Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Ezra » Chapter 5 » Verse 11

Ezra 5:11 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

11 And thus H3660 they returned H8421 us answer, H6600 saying, H560 We H586 are H1994 the servants H5649 of the God H426 of heaven H8065 and earth, H772 and build H1124 the house H1005 that was H1934 builded H1124 these H1836 many H7690 years H8140 ago, H6928 which a great H7229 king H4430 of Israel H3479 builded H1124 and set up. H3635

Cross Reference

Joshua 24:15 STRONG

And if it seem evil H7489 unto you H4310 to serve H5647 the LORD, H3068 choose H977 you this day H3117 whom H5869 ye will serve; H5647 whether the gods H430 which your fathers H1 served H5647 that were on the other side H5676 of the flood, H5104 or the gods H430 of the Amorites, H567 in whose land H776 ye dwell: H3427 but as for me and my house, H1004 we will serve H5647 the LORD. H3068

1 Kings 6:1-7 STRONG

And it came to pass in the four H702 hundred H3967 H8141 and eightieth H8084 year H8141 after the children H1121 of Israel H3478 were come out H3318 of the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 in the fourth H7243 year H8141 of Solomon's H8010 reign H4427 over Israel, H3478 in the month H2320 Zif, H2099 which is the second H8145 month, H2320 that he began to build H1129 the house H1004 of the LORD. H3068 And the house H1004 which king H4428 Solomon H8010 built H1129 for the LORD, H3068 the length H753 thereof was threescore H8346 cubits, H520 and the breadth H7341 thereof twenty H6242 cubits, and the height H6967 thereof thirty H7970 cubits. H520 And the porch H197 before H6440 the temple H1964 of the house, H1004 twenty H6242 cubits H520 was the length H753 thereof, according to the breadth H7341 of the house; H1004 and ten H6235 cubits H520 was the breadth H7341 thereof before the house. H1004 And for the house H1004 he made H6213 windows H2474 of narrow H331 lights. H8261 And against the wall H7023 of the house H1004 he built H1129 chambers H3326 H3326 round about, H5439 against the walls H7023 of the house H1004 round about, H5439 both of the temple H1964 and of the oracle: H1687 and he made H6213 chambers H6763 round about: H5439 The nethermost H8481 chamber H3326 H3326 was five H2568 cubits H520 broad, H7341 and the middle H8484 was six H8337 cubits H520 broad, H7341 and the third H7992 was seven H7651 cubits H520 broad: H7341 for without in the wall of H2351 the house H1004 he made H5414 narrowed rests H4052 round about, H5439 that the beams should not be fastened H270 in the walls H7023 of the house. H1004 And the house, H1004 when it was in building, H1129 was built H1129 of stone H68 made ready H8003 before it was brought H4551 thither: so that there was neither hammer H4717 nor axe H1631 nor any tool H3627 of iron H1270 heard H8085 in the house, H1004 while it was in building. H1129

2 Chronicles 3:1-5 STRONG

Then Solomon H8010 began H2490 to build H1129 the house H1004 of the LORD H3068 at Jerusalem H3389 in mount H2022 Moriah, H4179 where the LORD appeared H7200 unto David H1732 his father, H1 in the place H4725 that David H1732 had prepared H3559 in the threshingfloor H1637 of Ornan H771 the Jebusite. H2983 And he began H2490 to build H1129 in the second H8145 day of the second H8145 month, H2320 in the fourth H702 year H8141 of his reign. H4438 Now these are the things wherein Solomon H8010 was instructed H3245 for the building H1129 of the house H1004 of God. H430 The length H753 by cubits H520 after the first H7223 measure H4060 was threescore H8346 cubits, H520 and the breadth H7341 twenty H6242 cubits. H520 And the porch H197 that was in the front H6440 of the house, the length H753 of it was according to the breadth H7341 of the house, H1004 twenty H6242 cubits, H520 and the height H1363 was an hundred H3967 and twenty: H6242 and he overlaid H6823 it within H6441 with pure H2889 gold. H2091 And the greater H1419 house H1004 he cieled H2645 with fir H1265 tree, H6086 which he overlaid H2645 with fine H2896 gold, H2091 and set H5927 thereon palm trees H8561 and chains. H8333

Psalms 119:46 STRONG

I will speak H1696 of thy testimonies H5713 also before kings, H4428 and will not be ashamed. H954

Daniel 3:26 STRONG

Then H116 Nebuchadnezzar H5020 came near H7127 to the mouth H8651 of the burning H3345 fiery H5135 furnace, H861 and spake, H6032 and said, H560 Shadrach, H7715 Meshach, H4336 and Abednego, H5665 ye servants H5649 of the most high H5943 God, H426 come forth, H5312 and come H858 hither. Then H116 Shadrach, H7715 Meshach, H4336 and Abednego, H5665 came forth H5312 of H4481 the midst H1459 of the fire. H5135

Jonah 1:9 STRONG

And he said H559 unto them, I am an Hebrew; H5680 and I fear H3373 the LORD, H3068 the God H430 of heaven, H8064 which hath made H6213 the sea H3220 and the dry H3004 land.

Matthew 10:32 STRONG

Whosoever G3956 G3748 therefore G3767 shall confess G3670 G1722 me G1698 before G1715 men, G444 G1722 him G846 will I confess G3670 also G2504 before G1715 my G3450 Father G3962 which G3588 is in G1722 heaven. G3772

Luke 12:8 STRONG

Also G1161 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 Whosoever G3956 G3739 G302 shall confess G3670 G1722 me G1698 before G1715 men, G444 G1722 him G846 shall G3670 the Son G5207 of man G444 also G2532 confess G3670 before G1715 the angels G32 of God: G2316

Acts 27:23 STRONG

For G1063 there stood by G3936 me G3427 this G5026 night G3571 the angel G32 of God, G2316 whose G3739 I am, G1510 and G2532 whom G3739 I serve, G3000

Romans 1:16 STRONG

For G1063 I am G1870 not G3756 ashamed G1870 of the gospel G2098 of Christ: G5547 for G1063 it is G2076 the power G1411 of God G2316 unto G1519 salvation G4991 to every one G3956 that believeth; G4100 to the Jew G2453 first, G4412 and G5037 also G2532 to the Greek. G1672

Romans 6:16 STRONG

Know ye G1492 not, G3756 that G3754 to whom G3739 ye yield G3936 yourselves G1438 servants G1401 to G1519 obey, G5218 his servants G1401 ye are G2075 to whom G3739 ye obey; G5219 whether G2273 of sin G266 unto G1519 death, G2288 or G2228 of obedience G5218 unto G1519 righteousness? G1343

Galatians 6:14 STRONG

But G1161 God forbid G3361 G1096 that I G1698 should glory, G2744 save G1508 in G1722 the cross G4716 of our G2257 Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 by G1223 whom G3739 the world G2889 is crucified G4717 unto me, G1698 and I G2504 unto the world. G2889

Commentary on Ezra 5 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ezr 5:1-17. Zerubbabel and Jeshua Set Forward the Building of the Temple in the Reign of Darius.

1. Then the prophets … prophesied … in the name of the God of Israel—From the recorded writings of Haggai and Zechariah, it appears that the difficulties experienced and the many obstacles thrown in the way had first cooled the zeal of the Jews in the building of the temple, and then led to an abandonment of the work, under a pretended belief that the time for rebuilding it had not yet come (Hag 1:2-11). For fifteen years the work was completely suspended. These two prophets upbraided them with severe reproaches for their sloth, negligence, and worldly selfishness (Hag 1:4), threatened them with severe judgments if they continued backward, and promised that they would be blessed with great national prosperity if they resumed and prosecuted the work with alacrity and vigor.

Zechariah the son of Iddo—that is, grandson (Zec 1:1).

2. Then rose up Zerubbabel … and Jeshua … began to build the house of God—The strong appeals and animating exhortations of these prophets gave a new impulse to the building of the temple. It was in the second year of the reign of Darius Hystaspes that the work, after a long interruption, was resumed.

3, 4. At the same time came to them Tatnai, governor on this side the river—The Persian empire west of the Euphrates included at this time Syria, Arabia, Egypt, Phœnicia, and other provinces subject to Darius. The empire was divided into twenty provinces, called satrapies. Syria formed one satrapy, inclusive of Palestine, Phœnicia, and Cyprus, and furnished an annual revenue of three hundred fifty talents. It was presided over by a satrap or viceroy, who at this time resided at Damascus. Though superior to the native governors of the Jews appointed by the Persian king, he never interfered with their internal government except when there was a threatened disturbance of order and tranquillity. Tatnai, the governor (whether this was a personal name or an official title is unknown), had probably been incited by the complaints and turbulent outrages of the Samaritans against the Jews; but he suspended his judgment, and he prudently resolved to repair to Jerusalem, that he might ascertain the real state of matters by personal inspection and enquiry, in company with another dignified officer and his provincial council.

5-17. But the eye of their God was upon the elders of the Jews, &c.—The unusual presence, the imposing suite, the authoritative enquiries of the satrap appeared formidable, and might have produced a paralyzing influence or led to disastrous consequences, if he had been a partial and corrupt judge or actuated by unfriendly feelings towards the Jewish cause. The historian, therefore, with characteristic piety, throws in this parenthetical verse to intimate that God averted the threatening cloud and procured favor for the elders or leaders of the Jews, that they were not interrupted in their proceedings till communications with the court should be made and received. Not a word was uttered to dispirit the Jews or afford cause of triumph to their opponents. Matters were to go on till contrary orders arrived from Babylon. After surveying the work in progress, he inquired: first, by what authority this national temple was undertaken; and, secondly, the names of the principal promoters and directors of the undertaking. To these two heads of enquiry the Jews returned ready and distinct replies. Then having learned that it originated in a decree of Cyrus, who had not only released the Jewish exiles from captivity and permitted them to return to their own land for the express purpose of rebuilding the house of God, but, by an act of royal grace, had restored to them the sacred vessels which Nebuchadnezzar had carried off as trophies from the former temple, Tatnai transmitted all this information in an official report to his imperial master, accompanying it with a recommendatory suggestion that search should be made among the national archives at Babylon for the original decree of Cyrus, that the truth of the Jews' statement might be verified. The whole conduct of Tatnai, as well as the general tone of his despatch, is marked by a sound discretion and prudent moderation, free from any party bias, and evincing a desire only to do his duty. In all respects he appears in favorable contrast with his predecessor, Rehum (Ezr 4:9).

8. the house of the great God, which is builded with great stones—literally, "stones of rolling"; that is, stones of such extraordinary size that they could not be carried—they had to be rolled or dragged along the ground.

13. Cyrus the king … made a decree—The Jews were perfectly warranted according to the principles of the Persian government to proceed with the building in virtue of Cyrus' edict. For everywhere a public decree is considered as remaining in force until it is revoked but the "laws of the Medes and Persians changed not" [Da 6:8, 12, 15].

16. Then came … Shesh-bazzar … since that time even until now hath it been in building—This was not a part of the Jews' answer—they could not have said this, knowing the building had long ceased. But Tatnai used these expressions in his report, either looking on the stoppage as a temporary interruption, or supposing that the Jews were always working a little, as they had means and opportunities.