Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Genesis » Chapter 5 » Verse 4

Genesis 5:4 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

4 And the days H3117 of Adam H121 after H310 he had begotten H3205 Seth H8352 were eight H8083 hundred H3967 years: H8141 and he begat H3205 sons H1121 and daughters: H1323

Cross Reference

1 Chronicles 1:1-3 STRONG

Adam, H121 Sheth, H8352 Enosh, H583 Kenan, H7018 Mahalaleel, H4111 Jered, H3382 Henoch, H2585 Methuselah, H4968 Lamech, H3929

Luke 3:36-38 STRONG

Which was the son of Cainan, G2536 which was the son of Arphaxad, G742 which was the son of Sem, G4590 which was the son of Noe, G3575 which was the son of Lamech, G2984 Which was the son of Mathusala, G3103 which was the son of Enoch, G1802 which was the son of Jared, G2391 which was the son of Maleleel, G3121 which was the son of Cainan, G2536 Which was the son of Enos, G1800 which was the son of Seth, G4589 which was the son of Adam, G76 which was the son of God. G2316

Genesis 5:7 STRONG

And Seth H8352 lived H2421 after H310 he begat H3205 Enos H583 eight H8083 hundred H3967 H8141 and seven H7651 years, H8141 and begat H3205 sons H1121 and daughters: H1323

Genesis 5:10 STRONG

And Enos H583 lived H2421 after H310 he begat H3205 Cainan H7018 eight H8083 hundred H3967 H8141 and fifteen H6240 H2568 years, H8141 and begat H3205 sons H1121 and daughters: H1323

Genesis 5:13 STRONG

And Cainan H7018 lived H2421 after H310 he begat H3205 Mahalaleel H4111 eight H8083 hundred H3967 H8141 and forty H705 years, H8141 and begat H3205 sons H1121 and daughters: H1323

Genesis 5:19 STRONG

And Jared H3382 lived H2421 after H310 he begat H3205 Enoch H2585 eight H8083 hundred H3967 years, H8141 and begat H3205 sons H1121 and daughters: H1323

Genesis 5:22 STRONG

And Enoch H2585 walked H1980 with H854 God H430 after H310 he begat H3205 H853 Methuselah H4968 three H7969 hundred H3967 years, H8141 and begat H3205 sons H1121 and daughters: H1323

Genesis 5:26 STRONG

And Methuselah H4968 lived H2421 after H310 he begat H3205 Lamech H3929 seven H7651 hundred H3967 H8141 eighty H8084 and two H8147 years, H8141 and begat H3205 sons H1121 and daughters: H1323

Genesis 5:30 STRONG

And Lamech H3929 lived H2421 after H310 he begat H3205 Noah H5146 five H2568 hundred H3967 H8141 ninety H8673 and five H2568 years, H8141 and begat H3205 sons H1121 and daughters: H1323

Genesis 1:28 STRONG

And God H430 blessed H1288 them, and God H430 said H559 unto them, Be fruitful, H6509 and multiply, H7235 and replenish H4390 the earth, H776 and subdue it: H3533 and have dominion H7287 over the fish H1710 of the sea, H3220 and over the fowl H5775 of the air, H8064 and over every living thing H2416 that moveth H7430 upon the earth. H776

Genesis 9:1 STRONG

And God H430 blessed H1288 Noah H5146 and his sons, H1121 and said H559 unto them, Be fruitful, H6509 and multiply, H7235 and replenish H4390 the earth. H776

Genesis 9:7 STRONG

And you, be ye fruitful, H6509 and multiply; H7235 bring forth abundantly H8317 in the earth, H776 and multiply H7235 therein.

Genesis 11:12 STRONG

And Arphaxad H775 lived H2425 five H2568 and thirty H7970 years, H8141 and begat H3205 Salah: H7974

Psalms 127:3 STRONG

Lo, children H1121 are an heritage H5159 of the LORD: H3068 and the fruit H6529 of the womb H990 is his reward. H7939

Psalms 144:12 STRONG

That our sons H1121 may be as plants H5195 grown up H1431 in their youth; H5271 that our daughters H1323 may be as corner stones, H2106 polished H2404 after the similitude H8403 of a palace: H1964

Commentary on Genesis 5 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ge 5:1-32. Genealogy of the Patriarchs.

1. book of the generations—(See Ge 11:4).

Adam—used here either as the name of the first man, or of the human race generally.

5. all the days … Adam lived—The most striking feature in this catalogue is the longevity of Adam and his immediate descendants. Ten are enumerated (Ge 5:5-32) in direct succession whose lives far exceed the ordinary limits with which we are familiar—the shortest being three hundred sixty-five, [Ge 5:23] and the longest nine hundred sixty-nine years [Ge 5:27]. It is useless to inquire whether and what secondary causes may have contributed to this protracted longevity—vigorous constitutions, the nature of their diet, the temperature and salubrity of the climate; or, finally—as this list comprises only the true worshippers of God—whether their great age might be owing to the better government of their passions and the quiet, even tenor of their lives. Since we cannot obtain satisfactory evidence on these points, it is wise to resolve the fact into the sovereign will of God. We can, however, trace some of the important uses to which, in the early economy of Providence, it was subservient. It was the chief means of reserving a knowledge of God, of the great truths of religion, as well as the influence of genuine piety. So that, as their knowledge was obtained by tradition, they would be in a condition to preserve it in the greatest purity.

21. Enoch … begat Methuselah—This name signifies, "He dieth, and the sending forth," so that Enoch gave it as prophetical of the flood. It is computed that Methuselah died in the year of that catastrophe.

24. And Enoch walked with God—a common phrase in Eastern countries denoting constant and familiar intercourse.

was not; for God took him—In Heb 11:5, we are informed that he was translated to heaven—a mighty miracle, designed to effect what ordinary means of instruction had failed to accomplish, gave a palpable proof to an age of almost universal unbelief that the doctrines which he had taught (Jude 14, 15) were true and that his devotedness to the cause of God and righteousness in the midst of opposition was highly pleasing to the mind of God.

26. Lamech—a different person from the one mentioned in the preceding chapter [Ge 4:18]. Like his namesake, however, he also spoke in numbers on occasion of the birth of Noah—that is, "rest" or "comfort" [Ge 5:29, Margin]. "The allusion is, undoubtedly, to the penal consequences of the fall in earthly toils and sufferings, and to the hope of a Deliverer, excited by the promise made to Eve. That this expectation was founded on a divine communication we infer from the importance attached to it and the confidence of its expression" [Peter Smith].

32. Noah was five hundred years old: and … begat—That he and the other patriarchs were advanced in life before children were born to them is a difficulty accounted for probably from the circumstance that Moses does not here record their first-born sons, but only the succession from Adam through Seth to Abraham.