Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Genesis » Chapter 50 » Verse 17

Genesis 50:17 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

17 So shall ye say H559 unto Joseph, H3130 Forgive, H5375 I pray thee H577 now, the trespass H6588 of thy brethren, H251 and their sin; H2403 for they did H1580 unto thee evil: H7451 and now, we pray thee, forgive H5375 the trespass H6588 of the servants H5650 of the God H430 of thy father. H1 And Joseph H3130 wept H1058 when they spake H1696 unto him.

Cross Reference

Matthew 10:42 STRONG

And G2532 whosoever G3739 G1437 shall give to drink G4222 unto one G1520 of these G5130 little ones G3398 a cup G4221 of cold G5593 water only G3440 in G1519 the name G3686 of a disciple, G3101 verily G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 he shall in no wise G3364 lose G622 his G846 reward. G3408

James 5:16 STRONG

Confess G1843 your faults G3900 one to another, G240 and G2532 pray G2172 one G240 for G5228 another, G240 that G3704 ye may be healed. G2390 The effectual fervent G1754 prayer G1162 of a righteous man G1342 availeth G2480 much. G4183

Philemon 1:8-20 STRONG

Wherefore, G1352 though I might be G2192 much G4183 bold G3954 in G1722 Christ G5547 to enjoin G2004 thee G4671 that which is convenient, G433 Yet for G1223 love's G26 sake I G3870 rather G3123 beseech G3870 thee, being G5607 such an one G5108 as G5613 Paul G3972 the aged, G4246 and G1161 now G3570 also G2532 a prisoner G1198 of Jesus G2424 Christ. G5547 I beseech G3870 thee G4571 for G4012 my G1699 son G5043 Onesimus, G3682 whom G3739 I have begotten G1080 in G1722 my G3450 bonds: G1199 Which G3588 in time past G4218 was G890 to thee G4671 unprofitable, G890 but G1161 now G3570 profitable G2173 to thee G4671 and G2532 to me: G1698 Whom G3739 I have sent again: G375 thou G4771 therefore G1161 receive G4355 him, G846 that is, G5123 mine own G1699 bowels: G4698 Whom G3739 I G1473 would G1014 have retained G2722 with G4314 me, G1683 that G2443 in thy G4675 stead G5228 he might have ministered G1247 unto me G3427 in G1722 the bonds G1199 of the gospel: G2098 But G1161 without G5565 thy G4674 mind G1106 would G2309 I do G4160 nothing; G3762 that G3363 thy G4675 benefit G18 should G5600 not G3363 be G5600 as G5613 it were of G2596 necessity, G318 but G235 willingly. G1595 G2596 For G1063 G1223 perhaps G5029 he G5563 therefore G5124 departed G5563 for G4314 a season, G5610 that G2443 thou shouldest receive G568 him G846 for ever; G166 Not now G3765 as G5613 a servant, G1401 but G235 above G5228 a servant, G1401 a brother G80 beloved, G27 specially G3122 to me, G1698 but G1161 how much G4214 more G3123 unto thee, G4671 both G2532 in G1722 the flesh, G4561 and G2532 in G1722 the Lord? G2962 If G1487 thou count G2192 me G1691 therefore G3767 a partner, G2844 receive G4355 him G846 as G5613 myself. G1691 If G1161 G1487 he hath wronged G91 thee, G4571 or G2228 oweth G3784 thee ought, G5100 put G1677 that G5124 on G1677 mine account; G1698 I G1473 Paul G3972 have written G1125 it with mine own G1699 hand, G5495 I G1473 will repay G661 it: albeit G3363 I do G3004 not G3363 say G3004 to thee G4671 how G3754 thou owest G4359 unto me G3427 even G2532 thine own self G4572 besides. G4359 Yea, G3483 brother, G80 let G3685 me G1473 have joy G3685 of thee G4675 in G1722 the Lord: G2962 refresh G373 my G3450 bowels G4698 in G1722 the Lord. G2962

Colossians 3:12-13 STRONG

Put on G1746 therefore, G3767 as G5613 the elect G1588 of God, G2316 holy G40 and G2532 beloved, G25 bowels G4698 of mercies, G3628 kindness, G5544 humbleness of mind, G5012 meekness, G4236 longsuffering; G3115 Forbearing G430 one another, G240 and G2532 forgiving G5483 one another, G1438 if G1437 any man G5100 have G2192 a quarrel G3437 against G4314 any: G5100 even as G2531 G2532 Christ G5547 forgave G5483 you, G5213 so G3779 also G2532 do ye. G5210

Ephesians 4:32 STRONG

And G1161 be G1096 ye kind G5543 one to another, G1519 G240 tenderhearted, G2155 forgiving G5483 one another, G1438 even as G2531 G2532 God G2316 for G1722 Christ's G5547 sake G1722 hath forgiven G5483 you. G5213

Galatians 6:16 STRONG

And G2532 as many as G3745 walk G4748 according to G2583 this G5129 rule, G2583 peace G1515 be on G1909 them, G846 and G2532 mercy, G1656 and G2532 upon G1909 the Israel G2474 of God. G2316

Galatians 6:10 STRONG

As G5613 we have G2192 therefore G686 G3767 opportunity, G2540 let us do G2038 good G18 unto G4314 all G3956 men, especially G1161 G3122 unto G4314 them who are of the household G3609 of faith. G4102

Luke 17:3-4 STRONG

Take heed G4337 to yourselves: G1438 If G1161 G1437 thy G4675 brother G80 trespass G264 against G1519 thee, G4571 rebuke G2008 him; G846 and G2532 if G1437 he repent, G3340 forgive G863 him. G846 And G2532 if G1437 he trespass G264 against G1519 thee G4571 seven times G2034 in a day, G2250 and G2532 seven times G2034 in a day G2250 turn again G1994 to G1909 thee, G4571 saying, G3004 I repent; G3340 thou shalt forgive G863 him. G846

Mark 10:41 STRONG

And G2532 when the ten G1176 heard G191 it, they began G756 to be much displeased G23 with G4012 James G2385 and G2532 John. G2491

Matthew 25:40 STRONG

And G2532 the King G935 shall answer G611 and say G2046 unto them, G846 Verily G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 Inasmuch G1909 as G3745 ye have done G4160 it unto one G1520 of the least G1646 of these G5130 my G3450 brethren, G80 ye have done G4160 it unto me. G1698

Matthew 18:35 STRONG

So G3779 likewise shall my G3450 heavenly G2032 Father G3962 do G4160 also G2532 unto you, G5213 if G3362 ye from G575 your G5216 hearts G2588 forgive G863 not G3362 every one G1538 his G846 brother G80 their G846 trespasses. G3900

Genesis 31:42 STRONG

Except H3884 the God H430 of my father, H1 the God H430 of Abraham, H85 and the fear H6343 of Isaac, H3327 had been with me, surely thou hadst sent me away H7971 now empty. H7387 God H430 hath seen H7200 mine affliction H6040 and the labour H3018 of my hands, H3709 and rebuked H3198 thee yesternight. H570

Matthew 6:14-15 STRONG

For G1063 if G1437 ye forgive G863 men G444 their G846 trespasses, G3900 your G5216 heavenly G3770 Father G3962 will also G2532 forgive G863 you: G5213 But G1161 if G3362 ye forgive G863 not G3362 men G444 their G846 trespasses, G3900 neither G3761 will your G5216 Father G3962 forgive G863 your G5216 trespasses. G3900

Matthew 6:12 STRONG

And G2532 forgive G863 us G2254 our G2257 debts, G3783 as G2532 G5613 we G2249 forgive G863 our G2257 debtors. G3781

Proverbs 28:13 STRONG

He that covereth H3680 his sins H6588 shall not prosper: H6743 but whoso confesseth H3034 and forsaketh H5800 them shall have mercy. H7355

Psalms 21:11 STRONG

For they intended H5186 evil H7451 against thee: they imagined H2803 a mischievous device, H4209 which they are not able H3201 to perform.

Job 33:27-28 STRONG

He looketh H7789 upon men, H582 and if any say, H559 I have sinned, H2398 and perverted H5753 that which was right, H3477 and it profited H7737 me not; He will deliver H6299 his soul H5315 from going H5674 into the pit, H7845 and his life H2416 shall see H7200 the light. H216

Genesis 50:20 STRONG

But as for you, ye thought H2803 evil H7451 against me; but God H430 meant it H2803 unto good, H2896 to H4616 bring to pass, H6213 as it is this day, H3117 to save H2421 much H7227 people H5971 alive. H2421

Genesis 49:25 STRONG

Even by the God H410 of thy father, H1 who shall help H5826 thee; and by H854 the Almighty, H7706 who shall bless H1288 thee with blessings H1293 of heaven H8064 above, H5920 blessings H1293 of the deep H8415 that lieth H7257 under, blessings H1293 of the breasts, H7699 and of the womb: H7356

Genesis 45:8 STRONG

So now it was not you that sent H7971 me hither, but God: H430 and he hath made H7760 me a father H1 to Pharaoh, H6547 and lord H113 of all his house, H1004 and a ruler H4910 throughout all the land H776 of Egypt. H4714

Genesis 45:4-5 STRONG

And Joseph H3130 said H559 unto his brethren, H251 Come near H5066 to me, I pray you. And they came near. H5066 And he said, H559 I am Joseph H3130 your brother, H251 whom ye sold H4376 into Egypt. H4714 Now therefore be not grieved, H6087 nor angry H2734 with yourselves, H5869 that ye sold H4376 me hither: for God H430 did send H7971 me before you H6440 to preserve life. H4241

Genesis 42:21-24 STRONG

And they said H559 one H376 to another, H251 We are verily H61 guilty H818 concerning our brother, H251 in that H834 we saw H7200 the anguish H6869 of his soul, H5315 when he besought H2603 us, and we would not hear; H8085 therefore is this distress H6869 come H935 upon us. And Reuben H7205 answered H6030 them, saying, H559 Spake I H559 not unto you, saying, H559 Do not sin H2398 against the child; H3206 and ye would not hear? H8085 therefore, behold, also his blood H1818 is required. H1875 And they knew H3045 not that Joseph H3130 understood H8085 them; for he spake unto them by an interpreter. H3887 And he turned himself about H5437 from them, and wept; H1058 and returned to them again, H7725 and communed H1696 with them, and took H3947 from them Simeon, H8095 and bound H631 him before their eyes. H5869

Commentary on Genesis 50 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ge 50:1-26. Mourning for Jacob.

1. Joseph fell upon his father's face, &c.—On him, as the principal member of the family, devolved the duty of closing the eyes of his venerable parent (compare Ge 46:4) and imprinting the farewell kiss.

2. Joseph commanded his servants the physicians to embalm his father, &c.—In ancient Egypt the embalmers were a class by themselves. The process of embalmment consisted in infusing a great quantity of resinous substances into the cavities of the body, after the intestines had been removed, and then a regulated degree of heat was applied to dry up the humors, as well as decompose the tarry materials which had been previously introduced. Thirty days were alloted for the completion of this process; forty more were spent in anointing it with spices; the body, tanned from this operation, being then washed, was wrapped in numerous folds of linen cloth—the joinings of which were fastened with gum, and then it was deposited in a wooden chest made in the form of a human figure.

3. the Egyptians mourned, &c. It was made a period of public mourning, as on the death of a royal personage.

4, 5. Joseph spake unto the house of Pharaoh, &c.—Care was taken to let it be known that the family sepulchre was provided before leaving Canaan and that an oath bound his family to convey the remains thither. Besides, Joseph deemed it right to apply for a special leave of absence; and being unfit, as a mourner, to appear in the royal presence, he made the request through the medium of others.

7-9. Joseph went up to bury his father—a journey of three hundred miles. The funeral cavalcade, composed of the nobility and military, with their equipages, would exhibit an imposing appearance.

10. they came to the threshing-floor of Atad, &c.—"Atad" may be taken as a common noun, signifying "the plain of the thorn bushes." It was on the border between Egypt and Canaan; and as the last opportunity of indulging grief was always the most violent, the Egyptians made a prolonged halt at this spot, while the family of Jacob probably proceeded by themselves to the place of sepulture.

15-21. When Joseph's brethren saw that their father was dead, they said, Joseph will peradventure hate us, &c.—Joseph was deeply affected by this communication. He gave them the strongest assurances of his forgiveness and thereby gave both a beautiful trait of his own pious character, as well as appeared an eminent type of the Saviour.

22, 23. Joseph dwelt in Egypt—He lived eighty years after his elevation to the chief power [see on Ge 41:46] witnessing a great increase in the prosperity of the kingdom, and also of his own family and kindred—the infant Church of God.

24. Joseph said unto his brethren, I die—The national feelings of the Egyptians would have been opposed to his burial in Canaan; but he gave the strongest proof of the strength of his faith and full assurance of the promises, by "the commandment concerning his bones" [Heb 11:22].

26. and they embalmed him—[See on Ge 50:2]. His funeral would be conducted in the highest style of Egyptian magnificence and his mummied corpse carefully preserved till the Exodus.