Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Ezekiel » Chapter 47 » Verse 9

Ezekiel 47:9 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

9 And it shall come to pass, that every thing H5315 that liveth, H2416 which moveth, H8317 whithersoever the rivers H5158 shall come, H935 shall live: H2421 and there shall be a very H3966 great H7227 multitude of fish, H1710 because these waters H4325 shall come H935 thither: for they shall be healed; H7495 and every thing shall live H2425 whither the river H5158 cometh. H935

Cross Reference

John 3:16 STRONG

For G1063 God G2316 so G3779 loved G25 the world, G2889 that G5620 he gave G1325 his G846 only begotten G3439 Son, G5207 that G2443 whosoever G3956 believeth G4100 in G1519 him G846 should G622 not G3361 perish, G622 but G235 have G2192 everlasting G166 life. G2222

1 Corinthians 15:45 STRONG

And G2532 so G3779 it is written, G1125 The first G4413 man G444 Adam G76 was made G1096 G1519 a living G2198 soul; G5590 the last G2078 Adam G76 was made G1519 a quickening G2227 spirit. G4151

Romans 8:2 STRONG

For G1063 the law G3551 of the Spirit G4151 of life G2222 in G1722 Christ G5547 Jesus G2424 hath made G1659 me G3165 free G1659 from G575 the law G3551 of sin G266 and G2532 death. G2288

Acts 6:7 STRONG

And G2532 the word G3056 of God G2316 increased; G837 and G2532 the number G706 of the disciples G3101 multiplied G4129 in G1722 Jerusalem G2419 greatly; G4970 and G5037 a great G4183 company G3793 of the priests G2409 were obedient G5219 to the faith. G4102

Acts 5:14 STRONG

And G1161 believers G4100 were G4369 the more G3123 added G4369 to the Lord, G2962 multitudes G4128 both G5037 of men G435 and G2532 women.) G1135

Acts 2:47 STRONG

Praising G134 God, G2316 and G2532 having G2192 favour G5485 with G4314 all G3650 the people. G2992 And G1161 the Lord G2962 added G4369 to the church G1577 daily G2596 G2250 such as should be saved. G4982

Acts 2:41 STRONG

Then G3303 G3767 they that gladly G780 received G588 his G846 word G3056 were baptized: G907 and G2532 the same G1565 day G2250 there were added G4369 unto them about G5616 three thousand G5153 souls. G5590

John 14:19 STRONG

Yet G2089 a little while, G3397 and G2532 the world G2889 seeth G2334 me G3165 no more; G3765 but G1161 ye G5210 see G2334 me: G3165 because G3754 I G1473 live, G2198 ye G5210 shall live G2198 also. G2532

John 14:6 STRONG

Jesus G2424 saith G3004 unto him, G846 I G1473 am G1510 the way, G3598 G2532 the truth, G225 and G2532 the life: G2222 no man G3762 cometh G2064 unto G4314 the Father, G3962 but G1508 by G1223 me. G1700

John 11:25-26 STRONG

Jesus G2424 said G2036 unto her, G846 I G1473 am G1510 the resurrection, G386 and G2532 the life: G2222 he that believeth G4100 in G1519 me, G1691 though G2579 he were dead, G599 yet shall he live: G2198 And G2532 whosoever G3956 liveth G2198 and G2532 believeth G4100 in G1519 me G1691 shall G599 never G3364 G1519 G165 die. G599 Believest thou G4100 this? G5124

John 7:37-38 STRONG

G1161 In G1722 the last G2078 day, G2250 that great G3173 day of the feast, G1859 Jesus G2424 stood G2476 and G2532 cried, G2896 saying, G3004 If G1437 any man G5100 thirst, G1372 let him come G2064 unto G4314 me, G3165 and G2532 drink. G4095 He that believeth G4100 on G1519 me, G1691 as G2531 the scripture G1124 hath said, G2036 out of G1537 his G846 belly G2836 shall flow G4482 rivers G4215 of living G2198 water. G5204

John 6:63 STRONG

It is G2076 the spirit G4151 that quickeneth; G2227 the flesh G4561 G3756 profiteth G5623 nothing: G3762 the words G4487 that G3739 I G1473 speak G2980 unto you, G5213 they are G2076 spirit, G4151 and G2532 they are G2076 life. G2222

John 5:25 STRONG

Verily, G281 verily, G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 G3754 The hour G5610 is coming, G2064 and G2532 now G3568 is, G2076 when G3753 the dead G3498 shall hear G191 the voice G5456 of the Son G5207 of God: G2316 and G2532 they that hear G191 shall live. G2198

John 4:14 STRONG

But G1161 whosoever G3739 G302 drinketh G4095 of G1537 the water G5204 that G3739 I G1473 shall give G1325 him G846 shall G1372 never G1519 G165 G3364 thirst; G1372 but G235 the water G5204 that G3739 I shall give G1325 him G846 shall be G1096 in G1722 him G846 a well G4077 of water G5204 springing up G242 into G1519 everlasting G166 life. G2222

Zechariah 8:21-23 STRONG

And the inhabitants H3427 of one H259 city shall go H1980 to another, H259 saying, H559 Let us go H3212 speedily H1980 to pray H2470 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 and to seek H1245 the LORD H3068 of hosts: H6635 I will go H3212 also. Yea, many H7227 people H5971 and strong H6099 nations H1471 shall come H935 to seek H1245 the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 in Jerusalem, H3389 and to pray H2470 before H6440 the LORD. H3068 Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts; H6635 In those days H3117 it shall come to pass, that ten H6235 men H582 shall take hold H2388 out of all languages H3956 of the nations, H1471 even shall take hold H2388 of the skirt H3671 of him that is a Jew, H376 H3064 saying, H559 We will go H3212 with you: for we have heard H8085 that God H430 is with you.

Zechariah 2:11 STRONG

And many H7227 nations H1471 shall be joined H3867 to the LORD H3068 in that day, H3117 and shall be my people: H5971 and I will dwell H7931 in the midst H8432 of thee, and thou shalt know H3045 that the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 hath sent H7971 me unto thee.

Isaiah 60:3-10 STRONG

And the Gentiles H1471 shall come H1980 to thy light, H216 and kings H4428 to the brightness H5051 of thy rising. H2225 Lift up H5375 thine eyes H5869 round about, H5439 and see: H7200 all they gather themselves together, H6908 they come H935 to thee: thy sons H1121 shall come H935 from far, H7350 and thy daughters H1323 shall be nursed H539 at thy side. H6654 Then thou shalt see, H7200 H3372 and flow together, H5102 and thine heart H3824 shall fear, H6342 and be enlarged; H7337 because the abundance H1995 of the sea H3220 shall be converted H2015 unto thee, the forces H2428 of the Gentiles H1471 shall come H935 unto thee. The multitude H8229 of camels H1581 shall cover H3680 thee, the dromedaries H1070 of Midian H4080 and Ephah; H5891 all they from Sheba H7614 shall come: H935 they shall bring H5375 gold H2091 and incense; H3828 and they shall shew forth H1319 the praises H8416 of the LORD. H3068 All the flocks H6629 of Kedar H6938 shall be gathered together H6908 unto thee, the rams H352 of Nebaioth H5032 shall minister H8334 unto thee: they shall come up H5927 with acceptance H7522 on mine altar, H4196 and I will glorify H6286 the house H1004 of my glory. H8597 Who are these that fly H5774 as a cloud, H5645 and as the doves H3123 to their windows? H699 Surely the isles H339 shall wait H6960 for me, and the ships H591 of Tarshish H8659 first, H7223 to bring H935 thy sons H1121 from far, H7350 their silver H3701 and their gold H2091 with them, unto the name H8034 of the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 and to the Holy One H6918 of Israel, H3478 because he hath glorified H6286 thee. And the sons H1121 of strangers H5236 shall build up H1129 thy walls, H2346 and their kings H4428 shall minister H8334 unto thee: for in my wrath H7110 I smote H5221 thee, but in my favour H7522 have I had mercy H7355 on thee.

Isaiah 55:1 STRONG

Ho, H1945 every one that thirsteth, H6771 come H3212 ye to the waters, H4325 and he that hath no money; H3701 come H3212 ye, buy, H7666 and eat; H398 yea, come, H3212 buy H7666 wine H3196 and milk H2461 without money H3701 and without price. H4242

Isaiah 49:12 STRONG

Behold, these shall come H935 from far: H7350 and, lo, these from the north H6828 and from the west; H3220 and these from the land H776 of Sinim. H5515

Isaiah 30:26 STRONG

Moreover the light H216 of the moon H3842 shall be as the light H216 of the sun, H2535 and the light H216 of the sun H2535 shall be sevenfold, H7659 as the light H216 of seven H7651 days, H3117 in the day H3117 that the LORD H3068 bindeth up H2280 the breach H7667 of his people, H5971 and healeth H7495 the stroke H4273 of their wound. H4347

Isaiah 12:3 STRONG

Therefore with joy H8342 shall ye draw H7579 water H4325 out of the wells H4599 of salvation. H3444

Psalms 103:3 STRONG

Who forgiveth H5545 all thine iniquities; H5771 who healeth H7495 all thy diseases; H8463

Psalms 78:16 STRONG

He brought H3318 streams H5140 also out of the rock, H5553 and caused waters H4325 to run down H3381 like rivers. H5104

Exodus 15:26 STRONG

And said, H559 If thou wilt diligently H8085 hearken H8085 to the voice H6963 of the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 and wilt do H6213 that which is right H3477 in his sight, H5869 and wilt give ear H238 to his commandments, H4687 and keep H8104 all his statutes, H2706 I will put H7760 none of these diseases H4245 upon thee, which I have brought H7760 upon the Egyptians: H4714 for I am the LORD H3068 that healeth H7495 thee.

Acts 4:4 STRONG

Howbeit G1161 many G4183 of them which heard G191 the word G3056 believed; G4100 and G2532 the number G706 of the men G435 was G1096 about G5616 five G4002 thousand. G5505

Ephesians 2:1-5 STRONG

And G2532 you G5209 hath he quickened, who were G5607 dead G3498 in trespasses G3900 and G2532 sins; G266 Wherein G1722 G3739 in time past G4218 ye walked G4043 according to G2596 the course G165 of this G5127 world, G2889 according to G2596 the prince G758 of the power G1849 of the air, G109 the spirit G4151 that now G3568 worketh G1754 in G1722 the children G5207 of disobedience: G543 Among G1722 whom G3739 also G2532 we G2249 all G3956 had our conversation G390 in times past G4218 in G1722 the lusts G1939 of our G2257 flesh, G4561 fulfilling G4160 the desires G2307 of the flesh G4561 and G2532 of the mind; G1271 and G2532 were G2258 by nature G5449 the children G5043 of wrath, G3709 even G2532 as G5613 others. G3062 But G1161 God, G2316 who is G5607 rich G4145 in G1722 mercy, G1656 for G1223 his G846 great G4183 love G26 wherewith G3739 he loved G25 us, G2248 Even G2532 when we G2248 were G5607 dead G3498 in sins, G3900 hath quickened us together with G4806 Christ, G5547 (by grace G5485 ye are G2075 saved;) G4982

Acts 21:20 STRONG

And G1161 when they heard G191 it, they glorified G1392 the Lord, G2962 and G5037 said G2036 unto him, G846 Thou seest, G2334 brother, G80 how many G4214 thousands G3461 of Jews G2453 there are G1526 which G3588 believe; G4100 and G2532 they are G5225 all G3956 zealous G2207 of the law: G3551

Commentary on Ezekiel 47 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Eze 47:1-23. Vision of the Temple Waters. Borders and Division of The land.

The happy fruit to the earth at large of God's dwelling with Israel in holy fellowship is that the blessing is no longer restricted to the one people and locality, but is to be diffused with comprehensive catholicity through the whole world. So the plant from the cedar of Lebanon is represented as gathering under its shelter "all fowl of every wing" (Eze 17:23). Even the desert places of the earth shall be made fruitful by the healing waters of the Gospel (compare Isa 35:1).

1. waters—So Re 22:1, represents "the water of life as proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb." His throne was set up in the temple at Jerusalem (Eze 43:7). Thence it is to flow over the earth (Joe 3:18; Zec 13:1; 14:8). Messiah is the temple and the door; from His pierced side flow the living waters, ever increasing, both in the individual believer and in the heart. The fountains in the vicinity of Moriah suggested the image here. The waters flow eastward, that is, towards the Kedron, and thence towards the Jordan, and so along the Ghor into the Dead Sea. The main point in the picture is the rapid augmentation from a petty stream into a mighty river, not by the influx of side streams, but by its own self-supply from the sacred miraculous source in the temple [Henderson]. (Compare Ps 36:8, 9; 46:4; Isa 11:9; Hab 2:14). Searching into the things of God, we find some easy to understand, as the water up to the ankles; others more difficult, which require a deeper search, as the waters up to the knees or loins; others beyond our reach, of which we can only adore the depth (Ro 11:33). The healing of the waters of the Dead Sea here answers to "there shall be no more curse" (Re 22:3; compare Zec 14:11).

7. trees—not merely one tree of life as in Paradise (Ge 3:22), but many: to supply immortal food and medicine to the people of God, who themselves also become "trees of righteousness" (Isa 61:3) planted by the waters and (Ps 1:3) bearing fruit unto holiness.

8. the desert—or "plain," Hebrew, Arabah (De 3:17; 4:49; Jos 3:16), which is the name still given to the valley of the Jordan and the plain south of the Dead Sea, and extending to the Elanitic gulf of the Red Sea.

the sea—the Dead Sea. "The sea" noted as covering with its waters the guilty cities of the plain, Sodom and Gomorrah. In its bituminous waters no vegetable or animal life is said to be found. But now death is to give place to life in Judea, and throughout the world, as symbolized by the healing of these death-pervaded waters covering the doomed cities. Compare as to "the sea" in general, regarded as a symbol of the troubled powers of nature, disordered by the fall, henceforth to rage no more, Re 21:1.

9. rivers—in Hebrew, "two rivers." Hence Hebrew expositors think that the waters from the temple were divided into two branches, the one emptying itself into the eastern or Dead Sea, the other into the western or Mediterranean. So Zec 14:8. However, though this probably is covertly implied in the Hebrew dual, the flowing of the waters into the Dead Sea only is expressed. Compare Eze 47:8, "waters … healed," which can apply only to it, not to the Mediterranean: also Eze 47:10, "fish as the fish of the great sea"; the Dead Sea, when healed, containing fish, as the Mediterranean does.

10. En-gedi … En-eglaim—En-gedi (meaning "fountain of the kid"), anciently, Hazazon-Tamar, now Ain-Jidy; west of the Dead Sea; David's place of refuge from Saul. En-eglaim means "fountain of two calves," on the confines of Moab, over against En-gedi, and near where Jordan enters the Dead Sea (Isa 15:8). These two limits are fixed on, to comprise between them the whole Dead Sea.

fish … according to their kinds—Jerome quotes an ancient theory that "there are a hundred fifty-three kinds of fishes," all of which were taken by the apostles (Joh 21:11), and not one remained uncaptured; signifying that both the noble and baseborn, the rich and the poor, and every class, are being drawn out of the sea of the world to salvation. Compare Mt 13:47, the gospel net; the apostles being fishermen, at first literally, afterwards spiritually (Mt 4:19).

11. marshes—marshy places. The region is known to have such pits and marshes. The Arabs take the salt collected by evaporation in these pits for their own use, and that of their flocks.

not be healed—Those not reached by the healing waters of the Gospel, through their sloth and earthly-mindedness, are given over (Re 22:11) to their own bitterness and barrenness (as "saltness" is often employed to express, De 29:23; Ps 107:34; Zep 2:9); an awful example to others in the punishment they suffer (2Pe 2:6).

12. Instead of the "vine of Sodom and grapes of Gomorrah" (De 32:32), nauseous and unwholesome, trees of life-giving and life-restoring virtue shall bloom similar in properties to, and exceeding in number, the tree of life in Eden (Re 2:7; 22:2, 14).

leaf … not fade—expressing not only the unfailing character of the heavenly medicine of the tree of life, but also that the graces of the believer (as a tree of righteousness), which are the leaves, and his deeds, which are the fruits that flow from those graces, are immortal (Ps 1:3; Jer 17:8; Mt 10:42; 1Co 15:58).

new fruit—literally, "firstlings," or first fruit. They are still, each month afresh, as it were, yielding their first-fruit [Fairbairn]. The first-born of a thing, in Hebrew idiom, means the chiefest. As Job 18:13, "the first-born of death," that is, the most fatal death.

13. The redivision of the land: the boundaries. The latter are substantially the same as those given by Moses in Nu 34:1-29; they here begin with the north, but in Numbers they begin with the south (Nu 34:3). It is only Canaan proper, exclusive of the possession of the two and a half tribes beyond Jordan, that is here divided.

Joseph … two portions—according to the original promise of Jacob (Ge 48:5, 22). Joseph's sons were given the birthright forfeited by Reuben, the first-born (1Ch 5:1). Therefore the former is here put first. His two sons having distinct portions make up the whole number twelve portions, as he had just before specified "twelve tribes of Israel"; for Levi had no separate inheritance, so that he is not reckoned in the twelve.

15. Zedad—on the north boundary of Canaan.

16. Hamath—As Israel was a separate people, so their land was a separate land. On no scene could the sacred history have been so well transacted as on it. On the east was the sandy desert. On the north and south, mountains. On the west, an inhospitable sea-shore. But it was not always to be a separate land. Between the parallel ranges of Lebanon is the long valley of El-Bekaa, leading to "the entering in of Hamath" on the Orontes, in the Syrian frontier. Roman roads, and the harbor made at Cæsarea, opened out doors through which the Gospel should go from it to all lands. So in the last days, when all shall flock to Jerusalem as the religious center of the world.

Berothah—a city in Syria conquered by David (2Sa 8:8); meaning "wells."

Hazar-hatticon—meaning "the middle village."

Hauran—a tract in Syria, south of Damascus; Auranitis.

17. Hazar-enan—a town in the north of Canaan, meaning "village of fountains."

18. east sea—the Dead Sea. The border is to go down straight to it by the valley of the Jordan. So Nu 34:11, 12.

19. Tamar—not Tadmor in the desert, but Tamar, the last town of Judea, by the Dead Sea. Meaning "palm tree"; so called from palm trees abounding near it.

22. to the strangers—It is altogether unprecedented under the old covenant, that "strangers" should have "inheritance" among the tribes. There would not be room locally within Canaan for more than the tribes. The literal sense must therefore be modified, as expressing that Gentiles are not to be excluded from settling among the covenant-people, and that spiritually their privileges are not to be less than those of Israel (Ro 10:12; Ga 3:28; Eph 3:6; Col 3:11; Re 7:9, 10). Still, "sojourneth," in Eze 47:23, implies that in Canaan, the covenant people are regarded as at home, the strangers as settlers.