Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Ezekiel » Chapter 32 » Verse 27

Ezekiel 32:27 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

27 And they shall not lie H7901 with the mighty H1368 that are fallen H5307 of the uncircumcised, H6189 which are gone down H3381 to hell H7585 with their weapons H3627 of war: H4421 and they have laid H5414 their swords H2719 under their heads, H7218 but their iniquities H5771 shall be upon their bones, H6106 though they were the terror H2851 of the mighty H1368 in the land H776 of the living. H2416

Cross Reference

Isaiah 14:18-19 STRONG

All the kings H4428 of the nations, H1471 even all of them, lie H7901 in glory, H3519 every one H376 in his own house. H1004 But thou art cast out H7993 of thy grave H6913 like an abominable H8581 branch, H5342 and as the raiment H3830 of those that are slain, H2026 thrust through H2944 with a sword, H2719 that go down H3381 to the stones H68 of the pit; H953 as a carcase H6297 trodden under feet. H947

Job 3:13-15 STRONG

For now should I have lain still H7901 and been quiet, H8252 I should have slept: H3462 then had I been at rest, H5117 With kings H4428 and counsellors H3289 of the earth, H776 which built H1129 desolate places H2723 for themselves; Or with princes H8269 that had gold, H2091 who filled H4390 their houses H1004 with silver: H3701

Job 20:11 STRONG

His bones H6106 are full H4390 of the sin of his youth, H5934 which shall lie down H7901 with him in the dust. H6083

Psalms 109:18 STRONG

As he clothed H3847 himself with cursing H7045 like as with his garment, H4055 so let it come H935 into his bowels H7130 like water, H4325 and like oil H8081 into his bones. H6106

Ezekiel 32:21 STRONG

The strong H410 among the mighty H1368 shall speak H1696 to him out of the midst H8432 of hell H7585 with them that help H5826 him: they are gone down, H3381 they lie H7901 uncircumcised, H6189 slain H2491 by the sword. H2719

Psalms 49:14 STRONG

Like sheep H6629 they are laid H8371 in the grave; H7585 death H4194 shall feed H7462 on them; and the upright H3477 shall have dominion H7287 over them in the morning; H1242 and their beauty H6697 H6736 shall consume H1086 in the grave H7585 from their dwelling. H2073

Psalms 92:7 STRONG

When the wicked H7563 spring H6524 as the grass, H6212 and when all the workers H6466 of iniquity H205 do flourish; H6692 it is that they shall be destroyed H8045 for ever: H5703

Psalms 92:9 STRONG

For, lo, thine enemies, H341 O LORD, H3068 for, lo, thine enemies H341 shall perish; H6 all the workers H6466 of iniquity H205 shall be scattered. H6504

Proverbs 14:32 STRONG

The wicked H7563 is driven away H1760 in his wickedness: H7451 but the righteous H6662 hath hope H2620 in his death. H4194

Isaiah 54:17 STRONG

No weapon H3627 that is formed H3335 against thee shall prosper; H6743 and every tongue H3956 that shall rise H6965 against thee in judgment H4941 thou shalt condemn. H7561 This is the heritage H5159 of the servants H5650 of the LORD, H3068 and their righteousness H6666 is of me, saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

Ezekiel 18:20 STRONG

The soul H5315 that sinneth, H2398 it shall die. H4191 The son H1121 shall not bear H5375 the iniquity H5771 of the father, H1 neither shall the father H1 bear H5375 the iniquity H5771 of the son: H1121 the righteousness H6666 of the righteous H6662 shall be upon him, and the wickedness H7564 of the wicked H7563 shall be upon him.

John 8:24 STRONG

I said G2036 therefore G3767 unto you, G5213 that G3754 ye shall die G599 in G1722 your G5216 sins: G266 for G1063 if G3362 ye believe G4100 not G3362 that G3754 I G1473 am G1510 he, ye shall die G599 in G1722 your G5216 sins. G266

2 Corinthians 10:4 STRONG

(For G1063 the weapons G3696 of our G2257 warfare G4752 are not G3756 carnal, G4559 but G235 mighty G1415 through God G2316 to G4314 the pulling down G2506 of strong holds;) G3794

Commentary on Ezekiel 32 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Eze 32:1-32. Two Elegies over Pharaoh, One Delivered on the First Day (Eze 32:1), THE Other on the Fifteenth Day of the Same Month, the Twelfth of the Twelfth Year.

1. The twelfth year from the carrying away of Jehoiachin; Jerusalem was by this time overthrown, and Amasis was beginning his revolt against Pharaoh-hophra.

2. Pharaoh—"Phra" in Burmah, signifies the king, high priest, and idol.

whale—rather, any monster of the waters; here, the crocodile of the Nile. Pharaoh is as a lion on dry land, a crocodile in the waters; that is, an object of terror everywhere.

camest forth with thy rivers—"breakest forth" [Fairbairn]. The antithesis of "seas" and "rivers" favors Grotius rendering, "Thou camest forth from the sea into the rivers"; that is, from thy own empire into other states. However, English Version is favored by the "thy": thou camest forth with thy rivers (that is, with thy forces) and with thy feet didst fall irrecoverably; so Israel, once desolate, troubles the waters (that is, neighboring states).

3. with a company of many people—namely, the Chaldeans (Eze 29:3, 4; Ho 7:12).

my net—for they are My instrument.

4. leave thee upon the land—as a fish drawn out of the water loses all its strength, so Pharaoh (in Eze 32:3, compared to a water monster) shall be (Eze 29:5).

5. thy height—thy hugeness [Fairbairn]. The great heap of corpses of thy forces, on which thou pridest thyself. "Height" may refer to mental elevation, as well as bodily [Vatablus].

6. land wherein thou swimmest—Egypt: the land watered by the Nile, the the source of its fertility, wherein thou swimmest (carrying on the image of the crocodile, that is, wherein thou dost exercise thy wanton power at will). Irony. The land shall still afford seas to swim in, but they shall be seas of blood. Alluding to the plague (Ex 7:19; Re 8:8). Havernick translates, "I will water the land with what flows from thee, even thy blood, reaching to the mountains": "with thy blood overflowing even to the mountains." Perhaps this is better.

7. put thee out—extinguish thy light (Job 18:5). Pharaoh is represented as a bright star, at the extinguishing of whose light in the political sky the whole heavenly host is shrouded in sympathetic darkness. Here, too, as in Eze 32:6, there is an allusion to the supernatural darkness sent formerly (Ex 10:21-23). The heavenly bodies are often made images of earthly dynasties (Isa 13:10; Mt 24:29).

9. thy destruction—that is, tidings of thy destruction (literally, "thy breakage") carried by captive and dispersed Egyptians "among the nations" [Grotius]; or, thy broken people, resembling one great fracture, the ruins of what they had been [Fairbairn].

10. brandish my sword before them—literally, "in their faces," or sight.

13. (See on Eze 29:11). The picture is ideally true, not to be interpreted by the letter. The political ascendency of Egypt was to cease with the Chaldean conquest [Fairbairn]. Henceforth Pharaoh must figuratively no longer trouble the waters by man or beast, that is, no longer was he to flood other peoples with his overwhelming forces.

14. make their waters deep—rather, "make … to subside"; literally, "sink" [Fairbairn].

like oil—emblem of quietness. No longer shall they descend violently on other countries as the overflowing Nile, but shall be still and sluggish in political action.

16. As in Eze 19:14. This is a prophetical lamentation; yet so it shall come to pass [Grotius].

17. The second lamentation for Pharaoh. This funeral dirge in imagination accompanies him to the unseen world. Egypt personified in its political head is ideally represented as undergoing the change by death to which man is liable. Expressing that Egypt's supremacy is no more, a thing of the past, never to be again.

the month—the twelfth month (Eze 32:1); fourteen days after the former vision.

18. cast them down—that is, predict that they shall be cast down (so Jer 1:10). The prophet's word was God's, and carried with it its own fulfilment.

daughters of … nations—that is, the nations with their peoples. Egypt is to share the fate of other ancient nations once famous, now consigned to oblivion: Elam (Eze 32:24), Meshech, &c. (Eze 32:26), Edom (Eze 32:29), Zidon (Eze 32:30).

19. Whom dost thou pass in beauty?—Beautiful as thou art, thou art not more so than other nations, which nevertheless have perished.

go down, &c.—to the nether world, where all "beauty" is speedily marred.

20. she is delivered to the sword—namely, by God.

draw her—as if addressing her executioners: drag her forth to death.

21. (Eze 31:16). Ezekiel has before his eyes Isa 14:9, &c.

shall speak to him—with "him" join "with them that help him"; shall speak to him and his helpers with a taunting welcome, as now one of themselves.

22. her … his—The abrupt change of gender is, because Ezekiel has in view at one time the kingdom (feminine), at another the monarch. "Asshur," or Assyria, is placed first in punishment, as being first in guilt.

23. in the sides of the pit—Sepulchres in the East were caves hollowed out of the rock, and the bodies were laid in niches formed at the sides. Maurer needlessly departs from the ordinary meaning, and translates, "extremities" (compare Isa 14:13, 15).

which caused terror—They, who alive were a terror to others, are now, in the nether world, themselves a terrible object to behold.

24. Elam—placed next, as having been an auxiliary to Assyria. Its territory lay in Persia. In Abraham's time an independent kingdom (Ge 14:1). Famous for its bowmen (Isa 22:6).

borne their shame—the just retribution of their lawless pride. Destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar (Jer 49:34-38).

25. a bed—a sepulchral niche.

all … slain by … sword, &c.—(Eze 32:21, 23, 24). The very monotony of the phraseology gives to the dirge an awe-inspiring effect.

26. Meshech, Tubal—northern nations: the Moschi and Tibareni, between the Black and Caspian Seas. Herodotus [3.94], mentions them as a subjugated people, tributaries to Darius Hystaspes (see Eze 27:13).

27. they shall not lie with the mighty—that is, they shall not have separate tombs such as mighty conquerors have: but shall all be heaped together in one pit, as is the case with the vanquished [Grotius]. Havernick reads it interrogatively, "Shall they not lie with the mighty that are fallen?" But English Version is supported by the parallel (Isa 14:18, 19), to which Ezekiel refers, and which represents them as not lying as mighty kings lie in a grave, but cast out of one, as a carcass trodden under foot.

with … weapons of war—alluding to the custom of burying warriors with their arms (1 Maccabees 13:29). Though honored by the laying of "their swords under their heads," yet the punishment of "their iniquities shall be upon their bones." Their swords shall thus attest their shame, not their glory (Mt 26:52), being the instruments of their violence, the penalty of which they are paying.

28. Yea, thou—Thou, too, Egypt, like them, shalt lie as one vanquished.

29. princes—Edom was not only governed by kings, but by subordinate "princes" or "dukes" (Ge 36:40).

with their might—notwithstanding their might, they shall be brought down (Isa 34:5, 10-17; Jer 49:7, 13-18).

lie with the uncircumcised—Though Edom was circumcised, being descended from Isaac, he shall lie with the uncircumcised; much more shall Egypt, who had no hereditary right to circumcision.

30. princes of the north—Syria, which is still called by the Arabs the north; or the Tyrians, north of Palestine, conquered by Nebuchadnezzar (Eze 26:1-28:26), [Grotius].

Zidonians—who shared the fate of Tyre (Eze 28:21).

with their terror they are ashamed of their might—that is, notwithstanding the terror which they inspired in their contemporaries. "Might" is connected by Maurer thus, "Notwithstanding the terror which resulted from their might."

31. comforted—with the melancholy satisfaction of not being alone, but of having other kingdoms companions in his downfall. This shall be his only comfort—a very poor one!

32. my terror—the Margin or Keri. The Hebrew text or Chetib is "his terror," which gives good sense (Eze 32:25, 30). "My terror" implies that God puts His terror on Pharaoh's multitude, as they put "their terror" on others, for example, under Pharaoh-necho on Judea. As "the land of the living" was the scene of "their terror," so it shall be God's; especially in Judea, He will display His glory to the terror of Israel's foes (Eze 26:20). In Israel's case the judgment is temporary, ending in their future restoration under Messiah. In the case of the world kingdoms which flourished for a time, they fall to rise no more.