest who suffer first, and are put out of pain sooner than the rich who endure what answers to the slower process of boiling.

5. burn … bones—rather, "pile the bones." Literally, "Let there be a round pile of the bones."

therein—literally, "in the midst of it."

6. scum—not ordinary, but poisonous scum, that is, the people's all-pervading wickedness.

bring it out piece by piece—"it," the contents of the pot; its flesh, that is, "I will destroy the people of the city, not all at the same time, but by a series of successive attacks." Not as Fairbairn, "on its every piece let it (the poisonous scum) go forth."

let no lot fall upon it—that is, no lot, such as is sometimes cast, to decide who are to be destroyed and who saved (2Sa 8:2; Joe 3:3; Ob 11; Na 3:10). In former carryings away of captives, lots were cast to settle who were to go, and who to stay, but now all alike are to be cast out without distinction of rank, age, or sex.

7. upon the top of a rock—or, "the dry, bare, exposed rock," so as to be conspicuous to all. Blood poured on a rock is not so soon absorbed as blood poured on the earth. The law ordered the blood even of a beast or fowl to be "covered with the dust" (Le 17:13); but Jerusalem was so shameless as to be at no pains to cover up the blood of innocent men slain in her. Blood, as the consummation of all sin, presupposes every other form of guilt.

8. That it might cause—God purposely let her so shamelessly pour the blood on the bare rock, "that it might" the more loudly and openly cry for vengeance from on high; and that the connection between the guilt and the punishment might be the more palpable. The blood of Abel, though the ground received it, still cries to heaven for vengeance (Ge 4:10, 11); much more blood shamelessly exposed on the bare rock.

set her blood—She shall be paid back in kind (Mt 7:2). She openly shed blood, and her blood shall openly be shed.

9. the pile for fire—the hostile materials for the city's destruction.

10. spice it well—that the meat may be the more palatable, that is, I will make the foe delight in its destruction as much as one delights in well-seasoned, savory meat. Grotius, needlessly departing from the obvious sense, translates, "Let it be boiled down to a compound."

11. set it empty … that … brass … may burn, … that … scum … may be consumed—Even the consumption of the contents is not enough; the caldron itself which is infected by the poisonous scum must be destroyed, that is, the city itself must be destroyed, not merely the inhabitants, just as the very house infected with leprosy was to be destroyed (Le 14:34-45).

12. herself—rather, "she hath wearied Me out with lies"; or rather, "with vain labors" on My part to purify her without being obliged to have recourse to judgments (compare Isa 43:24; Mal 2:17) [Maurer]. However, English Version gives a good sense (compare Isa 47:13; 57:10).

13. lewdness—determined, deliberate wickedness; from a Hebrew root, "to purpose."

I have purged thee—that is, I have left nothing untried which would tend towards purging thee, by sending prophets to invite thee to repentance, by giving thee the law with all its promises, privileges, and threats.

thou shalt not be purged … any more—that is, by My gracious interpositions; thou shalt be left to thine own course to take its fatal consequences.

14. go back—desist; relax [Fairbairn].

15. Second part of the vision; announcement of the death of Ezekiel's wife, and prohibition of the usual signs of mourning.

16. desire of … eyes—his wife: representing the sanctuary (Eze 24:21) in which the Jews so much gloried. The energy and subordination of Ezekiel's whole life to his prophetic office is strikingly displayed in this narrative of his wife's death. It is the only memorable event of his personal history which he records, and this only in reference to his soul-absorbing work. His natural tenderness is shown by that graphic touch, "the desire of thine eyes." What amazing subjection, then, of his individual feeling to his prophetic duty is manifested in the simple statement (Eze 24:18), "So I spake … in the morning; and at even my wife died; and I did in the morning as I was commanded."

stroke—a sudden visitation. The suddenness of it enhances the self-control of Ezekiel in so entirely merging individual feeling, which must have been especially acute under such trying circumstances, in the higher claims of duty to God.

17. Forbear to cry—or, "Lament in silence"; not forbidding sorrow, but the loud expression of it [Grotius].

no mourning—typical of the universality of the ruin of Jerusalem, which would preclude mourning, such as is usual where calamity is but partial. "The dead" is purposely put in the plural, as referring ultimately to the dead who should perish at the taking of Jerusalem; though the singular might have been expected, as Ezekiel's wife was the immediate subject referred to: "make no mourning," such as is usual, "for the dead, and such as shall be hereafter in Jerusalem" (Jer 16:5-7).

tire of thine head—thy headdress [Fairbairn]. Jerome explains, "Thou shalt retain the hair which is usually cut in mourning." The fillet, binding the hair about the temples like a chaplet, was laid aside at such times. Uncovering the head was an ordinary sign of mourning in priests; whereas others covered their heads in mourning (2Sa 15:30). The reason was, the priests had their headdress of fine twined linen given them for ornament, and as a badge of office. The high priest, as having on his head the holy anointing oil, was forbidden in any case to lay aside his headdress. But the priests might do so in the case of the death of the nearest relatives (Le 21:2, 3, 10). They then put on inferior attire, sprinkling also on their heads dust and ashes (compare Le 10:6, 7).

shoes upon thy feet—whereas mourners went "barefoot" (2Sa 15:30).

cover not … lips—rather, the "upper lip," with the moustache (Le 13:45; Mic 3:7).

bread of men—the bread usually brought to mourners by friends in token of sympathy. So the "cup of consolation" brought (Jer 16:7). "Of men" means such as is usually furnished by men. So Isa 8:1, "a man's pen"; Re 21:17, "the measure of a man."

19. what these things are to us—The people perceive that Ezekiel's strange conduct has a symbolical meaning as to themselves; they ask, "What is that meaning?"

21. excellency of your strength—(compare Am 6:8). The object of your pride and confidence (Jer 7:4, 10, 14).

desire of … eyes—(Ps 27:4). The antitype to Ezekiel's wife (Eze 24:16).

pitieth—loveth, as pity is akin to love: "yearned over."

Profane—an appropriate word. They had profaned the temple with idolatry; God, in just retribution, will profane it with the Chaldean sword, that is, lay it in the dust, as Ezekiel's wife.

sons … daughters … left—the children left behind in Judea, when the parents were carried away.

22. (Jer 16:6, 7). So general shall be the calamity, that all ordinary usages of mourning shall be suspended.

23. ye shall not mourn … but … pine away for your iniquities—The Jews' not mourning was to be not the result of insensibility, any more than Ezekiel's not mourning for his wife was not from want of feeling. They could not in their exile manifest publicly their lamentation, but they would privately "mourn one to another." Their "iniquities" would then be their chief sorrow ("pining away"), as feeling that these were the cause of their sufferings (compare Le 26:39; La 3:39). The fullest fulfilment is still future (Zec 12:10-14).

24. sign—a typical representative in his own person of what was to befall them (Isa 20:3).

when this cometh—alluding probably to their taunt, as if God's word spoken by His prophets would never come to pass. "Where is the word of the Lord? Let it come now" (Jer 17:15). When the prophecy is fulfilled, "ye shall know (to your cost) that I am the Lord," who thereby show My power and fulfil My word spoken by My prophet (Joh 13:19; 14:29).

25, 26. "The day" referred to in these verses is the day of the overthrow of the temple, when the fugitive "escapes." But "that day," in Eze 24:27, is the day on which the fugitive brings the sad news to Ezekiel, at the Chebar. In the interval the prophet suspended his prophecies as to the Jews, as was foretold. Afterwards his mouth was "opened," and no more "dumb" (Eze 3:26, 27; compare Eze 24:27; 33:21, 22).