Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Genesis » Chapter 36 » Verse 8

Genesis 36:8 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

8 Thus dwelt H3427 Esau H6215 in mount H2022 Seir: H8165 Esau H6215 is Edom. H123

Cross Reference

Genesis 32:3 STRONG

And Jacob H3290 sent H7971 messengers H4397 before him H6440 to Esau H6215 his brother H251 unto the land H776 of Seir, H8165 the country H7704 of Edom. H123

Genesis 14:6 STRONG

And the Horites H2752 in their mount H2042 Seir, H8165 unto Elparan, H364 which is by H5921 the wilderness. H4057

Genesis 36:1 STRONG

Now these are the generations H8435 of Esau, H6215 who is Edom. H123

Genesis 36:19-20 STRONG

These are the sons H1121 of Esau, H6215 who is Edom, H123 and these are their dukes. H441 These are the sons H1121 of Seir H8165 the Horite, H2752 who inhabited H3427 the land; H776 Lotan, H3877 and Shobal, H7732 and Zibeon, H6649 and Anah, H6034

Deuteronomy 2:5 STRONG

Meddle H1624 not with them; for I will not give H5414 you of their land, H776 no, not so much as a foot H7272 breadth; H4096 H3709 because I have given H5414 mount H2022 Seir H8165 unto Esau H6215 for a possession. H3425

Joshua 24:4 STRONG

And I gave H5414 unto Isaac H3327 Jacob H3290 and Esau: H6215 and I gave H5414 unto Esau H6215 mount H2022 Seir, H8165 to possess H3423 it; but Jacob H3290 and his children H1121 went down H3381 into Egypt. H4714

1 Chronicles 4:42 STRONG

And some of them, even of the sons H1121 of Simeon, H8095 five H2568 hundred H3967 men, H582 went H1980 to mount H2022 Seir, H8165 having for their captains H7218 Pelatiah, H6410 and Neariah, H5294 and Rephaiah, H7509 and Uzziel, H5816 the sons H1121 of Ishi. H3469

2 Chronicles 20:10 STRONG

And now, behold, the children H1121 of Ammon H5983 and Moab H4124 and mount H2022 Seir, H8165 whom thou wouldest not let H5414 Israel H3478 invade, H935 when they came out H935 of the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 but they turned H5493 from them, and destroyed H8045 them not;

2 Chronicles 20:23 STRONG

For the children H1121 of Ammon H5983 and Moab H4124 stood up H5975 against the inhabitants H3427 of mount H2022 Seir, H8165 utterly to slay H2763 and destroy H8045 them: and when they had made an end H3615 of the inhabitants H3427 of Seir, H8165 every one H376 helped H5826 to destroy H4889 another. H7453

Ezekiel 35:2-7 STRONG

Son H1121 of man, H120 set H7760 thy face H6440 against mount H2022 Seir, H8165 and prophesy H5012 against it, And say H559 unto it, Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Behold, O mount H2022 Seir, H8165 I am against thee, and I will stretch out H5186 mine hand H3027 against thee, and I will make H5414 thee most H4923 desolate. H8077 I will lay H7760 thy cities H5892 waste, H2723 and thou shalt be desolate, H8077 and thou shalt know H3045 that I am the LORD. H3068 Because thou hast had a perpetual H5769 hatred, H342 and hast shed H5064 the blood of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 by the force H3027 of the sword H2719 in the time H6256 of their calamity, H343 in the time H6256 that their iniquity H5771 had an end: H7093 Therefore, as I live, H2416 saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD, H3069 I will prepare H6213 thee unto blood, H1818 and blood H1818 shall pursue H7291 thee: sith H518 thou hast not hated H8130 blood, H1818 even blood H1818 shall pursue H7291 thee. Thus will I make H5414 mount H2022 Seir H8165 most H8077 desolate, H8077 and cut off H3772 from it him that passeth out H5674 and him that returneth. H7725

Malachi 1:3 STRONG

And I hated H8130 Esau, H6215 and laid H7760 his mountains H2022 and his heritage H5159 waste H8077 for the dragons H8568 of the wilderness. H4057

Commentary on Genesis 36 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ge 36:1-43. Posterity of Esau.

1. these are the generations—history of the leading men and events (compare Ge 2:4).

Esau who is Edom—A name applied to him in reference to the peculiar color of his skin at birth [Ge 25:25], rendered more significant by his inordinate craving for the red pottage [Ge 25:30], and also by the fierce sanguinary character of his descendants (compare Eze 25:12; Ob 10).

2, 3. Esau took his wives of the daughters of Canaan—There were three, mentioned under different names; for it is evident that Bashemath is the same as Mahalath (Ge 28:9), since they both stand in the relation of daughter to Ishmael and sister to Nebajoth; and hence it may be inferred that Adah is the same as Judith, Aholibamah as Bathsemath (Ge 26:34). It was not unusual for women, in that early age, to have two names, as Sarai was also Iscah [Ge 11:29]; and this is the more probable in the case of Esau's wives, who of course would have to take new names when they went from Canaan to settle in mount Seir.

6, 7. Esau … went into the country from the face of his brother Jacob—literally, "a country," without any certain prospect of a settlement. The design of this historical sketch of Esau and his family is to show how the promise (Ge 27:39, 40) was fulfilled. In temporal prosperity he far exceeds his brother; and it is remarkable that, in the overruling providence of God, the vast increase of his worldly substance was the occasion of his leaving Canaan and thus making way for the return of Jacob.

8. Thus dwelt Esau in mount Seir—This was divinely assigned as his possession (Jos 24:4; De 2:5).

15-19. dukes—The Edomites, like the Israelites, were divided into tribes, which took their names from his sons. The head of each tribe was called by a term which in our version is rendered "duke"—not of the high rank and wealth of a British peer, but like the sheiks or emirs of the modern East, or the chieftains of highland clans. Fourteen are mentioned who flourished contemporaneously.

20-30. Sons of Seir, the Horite—native dukes, who were incorporated with those of the Edomite race.

24. This was that Anah that found the mules in the wilderness—The word "mules" is, in several ancient versions, rendered "water springs"; and this discovery of some remarkable fountain was sufficient, among a wandering or pastoral people, to entitle him to such a distinguishing notice.

31-39. kings of Edom—The royal power was not built on the ruins of the dukedoms, but existed at the same time.

40-43. Recapitulation of the dukes according to their residences.