Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Genesis » Chapter 11 » Verse 30

Genesis 11:30 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

30 But Sarai H8297 was barren; H6135 she had no child. H2056

Cross Reference

Genesis 15:2-3 STRONG

And Abram H87 said, H559 Lord H136 GOD, H3069 what wilt thou give H5414 me, seeing I go H1980 childless, H6185 and the steward H1121 H4943 of my house H1004 is this H1931 Eliezer H461 of Damascus? H1834 And Abram H87 said, H559 Behold, to me thou hast given H5414 no H3808 seed: H2233 and, lo, one born H1121 in my house H1004 is mine heir. H3423

Genesis 16:1-2 STRONG

Now Sarai H8297 Abram's H87 wife H802 bare H3205 him no H3808 children: H3205 and she had an handmaid, H8198 an Egyptian, H4713 whose name H8034 was Hagar. H1904 And Sarai H8297 said H559 unto Abram, H87 Behold now, the LORD H3068 hath restrained me H6113 from bearing: H3205 I pray thee, go in H935 unto my maid; H8198 it may H194 be that I may obtain children H1129 by her. And Abram H87 hearkened H8085 to the voice H6963 of Sarai. H8297

Genesis 18:11-12 STRONG

Now Abraham H85 and Sarah H8283 were old H2205 and well stricken H935 in age; H3117 and it ceased H2308 to be with Sarah H8283 after the manner H734 of women. H802 Therefore Sarah H8283 laughed H6711 within herself, H7130 saying, H559 After H310 I am waxed old H1086 shall I have pleasure, H5730 my lord H113 being old also? H2204

Genesis 21:1-2 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 visited H6485 Sarah H8283 as he had said, H559 and the LORD H3068 did H6213 unto Sarah H8283 as he had spoken. H1696 For Sarah H8283 conceived, H2029 and bare H3205 Abraham H85 a son H1121 in his old age, H2208 at the set time H4150 of which God H430 had spoken H1696 to him.

Genesis 25:21 STRONG

And Isaac H3327 intreated H6279 the LORD H3068 for H5227 his wife, H802 because she was barren: H6135 and the LORD H3068 was intreated H6279 of him, and Rebekah H7259 his wife H802 conceived. H2029

Genesis 29:31 STRONG

And when the LORD H3068 saw H7200 that Leah H3812 was hated, H8130 he opened H6605 her womb: H7358 but Rachel H7354 was barren. H6135

Genesis 30:1-2 STRONG

And when Rachel H7354 saw H7200 that she bare H3205 Jacob H3290 no children, Rachel H7354 envied H7065 her sister; H269 and said H559 unto Jacob, H3290 Give H3051 me children, H1121 or else H369 I die. H4191 And Jacob's H3290 anger H639 was kindled H2734 against Rachel: H7354 and he said, H559 Am I in God's H430 stead, who hath withheld H4513 from thee the fruit H6529 of the womb? H990

Judges 13:2 STRONG

And there was a certain H259 man H376 of Zorah, H6881 of the family H4940 of the Danites, H1839 whose name H8034 was Manoah; H4495 and his wife H802 was barren, H6135 and bare H3205 not.

1 Samuel 1:2 STRONG

And he had two H8147 wives; H802 the name H8034 of the one H259 was Hannah, H2584 and the name H8034 of the other H8145 Peninnah: H6444 and Peninnah H6444 had children, H3206 but Hannah H2584 had no children. H3206

Psalms 113:9 STRONG

He maketh the barren woman H6135 to keep H3427 house, H1004 and to be a joyful H8056 mother H517 of children. H1121 Praise H1984 ye the LORD. H3050

Luke 1:7 STRONG

And G2532 they G846 had G2258 no G3756 child, G5043 because G2530 that Elisabeth G1665 was G2258 barren, G4723 and G2532 they G846 both G297 were G2258 now well stricken G4260 in G1722 years. G2250

Luke 1:36 STRONG

And, G2532 behold, G2400 thy G4675 cousin G4773 Elisabeth, G1665 she G846 hath G4815 also G2532 conceived G4815 a son G5207 in G1722 her G846 old age: G1094 and G2532 this G3778 is G2076 the sixth G1623 month G3376 with her, G846 who G3588 was called G2564 barren. G4723

Commentary on Genesis 11 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ge 11:1-32. Confusion of Tongues.

1. the whole earth was of one language. The descendants of Noah, united by the strong bond of a common language, had not separated, and notwithstanding the divine command to replenish the earth, were unwilling to separate. The more pious and well-disposed would of course obey the divine will; but a numerous body, seemingly the aggressive horde mentioned (Ge 10:10), determined to please themselves by occupying the fairest region they came to.

2. land of Shinar—The fertile valley watered by the Euphrates and Tigris was chosen as the center of their union and the seat of their power.

3. brick—There being no stone in that quarter, brick is, and was, the only material used for building, as appears in the mass of ruins which at the Birs Nimroud may have been the very town formed by those ancient rebels. Some of these are sun-dried—others burnt in the kiln and of different colors.

slime—bitumen, a mineral pitch, which, when hardened, forms a strong cement, commonly used in Assyria to this day, and forming the mortar found on the burnt brick remains of antiquity.

4. a tower whose top may reach unto heaven—a common figurative expression for great height (De 1:28; 9:1-6).

lest we be scattered—To build a city and a town was no crime; but to do this to defeat the counsels of heaven by attempting to prevent emigration was foolish, wicked, and justly offensive to God.

6. and now nothing will be restrained from them—an apparent admission that the design was practicable, and would have been executed but for the divine interposition.

7. confound their language—literally, "their lip"; it was a failure in utterance, occasioning a difference in dialect which was intelligible only to those of the same tribe. Thus easily by God their purpose was defeated, and they were compelled to the dispersion they had combined to prevent. It is only from the Scriptures we learn the true origin of the different nations and languages of the world. By one miracle of tongues men were dispersed and gradually fell from true religion. By another, national barriers were broken down—that all men might be brought back to the family of God.

28. Ur—now Orfa; that is, "light," or "fire." Its name probably derived from its being devoted to the rites of fire-worship. Terah and his family were equally infected with that idolatry as the rest of the inhabitants (Jos 24:15).

31. Sarai his daughter-in-law—the same as Iscah [Ge 11:29], granddaughter of Terah, probably by a second wife, and by early usages considered marriageable to her uncle, Abraham.

they came unto Haran—two days' journey south-southeast from Ur, on the direct road to the ford of the Euphrates at Rakka, the nearest and most convenient route to Palestine.