Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Ezekiel » Chapter 35 » Verse 13

Ezekiel 35:13 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

13 Thus with your mouth H6310 ye have boasted H1431 against me, and have multiplied H6280 your words H1697 against me: I have heard H8085 them.

Cross Reference

Daniel 11:36 STRONG

And the king H4428 shall do H6213 according to his will; H7522 and he shall exalt H7311 himself, and magnify H1431 himself above every god, H410 and shall speak H1696 marvellous things H6381 against the God H410 of gods, H410 and shall prosper H6743 till the indignation H2195 be accomplished: H3615 for that that is determined H2782 shall be done. H6213

Ezekiel 35:12 STRONG

And thou shalt know H3045 that I am the LORD, H3068 and that I have heard H8085 all thy blasphemies H5007 which thou hast spoken H559 against the mountains H2022 of Israel, H3478 saying, H559 They are laid desolate, H8074 H8077 they are given H5414 us to consume. H402

Jeremiah 29:23 STRONG

Because they have committed H6213 villany H5039 in Israel, H3478 and have committed H6213 adultery H5003 with their neighbours' H7453 wives, H802 and have spoken H1696 lying H8267 words H1697 in my name, H8034 which I have not commanded H6680 them; even I know, H3045 and am a witness, H5707 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

Isaiah 36:20 STRONG

Who are they among all the gods H430 of these lands, H776 that have delivered H5337 their land H776 out of my hand, H3027 that the LORD H3068 should deliver H5337 Jerusalem H3389 out of my hand? H3027

1 Samuel 2:3 STRONG

Talk H1696 no more H7235 so exceeding H1364 proudly; H1364 let not arrogancy H6277 come H3318 out of your mouth: H6310 for the LORD H3068 is a God H410 of knowledge, H1844 and by him actions H5949 are weighed. H8505

Isaiah 37:23 STRONG

Whom hast thou reproached H2778 and blasphemed? H1442 and against whom hast thou exalted H7311 thy voice, H6963 and lifted up H5375 thine eyes H5869 on high? H4791 even against the Holy One H6918 of Israel. H3478

Revelation 13:5-6 STRONG

And G2532 there was given G1325 unto him G846 a mouth G4750 speaking G2980 great things G3173 and G2532 blasphemies; G988 and G2532 power G1849 was given G1325 unto him G846 to continue G4160 forty G5062 and two G1417 months. G3376 And G2532 he opened G455 his G846 mouth G4750 in G1519 blasphemy G988 against G4314 God, G2316 to blaspheme G987 his G846 name, G3686 and G2532 his G846 tabernacle, G4633 and G2532 them that dwell G4637 in G1722 heaven. G3772

Jude 1:15 STRONG

To execute G4160 judgment G2920 upon G2596 all, G3956 and G2532 to convince G1827 all G3956 that are ungodly G765 among them G846 of G4012 all G3956 their G846 ungodly G763 deeds G2041 which G3739 they have ungodly committed, G764 and G2532 of G4012 all G3956 their hard G4642 speeches which G3739 ungodly G765 sinners G268 have spoken G2980 against G2596 him. G846

2 Peter 2:18 STRONG

For G1063 when they speak G5350 great swelling G5246 words of vanity, G3153 they allure G1185 through G1722 the lusts G1939 of the flesh, G4561 through much wantonness, G766 those that were clean G3689 escaped G668 from them who live G390 in G1722 error. G4106

Malachi 3:13 STRONG

Your words H1697 have been stout H2388 against me, saith H559 the LORD. H3068 Yet ye say, H559 What have we spoken H1696 so much against thee?

Isaiah 37:29 STRONG

Because thy rage H7264 against me, and thy tumult, H7600 is come up H5927 into mine ears, H241 therefore will I put H7760 my hook H2397 in thy nose, H639 and my bridle H4964 in thy lips, H8193 and I will turn thee back H7725 by the way H1870 by which thou camest. H935

Exodus 16:12 STRONG

I have heard H8085 the murmurings H8519 of the children H1121 of Israel: H3478 speak H1696 unto them, saying, H559 At even H996 H6153 ye shall eat H398 flesh, H1320 and in the morning H1242 ye shall be filled H7646 with bread; H3899 and ye shall know H3045 that I am the LORD H3068 your God. H430

Isaiah 37:10 STRONG

Thus shall ye speak H559 to Hezekiah H2396 king H4428 of Judah, H3063 saying, H559 Let not thy God, H430 in whom thou trustest, H982 deceive H5377 thee, saying, H559 Jerusalem H3389 shall not be given H5414 into the hand H3027 of the king H4428 of Assyria. H804

Isaiah 10:13-19 STRONG

For he saith, H559 By the strength H3581 of my hand H3027 I have done H6213 it, and by my wisdom; H2451 for I am prudent: H995 and I have removed H5493 the bounds H1367 of the people, H5971 and have robbed H8154 their treasures, H6259 H6264 and I have put down H3381 the inhabitants H3427 like a valiant H47 H3524 man: And my hand H3027 hath found H4672 as a nest H7064 the riches H2428 of the people: H5971 and as one gathereth H622 eggs H1000 that are left, H5800 have I gathered H622 all the earth; H776 and there was none that moved H5074 the wing, H3671 or opened H6475 the mouth, H6310 or peeped. H6850 Shall the axe H1631 boast H6286 itself against him that heweth H2672 therewith? or shall the saw H4883 magnify H1431 itself against him that shaketh H5130 it? as if the rod H7626 should shake H5130 itself against them that lift it up, H7311 or as if the staff H4294 should lift up H7311 itself, as if it were no wood. H6086 Therefore shall the Lord, H113 the Lord H136 H3068 of hosts, H6635 send H7971 among his fat ones H4924 leanness; H7332 and under his glory H3519 he shall kindle H3344 a burning H3350 like the burning of a fire. H784 And the light H216 of Israel H3478 shall be for a fire, H784 and his Holy One H6918 for a flame: H3852 and it shall burn H1197 and devour H398 his thorns H7898 and his briers H8068 in one H259 day; H3117 And shall consume H3615 the glory H3519 of his forest, H3293 and of his fruitful field, H3759 both soul H5315 and body: H1320 and they shall be as when a standardbearer H5263 fainteth. H4549 And the rest H7605 of the trees H6086 of his forest H3293 shall be few, H4557 that a child H5288 may write H3789 them.

Ecclesiastes 10:14 STRONG

A fool H5530 also is full H7235 of words: H1697 a man H120 cannot tell H3045 what shall be; and what shall be after H310 him, who can tell H5046 him?

Psalms 73:8-9 STRONG

They are corrupt, H4167 and speak H1696 wickedly H7451 concerning oppression: H6233 they speak H1696 loftily. H4791 They set H8371 their mouth H6310 against the heavens, H8064 and their tongue H3956 walketh H1980 through the earth. H776

Job 35:16 STRONG

Therefore doth Job H347 open H6475 his mouth H6310 in vain; H1892 he multiplieth H3527 words H4405 without H1097 knowledge. H1847

Job 34:37 STRONG

For he addeth H3254 rebellion H6588 unto his sin, H2403 he clappeth H5606 his hands among us, and multiplieth H7235 his words H561 against God. H410

2 Chronicles 32:19 STRONG

And they spake H1696 against H5921 the God H430 of Jerusalem, H3389 as against the gods H430 of the people H5971 of the earth, H776 which were the work H4639 of the hands H3027 of man. H120

2 Chronicles 32:15 STRONG

Now therefore let not H3808 Hezekiah H2396 deceive H5377 you, nor persuade H5496 you on this manner, neither yet believe H539 him: for no god H433 of any nation H1471 or kingdom H4467 was able H3201 to deliver H5337 his people H5971 out of mine hand, H3027 and out of the hand H3027 of my fathers: H1 how much less shall your God H430 deliver H5337 you out of mine hand? H3027

2 Kings 19:28 STRONG

Because thy rage H7264 against me and thy tumult H7600 is come up H5927 into mine ears, H241 therefore I will put H7760 my hook H2397 in thy nose, H639 and my bridle H4964 in thy lips, H8193 and I will turn thee back H7725 by the way H1870 by which thou camest. H935

Numbers 14:27 STRONG

How long shall I bear with this evil H7451 congregation, H5712 which murmur H3885 against me? I have heard H8085 the murmurings H8519 of the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 which they murmur H3885 against me.

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Matthew Henry Commentary » Commentary on Ezekiel 35

Commentary on Ezekiel 35 Matthew Henry Commentary

Chapter 35

It was promised, in the foregoing chapter, that when the time to favour Zion, yea, the set time, should come, especially the time for sending the Messiah and setting up his kingdom in the world, God would cause the enemies of his church to cease and the blessings and comforts of the church to abound. This chapter enlarges upon the former promise, concerning the destruction of the enemies of the church; the next chapter upon the latter promise, the replenishing of the church with blessings. Mount Seir (that is, Edom) is the enemy prophesied against in this chapter, but fitly put here, as in the prophecy of Obadiah, for all the enemies of the church; for, as those all walked in the way of Cain that hated Abel, so those all walked in the way of Esau who hated Jacob, but over whom Jacob, by virtue of a particular blessing, was to have dominion. Now here we have,

  • I. The sin charged upon the Edomites, and that was their spite and malice to Israel (v. 5, 10-13).
  • II. The ruin threatened, that should come upon them for this sin. God will be against them (v. 3) and then their country shall be laid waste (v. 4), depopulated, and made quite desolate (v. 6-9), and left so when other nations that had been wasted should recover themselves (v. 14, 15).

Eze 35:1-9

Mount Seir was mentioned as partner with Moab in one of the threatenings we had before (ch. 25:8); but here it is convicted and condemned by itself, and has woes of its own. The prophet must boldly set his face against Edom, and prophesy particularly against it; for the God of Israel has said, O Mount Seir! I am against thee. Note, Those that have God against them have the word of God against them, and the face of his ministers, nor dare they prophesy any good to them, but evil. The prophet must tell the Edomites that God has a controversy with them, and let them know,

  • I. What is the cause and ground of that controversy, v. 5. God espouses his people's cause, and will plead it, takes what is done against them as done against himself, and will reckon for it; and it is upon their account that God now contends with the Edomites.
    • 1. Because of the enmity they had against the people of God, that was rooted in the heart. "Thou hast had a perpetual hatred to them, to the very name of an Israelite.' The Edomites kept up an hereditary malice against Israel, the same that Esau bore to Jacob, because he got the birth-right and the blessing. Esau had been reconciled to Jacob, had embraced and kissed him (Gen. 33), and we do not find that ever he quarrelled with him again. But the posterity of Esau would never be reconciled to the seed of Jacob, but hated them with a perpetual hatred. Note, Children will be more apt to imitate the vices than the virtues of their parents, and to tread in the steps of their sin than in the steps of their repentance. Parents should therefore be careful not to set their children any bad example, for though, through the grace of God, they may return, and prevent the mischief of what they have done amiss to themselves, they may not be able to obviate the bad influence of it upon their children. It is strange how deeply rooted national antipathies sometimes are, and how long they last; but it is not to be wondered at that profane Edomites hate pious Israelites, since the old enmity that was put between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent (Gen. 3:15) will continue to the end. Marvel not if the world hate you.
    • 2. Because of the injuries they had done to the people of God. They shed their blood by the force of the sword, in the time of their calamity; they did not attack them as fair and open enemies, but laid wait for them, to cut off those of them that had escaped (Obad. 14), or they drove them back upon the sword of the pursuers, by which they fell. It was cowardly, as well as barbarous, to take advantage of their distress; and for neighbours, with whom they had lived peaceably, to smite them secretly when strangers openly invaded them. It was in the time that their iniquity had an end, when the measure of it was full and destruction came. Note, Even those that suffer justly, and for their sins, are yet to be pitied and not trampled upon. If the father corrects one child, he expects the rest should tremble at it, not triumph in it.
  • II. What should be the effect and issue of that controversy. If God stretch out his hand against the country of Edom, he will make it most desolate, v. 3. Desolation and desolation.
    • 1. The inhabitants shall be slain with the sword (v. 6): I will prepare thee unto blood. Edom shall be gradually weakened, and so be the more easily conquered, and the enemy shall gather strength the more effectually to subdue it. Thus preparation is in the making a great while before for this destruction. Thou hast not hated blood; it implies, "Thou hast delighted in it and thirsted after it.' Those that do not keep up a rooted hatred of sin, when a temptation to it is very strong, will be in danger of yielding to it. Some read it, "Unless thou hatest blood' (that is, "unless thou dost repent, and put off this bloody disposition) blood shall pursue thee.' And then it is an intimation that the judgment may yet be prevented by a thorough reformation. If he turn not, he will whet his sword, Ps. 7:12. But, if he turn, he will lay it by. Blood shall pursue thee, the guilt of the blood which thou hast shed or the judgment of blood; thy blood-thirsty enemies shall pursue thee, which way soever thou seekest to make thy escape. A great and general slaughter shall be made of the Idumeans, such as had been foretold (Is. 34:6): The mountains and hills, the valleys and rivers, shall be filled with the slain, v. 8. The pursuers shall overtake those that flee and shall give no quarter, but put them all to the sword. Note, When God comes to make inquisition for blood those that have shed the blood of his Israel shall have blood given them to drink, for they are worthy. Satia te sanguine quem sitisti-Glut thyself with blood, after which thou hast thirsted.
    • 2. The country shall be laid waste. The cities shall be destroyed (v. 4), the country made most desolate (v. 7); for God will cut off from both him that passes out and him that returns; and when the inhabitants are cut off that should keep the cities in repair they will decay and go into ruins, and when those are cut off that should till the land that will soon be over-run with briers and thorns and become a wilderness. Note, Those that help forward the desolations of Israel may expect to be themselves made desolate. And that which completes the judgment is that Edom shall be made perpetual desolations (v. 9) and the cities shall never return to their former state, nor the inhabitants of them come back from their captivity and dispersion. Note, Those that have a perpetual enmity to God and his people, as the carnal mind has, can expect no other than to be made a perpetual desolation. Implacable malice will justly be punished with irreparable ruin.

Eze 35:10-15

Here is,

  • I. A further account of the sin of the Edomites, and their bad conduct towards the people of God. We find the church complaining of them for setting on the Babylonians, and irritating them against Jerusalem, saying, Rase it, rase it, down with it, down with it (Ps. 137:7), inflaming a rage that needed no spur; here it is further charged upon them that they triumphed in Jerusalem's ruin and in the desolations of the country. Many blasphemies they spoke against the mountains of Israel, saying, with pride and pleasure, They are laid desolate, v. 12. Note, The troubles of God's church, as they give proofs of the constancy and fidelity of its friends, so they discover and draw out the corruptions of its enemies, in whom there then appears more brutish malice than one would have thought of. Now their triumphing in Jerusalem's ruin is here said to proceed,
    • 1. From a sinful passion against the people of Israel; from anger and envy, and hatred against them (v. 11), that perpetual hatred spoken of v. 5. Though they were not a match for them, and therefore could not do them a mischief themselves, yet they were glad when the Chaldeans did them a mischief.
    • 2. From a sinful appetite to the land of Israel. They pleased themselves with hopes that when the people of Israel were destroyed they should be let into the possession of their country, which they had so often grudged and envied them. They thought they could make out something of a title to it, ob defectum sanguinis-for want of other heirs. If Jacob's issue fail, they think that they are next in the entail, and that the remainder will be to his brother's issue: "These two nations of Judah and Israel shall be mine. Now is the time for me to put in for them.' At least they hope to come in as first occupants, being near neighbours: We will possess it when it is deserted. Ceditur occupanti-Let us get possession and that will be title enough. Note, Those have the spirit of Edomites who desire the death of others because they hope to get by it, or are pleased with their failing because they expect to come into their business. When we see the vanity of the world in the disappointments, losses, and crosses, that others meet with in it, instead of showing ourselves, upon such an occasion, greedy of it, we should rather be made thereby to sit more loose to it, and both take our affections off it and lower our expectations from it. But in this case of the Edomites' coveting the land of Israel, and gaping for it, there was a particular affront to God, when they said, "These lands are given us to devour, and we shall have our bellies full of their riches.' God says, You have boasted against me and have multiplied your words against me; for they expected possession upon a vacancy, because Israel was driven out, whereas the Lord was still there, v. 10. His temple indeed was burnt, and the other tokens of his presence were gone; but his promise to give that land to the seed of Jacob for an inheritance was not made void, but remained in full force and virtue; and by that promise he did in effect still keep possession for Israel, till they should in due time be restored to it. That was Immanuel's land (Isa. 8:8); in that land he was to be born, and therefore that people shall continue in it of whom he is to be born, till he has passed his time in it, and then let who will take it. The Lord is there, the Lord Jesus is to be there; and therefore Israel's discontinuance of possession is no defeasance of their right, but it shall be kept for them, and they shall have, hold, and enjoy it by virtue of the divine grant, till the promise of this Canaan shall by the Messiah be changed into the promise of a far better. Note, It is a piece of presumption highly offensive to God for Edomites to lay claim to those privileges and comforts that are peculiar to God's chosen Israel and are reserved for them. It is blasphemy against the mountains of Israel, the holy mountains, to say, because they are for the present made a prey of and trodden under foot of the Gentiles (Rev. 11:2), even the holy city itself, that therefore the Lord has forsaken them, their God has forgotten them. The apostle will by no means admit such a thought as this, that God hath cast away his people, Rom. 11:1. No; though they are cast down for a time, they are not cast off for ever. Those reproach the Lord who say they are.
  • II. The notice God took of the barbarous insolence of the Edomites, and the doom passed upon them for it: I have heard all thy blasphemies, v. 12. And again (v. 13), You have multiplied your words against me, and I have heard them, I have observed them, I have kept an account of them. Note, In the multitude of words, not one escapes God's cognizance; let men speak ever so much, ever so fast, though they multiply words, which they themselves regard not, but forget immediately, yet none of them are lost in the crowd, not the most idle words; but God hears them, and will be able to charge the sinner with them. All the haughty and hard speeches, particularly, which are spoken against the Israel of God, the words which are magnified (as it is in the margin, v. 13) as well as the words which are multiplied, God takes notice of. For, as the most trifling words are not below his cognizance, so the most daring are not above his rebuke. I have heard all thy blasphemies. This is a good reason why we should bear reproach as if we heard it not, because God will hear, Ps. 38:13, 15. God has heard the Edomites' blasphemy; let them therefore hear their doom, v. 14, 15. It was a national sin (the blasphemies charged upon them were the sense and language of all the Edomites), and therefore shall be punished with a national desolation. And,
    • 1. It shall be a distinguishing punishment. As God has peculiar favours for Israelites, so he has peculiar plagues for Edomites: so that "When the whole earth rejoices I will make thee desolate; when other nations have their desolations repaired, to their joy, thine shall be perpetual,' v. 9.
    • 2. The punishment shall answer to the sin: "As thou didst rejoice in the desolation of the house of Israel, God will give thee enough of desolation; since thou art so fond of it, thou shalt be desolate; I will make thee so.' Note, Those who, instead of weeping with the mourners, make a jest of their grievances, may justly be made to weep like the mourners, and themselves to feel the weight, to feel the smart, of those grievances which they set so light by. Some read v. 14 so as to complete the resemblance between the sin and the punishment: The whole earth shall rejoice when I make thee desolate, as thou didst rejoice when Israel was made desolate. Those that are glad at the death and fall of others may expect that others will be glad of their death, of their fall.
    • 3. In the destruction of the enemies of the church God designs his own glory, and we may be sure that he will not come short of his design.
      • (1.) That which he intends is to manifest himself, as a just and jealous God, firm to his covenant and faithful to his people and their injured cause (v. 11): I will make myself known among them when I have judged thee. The Lord is and will be known by the judgments which he executes.
      • (2.) His intention shall be fully answered; not only his own people shall be made to know it to their comfort, but even the Edomites themselves, and all the other enemies of his name and people, shall know that he is the Lord, v. 4, 9, 15. As the works of creation and common providence demonstrate that there is a God, so the care taken of Israel shows that Jehovah, the God of Israel, is that God alone, the true and living God.