Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Genesis » Chapter 29 » Verse 1-35

Genesis 29:1-35 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

1 Then Jacob H3290 went on H5375 his journey, H7272 and came H3212 into the land H776 of the people H1121 of the east. H6924

2 And he looked, H7200 and behold a well H875 in the field, H7704 and, lo, there were three H7969 flocks H5739 of sheep H6629 lying H7257 by it; for out of that well H875 they watered H8248 the flocks: H5739 and a great H1419 stone H68 was upon the well's H875 mouth. H6310

3 And thither were all the flocks H5739 gathered: H622 and they rolled H1556 the stone H68 from the well's H875 mouth, H6310 and watered H8248 the sheep, H6629 and put H7725 the stone H68 again H7725 upon the well's H875 mouth H6310 in his place. H4725

4 And Jacob H3290 said H559 unto them, My brethren, H251 whence H370 be ye? And they said, H559 Of Haran H2771 are we.

5 And he said H559 unto them, Know H3045 ye Laban H3837 the son H1121 of Nahor? H5152 And they said, H559 We know H3045 him.

6 And he said H559 unto them, Is he well? H7965 And they said, H559 He is well: H7965 and, behold, Rachel H7354 his daughter H1323 cometh H935 with the sheep. H6629

7 And he said, H559 Lo, H2005 it is yet high H1419 day, H3117 neither is it time H6256 that the cattle H4735 should be gathered together: H622 water H8248 ye the sheep, H6629 and go H3212 and feed H7462 them.

8 And they said, H559 We cannot, H3201 until all the flocks H5739 be gathered together, H622 and till they roll H1556 the stone H68 from the well's H875 mouth; H6310 then we water H8248 the sheep. H6629

9 And while he yet H5750 spake H1696 with them, Rachel H7354 came H935 with her father's H1 sheep: H6629 for she kept them. H7462

10 And it came to pass, when Jacob H3290 saw H7200 Rachel H7354 the daughter H1323 of Laban H3837 his mother's H517 brother, H251 and the sheep H6629 of Laban H3837 his mother's H517 brother, H251 that Jacob H3290 went near, H5066 and rolled H1556 the stone H68 from the well's H875 mouth, H6310 and watered H8248 the flock H6629 of Laban H3837 his mother's H517 brother. H251

11 And Jacob H3290 kissed H5401 Rachel, H7354 and lifted up H5375 his voice, H6963 and wept. H1058

12 And Jacob H3290 told H5046 Rachel H7354 that he was her father's H1 brother, H251 and that he was Rebekah's H7259 son: H1121 and she ran H7323 and told H5046 her father. H1

13 And it came to pass, when Laban H3837 heard H8085 the tidings H8088 of Jacob H3290 his sister's H269 son, H1121 that he ran H7323 to meet H7125 him, and embraced H2263 him, and kissed H5401 him, and brought H935 him to his house. H1004 And he told H5608 Laban H3837 all these things. H1697

14 And Laban H3837 said H559 to him, Surely H389 thou art my bone H6106 and my flesh. H1320 And he abode H3427 with him the space H3117 of a month. H2320

15 And Laban H3837 said H559 unto Jacob, H3290 Because thou art my brother, H251 shouldest thou therefore serve H5647 me for nought? H2600 tell H5046 me, what shall thy wages H4909 be?

16 And Laban H3837 had two H8147 daughters: H1323 the name H8034 of the elder H1419 was Leah, H3812 and the name H8034 of the younger H6996 was Rachel. H7354

17 Leah H3812 was tender H7390 eyed; H5869 but Rachel H7354 was beautiful H3303 H8389 and well H3303 favoured. H4758

18 And Jacob H3290 loved H157 Rachel; H7354 and said, H559 I will serve H5647 thee seven H7651 years H8141 for Rachel H7354 thy younger H6996 daughter. H1323

19 And Laban H3837 said, H559 It is better H2896 that I give H5414 her to thee, than that I should give H5414 her to another H312 man: H376 abide H3427 with me.

20 And Jacob H3290 served H5647 seven H7651 years H8141 for Rachel; H7354 and they seemed H5869 unto him but a few H259 days, H3117 for the love he had H160 to her.

21 And Jacob H3290 said H559 unto Laban, H3837 Give H3051 me my wife, H802 for my days H3117 are fulfilled, H4390 that I may go in H935 unto her.

22 And Laban H3837 gathered together H622 all the men H582 of the place, H4725 and made H6213 a feast. H4960

23 And it came to pass in the evening, H6153 that he took H3947 Leah H3812 his daughter, H1323 and brought H935 her to him; and he went in H935 unto her.

24 And Laban H3837 gave H5414 unto his daughter H1323 Leah H3812 Zilpah H2153 his maid H8198 for an handmaid. H8198

25 And it came to pass, that in the morning, H1242 behold, it was Leah: H3812 and he said H559 to Laban, H3837 What is this thou hast done H6213 unto me? did not I serve H5647 with thee for Rachel? H7354 wherefore then hast thou beguiled H7411 me?

26 And Laban H3837 said, H559 It must not be so done H6213 in our country, H4725 to give H5414 the younger H6810 before H6440 the firstborn. H1067

27 Fulfil H4390 her H2063 week, H7620 and we will give H5414 thee this also for the service H5656 which thou shalt serve H5647 with me yet seven H7651 other H312 years. H8141

28 And Jacob H3290 did H6213 so, and fulfilled H4390 her week: H7620 and he gave H5414 him Rachel H7354 his daughter H1323 to wife H802 also.

29 And Laban H3837 gave H5414 to Rachel H7354 his daughter H1323 Bilhah H1090 his handmaid H8198 to be her maid. H8198

30 And he went in H935 also unto Rachel, H7354 and he loved H157 also Rachel H7354 more than Leah, H3812 and served H5647 with him yet seven H7651 other H312 years. H8141

31 And when the LORD H3068 saw H7200 that Leah H3812 was hated, H8130 he opened H6605 her womb: H7358 but Rachel H7354 was barren. H6135

32 And Leah H3812 conceived, H2029 and bare H3205 a son, H1121 and she called H7121 his name H8034 Reuben: H7205 for H3588 she said, H559 Surely H3588 the LORD H3068 hath looked H7200 upon my affliction; H6040 now therefore H3588 my husband H376 will love H157 me.

33 And she conceived H2029 again, and bare H3205 a son; H1121 and said, H559 Because the LORD H3068 hath heard H8085 that I was hated, H8130 he hath therefore given H5414 me this son also: and she called H7121 his name H8034 Simeon. H8095

34 And she conceived again, H2029 and bare H3205 a son; H1121 and said, H559 Now this time H6471 will my husband H376 be joined H3867 unto me, because I have born H3205 him three H7969 sons: H1121 therefore was his name H8034 called H7121 Levi. H3878

35 And she conceived H2029 again, and bare H3205 a son: H1121 and she said, H559 Now H6471 will I praise H3034 the LORD: H3068 therefore she called H7121 his name H8034 Judah; H3063 and left H5975 bearing. H3205

Commentary on Genesis 29 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ge 29:1-35. The Well of Haran.

1. Then Jacob went, &c.—Hebrew, "lifted up his feet." He resumed his way next morning with a light heart and elastic step after the vision of the ladder; for tokens of the divine favor tend to quicken the discharge of duty (Ne 8:10).

and came into the land, &c.—Mesopotamia and the whole region beyond the Euphrates are by the sacred writers designated "the East" (Jud 6:3; 1Ki 4:30; Job 1:3). Between the first and the second clause of this verse is included a journey of four hundred miles.

2. And he looked, &c.—As he approached the place of his destination, he, according to custom, repaired to the well adjoining the town where he would obtain an easy introduction to his relatives.

3. thither were all the flocks gathered; and a stone, &c.—In Arabia, owing to the shifting sands and in other places, owing to the strong evaporation, the mouth of a well is generally covered, especially when it is private property. Over many is laid a broad, thick, flat stone, with a round hole cut in the middle, forming the mouth of the cistern. This hole is covered with a heavy stone which it would require two or three men to roll away. Such was the description of the well at Haran.

4. Jacob said, My brethren—Finding from the shepherds who were reposing there with flocks and who all belonged to Haran, that his relatives in Haran were well and that one of the family was shortly expected, he enquired why they were idling the best part of the day there instead of watering their flocks and sending them back to pasture.

8. They said, We cannot, until all the flocks be gathered—In order to prevent the consequences of too frequent exposure in places where water is scarce, the well is not only covered, but it is customary to have all the flocks collected round it before the covering is removed in presence of the owner or one of his representatives; and it was for this reason that those who were reposing at the well of Haran with the three flocks were waiting the arrival of Rachel.

9-11. While he yet spake with them, Rachel came—Among the pastoral tribes the young unmarried daughters of the greatest sheiks tend the flocks, going out at sunrise and continuing to watch their fleecy charges till sunset. Watering them, which is done twice a day, is a work of time and labor, and Jacob rendered no small service in volunteering his aid to the young shepherdess. The interview was affecting, the reception welcome, and Jacob forgot all his toils in the society of his Mesopotamian relatives. Can we doubt that he returned thanks to God for His goodness by the way?

12. Jacob told Rachel, &c.—According to the practice of the East, the term "brother" is extended to remote degrees of relationship, as uncle, cousin, or nephew.

14-20. he abode a month—Among pastoral people a stranger is freely entertained for three days; on the fourth day he is expected to tell his name and errand; and if he prolongs his stay after that time, he must set his hand to work in some way, as may be agreed upon. A similar rule obtained in Laban's establishment, and the wages for which his nephew engaged to continue in his employment was the hand of Rachel.

17. Leah tender-eyed—that is, soft blue eyes—thought a blemish.

Rachel beautiful and well-favored—that is, comely and handsome in form. The latter was Jacob's choice.

18. I will serve thee seven years for Rachel thy daughter—A proposal of marriage is made to the father without the daughter being consulted, and the match is effected by the suitor either bestowing costly presents on the family, or by giving cattle to the value the father sets upon his daughter, or else by giving personal services for a specified period. The last was the course necessity imposed on Jacob; and there for seven years he submitted to the drudgery of a hired shepherd, with the view of obtaining Rachel. The time went rapidly away; for even severe and difficult duties become light when love is the spring of action.

21. Jacob said, Give me my wife—At the expiry of the stipulated term the marriage festivities were held. But an infamous fraud was practised on Jacob, and on his showing a righteous indignation, the usage of the country was pleaded in excuse. No plea of kindred should ever be allowed to come in opposition to the claim of justice. But this is often overlooked by the selfish mind of man, and fashion or custom rules instead of the will of God. This was what Laban did, as he said, "It must not be so done in our country, to give the younger before the first-born." But, then, if that were the prevailing custom of society at Haran, he should have apprized his nephew of it at an early period in an honorable manner. This, however, is too much the way with the people of the East still. The duty of marrying an elder daughter before a younger, the tricks which parents take to get off an elder daughter that is plain or deformed and in which they are favored by the long bridal veil that entirely conceals her features all the wedding day, and the prolongation for a week of the marriage festivities among the greater sheiks, are accordant with the habits of the people in Arabia and Armenia in the present day.

28. gave him Rachel also—It is evident that the marriage of both sisters took place nearly about the same time, and that such a connection was then allowed, though afterwards prohibited (Le 18:18).

29. gave to Rachel his daughter Bilhah to be her maid—A father in good circumstances still gives his daughter from his household a female slave, over whom the young wife, independently of her husband, has the absolute control.

31. Leah … hated—that is, not loved so much as she ought to have been. Her becoming a mother ensured her rising in the estimation both of her husband and of society.

32-35. son … his name Reuben—Names were also significant; and those which Leah gave to her sons were expressive of her varying feelings of thankfulness or joy, or allusive to circumstances in the history of the family. There was piety and wisdom in attaching a signification to names, as it tended to keep the bearer in remembrance of his duty and the claims of God.