Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Genesis » Chapter 39 » Verse 8

Genesis 39:8 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

8 But he refused, H3985 and said H559 unto his master's H113 wife, H802 Behold, my master H113 wotteth H3045 not what is with me in the house, H1004 and he hath committed H5414 all that he hath H3426 to my hand; H3027

Cross Reference

Proverbs 1:10 STRONG

My son, H1121 if sinners H2400 entice H6601 thee, consent H14 thou not.

Proverbs 2:10 STRONG

When wisdom H2451 entereth H935 into thine heart, H3820 and knowledge H1847 is pleasant H5276 unto thy soul; H5315

Proverbs 2:16-19 STRONG

To deliver H5337 thee from the strange H2114 woman, H802 even from the stranger H5237 which flattereth H2505 with her words; H561 Which forsaketh H5800 the guide H441 of her youth, H5271 and forgetteth H7911 the covenant H1285 of her God. H430 For her house H1004 inclineth H7743 unto death, H4194 and her paths H4570 unto the dead. H7496 None that go H935 unto her return again, H7725 neither take they hold H5381 of the paths H734 of life. H2416

Proverbs 5:3-8 STRONG

For the lips H8193 of a strange woman H2114 drop H5197 as an honeycomb, H5317 and her mouth H2441 is smoother H2509 than oil: H8081 But her end H319 is bitter H4751 as wormwood, H3939 sharp H2299 as a twoedged H6310 sword. H2719 Her feet H7272 go down H3381 to death; H4194 her steps H6806 take hold H8551 on hell. H7585 Lest thou shouldest ponder H6424 the path H734 of life, H2416 her ways H4570 are moveable, H5128 that thou canst not know H3045 them. Hear H8085 me now therefore, O ye children, H1121 and depart H5493 not from the words H561 of my mouth. H6310 Remove H7368 thy way H1870 far H7368 from her, and come not nigh H7126 the door H6607 of her house: H1004

Proverbs 6:20-25 STRONG

My son, H1121 keep H5341 thy father's H1 commandment, H4687 and forsake H5203 not the law H8451 of thy mother: H517 Bind H7194 them continually H8548 upon thine heart, H3820 and tie H6029 them about thy neck. H1621 When thou goest, H1980 it shall lead H5148 thee; when thou sleepest, H7901 it shall keep H8104 thee; and when thou awakest, H6974 it shall talk H7878 with thee. For the commandment H4687 is a lamp; H5216 and the law H8451 is light; H216 and reproofs H8433 of instruction H4148 are the way H1870 of life: H2416 To keep H8104 thee from the evil H7451 woman, H802 from the flattery H2513 of the tongue H3956 of a strange woman. H5237 Lust H2530 not after her beauty H3308 in thine heart; H3824 neither let her take H3947 thee with her eyelids. H6079

Proverbs 6:29 STRONG

So he that goeth in H935 to his neighbour's H7453 wife; H802 whosoever toucheth H5060 her shall not be innocent. H5352

Proverbs 6:32-33 STRONG

But whoso committeth adultery H5003 with a woman H802 lacketh H2638 understanding: H3820 he that doeth H6213 it destroyeth H7843 his own soul. H5315 A wound H5061 and dishonour H7036 shall he get; H4672 and his reproach H2781 shall not be wiped away. H4229

Proverbs 7:5 STRONG

That they may keep H8104 thee from the strange H2114 woman, H802 from the stranger H5237 which flattereth H2505 with her words. H561

Proverbs 7:25-27 STRONG

Let not thine heart H3820 decline H7847 to her ways, H1870 go not astray H8582 in her paths. H5410 For she hath cast down H5307 many H7227 wounded: H2491 yea, many strong H6099 men have been slain H2026 by her. Her house H1004 is the way H1870 to hell, H7585 going down H3381 to the chambers H2315 of death. H4194

Proverbs 9:13-18 STRONG

A foolish H3687 woman H802 is clamorous: H1993 she is simple, H6615 and H1077 knoweth H3045 nothing. H4100 For she sitteth H3427 at the door H6607 of her house, H1004 on a seat H3678 in the high places H4791 of the city, H7176 To call H7121 passengers H5674 H1870 who go right H3474 on their ways: H734 Whoso is simple, H6612 let him turn in H5493 hither: and as for him that wanteth H2638 understanding, H3820 she saith H559 to him, Stolen H1589 waters H4325 are sweet, H4985 and bread H3899 eaten in secret H5643 is pleasant. H5276 But he knoweth H3045 not that the dead H7496 are there; and that her guests H7121 are in the depths H6012 of hell. H7585

Proverbs 18:24 STRONG

A man H376 that hath friends H7453 must shew himself friendly: H7489 and there is H3426 a friend H157 that sticketh closer H1695 than a brother. H251

Proverbs 22:14 STRONG

The mouth H6310 of strange women H2114 is a deep H6013 pit: H7745 he that is abhorred H2194 of the LORD H3068 shall fall H5307 therein.

Proverbs 23:26-28 STRONG

My son, H1121 give H5414 me thine heart, H3820 and let thine eyes H5869 observe H7521 H5341 my ways. H1870 For a whore H2181 is a deep H6013 ditch; H7745 and a strange woman H5237 is a narrow H6862 pit. H875 She also lieth in wait H693 as for a prey, H2863 and increaseth H3254 the transgressors H898 among men. H120

Commentary on Genesis 39 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ge 39:1-23. Joseph in Potiphar's House.

1. Potiphar—This name, Potiphar, signifies one "devoted to the sun," the local deity of On or Heliopolis, a circumstance which fixes the place of his residence in the Delta, the district of Egypt bordering on Canaan.

officer—literally, "prince of the Pharoah"—that is, in the service of government.

captain of the guard—The import of the original term has been variously interpreted, some considering it means "chief cook," others, "chief inspector of plantations"; but that which seems best founded is "chief of the executioners," the same as the captain of the watch, the zabut of modern Egypt [Wilkinson].

bought him … of the Ishmaelites—The age, appearance, and intelligence of the Hebrew slave would soon cause him to be picked up in the market. But the unseen, unfelt influence of the great Disposer drew the attention of Potiphar towards him, in order that in the house of one so closely connected with the court, he might receive that previous training which was necessary for the high office he was destined to fill, and in the school of adversity learn the lessons of practical wisdom that were to be of greatest utility and importance in his future career. Thus it is that when God has any important work to be done, He always prepares fitting agents to accomplish it.

2. he was in the house of his master—Those slaves who had been war captives were generally sent to labor in the field and subjected to hard treatment under the "stick" of taskmasters. But those who were bought with money were employed in domestic purposes, were kindly treated, and enjoyed as much liberty as the same class does in modern Egypt.

3. his master saw that the Lord was with him—Though changed in condition, Joseph was not changed in spirit; though stripped of the gaudy coat that had adorned his person, he had not lost the moral graces that distinguished his character; though separated from his father on earth, he still lived in communion with his Father in heaven; though in the house of an idolater, he continued a worshipper of the true God.

5. the Lord blessed the Egyptian's house for Joseph's sake, &c.—It might be—it probably was—that a special, a miraculous blessing was poured out on a youth who so faithfully and zealously served God amid all the disadvantages of his place. But it may be useful to remark that such a blessing usually follows in the ordinary course of things; and the most worldly, unprincipled masters always admire and respect religion in a servant when they see that profession supported by conscientious principle and a consistent life.

made him overseer in his house—We do not know in what capacity Joseph entered into the service of Potiphar; but the observant eye of his master soon discovered his superior qualities and made him his chief, his confidential servant (compare Eph 6:7; Col 3:23). The advancement of domestic slaves is not uncommon, and it is considered a great disgrace not to raise one who has been a year or two in the family. But this extraordinary advancement of Joseph was the doing of the Lord, though on the part of Potiphar it was the consequence of observing the astonishing prosperity that attended him in all that he did.

7. his master's wife cast her eyes upon Joseph—Egyptian women were not kept in the same secluded manner as females are in most Oriental countries now. They were treated in a manner more worthy of a civilized people—in fact, enjoyed much freedom both at home and abroad. Hence Potiphar's wife had constant opportunity of meeting Joseph. But the ancient women of Egypt were very loose in their morals. Intrigues and intemperance were vices very prevalent among them, as the monuments too plainly attest [Wilkinson]. Potiphar's wife was probably not worse than many of the same rank, and her infamous advances made to Joseph arose from her superiority of station.

9. How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?—This remonstrance, when all inferior arguments had failed, embodied the true principle of moral purity—a principle always sufficient where it exists, and alone sufficient.

14. Then she called unto the men of her house—Disappointed and affronted, she vowed revenge and accused Joseph, first to the servants of the house, and on his return to her lord.

See, he hath brought in an Hebrew … to mock us—an affected and blind aspersion of her husband for keeping in his house an Hebrew, the very abomination of Egyptians.

20. Joseph's master took him, and put him into the prison—the roundhouse, from the form of its construction, usually attached to the dwelling of such an officer as Potiphar. It was partly a subterranean dungeon (Ge 41:14), though the brick-built walls rose considerably above the surface of the ground, and were surmounted by a vaulted roof somewhat in the form of an inverted bowl. Into such a dungeon Potiphar, in the first ebullition of rage, threw Joseph and ordered him to be subjected further to as great harshness of treatment (Ps 105:18) as he dared; for the power of masters over their slaves was very properly restrained by law, and the murder of a slave was a capital crime.

a place where the king's prisoners were bound—Though prisons seem to have been an inseparable appendage of the palaces, this was not a common jail—it was the receptacle of state criminals; and, therefore, it may be presumed that more than ordinary strictness and vigilance were exercised over the prisoners. In general, however, the Egyptian, like other Oriental prisons, were used solely for the purposes of detention. Accused persons were cast into them until the charges against them could be investigated; and though the jailer was responsible for the appearance of those placed under his custody, yet, provided they were produced when called, he was never interrogated as to the way in which he had kept them.

21-23. The Lord … gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison, &c.—It is highly probable, from the situation of this prison (Ge 40:3), that the keeper might have been previously acquainted with Joseph and have had access to know his innocence of the crime laid to his charge, as well as with all the high integrity of his character. That may partly account for his showing so much kindness and confidence to his prisoner. But there was a higher influence at work; for "the Lord was with Joseph, and that which he did, the Lord made it to prosper."