Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Ezra » Chapter 10 » Verse 18

Ezra 10:18 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

18 And among the sons H1121 of the priests H3548 there were found H4672 that had taken H3427 strange H5237 wives: H802 namely, of the sons H1121 of Jeshua H3442 the son H1121 of Jozadak, H3136 and his brethren; H251 Maaseiah, H4641 and Eliezer, H461 and Jarib, H3402 and Gedaliah. H1436

Cross Reference

Zechariah 3:1 STRONG

And he shewed H7200 me Joshua H3091 the high H1419 priest H3548 standing H5975 before H6440 the angel H4397 of the LORD, H3068 and Satan H7854 standing H5975 at his right hand H3225 to resist H7853 him.

Haggai 1:1 STRONG

In the second H8147 year H8141 of Darius H1867 the king, H4428 in the sixth H8345 month, H2320 in the first H259 day H3117 of the month, H2320 came the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 by H3027 Haggai H2292 the prophet H5030 unto Zerubbabel H2216 the son H1121 of Shealtiel, H7597 governor H6346 of Judah, H3063 and to Joshua H3091 the son H1121 of Josedech, H3087 the high H1419 priest, H3548 saying, H559

Ezra 5:2 STRONG

Then H116 rose up H6966 Zerubbabel H2217 the son H1247 of Shealtiel, H7598 and Jeshua H3443 the son H1247 of Jozadak, H3136 and began H8271 to build H1124 the house H1005 of God H426 which is at Jerusalem: H3390 and with them H5974 were the prophets H5029 of God H426 helping H5583 them.

Ezra 3:2 STRONG

Then stood up H6965 Jeshua H3442 the son H1121 of Jozadak, H3136 and his brethren H251 the priests, H3548 and Zerubbabel H2216 the son H1121 of Shealtiel, H7597 and his brethren, H251 and builded H1129 the altar H4196 of the God H430 of Israel, H3478 to offer H5927 burnt offerings H5930 thereon, as it is written H3789 in the law H8451 of Moses H4872 the man H376 of God. H430

Ezra 2:2 STRONG

Which came H935 with Zerubbabel: H2216 Jeshua, H3442 Nehemiah, H5166 Seraiah, H8304 Reelaiah, H7480 Mordecai, H4782 Bilshan, H1114 Mispar, H4558 Bigvai, H902 Rehum, H7348 Baanah. H1196 The number H4557 of the men H582 of the people H5971 of Israel: H3478

Jeremiah 23:11 STRONG

For both prophet H5030 and priest H3548 are profane; H2610 yea, in my house H1004 have I found H4672 their wickedness, H7451 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

1 Timothy 3:11 STRONG

Even so G5615 must their wives G1135 be grave, G4586 not G3361 slanderers, G1228 sober, G3524 faithful G4103 in G1722 all things. G3956

Malachi 2:8-9 STRONG

But ye are departed H5493 out of the way; H1870 ye have caused many H7227 to stumble H3782 at the law; H8451 ye have corrupted H7843 the covenant H1285 of Levi, H3878 saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635 Therefore have I also made H5414 you contemptible H959 and base H8217 before all the people, H5971 according H6310 as ye have not kept H8104 my ways, H1870 but have been partial H5375 H6440 in the law. H8451

Ezekiel 44:22 STRONG

Neither shall they take H3947 for their wives H802 a widow, H490 nor her that is put away: H1644 but they shall take H3947 maidens H1330 of the seed H2233 of the house H1004 of Israel, H3478 or a widow H490 that had a priest H3548 before.

Jeremiah 23:14 STRONG

I have seen H7200 also in the prophets H5030 of Jerusalem H3389 an horrible thing: H8186 they commit adultery, H5003 and walk H1980 in lies: H8267 they strengthen H2388 also the hands H3027 of evildoers, H7489 that none H376 doth return H7725 from his wickedness: H7451 they are all of them unto me as Sodom, H5467 and the inhabitants H3427 thereof as Gomorrah. H6017

Leviticus 21:7 STRONG

They shall not take H3947 a wife H802 that is a whore, H2181 or profane; H2491 neither shall they take H3947 a woman H802 put away H1644 from her husband: H376 for he is holy H6918 unto his God. H430

Nehemiah 13:28 STRONG

And one of the sons H1121 of Joiada, H3111 the son H1121 of Eliashib H475 the high H1419 priest, H3548 was son in law H2860 to Sanballat H5571 the Horonite: H2772 therefore I chased H1272 him from me.

Nehemiah 12:10 STRONG

And Jeshua H3442 begat H3205 Joiakim, H3113 Joiakim H3113 also begat H3205 Eliashib, H475 and Eliashib H475 begat H3205 Joiada, H3111

Nehemiah 8:7 STRONG

Also Jeshua, H3442 and Bani, H1137 and Sherebiah, H8274 Jamin, H3226 Akkub, H6126 Shabbethai, H7678 Hodijah, H1941 Maaseiah, H4641 Kelita, H7042 Azariah, H5838 Jozabad, H3107 Hanan, H2605 Pelaiah, H6411 and the Levites, H3881 caused the people H5971 to understand H995 the law: H8451 and the people H5971 stood in their place. H5977

Nehemiah 8:4 STRONG

And Ezra H5830 the scribe H5608 stood H5975 upon a pulpit H4026 of wood, H6086 which they had made H6213 for the purpose; H1697 and beside H681 him stood H5975 Mattithiah, H4993 and Shema, H8087 and Anaiah, H6043 and Urijah, H223 and Hilkiah, H2518 and Maaseiah, H4641 on his right hand; H3225 and on his left hand, H8040 Pedaiah, H6305 and Mishael, H4332 and Malchiah, H4441 and Hashum, H2828 and Hashbadana, H2806 Zechariah, H2148 and Meshullam. H4918

Ezra 9:1 STRONG

Now when these things were done, H3615 the princes H8269 came H5066 to me, saying, H559 The people H5971 of Israel, H3478 and the priests, H3548 and the Levites, H3881 have not separated H914 themselves from the people H5971 of the lands, H776 doing according to their abominations, H8441 even of the Canaanites, H3669 the Hittites, H2850 the Perizzites, H6522 the Jebusites, H2983 the Ammonites, H5984 the Moabites, H4125 the Egyptians, H4713 and the Amorites. H567

1 Chronicles 6:14-15 STRONG

And Azariah H5838 begat H3205 Seraiah, H8304 and Seraiah H8304 begat H3205 Jehozadak, H3087 And Jehozadak H3087 went H1980 into captivity, when the LORD H3068 carried away H1540 Judah H3063 and Jerusalem H3389 by the hand H3027 of Nebuchadnezzar. H5019

1 Samuel 2:22-24 STRONG

Now Eli H5941 was very H3966 old, H2204 and heard H8085 all that his sons H1121 did H6213 unto all Israel; H3478 and how they lay H7901 with the women H802 that assembled H6633 at the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation. H4150 And he said H559 unto them, Why do H6213 ye such things? H1697 for I hear H8085 of your evil H7451 dealings H1697 by all this people. H5971 Nay, my sons; H1121 for it is no good H2896 report H8052 that I hear: H8085 ye make the LORD'S H3068 people H5971 to transgress. H5674

Leviticus 21:13-15 STRONG

And he shall take H3947 a wife H802 in her virginity. H1331 A widow, H490 or a divorced woman, H1644 or profane, H2491 or an harlot, H2181 these shall he not take: H3947 but he shall take H3947 a virgin H1330 of his own people H5971 to wife. H802 Neither shall he profane H2490 his seed H2233 among his people: H5971 for I the LORD H3068 do sanctify H6942 him.

Commentary on Ezra 10 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ezr 10:1-17. Ezra Reforms the Strange Marriages.

1. Now when Ezra had prayed—As this prayer was uttered in public, while there was a general concourse of the people at the time of the evening sacrifice and as it was accompanied with all the demonstrations of poignant sorrow and anguish, it is not surprising that the spectacle of a man so respected, a priest so holy, a governor so dignified as Ezra, appearing distressed and filled with fear at the sad state of things, should produce a deep sensation; and the report of his passionate grief and expressions in the court of the temple having rapidly spread through the city, a great multitude flocked to the spot.

2-4. Shechaniah … answered and said unto Ezra, We have trespassed—This was one of the leading men, who was not himself a delinquent in the matter, for his name does not occur in the following list. He spoke in the general name of the people, and his conduct evinced a tender conscience, as well as no small fortitude in making such a proposal; for as his father and five paternal uncles (Ezr 10:26) were involved in the guilt of unlawful marriages, he showed, by the measure he recommended, that he deemed it better to obey God than to please his nearest relatives.

yet now there is hope in Israel concerning this thing—This hope, however, depended on timely measures of reformation, and therefore, instead of surrendering themselves to despair or despondency, he counselled them to amend their error without delay, relying on God's mercy for the past. Though the proposal may seem harsh and cruel, yet in the peculiar circumstances of the Jews it was just as well as necessary; and he urged the duty of seeing it executed on Ezra, as the only person competent to carry it into effect, being possessed of skill and address for so delicate and difficult a work, and invested by God, and under Him by the Persian king (Ezr 7:23-28), with the requisite authority to enforce it.

5-8. Then Ezra … went into the chamber of Johanan—At a private council of the princes and elders held there, under the presidency of Ezra, it was resolved to enter into a general covenant to put away their foreign wives and children; that a proclamation should be made for all who had returned from Babylon to repair within three days to Jerusalem, under pain of excommunication and confiscation of their property.

9-11. Then all the men of Judah and Benjamin—The returned captives belonged chiefly to these tribes; but other Israelites are also included under these names, as they all were then occupying the territory formerly assigned to those two tribes.

It was the ninth month—that is, between the end of December and the beginning of January, which is the coldest and most rainy season of the year in Palestine.

all the people sat in the street—that is, the court.

10-17. Ezra the priest stood up, and said—Having fully represented the enormity of their sin and urged them to dissolve their unlawful connections, he was gratified by receiving a prompt acknowledgment of the justice of his reproof and a promise of compliance with his recommendation. But as the weather was ungenial and the defaulters were too numerous to be passed in review at one time, it was resolved that a commission should be appointed to examine into the whole matter. These commissioners, assisted by the judges and elders of the respective cities, made a minute investigation into every case, and after three months' labor completely removed all traces of the abuse. Doubtless, an adequate provision was made for the repudiated wives and children, according to the means and circumstances of the husbands.

Ezr 10:18-44. Those That Had Taken Strange Wives.

18. among the sons of the priests—From the names of so many men of rank appearing in the following list, some idea may be formed of the great and complicated difficulties attending the reformatory work.

19. they gave their hands—that is, came under a solemn engagement, which was usually ratified by pledging the right hand (Pr 6:1; Eze 17:18). The delinquents of the priestly order bound themselves to do like the common Israelites (Ezr 10:25), and sought to expiate their sin by sacrificing a ram as a trespass offering.