Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Genesis » Chapter 43 » Verse 18

Genesis 43:18 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

18 And the men H582 were afraid, H3372 because they were brought H935 into Joseph's H3130 house; H1004 and they said, H559 Because H1697 of the money H3701 that was returned H7725 in our sacks H572 at the first time H8462 are we brought in; H935 that he may seek occasion H1556 against us, and fall H5307 upon us, and take H3947 us for bondmen, H5650 and our asses. H2543

Cross Reference

Genesis 42:35 STRONG

And it came to pass as they emptied H7324 their sacks, H8242 that, behold, every man's H376 bundle H6872 of money H3701 was in his sack: H8242 and when both they and their father H1 saw H7200 the bundles H6872 of money, H3701 they were afraid. H3372

Genesis 42:21 STRONG

And they said H559 one H376 to another, H251 We are verily H61 guilty H818 concerning our brother, H251 in that H834 we saw H7200 the anguish H6869 of his soul, H5315 when he besought H2603 us, and we would not hear; H8085 therefore is this distress H6869 come H935 upon us.

Genesis 42:28 STRONG

And he said H559 unto his brethren, H251 My money H3701 is restored; H7725 and, lo, H2009 it is even in my sack: H572 and their heart H3820 failed H3318 them, and they were afraid, H2729 saying H559 one H376 to another, H251 What is this that God H430 hath done H6213 unto us?

Deuteronomy 22:14 STRONG

And give H7760 occasions H5949 of speech H1697 against her, and bring up H3318 an evil H7451 name H8034 upon her, and say, H559 I took H3947 this woman, H802 and when I came H7126 to her, I found H4672 her not a maid: H1331

Deuteronomy 22:17 STRONG

And, lo, he hath given H7760 occasions H5949 of speech H1697 against her, saying, H559 I found H4672 not thy daughter H1323 a maid; H1331 and yet these are the tokens of my daughter's H1323 virginity. H1331 And they shall spread H6566 the cloth H8071 before H6440 the elders H2205 of the city. H5892

Judges 13:22 STRONG

And Manoah H4495 said H559 unto his wife, H802 We shall surely H4191 die, H4191 because we have seen H7200 God. H430

Judges 14:4 STRONG

But his father H1 and his mother H517 knew H3045 not that it was of the LORD, H3068 that he sought H1245 an occasion H8385 against the Philistines: H6430 for at that time H6256 the Philistines H6430 had dominion H4910 over Israel. H3478

Job 15:21 STRONG

A dreadful H6343 sound H6963 is in his ears: H241 in prosperity H7965 the destroyer H7703 shall come H935 upon him.

Job 30:14 STRONG

They came H857 upon me as a wide H7342 breaking H6556 in of waters: in H8478 the desolation H7722 they rolled H1556 themselves upon me.

Psalms 53:5 STRONG

There were they in great H6343 fear, H6342 where no fear H6343 was: for God H430 hath scattered H6340 the bones H6106 of him that encampeth H2583 against thee: thou hast put them to shame, H954 because God H430 hath despised H3988 them.

Psalms 73:16 STRONG

When I thought H2803 to know H3045 this, it was too painful H5999 for me; H5869

Isaiah 7:2 STRONG

And it was told H5046 the house H1004 of David, H1732 saying, H559 Syria H758 is confederate H5117 with Ephraim. H669 And his heart H3824 was moved, H5128 and the heart H3824 of his people, H5971 as the trees H6086 of the wood H3293 are moved H5128 with H6440 the wind. H7307

Matthew 14:26-27 STRONG

And G2532 when the disciples G3101 saw G1492 him G846 walking G4043 on G1909 the sea, G2281 they were troubled, G5015 saying, G3004 G3754 It is G2076 a spirit; G5326 and G2532 they cried out G2896 for G575 fear. G5401 But G1161 straightway G2112 Jesus G2424 spake G2980 unto them, G846 saying, G3004 Be of good cheer; G2293 it is G1510 I; G1473 be G5399 not G3361 afraid. G5399

Mark 6:16 STRONG

But G1161 when Herod G2264 heard G191 thereof, he said, G2036 It G3778 is G2076 John, G2491 whom G3754 G3739 I G1473 beheaded: G607 he G846 is risen G1453 from G1537 the dead. G3498

Romans 7:8 STRONG

But G1161 sin, G266 taking G2983 occasion G874 by G1223 the commandment, G1785 wrought G2716 in G1722 me G1698 all manner of G3956 concupiscence. G1939 For G1063 without G5565 the law G3551 sin G266 was dead. G3498

Commentary on Genesis 43 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ge 43:1-14. Preparations for a Second Journey to Egypt.

2. their father said, … Go again, buy us a little food—It was no easy matter to bring Jacob to agree to the only conditions on which his sons could return to Egypt (Ge 42:15). The necessity of immediately procuring fresh supplies for the maintenance of themselves and their families overcame every other consideration and extorted his consent to Benjamin joining in a journey, which his sons entered on with mingled feelings of hope and anxiety—of hope, because having now complied with the governor's demand to bring down their youngest brother, they flattered themselves that the alleged ground of suspecting them would be removed; and of apprehension that some ill designs were meditated against them.

11. take of the best fruits … a present—It is an Oriental practice never to approach a man of power without a present, and Jacob might remember how he pacified his brother (Pr 21:14)—balm, spices, and myrrh (see on Ge 37:25),

honey—which some think was dibs, a syrup made from ripe dates [Bochart]; but others, the honey of Hebron, which is still valued as far superior to that of Egypt;

nuts—pistachio nuts, of which Syria grows the best in the world;

almonds—which were most abundant in Palestine.

12. take double money—the first sum to be returned, and another sum for a new supply. The restored money in the sacks' mouth was a perplexing circumstance. But it might have been done inadvertently by one of the servants—so Jacob persuaded himself—and happy it was for his own peace and the encouragement of the travellers that he took this view. Besides the duty of restoring it, honesty in their case was clearly the best, the safest policy.

14. God Almighty give you mercy before the man—Jacob is here committing them all to the care of God and, resigned to what appears a heavy trial, prays that it may be overruled for good.

Ge 43:15-30. Arrival in Egypt.

15. stood before Joseph—We may easily imagine the delight with which, amid the crowd of other applicants, the eye of Joseph would fix on his brethren and Benjamin. But occupied with his public duties, he consigned them to the care of a confidential servant till he should have finished the business of the day.

16. ruler of his house—In the houses of wealthy Egyptians one upper man servant was intrusted with the management of the house (compare Ge 39:5).

slay, and make ready—Hebrew, "kill a killing"—implying preparations for a grand entertainment (compare Ge 31:54; 1Sa 25:11; Pr 9:2; Mt 22:4). The animals have to be killed as well as prepared at home. The heat of the climate requires that the cook should take the joints directly from the hands of the flesher, and the Oriental taste is, from habit, fond of newly killed meat. A great profusion of viands, with an inexhaustible supply of vegetables, was provided for the repasts, to which strangers were invited, the pride of Egyptian people consisting rather in the quantity and variety than in the choice or delicacy of the dishes at their table.

dine … at noon—The hour of dinner was at midday.

18. the men were afraid—Their feelings of awe on entering the stately mansion, unaccustomed as they were to houses at all, their anxiety at the reasons of their being taken there, their solicitude about the restored money, their honest simplicity in communicating their distress to the steward and his assurances of having received their money in "full weight," the offering of their fruit present, which would, as usual, be done with some parade, and the Oriental salutations that passed between their host and them—are all described in a graphic and animated manner.

Ge 43:31-34. The Dinner.

31. Joseph said, Set on bread—equivalent to having dinner served, "bread" being a term inclusive of all victuals. The table was a small stool, most probably the usual round form, "since persons might even then be seated according to their rank or seniority, and the modern Egyptian table is not without its post of honor and a fixed gradation of place" [Wilkinson]. Two or at most three persons were seated at one table. But the host being the highest in rank of the company had a table to himself; while it was so arranged that an Egyptian was not placed nor obliged to eat from the same dish as a Hebrew.

32. Egyptians might not eat bread with the Hebrews; for that is an abomination—The prejudice probably arose from the detestation in which, from the oppressions of the shepherd-kings, the nation held all of that occupation.

34. took and sent messes … Benjamin's mess was five times—In Egypt, as in other Oriental countries, there were, and are, two modes of paying attention to a guest whom the host wishes to honor—either by giving a choice piece from his own hand, or ordering it to be taken to the stranger. The degree of respect shown consists in the quantity, and while the ordinary rule of distinction is a double mess, it must have appeared a very distinguished mark of favor bestowed on Benjamin to have no less than five times any of his brethren.

they drank, and were merry with him—Hebrew, "drank freely" (same as So 5:1; Joh 2:10). In all these cases the idea of intemperance is excluded. The painful anxieties and cares of Joseph's brethren were dispelled, and they were at ease.