Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Genesis » Chapter 11 » Verse 3

Genesis 11:3 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

3 And they said H559 one H376 to another, H7453 Go to, H3051 let us make H3835 brick, H3843 and burn H8313 them throughly. H8316 And they had brick H3843 for stone, H68 and slime H2564 had H1961 they for morter. H2563

Cross Reference

Genesis 14:10 STRONG

And the vale H6010 of Siddim H7708 was full of slimepits; H875 H875 H2564 and the kings H4428 of Sodom H5467 and Gomorrah H6017 fled, H5127 and fell H5307 there; and they that remained H7604 fled H5127 to the mountain. H2022

Exodus 2:3 STRONG

And when she could H3201 not longer H5750 hide H6845 him, she took H3947 for him an ark H8392 of bulrushes, H1573 and daubed H2560 it with slime H2564 and with pitch, H2203 and put H7760 the child H3206 therein; and she laid H7760 it in the flags H5488 by the river's H2975 brink. H8193

Exodus 1:14 STRONG

And they made H4843 their lives H2416 bitter H4843 with hard H7186 bondage, H5656 in morter, H2563 and in brick, H3843 and in all manner of service H5656 in the field: H7704 all their service, H5656 wherein they made them serve, H5647 was with rigour. H6531

Isaiah 41:6-7 STRONG

They helped H5826 every one H376 his neighbour; H7453 and every one said H559 to his brother, H251 Be of good courage. H2388 So the carpenter H2796 encouraged H2388 the goldsmith, H6884 and he that smootheth H2505 with the hammer H6360 him that smote H1986 the anvil, H6471 saying, H559 It is ready H2896 for the sodering: H1694 and he fastened H2388 it with nails, H4548 that it should not be moved. H4131

James 5:1 STRONG

Go to G33 now, G3568 ye rich men, G4145 weep G2799 and howl G3649 for G1909 your G5216 miseries G5004 that shall come upon G1904 you.

James 4:13 STRONG

Go to G33 now, G3568 ye that say, G3004 To day G4594 or G2532 to morrow G839 we will go G4198 into G1519 such G3592 a city, G4172 and G2532 continue G4160 G4160 there G1563 a G1520 year, G1763 and G2532 buy and sell, G1710 G1710 and G2532 get gain: G2770 G2770

Hebrews 10:24 STRONG

And G2532 let us consider G2657 one another G240 to G1519 provoke G3948 unto love G26 and G2532 to good G2570 works: G2041

Hebrews 3:13 STRONG

But G235 exhort G3870 one another G1438 daily, G2596 G1538 G2250 while G891 G3739 it is called G2564 To day; G4594 lest G3363 any G5100 of G1537 you G5216 be hardened G4645 through the deceitfulness G539 of sin. G266

Nahum 3:14 STRONG

Draw H7579 thee waters H4325 for the siege, H4692 fortify H2388 thy strong holds: H4013 go H935 into clay, H2916 and tread H7429 the morter, H2563 make strong H2388 the brickkiln. H4404

Isaiah 65:3 STRONG

A people H5971 that provoketh me to anger H3707 continually H8548 to my face; H6440 that sacrificeth H2076 in gardens, H1593 and burneth incense H6999 upon altars of brick; H3843

Genesis 11:4 STRONG

And they said, H559 Go to, H3051 let us build H1129 us a city H5892 and a tower, H4026 whose top H7218 may reach unto heaven; H8064 and let us make H6213 us a name, H8034 lest we be scattered abroad H6327 upon the face H6440 of the whole earth. H776

Isaiah 9:10 STRONG

The bricks H3843 are fallen down, H5307 but we will build H1129 with hewn stones: H1496 the sycomores H8256 are cut down, H1438 but we will change H2498 them into cedars. H730

Isaiah 5:5 STRONG

And now go to; I will tell H3045 you what I will do H6213 to my vineyard: H3754 I will take away H5493 the hedge H4881 thereof, and it shall be eaten up; H1197 and break down H6555 the wall H1447 thereof, and it shall be trodden down: H4823

Ecclesiastes 2:1 STRONG

I said H559 in mine heart, H3820 Go to now, H3212 I will prove H5254 thee with mirth, H8057 therefore enjoy H7200 pleasure: H2896 and, behold, this also is vanity. H1892

Proverbs 1:11 STRONG

If they say, H559 Come H3212 with us, let us lay wait H693 for blood, H1818 let us lurk H6845 privily for the innocent H5355 without cause: H2600

Psalms 64:5 STRONG

They encourage H2388 themselves in an evil H7451 matter: H1697 they commune H5608 of laying H2934 snares H4170 privily; H2934 they say, H559 Who shall see H7200 them?

2 Samuel 12:31 STRONG

And he brought forth H3318 the people H5971 that were therein, and put H7760 them under saws, H4050 and under harrows H2757 of iron, H1270 and under axes H4037 of iron, H1270 and made them pass H5674 through the brickkiln: H4404 and thus did H6213 he unto all the cities H5892 of the children H1121 of Ammon. H5983 So David H1732 and all the people H5971 returned H7725 unto Jerusalem. H3389

Exodus 5:7-18 STRONG

Ye shall no more H3254 give H5414 the people H5971 straw H8401 to make H3835 brick, H3843 as heretofore: H8032 H8543 let them go H3212 and gather H7197 straw H8401 for themselves. And the tale H4971 of the bricks, H3843 which they did make H6213 heretofore, H8032 H8543 ye shall lay H7760 upon them; ye shall not diminish H1639 ought thereof: for they be idle; H7503 therefore they cry, H6817 saying, H559 Let us go H3212 and sacrifice H2076 to our God. H430 Let there more work H5656 be laid H3513 upon the men, H582 that they may labour H6213 therein; and let them not regard H8159 vain H8267 words. H1697 And the taskmasters H5065 of the people H5971 went out, H3318 and their officers, H7860 and they spake H559 to the people, H5971 saying, H559 Thus saith H559 Pharaoh, H6547 I will not give H5414 you straw. H8401 Go H3212 ye, get H3947 you straw H8401 where H834 ye can find H4672 it: yet H3588 not ought H1697 of your work H5656 shall be diminished. H1639 So the people H5971 were scattered abroad H6327 throughout all the land H776 of Egypt H4714 to gather H7197 stubble H7179 instead of straw. H8401 And the taskmasters H5065 hasted H213 them, saying, H559 Fulfil H3615 your works, H4639 your daily H3117 tasks, H1697 as when there was H1961 straw. H8401 And the officers H7860 of the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 which Pharaoh's H6547 taskmasters H5065 had set H7760 over them, were beaten, H5221 and demanded, H559 Wherefore have ye not fulfilled H3615 your task H2706 in making brick H3835 both yesterday H8543 and to day, H3117 as heretofore? H8032 H8543 Then the officers H7860 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 came H935 and cried H6817 unto Pharaoh, H6547 saying, H559 Wherefore dealest H6213 thou thus with thy servants? H5650 There is no straw H8401 given H5414 unto thy servants, H5650 and they say H559 to us, Make H6213 brick: H3843 and, behold, thy servants H5650 are beaten; H5221 but the fault H2398 is in thine own people. H5971 But he said, H559 Ye are idle, H7503 ye are idle: H7503 therefore ye say, H559 Let us go H3212 and do sacrifice H2076 to the LORD. H3068 Go H3212 therefore now, and work; H5647 for there shall no straw H8401 be given H5414 you, yet shall ye deliver H5414 the tale H8506 of bricks. H3843

Genesis 11:7 STRONG

Go to, H3051 let us go down, H3381 and there confound H1101 their language, H8193 that H834 they may not understand H8085 one H376 another's H7453 speech. H8193

Commentary on Genesis 11 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ge 11:1-32. Confusion of Tongues.

1. the whole earth was of one language. The descendants of Noah, united by the strong bond of a common language, had not separated, and notwithstanding the divine command to replenish the earth, were unwilling to separate. The more pious and well-disposed would of course obey the divine will; but a numerous body, seemingly the aggressive horde mentioned (Ge 10:10), determined to please themselves by occupying the fairest region they came to.

2. land of Shinar—The fertile valley watered by the Euphrates and Tigris was chosen as the center of their union and the seat of their power.

3. brick—There being no stone in that quarter, brick is, and was, the only material used for building, as appears in the mass of ruins which at the Birs Nimroud may have been the very town formed by those ancient rebels. Some of these are sun-dried—others burnt in the kiln and of different colors.

slime—bitumen, a mineral pitch, which, when hardened, forms a strong cement, commonly used in Assyria to this day, and forming the mortar found on the burnt brick remains of antiquity.

4. a tower whose top may reach unto heaven—a common figurative expression for great height (De 1:28; 9:1-6).

lest we be scattered—To build a city and a town was no crime; but to do this to defeat the counsels of heaven by attempting to prevent emigration was foolish, wicked, and justly offensive to God.

6. and now nothing will be restrained from them—an apparent admission that the design was practicable, and would have been executed but for the divine interposition.

7. confound their language—literally, "their lip"; it was a failure in utterance, occasioning a difference in dialect which was intelligible only to those of the same tribe. Thus easily by God their purpose was defeated, and they were compelled to the dispersion they had combined to prevent. It is only from the Scriptures we learn the true origin of the different nations and languages of the world. By one miracle of tongues men were dispersed and gradually fell from true religion. By another, national barriers were broken down—that all men might be brought back to the family of God.

28. Ur—now Orfa; that is, "light," or "fire." Its name probably derived from its being devoted to the rites of fire-worship. Terah and his family were equally infected with that idolatry as the rest of the inhabitants (Jos 24:15).

31. Sarai his daughter-in-law—the same as Iscah [Ge 11:29], granddaughter of Terah, probably by a second wife, and by early usages considered marriageable to her uncle, Abraham.

they came unto Haran—two days' journey south-southeast from Ur, on the direct road to the ford of the Euphrates at Rakka, the nearest and most convenient route to Palestine.