Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Genesis » Chapter 29 » Verse 22

Genesis 29:22 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

22 And Laban H3837 gathered together H622 all the men H582 of the place, H4725 and made H6213 a feast. H4960

Cross Reference

Judges 14:10-18 STRONG

So his father H1 went down H3381 unto the woman: H802 and Samson H8123 made H6213 there a feast; H4960 for so used the young men H970 to do. H6213 And it came to pass, when they saw H7200 him, that they brought H3947 thirty H7970 companions H4828 to be with him. And Samson H8123 said H559 unto them, I will now put forth H2330 a riddle H2420 unto you: if ye can certainly H5046 declare H5046 it me within the seven H7651 days H3117 of the feast, H4960 and find it out, H4672 then I will give H5414 you thirty H7970 sheets H5466 and thirty H7970 change H2487 of garments: H899 But if ye cannot H3201 declare H5046 it me, then shall ye give H5414 me thirty H7970 sheets H5466 and thirty H7970 change H2487 of garments. H899 And they said H559 unto him, Put forth H2330 thy riddle, H2420 that we may hear H8085 it. And he said H559 unto them, Out of the eater H398 came forth H3318 meat, H3978 and out of the strong H5794 came forth H3318 sweetness. H4966 And they could H3201 not in three H7969 days H3117 expound H5046 the riddle. H2420 And it came to pass on the seventh H7637 day, H3117 that they said H559 unto Samson's H8123 wife, H802 Entice H6601 thy husband, H376 that he may declare H5046 unto us the riddle, H2420 lest we burn H8313 thee and thy father's H1 house H1004 with fire: H784 have ye called H7121 us to take that we have? H3423 is it not so? And Samson's H8123 wife H802 wept H1058 before him, and said, H559 Thou dost but hate H8130 me, and lovest H157 me not: thou hast put forth H2330 a riddle H2420 unto the children H1121 of my people, H5971 and hast not told H5046 it me. And he said H559 unto her, Behold, I have not told H5046 it my father H1 nor my mother, H517 and shall I tell H5046 it thee? And she wept H1058 before him the seven H7651 days, H3117 while their feast H4960 lasted: H1961 and it came to pass on the seventh H7637 day, H3117 that he told H5046 her, because she lay sore H6693 upon him: and she told H5046 the riddle H2420 to the children H1121 of her people. H5971 And the men H582 of the city H5892 said H559 unto him on the seventh H7637 day H3117 before the sun H2775 went down, H935 What is sweeter H4966 than honey? H1706 and what is stronger H5794 than a lion? H738 And he said H559 unto them, If H3884 ye had not plowed H2790 with my heifer, H5697 ye had not found out H4672 my riddle. H2420

Ruth 4:10-13 STRONG

Moreover Ruth H7327 the Moabitess, H4125 the wife H802 of Mahlon, H4248 have I purchased H7069 to be my wife, H802 to raise up H6965 the name H8034 of the dead H4191 upon his inheritance, H5159 that the name H8034 of the dead H4191 be not cut off H3772 from among H5973 his brethren, H251 and from the gate H8179 of his place: H4725 ye are witnesses H5707 this day. H3117 And all the people H5971 that were in the gate, H8179 and the elders, H2205 said, H559 We are witnesses. H5707 The LORD H3068 make H5414 the woman H802 that is come H935 into thine house H1004 like Rachel H7354 and like Leah, H3812 which two H8147 did build H1129 the house H1004 of Israel: H3478 and do H6213 thou worthily H2428 in Ephratah, H672 and be famous H7121 H8034 in Bethlehem: H1035 And let thy house H1004 be like the house H1004 of Pharez, H6557 whom Tamar H8559 bare H3205 unto Judah, H3063 of the seed H2233 which the LORD H3068 shall give H5414 thee of this young woman. H5291 So Boaz H1162 took H3947 Ruth, H7327 and she was his wife: H802 and when he went in H935 unto her, the LORD H3068 gave H5414 her conception, H2032 and she bare H3205 a son. H1121

Matthew 22:2-10 STRONG

The kingdom G932 of heaven G3772 is like G3666 unto a certain G444 king, G935 which G3748 made G4160 a marriage G1062 for his G846 son, G5207 And G2532 sent forth G649 his G846 servants G1401 to call G2564 them that were bidden G2564 to G1519 the wedding: G1062 and G2532 they would G2309 not G3756 come. G2064 Again, G3825 he sent forth G649 other G243 servants, G1401 saying, G3004 Tell G2036 them which are bidden, G2564 Behold, G2400 I have prepared G2090 my G3450 dinner: G712 my G3450 oxen G5022 and G2532 my fatlings G4619 are killed, G2380 and G2532 all things G3956 are ready: G2092 come G1205 unto G1519 the marriage. G1062 But G1161 they made light of G272 it, and went their ways, G565 one G3303 to G1519 his G2398 farm, G68 another G1161 to G1519 his G846 merchandise: G1711 And G1161 the remnant G3062 took G2902 his G846 servants, G1401 and entreated them spitefully, G5195 and G2532 slew G615 them. But G1161 when the king G935 heard G191 thereof, he was wroth: G3710 and G2532 he sent forth G3992 his G846 armies, G4753 and destroyed G622 those G1565 murderers, G5406 and G2532 burned up G1714 their G846 city. G4172 Then G5119 saith he G3004 to his G846 servants, G1401 G3303 The wedding G1062 is G2076 ready, G2092 but G1161 they which were bidden G2564 were G2258 not G3756 worthy. G514 Go ye G4198 therefore G3767 into G1909 the highways, G1327 G3598 and G2532 as many as G3745 G302 ye shall find, G2147 bid G2564 to G1519 the marriage. G1062 So G2532 those G1565 servants G1401 went out G1831 into G1519 the highways, G3598 and gathered together G4863 all G3956 as many as G3745 they found, G2147 both G5037 bad G4190 and G2532 good: G18 and G2532 the wedding G1062 was furnished G4130 with guests. G345

Matthew 25:1-10 STRONG

Then G5119 shall the kingdom G932 of heaven G3772 be likened G3666 unto ten G1176 virgins, G3933 which G3748 took G2983 their G846 lamps, G2985 and went forth G1831 to meet G529 G1519 the bridegroom. G3566 And G1161 five G4002 of G1537 them G846 were G2258 wise, G5429 and G2532 five G4002 were foolish. G3474 They G3748 that were foolish G3474 took G2983 their G846 G1438 lamps, G2985 and took G2983 no G3756 oil G1637 with G3326 them: G1438 But G1161 the wise G5429 took G2983 oil G1637 in G1722 their G846 vessels G30 with G3326 their G846 lamps. G2985 While G1161 the bridegroom G3566 tarried, G5549 they all G3956 slumbered G3573 and G2532 slept. G2518 And G1161 at midnight G3319 G3571 there was a cry G2906 made, G1096 Behold, G2400 the bridegroom G3566 cometh; G2064 go ye out G1831 to G1519 meet G529 him. G846 Then G5119 all G3956 those G1565 virgins G3933 arose, G1453 and G2532 trimmed G2885 their G846 lamps. G2985 And G1161 the foolish G3474 said G2036 unto the wise, G5429 Give G1325 us G2254 of G1537 your G5216 oil; G1637 for G3754 our G2257 lamps G2985 are gone out. G4570 But G1161 the wise G5429 answered, G611 saying, G3004 Not so; lest G3379 there be G714 not G3756 enough G714 for us G2254 and G2532 you: G5213 but G1161 go ye G4198 rather G3123 to them G4314 that sell, G4453 and G2532 buy G59 for yourselves. G1438 And G1161 while they G846 went G565 to buy, G59 the bridegroom G3566 came; G2064 and G2532 they that were ready G2092 went in G1525 with G3326 him G846 to G1519 the marriage: G1062 and G2532 the door G2374 was shut. G2808

John 2:1-10 STRONG

And G2532 the third G5154 day G2250 there was G1096 a marriage G1062 in G1722 Cana G2580 of Galilee; G1056 and G2532 the mother G3384 of Jesus G2424 was G2258 there: G1563 And G1161 both G2532 Jesus G2424 was called, G2564 and G2532 his G846 disciples, G3101 to G1519 the marriage. G1062 And G2532 when they wanted G5302 wine, G3631 the mother G3384 of Jesus G2424 saith G3004 unto G4314 him, G846 They have G2192 no G3756 wine. G3631 Jesus G2424 saith G3004 unto her, G846 Woman, G1135 what G5101 have I G1698 to do with G2532 thee? G4671 mine G3450 hour G5610 is G2240 not yet G3768 come. G2240 His G846 mother G3384 saith G3004 unto the servants, G1249 Whatsoever G3748 G302 he saith G3004 unto you, G5213 do G4160 it. And G1161 there were G2258 set G2749 there G1563 six G1803 waterpots G5201 of stone, G3035 after G2596 the manner of the purifying G2512 of the Jews, G2453 containing G5562 two G1417 or G2228 three G5140 firkins G3355 apiece. G303 Jesus G2424 saith G3004 unto them, G846 Fill G1072 the waterpots G5201 with water. G5204 And G2532 they filled G1072 them G846 up G1072 to G2193 the brim. G507 And G2532 he saith G3004 unto them, G846 Draw out G501 now, G3568 and G2532 bear G5342 unto the governor of the feast. G755 And G2532 they bare G5342 it. G1161 When G5613 the ruler of the feast G755 had tasted G1089 the water G5204 that was made G1096 wine, G3631 and G2532 knew G1492 not G3756 whence G4159 it was: G2076 (but G1161 the servants G1249 which G3588 drew G501 the water G5204 knew;) G1492 the governor of the feast G755 called G5455 the bridegroom, G3566 And G2532 saith G3004 unto him, G846 Every G3956 man G444 at the beginning G4412 doth set forth G5087 good G2570 wine; G3631 and G2532 when G3752 men have well drunk, G3184 then G5119 that which is worse: G1640 but thou G4771 hast kept G5083 the good G2570 wine G3631 until G2193 now. G737

Revelation 19:9 STRONG

And G2532 he saith G3004 unto me, G3427 Write, G1125 Blessed G3107 are they which are called G2564 unto G1519 the marriage G1062 supper G1173 of the Lamb. G721 And G2532 he saith G3004 unto me, G3427 These G3778 are G1526 the true G228 sayings G3056 of God. G2316

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Genesis 29

Commentary on Genesis 29 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-4

Arrival in Haran, and Reception by Laban. - Being strengthened in spirit by the nocturnal vision, Jacob proceeded on his journey into “the land of the sons of the East,” by which we are to understand, not so much the Arabian desert, that reaches to the Euphrates, as Mesopotamia, which lies on the other side of that river. For there he saw the well in the field (Genesis 29:2), by which three flocks were lying, waiting for the arrival of the other flocks of the place, before they could be watered. The remark in Genesis 29:2, that the stone upon the well's mouth was large ( גּדלה without the article is a predicate), does not mean that the united strength of all the shepherds was required to roll it away, whereas Jacob rolled it away alone (Genesis 29:10); but only that it was not in the power of every shepherd, much less of a shepherdess like Rachel, to roll it away. Hence in all probability the agreement that had been formed among them, that they would water the flocks together. The scene is so thoroughly in harmony with the customs of the East, both ancient and modern, that the similarity to the one described in Genesis 24:11. is by no means strange (vid., Rob. Pal. i. 301, 304, ii. 351, 357, 371). Moreover the well was very differently constructed from that at which Abraham's servant met with Rebekah. There the water was drawn at once from the (open) well and poured into troughs placed ready for the cattle, as is the case now at most of the wells in the East; whereas here the well was closed up with a stone, and there is no mention of pitchers and troughs. The well, therefore, was probably a cistern dug in the ground, which was covered up or closed with a large stone, and probably so constructed, that after the stone had been rolled away the flocks could be driven to the edge to drink.

(Note: Like the cistern Bir Beshat , described by Rosen ., in the valley of Hebron, or those which Robinson found in the desert of Judah ( Pal. ii. 165), hollowed out in the great mass of rock, and covered with a large, thick, flat stone, in the middle of which a round hole had been left, which formed the opening of the cistern, and in many cases was closed up with a heavy stone, which it would take two or three men to roll away.)

Verses 5-14

Jacob asked the shepherds where they lived; from which it is probable that the well was not situated, like that in Genesis 24:11, in the immediate neighbourhood of the town of Haran; and when they said they were from Haran, he inquired after Laban, the son, i.e., the descendant, of Nahor, and how he was ( לו השׁלום : is he well?; and received the reply, “ Well; and behold Rachel, his daughter, is just coming ( בּאה particip.) with the flock .” When Jacob thereupon told the shepherds to water the flocks and feed them again, for the day was still “great,” - i.e., it wanted a long while to the evening, and was not yet time to drive them in (to the folds to rest for the night) - he certainly only wanted to get the shepherds away from the well, that he might meet with his cousin alone. But as Rachel came up in the meantime, he was so carried away by the feelings of relationship, possibly by a certain love at first sight, that he rolled the stone away from the well, watered her flock, and after kissing her, introduced himself with tears of joyous emotion as her cousin ( אביה אחי , brother, i.e., relation of her father) and Rebekah's son. What the other shepherds thought of all this, is passed over as indifferent to the purpose of the narrative, and the friendly reception of Jacob by Laban is related immediately afterwards. When Jacob had told Laban “ all these things ,” - i.e., hardly “the cause of his journey, and the things which had happened to him in relation to the birthright” ( Rosenmüller ), but simply the things mentioned in Genesis 29:2-12 - Laban acknowledged him as his relative: “ Yes, thou art my bone and my flesh ” (cf. Genesis 2:23 and Judges 9:2); and thereby eo ipso ensured him an abode in his house.

Verses 15-20

Jacob's Double Marriage. - After a full month (“a month of days,” Genesis 41:4; Numbers 11:20, etc.), during which time Laban had discovered that he was a good and useful shepherd, he said to him, “ Shouldst thou, because thou art my relative, serve me for nothing? fix me thy wages .” Laban's selfishness comes out here under the appearance of justice and kindness. To preclude all claim on the part of his sister's son to gratitude or affection in return for his services, he proposes to pay him like an ordinary servant. Jacob offered to serve him seven years for Rachel , the younger of his two daughters, whom he loved because of her beauty; i.e., just as many years as the week has days, that he might bind himself to a complete and sufficient number of years of service. For the elder daughter, Leah , had weak eyes, and consequently was not so good-looking; since bright eyes, with fire in them, are regarded as the height of beauty in Oriental women. Laban agreed. He would rather give his daughter to him than to a stranger.

(Note: This is the case still with the Bedouins, the Druses, and other Eastern tribes ( Burckhardt, Voleny, Layard, and Lane ).

Jacob's proposal may be explained, partly on the ground that he was not then in a condition to give the customary dowry, or the usual presents to relations, and partly also from the fact that his situation with regard to Esau compelled him to remain some time with Laban. The assent on the part of Laban cannot be accounted for from the custom of selling daughters to husbands, for it cannot be shown that the purchase of wives was a general custom at that time; but is to be explained solely on the ground of Laban's selfishness and avarice, which came out still more plainly afterwards. To Jacob, however, the seven years seemed but “ a few days, because he loved Rachel .” This is to be understood, as C. a Lapide observes, “not affective , but appretiative ,” i.e., in comparison with the reward to be obtained for his service.

Verses 21-24

But when Jacob asked for his reward at the expiration of this period, and according to the usual custom a great marriage feast had been prepared, instead of Rachel, Laban took his elder daughter Leah into the bride-chamber, and Jacob went in unto her, without discovering in the dark the deception that had been practised. Thus the overreacher of Esau was overreached himself, and sin was punished by sin.

Verse 25-26

But when Jacob complained to Laban the next morning of his deception, he pleaded the custom of the country: כּן יעשׂה לא , “ it is not accustomed to be so in our place, to give the younger before the first-born .” A perfectly worthless excuse; for if this had really been the custom in Haran as in ancient India and elsewhere, he ought to have told Jacob of it before. But to satisfy Jacob, he promised him that in a week he would give him the younger also, if he would serve him seven years longer for her.

Verses 27-30

Fulfil her week; ” i.e., let Leah's marriage-week pass over. The wedding feast generally lasted a week (cf. Judges 14:12; Job 11:19). After this week had passed, he received Rachel also: two wives in eight days. To each of these Laban gave one maid-servant to wait upon her; less, therefore, than Bethuel gave to his daughter (Genesis 24:61). - This bigamy of Jacob must not be judged directly by the Mosaic law, which prohibits marriage with two sisters at the same time (Leviticus 18:18), or set down as incest ( Calvin , etc.), since there was no positive law on the point in existence then. At the same time, it is not to be justified on the ground, that the blessing of God made it the means of the fulfilment of His promise, viz., the multiplication of the seed of Abraham into a great nation. Just as it had arisen from Laban's deception and Jacob's love, which regarded outward beauty alone, and therefore from sinful infirmities, so did it become in its results a true school of affliction to Jacob, in which God showed to him, by many a humiliation, that such conduct as his was quite unfitted to accomplish the divine counsels, and thus condemned the ungodliness of such a marriage, and prepared the way for the subsequent prohibition in the law.

Verses 31-35

Leah's First Sons. - Jacob's sinful weakness showed itself even after his marriage, in the fact that he loved Rachel more than Leah; and the chastisement of God, in the fact that the hated wife was blessed with children, whilst Rachel for a long time remained unfruitful. By this it was made apparent once more, that the origin of Israel was to be a work not of nature, but of grace. Leah had four sons in rapid succession, and gave them names which indicated her state of mind: (1) Reuben , “see, a son!” because she regarded his birth as a pledge that Jehovah had graciously looked upon her misery, for now her husband would love her; (2) Simeon , i.e., “hearing,” for Jehovah had heard, i.e., observed that she was hated; (3) Levi , i.e., attachment, for she hoped that this time, at least, after she had born three sons, her husband would become attached to her, i.e., show her some affection; (4) Judah ( יהוּדה , verbal , of the fut. hoph . of ידה ), i.e., praise, not merely the praised one, but the one for whom Jehovah is praised. After this fourth birth there was a pause (Genesis 29:31), that she might not be unduly lifted up by her good fortune, or attribute to the fruitfulness of her own womb what the faithfulness of Jehovah , the covenant God had bestowed upon her.