Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Ezekiel » Chapter 45 » Verse 9

Ezekiel 45:9 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

9 Thus saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Let it suffice H7227 you, O princes H5387 of Israel: H3478 remove H5493 violence H2555 and spoil, H7701 and execute H6213 judgment H4941 and justice, H6666 take away H7311 your exactions H1646 from my people, H5971 saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD. H3069

Cross Reference

Jeremiah 22:3 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 Execute H6213 ye judgment H4941 and righteousness, H6666 and deliver H5337 the spoiled H1497 out of the hand H3027 of the oppressor: H6216 and do no wrong, H3238 do no violence H2554 to the stranger, H1616 the fatherless, H3490 nor the widow, H490 neither shed H8210 innocent H5355 blood H1818 in this place. H4725

Ezekiel 44:6 STRONG

And thou shalt say H559 to the rebellious, H4805 even to the house H1004 of Israel, H3478 Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 O ye house H1004 of Israel, H3478 let it suffice H7227 you of all your abominations, H8441

Zechariah 8:16 STRONG

These are the things H1697 that ye shall do; H6213 Speak H1696 ye every man H376 the truth H571 to his neighbour; H7453 execute H8199 the judgment H4941 of truth H571 and peace H7965 in your gates: H8179

Nehemiah 5:1-13 STRONG

And there was a great H1419 cry H6818 of the people H5971 and of their wives H802 against their brethren H251 the Jews. H3064 For there were H3426 that said, H559 We, our sons, H1121 and our daughters, H1323 are many: H7227 therefore we take up H3947 corn H1715 for them, that we may eat, H398 and live. H2421 Some also there were H3426 that said, H559 We have mortgaged H6148 our lands, H7704 vineyards, H3754 and houses, H1004 that we might buy H3947 corn, H1715 because of the dearth. H7458 There were H3426 also that said, H559 We have borrowed H3867 money H3701 for the king's H4428 tribute, H4060 and that upon our lands H7704 and vineyards. H3754 Yet now our flesh H1320 is as the flesh H1320 of our brethren, H251 our children H1121 as their children: H1121 and, lo, we bring into bondage H3533 our sons H1121 and our daughters H1323 to be servants, H5650 and some of our daughters H1323 are H3426 brought unto bondage H3533 already: neither is it in our power H410 H3027 to redeem them; for other men H312 have our lands H7704 and vineyards. H3754 And I was very H3966 angry H2734 when I heard H8085 their cry H2201 and these words. H1697 Then I consulted H4427 with myself, H3820 and I rebuked H7378 the nobles, H2715 and the rulers, H5461 and said H559 unto them, Ye exact H5378 H5383 H5375 usury, H4855 every one H376 of his brother. H251 And I set H5414 a great H1419 assembly H6952 against them. And I said H559 unto them, We after our ability H1767 have redeemed H7069 our brethren H251 the Jews, H3064 which were sold H4376 unto the heathen; H1471 and will ye even sell H4376 your brethren? H251 or shall they be sold H4376 unto us? Then held they their peace, H2790 and found H4672 nothing H1697 to answer. Also I said, H559 It is not good H2896 that H1697 ye do: H6213 ought ye not to walk H3212 in the fear H3374 of our God H430 because of the reproach H2781 of the heathen H1471 our enemies? H341 I likewise, and my brethren, H251 and my servants, H5288 might exact H5383 of them money H3701 and corn: H1715 I pray you, let us leave off H5800 this usury. H4855 Restore, H7725 I pray you, to them, even this day, H3117 their lands, H7704 their vineyards, H3754 their oliveyards, H2132 and their houses, H1004 also the hundredth H3967 part of the money, H3701 and of the corn, H1715 the wine, H8492 and the oil, H3323 that ye exact H5383 of them. Then said H559 they, We will restore H7725 them, and will require H1245 nothing of them; so will we do H6213 as thou sayest. H559 Then I called H7121 the priests, H3548 and took an oath H7650 of them, that they should do H6213 according to this promise. H1697 Also I shook H5287 my lap, H2684 and said, H559 So God H430 shake out H5287 every man H376 from his house, H1004 and from his labour, H3018 that performeth H6965 not this promise, H1697 even thus be he shaken out, H5287 and emptied. H7386 And all the congregation H6951 said, H559 Amen, H543 and praised H1984 the LORD. H3068 And the people H5971 did H6213 according to this promise. H1697

Job 20:19 STRONG

Because he hath oppressed H7533 and hath forsaken H5800 the poor; H1800 because he hath violently taken away H1497 an house H1004 which he builded H1129 not;

Job 22:9 STRONG

Thou hast sent H7971 widows H490 away empty, H7387 and the arms H2220 of the fatherless H3490 have been broken. H1792

Job 24:2-12 STRONG

Some remove H5381 the landmarks; H1367 they violently take away H1497 flocks, H5739 and feed H7462 thereof. They drive away H5090 the ass H2543 of the fatherless, H3490 they take H2254 the widow's H490 ox H7794 for a pledge. H2254 They turn H5186 the needy H34 out of the way: H1870 the poor H6041 H6035 of the earth H776 hide H2244 themselves together. H3162 Behold, as wild asses H6501 in the desert, H4057 go they forth H3318 to their work; H6467 rising betimes H7836 for a prey: H2964 the wilderness H6160 yieldeth food H3899 for them and for their children. H5288 They reap H7114 H7114 every one his corn H1098 in the field: H7704 and they gather H3953 the vintage H3754 of the wicked. H7563 They cause the naked H6174 to lodge H3885 without clothing, H3830 that they have no covering H3682 in the cold. H7135 They are wet H7372 with the showers H2230 of the mountains, H2022 and embrace H2263 the rock H6697 for want of a shelter. H4268 They pluck H1497 the fatherless H3490 from the breast, H7699 and take a pledge H2254 of the poor. H6041 They cause him to go H1980 naked H6174 without clothing, H3830 and they take away H5375 the sheaf H6016 from the hungry; H7457 Which make oil H6671 within H996 their walls, H7791 and tread H1869 their winepresses, H3342 and suffer thirst. H6770 Men H4962 groan H5008 from out of the city, H5892 and the soul H5315 of the wounded H2491 crieth out: H7768 yet God H433 layeth H7760 not folly H8604 to them.

Psalms 82:2-5 STRONG

How long will ye judge H8199 unjustly, H5766 and accept H5375 the persons H6440 of the wicked? H7563 Selah. H5542 Defend H8199 the poor H1800 and fatherless: H3490 do justice H6663 to the afflicted H6041 and needy. H7326 Deliver H6403 the poor H1800 and needy: H34 rid H5337 them out of the hand H3027 of the wicked. H7563 They know H3045 not, neither will they understand; H995 they walk H1980 on in darkness: H2825 all the foundations H4144 of the earth H776 are out of course. H4131

Isaiah 1:17 STRONG

Learn H3925 to do well; H3190 seek H1875 judgment, H4941 relieve H833 the oppressed, H2541 judge H8199 the fatherless, H3490 plead H7378 for the widow. H490

Ezekiel 43:14-16 STRONG

And from the bottom H2436 upon the ground H776 even to the lower H8481 settle H5835 shall be two H8147 cubits, H520 and the breadth H7341 one H259 cubit; H520 and from the lesser H6996 settle H5835 even to the greater H1419 settle H5835 shall be four H702 cubits, H520 and the breadth H7341 one cubit. H520 So the altar H741 H2025 shall be four H702 cubits; H520 and from the altar H741 and upward H4605 shall be four H702 horns. H7161 And the altar H741 shall be twelve H8147 H6240 cubits long, H753 twelve H8147 H6240 broad, H7341 square H7251 in the four H702 squares H7253 thereof.

Micah 2:1-2 STRONG

Woe H1945 to them that devise H2803 iniquity, H205 and work H6466 evil H7451 upon their beds! H4904 when the morning H1242 is light, H216 they practise H6213 it, because it is H3426 in the power H410 of their hand. H3027 And they covet H2530 fields, H7704 and take them by violence; H1497 and houses, H1004 and take them away: H5375 so they oppress H6231 a man H1397 and his house, H1004 even a man H376 and his heritage. H5159

Micah 2:9 STRONG

The women H802 of my people H5971 have ye cast out H1644 from their pleasant H8588 houses; H1004 from their children H5768 have ye taken away H3947 my glory H1926 for ever. H5769

Luke 3:14 STRONG

And G1161 the soldiers G4754 likewise G2532 demanded G1905 of him, G846 saying, G3004 And G2532 what G5101 shall we G2249 do? G4160 And G2532 he said G2036 unto G4314 them, G846 Do violence G1286 to no man, G3367 neither G3366 accuse any falsely; G4811 and G2532 be content G714 with your G5216 wages. G3800

1 Corinthians 6:7-8 STRONG

Now G2235 therefore G3303 G3767 there is G2076 utterly G3654 a fault G2275 among G1722 you, G5213 because G3754 ye go G2192 to law G2917 one with G3326 another. G1438 Why G1302 do ye G91 not G3780 rather G3123 take wrong? G91 why G1302 do ye G650 not G3780 rather G3123 suffer yourselves to be defrauded? G650 Nay, G235 ye G5210 do wrong, G91 and G2532 defraud, G650 and G2532 that G5023 your brethren. G80

1 Peter 4:3 STRONG

For G1063 the time G5550 past G3928 of our life G979 may suffice G713 us G2254 to have wrought G2716 the will G2307 of the Gentiles, G1484 when we walked G4198 in G1722 lasciviousness, G766 lusts, G1939 excess of wine, G3632 revellings, G2970 banquetings, G4224 and G2532 abominable G111 idolatries: G1495

Commentary on Ezekiel 45 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Eze 45:1-25. Allotment of the Land for the Sanctuary, the City, and the Prince.

1. offer an oblation—from a Hebrew root to "heave" or "raise"; when anything was offered to God, the offerer raised the hand. The special territorial division for the tribes is given in the forty-seventh and forty-eighth chapters. Only Jehovah's portion is here subdivided into its three parts: (1) that for the sanctuary (Eze 45:2, 3); (2) that for the priests (Eze 45:4); (3) that for the Levites (Eze 45:5). Compare Eze 48:8-13.

five and twenty thousand reeds, &c.—So English Version rightly fills the ellipsis (compare Note, see on Eze 42:16). Hence "cubits" are mentioned in Eze 45:2, not here, implying that there alone cubits are meant. Taking each reed at twelve feet, the area of the whole would be a square of sixty miles on each side. The whole forming a square betokens the settled stability of the community and the harmony of all classes. "An holy portion of the land" (Eze 45:1) comprised the whole length, and only two-fifths of the breadth. The outer territory in its distribution harmonizes with the inner and more sacred arrangements of the sanctuary. No room is to be given for oppression (see Eze 45:8), all having ample provision made for their wants and comforts. All will mutually co-operate without constraint or contention.

7. The prince's possession is to consist of two halves, one on the west, the other on the east, of the sacred territory. The prince, as head of the holy community, stands in closest connection with the sanctuary; his possession, therefore, on both sides must adjoin that which was peculiarly the Lord's [Fairbairn].

12. The standard weights were lost when the Chaldeans destroyed the temple. The threefold enumeration of shekels (twenty, twenty-five, fifteen) probably refers to coins of different value, representing respectively so many shekels, the three collectively making up a maneh. By weighing these together against the maneh, a test was afforded whether they severally had their proper weight: sixty shekels in all, containing one coin a fourth of the whole (fifteen shekels), another a third (twenty shekels), another a third and a twelfth (twenty-five shekels) [Menochius]. The Septuagint reads, "fifty shekels shall be your maneh."

13-15. In these oblations there is a progression as to the relation between the kind and the quantity: of the corn, the sixth of a tenth, that is, a sixtieth part of the quantity specified; of the oil, the tenth of a tenth, that is, an hundredth part; and of the flock, one from every two hundred.

18. The year is to begin with a consecration service, not mentioned under the Levitical law; but an earnest of it is given in the feast of dedication of the second temple, which celebrated its purification by Judas Maccabeus, after its defilement by Antiochus.

20. for him that is simple—for sins of ignorance (Le 4:2, 13, 27).

21. As a new solemnity, the feast of consecration is to prepare for the passover; so the passover itself is to have different sacrifices from those of the Mosaic law. Instead of one ram and seven lambs for the daily burnt offering, there are to be seven bullocks and seven rams. So also whereas the feast of tabernacles had its own offerings, which diminished as the days of the feast advanced, here the same are appointed as on the passover. Thus it is implied that the letter of the law is to give place to its spirit, those outward rites of Judaism having no intrinsic efficacy, but symbolizing the spiritual truths of Messiah's kingdom, as for instance the perfect holiness which is to characterize it. Compare 1Co 5:7, 8, as to our spiritual "passover," wherein, at the Lord's supper, we feed on Christ by faith, accompanied with "the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth." Literal ordinances, though not slavishly bound to the letter of the law, will set forth the catholic and eternal verities of Messiah's kingdom.