Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Genesis » Chapter 38 » Verse 26

Genesis 38:26 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

26 And Judah H3063 acknowledged H5234 them, and said, H559 She hath been more righteous H6663 than I; because that I gave H5414 her not to Shelah H7956 my son. H1121 And he knew her H3045 again H3254 no more.

Cross Reference

1 Samuel 24:17 STRONG

And he said H559 to David, H1732 Thou art more righteous H6662 than I: for thou hast rewarded H1580 me good, H2896 whereas I have rewarded H1580 thee evil. H7451

1 Peter 4:2-3 STRONG

That G1519 he G980 no longer G3371 should live G980 the rest G1954 of his time G5550 in G1722 the flesh G4561 to the lusts G1939 of men, G444 but G235 to the will G2307 of God. G2316 For G1063 the time G5550 past G3928 of our life G979 may suffice G713 us G2254 to have wrought G2716 the will G2307 of the Gentiles, G1484 when we walked G4198 in G1722 lasciviousness, G766 lusts, G1939 excess of wine, G3632 revellings, G2970 banquetings, G4224 and G2532 abominable G111 idolatries: G1495

Titus 2:11-12 STRONG

For G1063 the grace G5485 of God G2316 that bringeth salvation G4992 hath appeared G2014 to all G3956 men, G444 Teaching G3811 us G2248 that, G2443 denying G720 ungodliness G763 and G2532 worldly G2886 lusts, G1939 we should live G2198 soberly, G4996 G2532 righteously, G1346 and G2532 godly, G2153 in G1722 this present G3568 world; G165

Ezekiel 16:52 STRONG

Thou also, which hast judged H6419 thy sisters, H269 bear H5375 thine own shame H3639 for thy sins H2403 that thou hast committed more abominable H8581 than they: H2004 they are more righteous H6663 than thou: yea, be thou confounded H954 also, and bear H5375 thy shame, H3639 in that thou hast justified H6663 thy sisters. H269

Romans 13:12 STRONG

The night G3571 is far spent, G4298 G1161 the day G2250 is at hand: G1448 let us G659 therefore G3767 cast off G659 the works G2041 of darkness, G4655 and G2532 let us put on G1746 the armour G3696 of light. G5457

Romans 3:19 STRONG

Now G1161 we know G1492 that G3754 what things soever G3745 the law G3551 saith, G3004 it saith G2980 to them who are under G1722 the law: G3551 that G2443 every G3956 mouth G4750 may be stopped, G5420 and G2532 all G3956 the world G2889 may become G1096 guilty G5267 before God. G2316

John 8:9 STRONG

And G1161 they which heard G191 it, G2532 being convicted G1651 by G5259 their own conscience, G4893 went out G1831 one by one, G1527 beginning G756 at G575 the eldest, G4245 even unto G2193 the last: G2078 and G2532 Jesus G2424 was left G2641 alone, G3441 and G2532 the woman G1135 standing G2476 in G1722 the midst. G3319

Matthew 3:8 STRONG

Bring forth G4160 therefore G3767 fruits G2590 meet G514 for repentance: G3341

Habakkuk 1:13 STRONG

Thou art of purer H2889 eyes H5869 than to behold H7200 evil, H7451 and canst H3201 not look H5027 on iniquity: H5999 wherefore lookest H5027 thou upon them that deal treacherously, H898 and holdest thy tongue H2790 when the wicked H7563 devoureth H1104 the man that is more righteous H6662 than he?

Genesis 4:1 STRONG

And Adam H120 knew H3045 H853 Eve H2332 his wife; H802 and she conceived, H2029 and bare H3205 H853 Cain, H7014 and said, H559 I have gotten H7069 a man H376 from H854 the LORD. H3068

Job 40:5 STRONG

Once H259 have I spoken; H1696 but I will not answer: H6030 yea, twice; H8147 but I will proceed no further. H3254

Job 34:31-32 STRONG

Surely it is meet to be said H559 unto God, H410 I have borne H5375 chastisement, I will not offend H2254 any more: That which I see H2372 not H1107 teach H3384 thou me: if I have done H6466 iniquity, H5766 I will do H3254 no more.

Job 4:5 STRONG

But now it is come H935 upon thee, and thou faintest; H3811 it toucheth H5060 thee, and thou art troubled. H926

2 Samuel 24:17 STRONG

And David H1732 spake H559 unto the LORD H3068 when he saw H7200 the angel H4397 that smote H5221 the people, H5971 and said, H559 Lo, I have sinned, H2398 and I have done wickedly: H5753 but these sheep, H6629 what have they done? H6213 let thine hand, H3027 I pray thee, be against me, and against my father's H1 house. H1004

2 Samuel 20:3 STRONG

And David H1732 came H935 to his house H1004 at Jerusalem; H3389 and the king H4428 took H3947 the ten H6235 women H802 his concubines, H6370 whom he had left H3240 to keep H8104 the house, H1004 and put H5414 them in ward, H4931 and fed H3557 them, but went not in H935 unto them. So they were shut up H6887 unto the day H3117 of their death, H4191 living H2424 in widowhood. H491

2 Samuel 16:22 STRONG

So they spread H5186 Absalom H53 a tent H168 upon the top of the house; H1406 and Absalom H53 went in H935 unto his father's H1 concubines H6370 in the sight H5869 of all Israel. H3478

Genesis 38:14 STRONG

And she put H5493 her widow's H491 garments H899 off H5493 from her, and covered her H3680 with a vail, H6809 and wrapped herself, H5968 and sat in H3427 an open H5869 place, H6607 which is by the way H1870 to Timnath; H8553 for she saw H7200 that Shelah H7956 was grown, H1431 and she was not given H5414 unto him to wife. H802

Genesis 37:33 STRONG

And he knew it, H5234 and said, H559 It is my son's H1121 coat; H3801 an evil H7451 beast H2416 hath devoured H398 him; Joseph H3130 is without doubt H2963 rent in pieces. H2963

Commentary on Genesis 38 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ge 38:1-30. Judah and Family.

1. at that time—a formula frequently used by the sacred writers, not to describe any precise period, but an interval near about it.

2. And Judah saw there a daughter of a certain Canaanite—Like Esau [Ge 26:34], this son of Jacob, casting off the restraints of religion, married into a Canaanite family; and it is not surprising that the family which sprang from such an unsuitable connection should be infamous for bold and unblushing wickedness.

8. Judah said unto Onan … marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother—The first instance of a custom, which was afterwards incorporated among the laws of Moses, that when a husband died leaving a widow, his brother next of age was to marry her, and the issue, if any, was to be served heir to the deceased (compare De 25:5).

12. Judah … went up unto his sheep-shearers—This season, which occurs in Palestine towards the end of March, was spent in more than usual hilarity, and the wealthiest masters invited their friends, as well as treated their servants, to sumptuous entertainments. Accordingly, it is said, Judah was accompanied by his friend Hirah.

Timnath—in the mountains of Judah.

18. signet, &c.—Bracelets, including armlets, were worn by men as well as women among the Hebrews. But the Hebrew word here rendered "bracelets," is everywhere else translated "lace" or "ribbon"; so that as the signet alone was probably more than an equivalent for the kid, it is not easy to conjecture why the other things were given in addition, except by supposing the perforated seal was attached by a ribbon to the staff.

24. Bring her forth, and let her be burnt—In patriarchal times fathers seem to have possessed the power of life and death over the members of their families. The crime of adultery was anciently punished in many places by burning (Le 21:9; Jud 15:6; Jer 29:22). This chapter contains details, which probably would never have obtained a place in the inspired record, had it not been to exhibit the full links of the chain that connects the genealogy of the Saviour with Abraham; and in the disreputable character of the ancestry who figure in this passage, we have a remarkable proof that "He made himself of no reputation" [Php 2:7].