Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Ezekiel » Chapter 45 » Verse 15

Ezekiel 45:15 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

15 And one H259 lamb H7716 out of the flock, H6629 out of two hundred, H3967 out of the fat pastures H4945 of Israel; H3478 for a meat offering, H4503 and for a burnt offering, H5930 and for peace offerings, H8002 to make reconciliation H3722 for them, saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD. H3069

Cross Reference

Leviticus 1:4 STRONG

And he shall put H5564 his hand H3027 upon the head H7218 of the burnt offering; H5930 and it shall be accepted H7521 for him to make atonement H3722 for him.

Leviticus 6:30 STRONG

And no sin offering, H2403 whereof any of the blood H1818 is brought H935 into the tabernacle H168 of the congregation H4150 to reconcile H3722 withal in the holy H6944 place, shall be eaten: H398 it shall be burnt H8313 in the fire. H784

Proverbs 3:9-10 STRONG

Honour H3513 the LORD H3068 with thy substance, H1952 and with the firstfruits H7225 of all thine increase: H8393 So shall thy barns H618 be filled H4390 with plenty, H7647 and thy presses H3342 shall burst out H6555 with new wine. H8492

Daniel 9:24 STRONG

Seventy H7657 weeks H7620 are determined H2852 upon thy people H5971 and upon thy holy H6944 city, H5892 to finish H3607 the transgression, H6588 and to make an end H8552 H2856 of sins, H2403 and to make reconciliation H3722 for iniquity, H5771 and to bring in H935 everlasting H5769 righteousness, H6664 and to seal up H2856 the vision H2377 and prophecy, H5030 and to anoint H4886 the most H6944 Holy. H6944

Malachi 1:8 STRONG

And if ye offer H5066 the blind H5787 for sacrifice, H2076 is it not evil? H7451 and if ye offer H5066 the lame H6455 and sick, H2470 is it not evil? H7451 offer H7126 it now unto thy governor; H6346 will he be pleased H7521 with thee, or accept H5375 thy person? H6440 saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635

Malachi 1:14 STRONG

But cursed H779 be the deceiver, H5230 which H3426 hath in his flock H5739 a male, H2145 and voweth, H5087 and sacrificeth H2076 unto the Lord H136 a corrupt thing: H7843 for I am a great H1419 King, H4428 saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 and my name H8034 is dreadful H3372 among the heathen. H1471

Romans 5:10 STRONG

For G1063 if, G1487 when we were G5607 enemies, G2190 we were reconciled G2644 to God G2316 by G1223 the death G2288 of his G846 Son, G5207 much G4183 more, G3123 being reconciled, G2644 we shall be saved G4982 by G1722 his G846 life. G2222

2 Corinthians 5:19-21 STRONG

To wit, G5613 that G3754 God G2316 was G2258 in G1722 Christ, G5547 reconciling G2644 the world G2889 unto himself, G1438 not G3361 imputing G3049 their G846 trespasses G3900 unto them; G846 and G2532 hath committed G5087 unto G1722 us G2254 the word G3056 of reconciliation. G2643 Now then G3767 we are ambassadors G4243 for G5228 Christ, G5547 as though G5613 God G2316 did beseech G3870 you by G1223 us: G2257 we pray G1189 you in G5228 Christ's G5547 stead, G5228 be ye reconciled G2644 to God. G2316 For G1063 he hath made G4160 him to be sin G266 for G5228 us, G2257 who G3588 knew G1097 no G3361 sin; G266 that G2443 we G2249 might be made G1096 the righteousness G1343 of God G2316 in G1722 him. G846

Ephesians 2:16 STRONG

And G2532 that he might reconcile G604 both G297 unto God G2316 in G1722 one G1520 body G4983 by G1223 the cross, G4716 having slain G615 the enmity G2189 thereby: G1722 G846

Colossians 1:21 STRONG

And G2532 you, G5209 that were G5607 sometime G4218 alienated G526 and G2532 enemies G2190 in your mind G1271 by G1722 wicked G4190 works, G2041 yet G1161 now G3570 hath he reconciled G604

Hebrews 2:17 STRONG

Wherefore G3606 in G2596 all things G3956 it behoved him G3784 to be made like G3666 unto his brethren, G80 that G2443 he might be G1096 a merciful G1655 and G2532 faithful G4103 high priest G749 in things pertaining to G4314 God, G2316 to G1519 make reconciliation for G2433 the sins G266 of the people. G2992

Hebrews 9:22-23 STRONG

And G2532 almost G4975 all things G3956 are G2511 by G2596 the law G3551 purged G2511 with G1722 blood; G129 and G2532 without G5565 shedding of blood G130 is G1096 no G3756 remission. G859 It was therefore G3767 necessary G318 that the patterns G5262 of things G3303 in G1722 the heavens G3772 should be purified G2511 with these; G5125 but G1161 the heavenly things G2032 themselves G846 with better G2909 sacrifices G2378 than G3844 these. G5025

Commentary on Ezekiel 45 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Eze 45:1-25. Allotment of the Land for the Sanctuary, the City, and the Prince.

1. offer an oblation—from a Hebrew root to "heave" or "raise"; when anything was offered to God, the offerer raised the hand. The special territorial division for the tribes is given in the forty-seventh and forty-eighth chapters. Only Jehovah's portion is here subdivided into its three parts: (1) that for the sanctuary (Eze 45:2, 3); (2) that for the priests (Eze 45:4); (3) that for the Levites (Eze 45:5). Compare Eze 48:8-13.

five and twenty thousand reeds, &c.—So English Version rightly fills the ellipsis (compare Note, see on Eze 42:16). Hence "cubits" are mentioned in Eze 45:2, not here, implying that there alone cubits are meant. Taking each reed at twelve feet, the area of the whole would be a square of sixty miles on each side. The whole forming a square betokens the settled stability of the community and the harmony of all classes. "An holy portion of the land" (Eze 45:1) comprised the whole length, and only two-fifths of the breadth. The outer territory in its distribution harmonizes with the inner and more sacred arrangements of the sanctuary. No room is to be given for oppression (see Eze 45:8), all having ample provision made for their wants and comforts. All will mutually co-operate without constraint or contention.

7. The prince's possession is to consist of two halves, one on the west, the other on the east, of the sacred territory. The prince, as head of the holy community, stands in closest connection with the sanctuary; his possession, therefore, on both sides must adjoin that which was peculiarly the Lord's [Fairbairn].

12. The standard weights were lost when the Chaldeans destroyed the temple. The threefold enumeration of shekels (twenty, twenty-five, fifteen) probably refers to coins of different value, representing respectively so many shekels, the three collectively making up a maneh. By weighing these together against the maneh, a test was afforded whether they severally had their proper weight: sixty shekels in all, containing one coin a fourth of the whole (fifteen shekels), another a third (twenty shekels), another a third and a twelfth (twenty-five shekels) [Menochius]. The Septuagint reads, "fifty shekels shall be your maneh."

13-15. In these oblations there is a progression as to the relation between the kind and the quantity: of the corn, the sixth of a tenth, that is, a sixtieth part of the quantity specified; of the oil, the tenth of a tenth, that is, an hundredth part; and of the flock, one from every two hundred.

18. The year is to begin with a consecration service, not mentioned under the Levitical law; but an earnest of it is given in the feast of dedication of the second temple, which celebrated its purification by Judas Maccabeus, after its defilement by Antiochus.

20. for him that is simple—for sins of ignorance (Le 4:2, 13, 27).

21. As a new solemnity, the feast of consecration is to prepare for the passover; so the passover itself is to have different sacrifices from those of the Mosaic law. Instead of one ram and seven lambs for the daily burnt offering, there are to be seven bullocks and seven rams. So also whereas the feast of tabernacles had its own offerings, which diminished as the days of the feast advanced, here the same are appointed as on the passover. Thus it is implied that the letter of the law is to give place to its spirit, those outward rites of Judaism having no intrinsic efficacy, but symbolizing the spiritual truths of Messiah's kingdom, as for instance the perfect holiness which is to characterize it. Compare 1Co 5:7, 8, as to our spiritual "passover," wherein, at the Lord's supper, we feed on Christ by faith, accompanied with "the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth." Literal ordinances, though not slavishly bound to the letter of the law, will set forth the catholic and eternal verities of Messiah's kingdom.