Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Ezra » Chapter 6 » Verse 3

Ezra 6:3 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

3 In the first H2298 year H8140 of Cyrus H3567 the king H4430 the same Cyrus H3567 the king H4430 made H7761 a decree H2942 concerning the house H1005 of God H426 at Jerusalem, H3390 Let the house H1005 be builded, H1124 the place H870 where they offered H1684 sacrifices, H1685 and let the foundations H787 thereof be strongly laid; H5446 the height H7314 thereof threescore H8361 cubits, H521 and the breadth H6613 thereof threescore H8361 cubits; H521

Cross Reference

Deuteronomy 12:5-6 STRONG

But unto the place H4725 which the LORD H3068 your God H430 shall choose H977 out of all your tribes H7626 to put H7760 his name H8034 there, even unto his habitation H7933 shall ye seek, H1875 and thither thou shalt come: H935 And thither ye shall bring H935 your burnt offerings, H5930 and your sacrifices, H2077 and your tithes, H4643 and heave offerings H8641 of your hand, H3027 and your vows, H5088 and your freewill offerings, H5071 and the firstlings H1062 of your herds H1241 and of your flocks: H6629

Deuteronomy 12:11-14 STRONG

Then there shall be a place H4725 which the LORD H3068 your God H430 shall choose H977 to cause his name H8034 to dwell H7931 there; thither shall ye bring H935 all that I command H6680 you; your burnt offerings, H5930 and your sacrifices, H2077 your tithes, H4643 and the heave offering H8641 of your hand, H3027 and all your choice H4005 vows H5088 which ye vow H5087 unto the LORD: H3068 And ye shall rejoice H8055 before H6440 the LORD H3068 your God, H430 ye, and your sons, H1121 and your daughters, H1323 and your menservants, H5650 and your maidservants, H519 and the Levite H3881 that is within your gates; H8179 forasmuch H3588 as he hath no part H2506 nor inheritance H5159 with you. Take heed H8104 to thyself that thou offer H5927 not thy burnt offerings H5930 in every place H4725 that thou seest: H7200 But in the place H4725 which the LORD H3068 shall choose H977 in one H259 of thy tribes, H7626 there thou shalt offer H5927 thy burnt offerings, H5930 and there thou shalt do H6213 all that I command H6680 thee.

1 Kings 6:2-3 STRONG

And the house H1004 which king H4428 Solomon H8010 built H1129 for the LORD, H3068 the length H753 thereof was threescore H8346 cubits, H520 and the breadth H7341 thereof twenty H6242 cubits, and the height H6967 thereof thirty H7970 cubits. H520 And the porch H197 before H6440 the temple H1964 of the house, H1004 twenty H6242 cubits H520 was the length H753 thereof, according to the breadth H7341 of the house; H1004 and ten H6235 cubits H520 was the breadth H7341 thereof before the house. H1004

2 Chronicles 2:6 STRONG

But who is able H6113 H3581 to build H1129 him an house, H1004 seeing the heaven H8064 and heaven H8064 of heavens H8064 cannot contain H3557 him? who am I then, that I should build H1129 him an house, H1004 save only H518 to burn sacrifice H6999 before H6440 him?

2 Chronicles 3:3-4 STRONG

Now these are the things wherein Solomon H8010 was instructed H3245 for the building H1129 of the house H1004 of God. H430 The length H753 by cubits H520 after the first H7223 measure H4060 was threescore H8346 cubits, H520 and the breadth H7341 twenty H6242 cubits. H520 And the porch H197 that was in the front H6440 of the house, the length H753 of it was according to the breadth H7341 of the house, H1004 twenty H6242 cubits, H520 and the height H1363 was an hundred H3967 and twenty: H6242 and he overlaid H6823 it within H6441 with pure H2889 gold. H2091

Ezra 5:13-15 STRONG

But H1297 in the first H2298 year H8140 of Cyrus H3567 the king H4430 of Babylon H895 the same king H4430 Cyrus H3567 made H7761 a decree H2942 to build H1124 this H1836 house H1005 of God. H426 And the vessels H3984 also H638 of H1768 gold H1722 and silver H3702 of the house H1005 of God, H426 which Nebuchadnezzar H5020 took H5312 out of H4481 the temple H1965 that was in Jerusalem, H3390 and brought H2987 them into the temple H1965 of Babylon, H895 those H1994 did Cyrus H3567 the king H4430 take H5312 out of H4481 the temple H1965 of Babylon, H895 and they were delivered H3052 unto one, whose name H8036 was Sheshbazzar, H8340 whom he had made H7761 governor; H6347 And said H560 unto him, Take H5376 these H412 vessels, H3984 go, H236 carry H5182 them H1994 into the temple H1965 that is in Jerusalem, H3390 and let the house H1005 of God H426 be builded H1124 in H5922 his place. H870

Psalms 122:4 STRONG

Whither H8033 the tribes H7626 go up, H5927 the tribes H7626 of the LORD, H3050 unto the testimony H5715 of Israel, H3478 to give thanks H3034 unto the name H8034 of the LORD. H3068

Ezekiel 41:13-15 STRONG

So he measured H4058 the house, H1004 an hundred H3967 cubits H520 long; H753 and the separate place, H1508 and the building, H1140 with the walls H7023 thereof, an hundred H3967 cubits H520 long; H753 Also the breadth H7341 of the face H6440 of the house, H1004 and of the separate place H1508 toward the east, H6921 an hundred H3967 cubits. H520 And he measured H4058 the length H753 of the building H1146 over against H6440 the separate place H1508 which was behind H310 it, and the galleries H862 thereof on the one side and on the other side, an hundred H3967 cubits, H520 with the inner H6442 temple, H1964 and the porches H197 of the court; H2691

Revelation 21:16 STRONG

And G2532 the city G4172 lieth G2749 foursquare, G5068 and G2532 the length G3372 G846 is G2076 as large G5118 as G3745 G2532 the breadth: G4114 and G2532 he measured G3354 the city G4172 with the reed, G2563 G1909 twelve G1427 thousand G5505 furlongs. G4712 The length G3372 and G2532 the breadth G4114 and G2532 the height G5311 of it G846 are G2076 equal. G2470

Commentary on Ezra 6 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ezr 6:1-12. Darius' Decree for Advancing the Building.

1. Darius the king—This was Darius Hystaspes. Great and interesting light has been thrown on the history of this monarch and the transaction of his reign, by the decipherment of the cuneatic inscriptions on the rocks at Behistun.

in the house of the rolls, where the treasures were laid up in Babylon—An idea of the form of this Babylonian register house, as well as the manner of preserving public records within its repositories, can be obtained from the discoveries at Nineveh. Two small chambers were discovered in the palace of Koyunjik, which, from the fragments found in them, Mr. Layard considers "as a house of the rolls." After reminding his readers that the historical records and public documents of the Assyrians were kept on tablets and cylinders of baked clay, many specimens of which have been found, he goes on to say, "The chambers I am describing appear to have been a depository in the palace of Nineveh for such documents. To the height of a foot or more from the floor they were entirely filled with them; some entire, but the greater part broken into many fragments, probably by the falling in of the upper part of the building. They were of different sizes; the largest tablets were flat, and measured about nine inches by six and a half inches; the smaller were slightly convex, and some were not more than an inch long, with but one or two lines of writing. The cuneiform characters on most of them were singularly sharp and well-defined, but so minute in some instances as to be almost illegible without a magnifying glass. These documents appear to be of various kinds. The documents that have thus been discovered in the house of rolls' at Nineveh probably exceed all that have yet been afforded by the monuments of Egypt, and when the innumerable fragments are put together and transcribed, the publication of these records will be of the greatest importance to the history of the ancient world" [Nineveh and Babylon].

2. Achmetha—long supposed to be the capital of Greater Media (the Ecbatana of classical, the Hamadan of modern times), [is] at the foot of the Elwund range of hills, where, for its coolness and salubrity, Cyrus and his successors on the Persian throne established their summer residence. There was another city, however, of this name, the Ecbatana of Atropatene, and the most ancient capital of northern Media, and recently identified by Colonel Rawlinson in the remarkable ruins of Takht-i-Soleiman. Yet as everything tends to show the attachment of Cyrus to his native city, the Atropatenian Ecbatana, rather than to the stronger capital of Greater Media, Colonel Rawlinson is inclined to think that he deposited there, in his fortress, the famous decree relating to the Jews, along with the other records and treasures of his empire [Nineveh and Persepolis].

8-10. of the king's goods, even of the tribute beyond the river … expenses be given unto these men—The decree granted them the privilege of drawing from his provincial treasury of Syria, to the amount of whatever they required for the furthering of the work and providing sacrifice for the service of the temple, that the priests might daily pray for the health of the king and the prosperity of the empire.

11, 12. whosoever shall alter this word—The warning was specially directed against the turbulent and fanatical Samaritans. The extremely favorable purport of this edict was no doubt owing in some measure to the influence of Cyrus, of whom Darius entertained a high admiration, and whose two daughters he had married. But it proceeded still more from the deep impressions made even on the idolatrous people of that country and that age, as to the being and providence of the God of Israel.

Ezr 6:13-15. The Temple Finished.

13-15. Then Tatnai … did speedily—A concurrence of favorable events is mentioned as accelerating the restoration of the temple and infusing a new spirit and energy into the workmen, who now labored with unabating assiduity till it was brought to a completion. Its foundation was laid in April, 536 B.C. (Ezr 3:8-10), and it was completed on February 21, 515 B.C., being twenty-one years after it was begun [Lightfoot].

Ezr 6:16-18. Feasts of the Dedication.

16. the children of Israel … kept the dedication … with joy—The ceremonial was gone through with demonstrations of the liveliest joy. The aged who had wept at the laying of the foundation [Ezr 3:12] were most, if not all of them, now dead; and all rejoiced at the completion of this national undertaking.

17. twelve he-goats—as at the dedication of the tabernacle (Nu 7:87; 8:17).

18. they set the priests in their divisions, and the Levites in their courses … as it is written in the book of Moses—Although David arranged the priests and Levites in courses according to their families, it was Moses who assigned to the priests and Levites their rights and privileges, their stations and several duties.

Ezr 6:19-22. And of the Passover.

21. all such as had separated themselves … from the filthiness of the heathen of the land—that is, who had given satisfactory evidence of being true proselytes by not only renouncing the impure worship of idolatry, but by undergoing the rite of circumcision, a condition indispensable to a participation of the passover.

22. kept the feast … with joy: for the Lord … turned the heart of the king of Assyria unto them—that is, king of the Persian empire, which now included the possessions, and had surpassed the glory, of Assyria. The favorable disposition which Darius had evinced towards the Jews secured them peace and prosperity and the privileges of their own religion during the rest of his reign. The religious joy that so remarkably characterized the celebration of this feast, was testified by expressions of lively gratitude to God, whose overruling power and converting grace had produced so marvellous a change in the hearts of the mighty potentates, and disposed them, pagans though they were, to aid the cause and provide for the worship of the true God.