Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Genesis » Chapter 21 » Verse 19

Genesis 21:19 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

19 And God H430 opened H6491 her eyes, H5869 and she saw H7200 a well H875 of water; H4325 and she went, H3212 and filled H4390 the bottle H2573 with water, H4325 and gave H8248 the lad H5288 drink. H8248

Cross Reference

Numbers 22:31 STRONG

Then the LORD H3068 opened H1540 the eyes H5869 of Balaam, H1109 and he saw H7200 the angel H4397 of the LORD H3068 standing H5324 in the way, H1870 and his sword H2719 drawn H8025 in his hand: H3027 and he bowed down H6915 his head, and fell flat H7812 on his face. H639

2 Kings 6:17-20 STRONG

And Elisha H477 prayed, H6419 and said, H559 LORD, H3068 I pray thee, open H6491 his eyes, H5869 that he may see. H7200 And the LORD H3068 opened H6491 the eyes H5869 of the young man; H5288 and he saw: H7200 and, behold, the mountain H2022 was full H4390 of horses H5483 and chariots H7393 of fire H784 round about H5439 Elisha. H477 And when they came down H3381 to him, Elisha H477 prayed H6419 unto the LORD, H3068 and said, H559 Smite H5221 this people, H1471 I pray thee, with blindness. H5575 And he smote H5221 them with blindness H5575 according to the word H1697 of Elisha. H477 And Elisha H477 said H559 unto them, This is not the way, H1870 neither is this H2090 the city: H5892 follow H3212 H310 me, and I will bring H3212 you to the man H376 whom ye seek. H1245 But he led H3212 them to Samaria. H8111 And it came to pass, when they were come H935 into Samaria, H8111 that Elisha H477 said, H559 LORD, H3068 open H6491 the eyes H5869 of these men, that they may see. H7200 And the LORD H3068 opened H6491 their eyes, H5869 and they saw; H7200 and, behold, they were in the midst H8432 of Samaria. H8111

Isaiah 35:5-6 STRONG

Then the eyes H5869 of the blind H5787 shall be opened, H6491 and the ears H241 of the deaf H2795 shall be unstopped. H6605 Then shall the lame H6455 man leap H1801 as an hart, H354 and the tongue H3956 of the dumb H483 sing: H7442 for in the wilderness H4057 shall waters H4325 break out, H1234 and streams H5158 in the desert. H6160

Luke 24:16-31 STRONG

But G1161 their G846 eyes G3788 were holden G2902 that they should G1921 not G3361 know G1921 him. G846 And G1161 he said G2036 unto G4314 them, G846 What G5101 manner of communications G3056 are these G3778 that G3739 ye have G474 one to G4314 another, G240 as ye walk, G4043 and G2532 are G2075 sad? G4659 And G1161 the one of them, G1520 whose G3739 name G3686 was Cleopas, G2810 answering G611 said G2036 unto G4314 him, G846 Art thou G4771 only G3441 a stranger G3939 in G1722 Jerusalem, G2419 and G2532 hast G1097 not G3756 known G1097 the things which are come to pass G1096 there G1722 G846 in G1722 these G5025 days? G2250 And G2532 he said G2036 unto them, G846 What things? G4169 And G1161 they said G2036 unto him, G846 Concerning G4012 Jesus G2424 of Nazareth, G3480 which G3739 was G1096 a prophet G4396 mighty G1415 in G1722 G435 deed G2041 and G2532 word G3056 before G1726 God G2316 and G2532 all G3956 the people: G2992 And how G3704 G5037 the chief priests G749 and G2532 our G2257 rulers G758 delivered G3860 him G846 to G1519 be condemned G2917 to death, G2288 and G2532 have crucified G4717 him. G846 But G1161 we G2249 trusted G1679 that G3754 it had been G2076 he G846 which should G3195 have redeemed G3084 Israel: G2474 and G235 beside G1065 G4862 all G3956 this, G5125 to day G4594 is G71 the G5026 third G5154 day G2250 since G575 G3739 these things G5023 were done. G1096 Yea, G235 and certain G5100 women G1135 also G2532 of G1537 our company G2257 made G1839 us G2248 astonished, G1839 which were G1096 early G3721 at G1909 the sepulchre; G3419 And G2532 when they found G2147 not G3361 his G846 body, G4983 they came, G2064 saying, G3004 that they had G3708 also G2532 seen G3708 a vision G3701 of angels, G32 which G3739 said G3004 that he G846 was alive. G2198 And G2532 certain of them G5100 which were with G4862 us G2254 went G565 to G1909 the sepulchre, G3419 and G2532 found G2147 it even G2532 so G3779 as G2531 the women G1135 had said: G2036 but G1161 him G846 they saw G1492 not. G3756 Then G2532 he G846 said G2036 unto G4314 them, G846 O G5599 fools, G453 and G2532 slow G1021 of heart G2588 to believe G4100 G1909 all G3956 that G3739 the prophets G4396 have spoken: G2980 Ought G1163 not G3780 Christ G5547 to have suffered G3958 these things, G5023 and G2532 to enter G1525 into G1519 his G846 glory? G1391 And G2532 beginning G756 at G575 Moses G3475 and G2532 G575 all G3956 the prophets, G4396 he expounded G1329 unto them G846 in G1722 all G3956 the scriptures G1124 the things concerning G4012 himself. G1438 And G2532 they drew nigh G1448 unto G1519 the village, G2968 whither G3757 they went: G4198 and G2532 he G846 made as though G4364 he would have gone G4198 further. G4208 But G2532 they constrained G3849 him, G846 saying, G3004 Abide G3306 with G3326 us: G2257 for G3754 it is G2076 toward G4314 evening, G2073 and G2532 the day G2250 is far spent. G2827 And G2532 he went in G1525 to tarry G3306 with G4862 them. G846 And G2532 it came to pass, G1096 as G1722 he G846 sat at meat G2625 with G3326 them, G846 he took G2983 bread, G740 and blessed G2127 it, and G2532 brake, G2806 and gave G1929 to them. G846 And G1161 their G846 eyes G3788 were opened, G1272 and G2532 they knew G1921 him; G846 and G2532 he G846 vanished G1096 G855 out of G575 their sight. G846

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Genesis 21

Commentary on Genesis 21 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-7

Birth of Isaac. - Jehovah did for Sarah what God had promised in Genesis 17:6 (cf. Genesis 18:14): she conceived, and at the time appointed bore a son to Abraham, when he was 100 years old. Abraham gave it the name of Jizchak (or Isaac), and circumcised it on the eighth day. The name for the promised son had been selected by God, in connection with Abraham's laughing (Genesis 17:17 and Genesis 17:19), to indicate the nature of his birth and existence. For as his laughing sprang from the contrast between the idea and the reality; so through a miracle of grace the birth of Isaac gave effect to this contrast between the promise of God and the pledge of its fulfilment on the one hand, and the incapacity of Abraham for begetting children, and of Sarah for bearing them, on the other; and through this name, Isaac was designated as the fruit of omnipotent grace working against and above the forces of nature. Sarah also, who had previously laughed with unbelief at the divine promise (Genesis 18:12), found a reason in the now accomplished birth of the promised son for laughing with joyous amazement; so that she exclaimed, with evident allusion to his name, “ A laughing hath God prepared for me; every one who hears it will laugh to me ” (i.e., will rejoice with me, in amazement at the blessing of God which has come upon me even in my old age), and gave a fitting expression to the joy of her heart, in this inspired tristich (Genesis 21:7): “ Who would have said unto Abraham: Sarah is giving suck; for I have born a son to his old age .” מלּל is the poetic word for דּבּר , and מי before the perfect has the sense of - whoever has said, which we should express as a subjunctive; cf. 2 Kings 20:9; Psalms 11:3, etc.

Verses 8-21

Expulsion of Ishmael. - The weaning of the child, which was celebrated with a feast, furnished the outward occasion for this. Sarah saw Ishmael mocking, making ridicule on the occasion. “Isaac, the object of holy laughter, was made the butt of unholy wit or profane sport. He did not laugh ( צחק ), but he made fun ( מצחק ). The little helpless Isaac a father of nations! Unbelief, envy, pride of carnal superiority, were the causes of his conduct. Because he did not understand the sentiment, 'Is anything too wonderful for the Lord?' it seemed to him absurd to link so great a thing to one so small” (Hengstenberg). Paul calls this the persecution of him that was after the Spirit by him that was begotten after the flesh (Galatians 4:29), and discerns in this a prediction of the persecution, which the Church of those who are born after the spirit of faith endures from those who are in bondage to the righteousness of the law.

Genesis 21:9-13

Sarah therefore asked that the maid and her son might be sent away, saying, the latter “shall not be heir with Isaac.” The demand, which apparently proceeded from maternal jealousy, displeased Abraham greatly “ because of his son, ” - partly because in Ishmael he loved his own flesh and blood, and partly on account of the promise received for him (Genesis 17:18 and Genesis 17:20). But God ( Elohim , since there is no appearance mentioned, but the divine will was made known to him inwardly) commanded him to comply with Sarah's demand: “ for in Isaac shall seed (posterity) be called to thee .” This expression cannot mean “thy descendants will call themselves after Isaac,” for in that case, at all events, זרעך would be used; for “in (through) Isaac shall seed be called into existence to thee,” for קרא does not mean to call into existence; but, “in the person of Isaac shall there be posterity to thee, which shall pass as such,” for נקרא includes existence and the recognition of existence. Though the noun is not defined by any article, the seed intended must be that to which all the promises of God referred, and with which God would establish His covenant (Genesis 17:21, cf. Romans 9:7-8; Hebrews 11:18). To make the dismissal of Ishmael easier to the paternal heart, God repeated to Abraham (Genesis 21:13) the promise already given him with regard to this son (Genesis 17:20).

Genesis 21:14-16

The next morning Abraham sent Hagar away with Ishmael. The words, “ he took bread and a bottle of water and gave it to Hagar, putting it ( שׂם participle, not perfect) upon her shoulder, and the boy, and sent her away, ” do not state the Abraham gave her Ishmael also to carry. For ואת־היּלד does not depend upon שׂם and ויּתּן because of the copula ו , but upon יקּח , the leading verb of the sentence, although it is separated from it by the parenthesis “putting it upon her shoulder.” It does not follow from these words, therefore, that Ishmael is represented as a little child. Nor is this implied in the statement which follows, that Hagar, when wandering about in the desert, “cast the boy under one of the shrubs,” because the water in the bottle was gone. For ילד like נער does not mean an infant, but a boy, and also a young man (Genesis 4:23); - Ishmael must have been 15 or 16 years old, as he was 14 before Isaac was born (cf. Genesis 21:5, and Genesis 16:16); - and השׁליך , “to throw,” signifies that she suddenly left hold of the boy, when he fell exhausted from thirst, just as in Matthew 15:30 ῥίπτειν is used for laying hastily down. Though despairing of his life, the mother took care that at least he should breathe out his life in the shade, and she sat over against him weeping, “in the distance as archers,” i.e., according to a concise simile very common in Hebrew, as far off as archers are accustomed to place the target. Her maternal love could not bear to see him die, and yet she would not lose sight of him.

Genesis 21:17-19

Then God heard the voice (the weeping and crying) of the boy, and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven, “ What aileth thee, Hagar? Fear not, for God hath heard the voice of the boy, where he is ” ( באשר for אשׁר בּמקום , 2 Samuel 15:21), i.e., in his helpless condition: “ arise, lift up the lad, ” etc. It was Elohim , not Jehovah , who heard the voice of the boy, and appeared as the angel of Elohim , not of Jehovah (as in Genesis 16:7), because, when Ishmael and Hagar had been dismissed from Abraham's house, they were removed from the superintendence and care of the covenant God to the guidance and providence of God the ruler of all nations. God then opened her eyes, and she saw what she had not seen before, a well of water, from which she filled the bottle and gave her son to drink.

Genesis 21:20-21

Having been miraculously saved from perishing by the angel of God, Ishmael grew up under the protection of God, settled in the wilderness of Paran, and “ became as he grew up an archer .” Although preceded by יגדּל , the רבה is not tautological; and there is no reason for attributing to it the meaning of “archer,” in which sense רבב alone occurs in the one passage Genesis 49:23. The desert of Paran is the present large desert of et-Tih , which stretches along the southern border of Canaan, from the western fringe of the Arabah, towards the east to the desert of Shur ( Jifar ), on the frontier of Egypt, and extends southwards to the promontories of the mountains of Horeb (vid., Numbers 10:12). On the northern edge of this desert was Beersheba (proleptically so called in Genesis 21:14), to which Abraham had removed from Gerar; so that in all probability Hagar and Ishmael were sent away from his abode there, and wandered about in the surrounding desert, till Hagar was afraid that they should perish with thirst. Lastly, in preparation for Genesis 25:12-18, it is mentioned in Genesis 21:21 that Ishmael married a wife out of Egypt.

Verses 22-30

Abimelech's Treaty with Abraham. - Through the divine blessing which visibly attended Abraham, the Philistine king Abimelech was induced to secure for himself and his descendants the friendship of a man so blessed; and for that purpose he went to Beersheba, with his captain Phicol , to conclude a treaty with him. Abraham was perfectly ready to agree to this; but first of all he complained to him about a well which Abimelech's men had stolen, i.e., had unjustly appropriated to themselves. Abimelech replied that this act of violence had never been made known to him till that day, and as a matter of course commanded the well to be returned. After the settlement of this dispute the treaty was concluded, and Abraham presented the king with sheep and oxen, as a material pledge that he would reciprocate the kindness shown, and live in friendship with the king and his descendants. Out of this present he selected seven lambs and set them by themselves; and when Abimelech inquired what they were, he told him to take them from his hand, that they might be to him (Abraham) for a witness that he had digged the well. It was not to redeem the well, but to secure the well as his property against any fresh claims on the part of the Philistines, that the present was given; and by the acceptance of it, Abraham's right of possession was practically and solemnly acknowledged.

Verse 31-32

From this circumstance, the place where it occurred received the name שׁבע בּאר , i.e., seven-well, “because there they sware both of them.” It does not follow from this note, that the writer interpreted the name “oath-well,” and took שׁבע in the sense of שׁבעה . The idea is rather the following: the place received its name from the seven lambs, by which Abraham secured to himself possession of the well, because the treaty was sworn to on the basis of the agreement confirmed by the seven lambs. There is no mention of sacrifice, however, in connection with the treaty (see Genesis 26:33). נשׁבּע to swear, lit., to seven one's self, not because in the oath the divine number 3 is combined with the world-number 4, but because, from the sacredness of the number 7, the real origin and ground of which are to be sought in the number 7 of the work of creation, seven things were generally chosen to give validity to an oath, as was the case, according to Herodotus (3, 8), with the Arabians among others. Beersheba was in the Wady es-Seba , the broad channel of a winter-torrent, 12 hours' journey to the south of Hebron on the road to Egypt and the Dead Sea, where there are still stones to be found, the relics of an ancient town, and two deep wells with excellent water, called Bir es Seba , i.e., seven-well (not lion-well, as the Bedouins erroneously interpret it): cf. Robinson 's Pal. i. pp. 300ff.

Verse 33

Here Abraham planted a tamarisk and called upon the name of the Lord (vid., Genesis 4:26), the everlasting God. Jehovah is called the everlasting God, as the eternally true, with respect to the eternal covenant, which He established with Abraham (Genesis 17:7). The planting of this long-lived tree, with its hard wood, and its long, narrow, thickly clustered, evergreen leaves, was to be a type of the ever-enduring grace of the faithful covenant God.

Verse 34

Abraham sojourned a long time there in the Philistines' land. There Isaac was probably born, and grew up to be a young man (Genesis 22:6), capable of carrying the wood for a sacrifice; cf. Genesis 22:19. The expression “in the land of the Philistines” appears to be at variance with Genesis 21:32, where Abimelech and Phicol are said to have returned to the land of the Philistines. But the discrepancy is easily reconciled, on the supposition that at that time the land of the Philistines had no fixed boundary, at all events, towards the desert. Beersheba did not belong to Gerar, the kingdom of Abimelech in the stricter sense; but the Philistines extended their wanderings so far, and claimed the district as their own, as is evident from the fact that Abimelech's people had taken the well from Abraham. On the other hand, Abraham with his numerous flocks would not confine himself to the Wady es Seba , but must have sought for pasture-ground in the whole surrounding country; and as Abimelech had given him full permission to dwell in his land (Genesis 20:15), he would still, as heretofore, frequently come as far as Gerar, so that his dwelling at Beersheba (Genesis 22:19) might be correctly described as sojourning (nomadizing) in the land of the Philistines.