Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Ezra » Chapter 5 » Verse 1-17

Ezra 5:1-17 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

1 Then the prophets, H5029 Haggai H2292 the prophet, H5029 and Zechariah H2148 the son H1247 of Iddo, H5714 prophesied H5013 unto H5922 the Jews H3062 that were in Judah H3061 and Jerusalem H3390 in the name H8036 of the God H426 of Israel, H3479 even unto H5922 them.

2 Then H116 rose up H6966 Zerubbabel H2217 the son H1247 of Shealtiel, H7598 and Jeshua H3443 the son H1247 of Jozadak, H3136 and began H8271 to build H1124 the house H1005 of God H426 which is at Jerusalem: H3390 and with them H5974 were the prophets H5029 of God H426 helping H5583 them.

3 At the same time H2166 came H858 to them Tatnai, H8674 governor H6347 on this side H5675 the river, H5103 and Shetharboznai, H8370 and their companions, H3675 and said H560 thus H3652 unto them, H5922 Who H4479 hath commanded H7761 H2942 you to build H1124 this H1836 house, H1005 and to make up H3635 this H1836 wall? H846

4 Then H116 said H560 we unto them after this manner, H3660 What H4479 are H581 the names H8036 of the men H1400 that make H1124 this H1836 building? H1147

5 But the eye H5870 of their God H426 was H1934 upon H5922 the elders H7868 of the Jews, H3062 that they could not H3809 cause H989 them H1994 to cease, H989 till H5705 the matter H2941 came H1946 to Darius: H1868 and then H116 they returned answer H8421 by letter H5407 concerning H5922 this H1836 matter.

6 The copy H6573 of the letter H104 that Tatnai, H8674 governor H6347 on this side H5675 the river, H5103 and Shetharboznai, H8370 and his companions H3675 the Apharsachites, H671 which were on this side H5675 the river, H5103 sent H7972 unto H5922 Darius H1868 the king: H4430

7 They sent H7972 a letter H6600 unto H5922 him, wherein H1459 was written H3790 thus; H1836 Unto Darius H1868 the king, H4430 all H3606 peace. H8001

8 Be it known H1934 H3046 unto the king, H4430 that we went H236 into the province H4083 of Judea, H3061 to the house H1005 of the great H7229 God, H426 which is builded H1124 with great H1560 stones, H69 and timber H636 is laid H7761 in the walls, H3797 and this H1791 work H5673 goeth H5648 fast H629 on, and prospereth H6744 in their hands. H3028

9 Then H116 asked H7593 we those H479 elders, H7868 and said H560 unto them thus, H3660 Who H4479 commanded H7761 H2942 you to build H1124 this H1836 house, H1005 and to make up H3635 these H1836 walls? H846

10 We asked H7593 their names H8036 also, H638 to certify H3046 thee, that we might write H3790 the names H8036 of the men H1400 that were the chief H7217 of them.

11 And thus H3660 they returned H8421 us answer, H6600 saying, H560 We H586 are H1994 the servants H5649 of the God H426 of heaven H8065 and earth, H772 and build H1124 the house H1005 that was H1934 builded H1124 these H1836 many H7690 years H8140 ago, H6928 which a great H7229 king H4430 of Israel H3479 builded H1124 and set up. H3635

12 But H3861 after H4481 that our fathers H2 had provoked H7265 the God H426 of heaven H8065 unto wrath, H7265 he gave H3052 them H1994 into the hand H3028 of Nebuchadnezzar H5020 the king H4430 of Babylon, H895 the Chaldean, H3679 who destroyed H5642 this H1836 house, H1005 and carried H1541 the people H5972 away H1541 into Babylon. H895

13 But H1297 in the first H2298 year H8140 of Cyrus H3567 the king H4430 of Babylon H895 the same king H4430 Cyrus H3567 made H7761 a decree H2942 to build H1124 this H1836 house H1005 of God. H426

14 And the vessels H3984 also H638 of H1768 gold H1722 and silver H3702 of the house H1005 of God, H426 which Nebuchadnezzar H5020 took H5312 out of H4481 the temple H1965 that was in Jerusalem, H3390 and brought H2987 them into the temple H1965 of Babylon, H895 those H1994 did Cyrus H3567 the king H4430 take H5312 out of H4481 the temple H1965 of Babylon, H895 and they were delivered H3052 unto one, whose name H8036 was Sheshbazzar, H8340 whom he had made H7761 governor; H6347

15 And said H560 unto him, Take H5376 these H412 vessels, H3984 go, H236 carry H5182 them H1994 into the temple H1965 that is in Jerusalem, H3390 and let the house H1005 of God H426 be builded H1124 in H5922 his place. H870

16 Then H116 came H858 the same H1791 Sheshbazzar, H8340 and laid H3052 the foundation H787 of the house H1005 of God H426 which is in Jerusalem: H3390 and since H4481 that time H116 even until H5705 now H3705 hath it been in building, H1124 and yet it is not H3809 finished. H8000

17 Now H3705 therefore, if H2006 it seem good H2869 to H5922 the king, H4430 let there be search H1240 made in the king's H4430 treasure H1596 house, H1005 which is there H8536 at Babylon, H895 whether H2006 it be H383 so, that a decree H2942 was made H7761 of H4481 Cyrus H3567 the king H4430 to build H1124 this H1791 house H1005 of God H426 at Jerusalem, H3390 and let the king H4430 send H7972 his pleasure H7470 to us concerning H5922 this matter. H1836

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Ezra 5

Commentary on Ezra 5 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


The Building of the Temple Continued, and Notice Thereof Sent to King Darius - Ezra 5

In the second year of Darius Hystaspis (Darajavus Vi

Verse 1-2

“The prophets, Haggai the prophet, and Zechariah the son of Iddo, prophesied to the Jews in Judah and Jerusalem, in the name of the God of Israel upon them.” חתנבּי without א , which this word occasionally loses in Hebrew also, comp. 1 Samuel 10:6, 1 Samuel 10:13; Jeremiah 26:9. The epithet נביּאה added to the name of Haggai serves to distinguish him from others of the same name, and as well as הנּביא , Hagg. Haggai 1:1, Haggai 1:3, Haggai 1:12, and elsewhere, is used instead of the name of his father; hence, after Zechariah is named, the prophets, as designating the position of both, can follow. על־יהוּדיא , they prophesied to (not against) the Jews; על as in Ezekiel 37:4, = אל , Ezekiel 37:9; Ezekiel 36:1. The Jews in Judah and Jerusalem , in contradistinction to Jews dwelling elsewhere, especially to those who had remained in Babylon. עליהון belongs to אלהּ בּשׁם , in the name of God, who was upon them, who was come upon them, had manifested Himself to them. Comp. Jeremiah 15:16.

Ezra 5:2

“Then rose up Zerubbabel ... and Joshua ... and began to build the house of God at Jerusalem, and with them the prophets of God helping them.” The beginning to build is (Ezra 3:6, etc.) the commencement of the building properly so called, upon the foundations laid, Ezra 3:10; for what was done after this foundation-laying till a stop was put to the work, was so unimportant that no further notice is taken of it. The “prophets of God” are those mentioned Ezra 5:1, viz., Haggai, and Zechariah the son, i.e., grandson, of Iddo, for his father's name was Berechiah (see Introd. to Zechariah). Haggai entered upon his work on the first day of the sixth month, in the second year of Darius; and his first address made such an impression, that Zerubbabel and Joshua with the people set about the intermitted work of building as early as the twenty-fourth day of the same month (comp. Haggai 1:1 and Haggai 1:14.). Two months later, viz., in the eighth month of the same year, Zechariah began to exhort the people to turn sincerely to the Lord their God, and not to relapse into the sins of their fathers.

Verses 3-5

When the building was recommenced, the governor on this side Euphrates, and other royal officials, evidently informed of the undertaking by the adversaries of the Jews, made their appearance for the purpose of investigating matters on the spot. עליהון אתּה , came to them, to the two above-named rulers of the community at Jerusalem. Tatnai (lxx Θανθαναΐ́ ) was פּחה , viceroy, in the provinces west of Euphrates, i.e., as correctly expanded in 1 Esdras, of Syria and Phoenicia, to which Judaea with its Pecha Zerubbabel was subordinate. With him came Shethar-Boznai, perhaps his secretary, and their companions, their subordinates. The royal officials inquired: “Who has commanded you to build this house, and to finish this wall?” The form לבנא here and Ezra 5:13 is remarkable, the infinitive in Chaldee being not בנא , but מבנא ; compare Ezra 5:2, Ezra 5:17, and Ezra 6:8. Norzi has both times לבּנא , as through the Dagesh forte were compensating for an omitted . מ אשּׁרנא which occurs only here and Ezra 5:9, is variously explained. The Vulgate, the Syriac, and also the Rabbins, translate: these walls. This meaning best answers to the context, and is also linguistically the most correct. It can hardly, however, be derived (Gesenius) from אשׁר , but rather from אשׁן , in Chaldee אשׁוּן , firm, strong-walls as the strength or firmness of the building. The form אשּׁרנא has arisen from אשׁנּא , and is analogous to the form בּשׁנה .

(Note: The interpretations of the lxx, τὴν χορηγίαν ταύτην , meaning these building materials, and of 1 Esdr. 6:4, τὴν στέγην ταύτην καὶ τὰ ἄλλα πάντα , this roof and all besides, for which Bertheau decides, without considering that שׁכלל may mean to complete, and not to prepare for anything, are but conjectures.)

Ezra 5:4

Then told we them after this manner ( כּנמא , Ezra 4:8), what were the names of the men who were building this building. From אמרנא , we said, it is obvious that the author of this account was an eye-witness of, and sharer in, the work of building. These is not a shadow of reason for altering אמרנא into אמרוּ , or into the participle אמרין (Ew., Berth., and others); the εἴποσαν of the lxx being no critical authority for so doing. The answer in Ezra 5:4 seems not to correspond with the question in Ezra 5:3. The royal officials asked, Who had commanded them to build? The Jews told them the names of those who had undertaken and were conducting the building. But this incongruity between the question and answer is merely caused by the fact that the discussion is reported only by a short extract restricted to the principal subjects. We learn that this is the case from the contents of the letter sent by the officials to the king. According to these, the royal functionary inquired not merely concerning the author of the command to build, but asked also the names of those who were undertaking the work (comp. Ezra 5:9 and Ezra 5:10); while the rulers of the Jews gave a circumstantial answer to both questions (Ezra 5:11-15).

Ezra 5:5

Tatnai and Shethar-Boznai had power to prohibit them from proceeding; they allowed them, however, to go on with their work till the arrival of an answer from the king, to whom they had furnished a written report of the matter. In these dealings, the historian sees a proof of the divine protection which was watching over the building. “The eye of their God was over the elders of the Jews, that they should not restrain them (from building) till the matter came to Darius; and they should then receive a letter concerning this matter.” Bertheau incorrectly translates יהך לד עד־טעמא : until the command of King Darius should arrive. ל is only used as a paraphrase of the genitive in statements of time; otherwise the genitive, if not expressed by the status construc. , is designated by דּ or דּי . יהך , fut. Peal of הלך , formed by the rejection of ל , construed with ל , signifies to go to a place (comp. Ezra 7:13), or to come to a person. טעמא ( טעם ) does not here mean commandment, but the matter, causa , which the king is to decide; just as פּתגּן , Ezra 6:11, means thing, res . The clause יתיבוּן ואדין still depends upon עד : and till they (the royal officials) then receive a letter, i.e., obtain a decision.

Verses 6-8

In Ezra 5:6-17 follows the letter which the royal officials sent to the king. Ezra 5:6 and Ezra 5:7 form the introduction to this document, and correspond with Ezra 5:8-11 in Ezra 4. Copy of the letter (comp. Ezra 4:11) which Tatnai, etc., sent. The senders of the letter are, besides Tatnai, Shethar-Boznai and his companions the Apharsachites, the same called Ezra 4:9 the Apharsathchites, who perhaps, as a race specially devoted to the Persian king, took a prominent position among the settlers in Syria, and may have formed the royal garrison. After this general announcement of the letter, follows the more precise statement: They sent the matter to him; and in it was written, To King Darius, much peace. פּתגּן here is not command, but matter; see above. כלּא , its totality, is unconnected with, yet dependent on שׁלמא : peace in all things, in every respect. The letter itself begins with a simple representation of the state of affairs (Ezra 5:8): “We went into the province of Judaea, to the house of the great God (for so might Persian officials speak of the God of Israel, after what they had learned from the elders of Judah of the edict of Cyrus), and it is being built with freestone, and timber is laid in the walls; and this work is being diligently carried on, and is prospering under their hands.” The placing of wood in the walls refers to building beams into the wall for flooring; for the building was not so far advanced as to make it possible that this should be said of covering the walls with wainscotting. The word אספּרנא here, and Ezra 6:8, Ezra 6:12-13; Ezra 7:17, Ezra 7:21, Ezra 7:26, is of Aryan origin, and is explained by Haug in Ew. Janro . v. p. 154, from the Old-Persian us - parna , to mean: carefully or exactly finished-a meaning which suits all these passages.

Verse 9-10

Hereupon the royal officials asked the elders of the Jews who had commanded them to build, and inquired concerning their names, that they might write to the king the names of the leading men (see the remark on 3 and 41). בראשׁהם דּי does not mean, who are at the head of them: but, who act in the capacity of heads.

Verse 11

The answer of the elders of the Jews. They returned us answer in the following manner ( לממר = לאמר ): “We are His, the servants of the God of heaven and earth, and build the house which was built many years ago; and a great king of Israel built and completed it.” דּנה מקּדמת , of before this, i.e., before the present; to which is added the more precise definition: many years (accusative of time), i.e., many years before the present time.

Verse 12

For this reason ( להן ), because ( מן־דּי = מאשׁר , e.g., Isaiah 43:4) our fathers provoked the God of heaven, He gave them into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, the Chaldean, and he (Nebuch.) destroyed this house, and carried the people away into Babylon. For כּסדּיא the Keri requires כּסדּאה , the ordinary form of the absolute state of the noun in ai . סתר , Pael, in the sense of destroy, appears only here in biblical Chaldee, but more frequently in the Targums. עמּה , its people, would refer to the town of Jerusalem; but Norzi and J. H. Mich. have עמּהּ , and the Masora expressly says that the word is to be written without Mappik, and is therefore the stat. emphat . for עמּא .

Verse 13-14

In the first year, however, of Cyrus king of Babylon, King Cyrus made a decree, etc.; comp. Ezra 1:3. The infin. לבנא like Ezra 5:3. - On Ezra 5:14 and Ezra 5:15, comp. Ezra 1:7-11. ויחיבוּ , praeter. pass. of Peal; they were given to one Sheshbazzar, (is) his name, i.e., to one of the name of Sheshbazzar, whom he had made pechah. Zerubbabel is also called פּחה , Haggai 1:1, Haggai 1:14, and elsewhere.

Verse 15

Take these vessels, go forth, place them in the temple. For אלּה the Keri reads אל , according to 1 Chronicles 20:8. אחת is imperat. Aphel of נחת . The three imperatives succeed each other without any copula in this rapid form of expression. The last sentence, ”and let the house of God be built in its place,” i.e., be rebuilt in its former place, gives the reason for the command to deposit the vessels in the temple at Jerusalem, i.e., in the house of God, which is to be rebuilt in its former place.

Verse 16

In virtue of this command of Cyrus, this Sheshbazzar came (from Babylon to Jerusalem), and laid then the foundations of the house of God, and from that time till now it has been building, and is not (yet) finished. שׁלים , part. pass. of שׁלם , often used in the Targums and in Syriac for the Hebrew תּמם ; hence in Daniel 5:26 the Aphel, in the meaning of to finish, and Ezekiel 7:19, to restore. This statement does not exclude the cessation from building from the last year of Cyrus to the second of Darius, narrated Ezra 4-6:7, as Bertheau and others suppose, but only leaves the unmentioned circumstance which had been the cause of the delay. If the section Ezra 4:6-23 does not refer to the building of the temple, then neither is a “forcible interruption” of the building spoken of in Ezra 4; but it is only said that the adversaries frustrated the purpose of the Jews to rebuild the temple till the time of Darius, and weakened the hands of the people, so that the work of the house of God ceased.

Verse 17

After thus representing the state of affairs, the royal officials request Darius to cause a search to be made among the archives of the kingdom, as to whether a decree made by Cyrus for the erection of the temple at Jerusalem was to be found therein, and then to communicate to them his decision concerning the matter. “And if it seem good to the king, let search be made in the king's treasure-house there at Babylon, whether it be so, that a decree was made of Cyrus the king.” על טב הן , like the Hebrew על טּוב אם , Esther 1:19, for which in older Hebrew לו טּוב , Deuteronomy 23:17, or בּעינים טוב , Genesis 19:8; Judges 10:15, and elsewhere, is used. גּזיּא בּית , house of the treasure, more definitely called, Ezra 6:1, house of the rolls, where also the royal treasures were deposited. Hence it is obvious that important documents and writings were preserved in the royal treasury. תּמּה , there, is explained by ”which at Babylon.” רעוּת , chald. voluntas , comp. Ezra 7:18. Concerning the behaviour of these officials Brentius well remarks: vides differentiam inter calumniatores et bonos ac probos viros. Una eademque causa erat aedificii templi, unus idemque populus Judaeorum; attamen hujus populi causa aliter refertur ab impiis calumniatoribus, aliter a bonis viris .