Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Genesis » Chapter 39 » Verse 7-20

Genesis 39:7-20 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

7 And it came to pass after H310 these things, H1697 that his master's H113 wife H802 cast H5375 her eyes H5869 upon Joseph; H3130 and she said, H559 Lie H7901 with me.

8 But he refused, H3985 and said H559 unto his master's H113 wife, H802 Behold, my master H113 wotteth H3045 not what is with me in the house, H1004 and he hath committed H5414 all that he hath H3426 to my hand; H3027

9 There is none greater H1419 in this house H1004 than I; neither H3808 hath he kept back H2820 any thing H3972 from me but thee, because H834 thou H859 art his wife: H802 how then can I do H6213 this great H1419 wickedness, H7451 and sin H2398 against God? H430

10 And it came to pass, as she spake H1696 to Joseph H3130 day H3117 by day, H3117 that he hearkened H8085 not unto her, to lie H7901 by her, H681 or to be with her.

11 And it came to pass about this time, H3117 that Joseph went H935 into the house H1004 to do H6213 his business; H4399 and there was none of the men H376 H582 of the house H1004 there within.

12 And she caught H8610 him by his garment, H899 saying, H559 Lie H7901 with me: and he left H5800 his garment H899 in her hand, H3027 and fled, H5127 and got H3318 him out. H2351

13 And it came to pass, when she saw H7200 that he had left H5800 his garment H899 in her hand, H3027 and was fled H5127 forth, H2351

14 That she called H7121 unto the men H582 of her house, H1004 and spake H559 unto them, saying, H559 See, H7200 he hath brought in H935 an Hebrew H376 H5680 unto us to mock H6711 us; he came in H935 unto me to lie H7901 with me, and I cried H7121 with a loud H1419 voice: H6963

15 And it came to pass, when he heard H8085 that I lifted up H7311 my voice H6963 and cried, H7121 that he left H5800 his garment H899 with me, H681 and fled, H5127 and got him H3318 out. H2351

16 And she laid up H3240 his garment H899 by her, H681 until his lord H113 came H935 home. H1004

17 And she spake H1696 unto him according to these words, H1697 saying, H559 The Hebrew H5680 servant, H5650 which thou hast brought H935 unto us, came in H935 unto me to mock H6711 me:

18 And it came to pass, as I lifted up H7311 my voice H6963 and cried, H7121 that he left H5800 his garment H899 with me, H681 and fled H5127 out. H2351

19 And it came to pass, when his master H113 heard H8085 the words H1697 of his wife, H802 which she spake H1696 unto him, saying, H559 After this manner H1697 did H6213 thy servant H5650 to me; that his wrath H639 was kindled. H2734

20 And Joseph's H3130 master H113 took H3947 him, and put him H5414 into the prison, H1004 H5470 a place H4725 where the king's H4428 prisoners H615 were bound: H631 and he was there in the prison. H1004 H5470

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Genesis 39

Commentary on Genesis 39 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-5

In Potiphar's House. - Potiphar had bought him of the Ishmaelites, as is repeated in Genesis 39:1 for the purpose of resuming the thread of the narrative; and Jehovah was with him, so that the prospered in the house of his Egyptian master. מצליח אישׁ : a man who has prosperity, to whom God causes all that he undertakes and does to prosper. When Potiphar perceived this, Joseph found favour in his eyes, and became his servant, whom he placed over his house (made manager of his household affairs), and to whom he entrusted all his property ( כּל־ישׁ־לו Genesis 39:4 = ישׁ־לו כּל־אשׁר Genesis 39:5, Genesis 39:6). This confidence in Joseph increased, when he perceived how the blessing of Jehovah (Joseph's God) rested upon his property in the house and in the field; so that now “ he left to Joseph everything that he had, and did not trouble himself אתּו (with or near him) about anything but his own eating .”

Verses 6-9

Joseph was handsome in form and feature; and Potiphar's wife set her eyes upon the handsome young man, and tried to persuade him to lie with her. But Joseph resisted the adulterous proposal, referring to the unlimited confidence which his master had placed in him. He (Potiphar) was not greater in that house than he, and had given everything over to him except her, because she was his wife. “How could he so abuse this confidence, as to do this great wickedness and sin against God!”

Verses 10-12

But after she had repeated her enticements day after day without success, “ it came to pass at that time ( הזּה כּהיּום for the more usual הזּה כּיּום (Genesis 50:20), lit., about this day, i.e., the day in the writer's mind, on which the thing to be narrated occurred) that Joseph came into his house to attend to his duties, and there were none of the house-servants within .” And she laid hold of him by his garment and entreated him to lie with her; but he left his garment in her hand and fled from the house.

Verses 13-18

When this daring assault upon Joseph's chastity had failed, on account of his faithfulness and fear of God, the adulterous woman reversed the whole affair, and charged him with an attack upon her modesty, in order that she might have her revenge upon him and avert suspicion from herself. She called her house-servants and said, “ See, he (her husband, whom she does not think worth naming) has brought us a Hebrew man (“no epitheton ornans to Egyptian ears: Genesis 43:32”) to mock us ( צחק to show his wantonness; us , the wife and servants, especially the female portion): he came in unto me to lie with me; and I cried with a loud voice...and he left his garment by me .” She said אצלי “by my side,” not “in my hand,” as that would have shown the true state of the case. She then left the garment lying by her side till the return of Joseph's master, to whom she repeated her tale.

Verse 19-20

Joseph in Prison. - Potiphar was enraged at what he heard, and put Joseph into the prison where ( אשׁר for שׁם אשׁר , Genesis 40:3 like Genesis 35:13) the king's prisoners (state-prisoners) were confined. הסּהר בּית : lit., the house of enclosure, from סהר , to surround or enclose ( ὀχύρωμα , lxx); the state-prison surrounded by a wall. This was a very moderate punishment. For according to Diod. Sic . (i. 78) the laws of the Egyptians were πικροὶ περὶ τῶν γυναιῶν νόμοι . An attempt at adultery was to be punished with 1000 blows, and rape upon a free woman still more severely. It is possible that Potiphar was not fully convinced of his wife's chastity, and therefore did not place unlimited credence in what she said.

(Note: Credibile est aliquod fuisse indicium, quo Josephum innocentem esse Potiphari constiteret; neque enim servi vita tanti erat ut ei parceretur in tam gravi delicto. Sed licet innocuum, in carcere tamen detinebat, ut uxoris honori et suo consuleret ( Clericus ). The chastity of Egyptian women has been in bad repute from time immemorial ( Diod. Sic. i. 59; Herod. ii. 111). Even in the middle ages the Fatimite Hakim thought it necessary to adopt severe measures against their immorality ( Bar-Hebraei , chron. p. 217), and at the present day, according to Burckhardt (arab. Sprichwφrter, pp. 222, 227), chastity is “a great rarity” among women of every rank in Cairo.)

But even in that case it was the mercy of the faithful covenant God, which now as before (Genesis 37:20.) rescued Joseph's life.

Verses 21-23

In the prison itself Jehovah was with Joseph, procuring him favour in the eyes of the governor of the prison, so that he entrusted all the prisoners to his care, leaving everything that they had to do, to be done through him, and not troubling himself about anything that was in his hand, i.e., was committed to him, because Jehovah made all that he did to prosper. “ The keeper ” was the governor of the prison, or superintendent of the gaolers, and was under Potiphar, the captain of the trabantes and chief of the executioners (Genesis 37:36).