Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Genesis » Chapter 49 » Verse 20

Genesis 49:20 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

20 Out of Asher H836 his bread H3899 shall be fat, H8082 and he shall yield H5414 royal H4428 dainties. H4574

Cross Reference

Genesis 30:13 STRONG

And Leah H3812 said, H559 Happy am I, H837 for the daughters H1323 will call me blessed: H833 and she called H7121 his name H8034 Asher. H836

Deuteronomy 33:24-25 STRONG

And of Asher H836 he said, H559 Let Asher H836 be blessed H1288 with children; H1121 let him be acceptable H7521 to his brethren, H251 and let him dip H2881 his foot H7272 in oil. H8081 Thy shoes H4515 shall be iron H1270 and brass; H5178 and as thy days, H3117 so shall thy strength H1679 be.

Genesis 46:17 STRONG

And the sons H1121 of Asher; H836 Jimnah, H3232 and Ishuah, H3438 and Isui, H3440 and Beriah, H1283 and Serah H8294 their sister: H269 and the sons H1121 of Beriah; H1283 Heber, H2268 and Malchiel. H4439

Joshua 19:24-31 STRONG

And the fifth H2549 lot H1486 came out H3318 for the tribe H4294 of the children H1121 of Asher H836 according to their families. H4940 And their border H1366 was Helkath, H2520 and Hali, H2482 and Beten, H991 and Achshaph, H407 And Alammelech, H487 and Amad, H6008 and Misheal; H4861 and reacheth H6293 to Carmel H3760 westward, H3220 and to Shihorlibnath; H7884 And turneth H7725 toward the sunrising H4217 H8121 to Bethdagon, H1016 and reacheth H6293 to Zebulun, H2074 and to the valley H1516 of Jiphthahel H3317 toward the north side H6828 of Bethemek, H1025 and Neiel, H5272 and goeth out H3318 to Cabul H3521 on the left hand, H8040 And Hebron, H5683 and Rehob, H7340 and Hammon, H2540 and Kanah, H7071 even unto great H7227 Zidon; H6721 And then the coast H1366 turneth H7725 to Ramah, H7414 and to the strong H4013 city H5892 Tyre; H6865 and the coast H1366 turneth H7725 to Hosah; H2621 and the outgoings H8444 thereof are at the sea H3220 from the coast H2256 to Achzib: H392 Ummah H5981 also, and Aphek, H663 and Rehob: H7340 twenty H6242 and two H8147 cities H5892 with their villages. H2691 This is the inheritance H5159 of the tribe H4294 of the children H1121 of Asher H836 according to their families, H4940 these cities H5892 with their villages. H2691

Commentary on Genesis 49 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ge 49:1-33. Patriarchal Blessing.

1. Jacob called unto his sons—It is not to the sayings of the dying saint, so much as of the inspired prophet, that attention is called in this chapter. Under the immediate influence of the Holy Spirit he pronounced his prophetic benediction and described the condition of their respective descendants in the last days, or future times.

Ge 49:3, 4. Reuben forfeited by his crime the rights and honors of primogeniture. His posterity never made any figure; no judge, prophet, nor ruler, sprang from this tribe.

Ge 49:5-7. Simeon and Levi were associate in wickedness, and the same prediction would be equally applicable to both their tribes. Levi had cities allotted to them (Jos 21:1-45) in every tribe. On account of their zeal against idolatry, they were honorably "divided in Jacob"; whereas the tribe of Simeon, which was guilty of the grossest idolatry and the vices inseparable from it, were ignominiously "scattered."

Ge 49:8-12. Judah—A high pre-eminence is destined to this tribe (Nu 10:14; Jud 1:2). Besides the honor of giving name to the Promised Land, David, and a greater than David—the Messiah—sprang from it. Chief among the tribes, "it grew up from a lion's whelp"—that is, a little power—till it became "an old lion"—that is, calm and quiet, yet still formidable.

10. until Shiloh come—Shiloh—this obscure word is variously interpreted to mean "the sent" (Joh 17:3), "the seed" (Isa 11:1), the "peaceable or prosperous one" (Eph 2:14)—that is, the Messiah (Isa 11:10; Ro 15:12); and when He should come, "the tribe of Judah should no longer boast either an independent king or a judge of their own" [Calvin]. The Jews have been for eighteen centuries without a ruler and without a judge since Shiloh came, and "to Him the gathering of the people has been."

Ge 49:13. Zebulun was to have its lot on the seacoast, close to Zidon, and to engage, like that state, in maritime pursuits and commerce.

Ge 49:14, 15. Issachar

14. a strong ass couching down between two burdens—that is, it was to be active, patient, given to agricultural labors. It was established in lower Galilee—a "good land," settling down in the midst of the Canaanites, where, for the sake of quiet, they "bowed their shoulder to bear, and became a servant unto tribute."

Ge 49:16-18. Dan—though the son of a secondary wife, was to be "as one of the tribes of Israel."

17. Dan—"a judge."

a serpent … an adder—A serpent, an adder, implies subtlety and stratagem; such was pre-eminently the character of Samson, the most illustrious of its judges.

Ge 49:19. Gad—This tribe should be often attacked and wasted by hostile powers on their borders (Jud 10:8; Jer 49:1). But they were generally victorious in the close of their wars.

Ge 49:20. Asher—"Blessed." Its allotment was the seacoast between Tyre and Carmel, a district fertile in the production of the finest corn and oil in all Palestine.

Ge 49:21. Naphtali—The best rendering we know is this, "Naphtali is a deer roaming at liberty; he shooteth forth goodly branches," or majestic antlers [Taylor, Scripture Illustrations], and the meaning of the prophecy seems to be that the tribe of Naphtali would be located in a territory so fertile and peaceable, that, feeding on the richest pasture, he would spread out, like a deer, branching antlers.

Ge 49:22-26. Joseph

22. a fruitful bough, &c.—denotes the extraordinary increase of that tribe (compare Nu 1:33-35; Jos 17:17; De 33:17). The patriarch describes him as attacked by envy, revenge, temptation, ingratitude; yet still, by the grace of God, he triumphed over all opposition, so that he became the sustainer of Israel; and then he proceeds to shower blessings of every kind upon the head of this favorite son. The history of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh shows how fully these blessings were realized.

Ge 49:27-33. Benjamin

27. shall ravin like a wolf—This tribe in its early history spent its energies in petty or inglorious warfare and especially in the violent and unjust contest (Jud 19:1-20:48), in which it engaged with the other tribes, when, notwithstanding two victories, it was almost exterminated.

28. all these are the twelve tribes of Israel—or ancestors. Jacob's prophetic words obviously refer not so much to the sons as to the tribes of Israel.

29. he charged them—The charge had already been given and solemnly undertaken (Ge 47:31). But in mentioning his wishes now and rehearsing all the circumstances connected with the purchase of Machpelah, he wished to declare, with his latest breath, before all his family, that he died in the same faith as Abraham.

33. when Jacob had made an end of commanding his sons—It is probable that he was supernaturally strengthened for this last momentous office of the patriarch, and that when the divine afflatus ceased, his exhausted powers giving way, he yielded up the ghost, and was gathered unto his people.