Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Genesis » Chapter 8 » Verse 16

Genesis 8:16 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

16 Go forth H3318 of the ark, H8392 thou, and thy wife, H802 and thy sons, H1121 and thy sons' H1121 wives H802 with thee.

Cross Reference

Genesis 7:13 STRONG

In the selfsame H6106 day H3117 entered H935 Noah, H5146 and Shem, H8035 and Ham, H2526 and Japheth, H3315 the sons H1121 of Noah, H5146 and Noah's H5146 wife, H802 and the three H7969 wives H802 of his sons H1121 with them, into the ark; H8392

Genesis 7:1 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto Noah, H5146 Come H935 thou and all thy house H1004 into the ark; H8392 for thee have I seen H7200 righteous H6662 before me H6440 in this H2088 generation. H1755

Genesis 7:7 STRONG

And Noah H5146 went in, H935 and his sons, H1121 and his wife, H802 and his sons' H1121 wives H802 with him, into the ark, H8392 because of H6440 the waters H4325 of the flood. H3999

Joshua 3:17 STRONG

And the priests H3548 that bare H5375 the ark H727 of the covenant H1285 of the LORD H3068 stood H5975 firm H3559 on dry ground H2724 in the midst H8432 of Jordan, H3383 and all the Israelites H3478 passed over H5674 on dry ground, H2724 until all the people H1471 were passed H5674 clean H8552 over H5674 Jordan. H3383

Joshua 4:10 STRONG

For the priests H3548 which bare H5375 the ark H727 stood H5975 in the midst H8432 of Jordan, H3383 until every thing H1697 was finished H8552 that the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 Joshua H3091 to speak H1696 unto the people, H5971 according to all that Moses H4872 commanded H6680 Joshua: H3091 and the people H5971 hasted H4116 and passed over. H5674

Joshua 4:16-18 STRONG

Command H6680 the priests H3548 that bear H5375 the ark H727 of the testimony, H5715 that they come up H5927 out of Jordan. H3383 Joshua H3091 therefore commanded H6680 the priests, H3548 saying, H559 Come ye up H5927 out of Jordan. H3383 And it came to pass, when the priests H3548 that bare H5375 the ark H727 of the covenant H1285 of the LORD H3068 were come up H5927 out of the midst H8432 of Jordan, H3383 and the soles H3709 of the priests' H3548 feet H7272 were lifted up H5423 unto the dry land, H2724 that the waters H4325 of Jordan H3383 returned H7725 unto their place, H4725 and flowed H3212 over all his banks, H1415 as H8543 they did before. H8032

Psalms 91:11 STRONG

For he shall give his angels H4397 charge H6680 over thee, to keep H8104 thee in all thy ways. H1870

Psalms 121:8 STRONG

The LORD H3068 shall preserve H8104 thy going out H3318 and thy coming in H935 from this time forth, and even for H5704 evermore. H5769

Daniel 9:25-26 STRONG

Know H3045 therefore and understand, H7919 that from the going forth H4161 of the commandment H1697 to restore H7725 and to build H1129 Jerusalem H3389 unto the Messiah H4899 the Prince H5057 shall be seven H7651 weeks, H7620 and threescore H8346 and two H8147 weeks: H7620 the street H7339 shall be built H1129 again, H7725 and the wall, H2742 even in troublous H6695 times. H6256 And after H310 threescore H8346 and two H8147 weeks H7620 shall Messiah H4899 be cut off, H3772 but not for himself: and the people H5971 of the prince H5057 that shall come H935 shall destroy H7843 the city H5892 and the sanctuary; H6944 and the end H7093 thereof shall be with a flood, H7858 and unto the end H7093 of the war H4421 desolations H8074 are determined. H2782

Zechariah 9:11 STRONG

As for thee also, by the blood H1818 of thy covenant H1285 I have sent forth H7971 thy prisoners H615 out of the pit H953 wherein is no water. H4325

Acts 16:27-28 STRONG

And G1161 the keeper of the prison G1200 awaking G1096 out of his sleep, G1853 and G2532 seeing G1492 the prison G5438 doors G2374 open, G455 he drew out G4685 his sword, G3162 and would G3195 have killed G337 himself, G1438 supposing G3543 that the prisoners G1198 had been fled. G1628 But G1161 Paul G3972 cried G5455 with a loud G3173 voice, G5456 saying, G3004 Do G4238 thyself G4572 no G3367 harm: G2556 for G1063 we are G2070 all G537 here. G1759

Acts 16:37-39 STRONG

But G1161 Paul G3972 said G5346 unto G4314 them, G846 They have beaten G1194 us G2248 openly G1219 uncondemned, G178 being G5225 Romans, G4514 G444 and have cast G906 us into G1519 prison; G5438 and G2532 now G3568 do they thrust G1544 us G2248 out G1544 privily? G2977 nay G3756 verily; G1063 but G235 let them come G2064 themselves G846 and fetch G1806 us G2248 out. G1806 And G1161 the serjeants G4465 told G312 these G5023 words G4487 unto the magistrates: G4755 and G2532 they feared, G5399 when they heard G191 that G3754 they were G1526 Romans. G4514 And G2532 they came G2064 and besought G3870 them, G846 and G2532 brought them out, G1806 and desired G2065 them to depart out G1831 of the city. G4172

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Genesis 8

Commentary on Genesis 8 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-5

With the words, “ then God remembered Noah and all the animals...in the ark, ” the narrative turns to the description of the gradual decrease of the water until the ground was perfectly dry. The fall of the water is described in the same pictorial style as its rapid rise. God's “remembering” was a manifestation of Himself, an effective restraint of the force of the raging element. He caused a wind to blow over the earth, so that the waters sank, and shut up the fountains of the deep, and the sluices of heaven, so that the rain from heaven was restrained. “ Then the waters turned ( ישׁבוּ i.e., flowed off) from the earth, flowing continuously (the inf. absol. ושׁוב הלוך expresses continuation), and decreased at the end of 150 days .” The decrease first became perceptible when the ark rested upon the mountains of Ararat on the 17th day of the seventh month; i.e.,, reckoning 30 days to a month, exactly 150 days after the flood commenced. From that time forth it continued without intermission, so that on the first day of the tenth month, probably 73 days after the resting of the ark, the tops of the mountains were seen, viz., the tops of the Armenian highlands, by which the ark was surrounded. Ararat was the name of a province (2 Kings 19:37), which is mentioned along with Minni (Armenia) as a kingdom in Jeremiah 51:27, probably the central province of the country of Armenia, which Moses v. Chorene calls Arairad , Araratia . The mountains of Ararat are, no doubt, the group of mountains which rise from the plain of the Araxes in two lofty peaks, the greater and lesser Ararat, the former 16,254 feet above the level of the sea, the latter about 12,000. This landing-place of the ark is extremely interesting in connection with the development of the human race as renewed after the flood. Armenia, the source of the rivers of paradise, has been called “a cool, airy, well-watered mountain-island in the midst of the old continent;” but Mount Ararat especially is situated almost in the middle, not only of the great desert route of Africa and Asia, but also of the range of inland waters from Gibraltar to the Baikal Sea-in the centre, too, of the longest line that can be drawn through the settlements of the Caucasian race and the Indo-Germanic tribes; and, as the central point of the longest land-line of the ancient world, from the Cape of Good Hope to the Behring Straits, it was the most suitable spot in the world, for the tribes and nations that sprang from the sons of Noah to descend from its heights and spread into every land (vid., K. v. Raumer , Paläst. pp. 456ff.).

Verses 6-12

Forty days after the appearance of the mountain tops, Noah opened the window of the ark and let a raven fly out (lit., the raven, i.e., the particular raven known from that circumstance), for the purpose of ascertaining the drying up of the waters. The raven went out and returned until the earth was dry, but without being taken back into the ark, as the mountain tops and the carcases floating upon the water afforded both resting-places and food. After that, Noah let a dove fly out three times, at intervals of seven days. It is not distinctly stated that he sent it out the first time seven days after the raven, but this is implied in the statement that he stayed yet other seven days before sending it out the second time, and the same again before sending it the third time (Genesis 8:10 and Genesis 8:12). The dove, when first sent out, “ found no rest for the sole of its foot; ” for a dove will only settle upon such places and objects as are dry and clean. It returned to the ark and let Noah take it in again (Genesis 8:8, Genesis 8:9). The second time it returned in the evening, having remained out longer than before, and brought a fresh ( טרף freshly plucked) olive-leaf in its mouth. Noah perceived from this that the water must be almost gone, had “abated from off the earth,” though the ground might not be perfectly dry, as the olive-tree will put out leaves even under water. The fresh olive-leaf was the first sign of the resurrection of the earth to new life after the flood, and the dove with the olive-leaf a herald of salvation. The third time it did not return; a sign that the waters had completely receded from the earth. The fact that Noah waited 40 days before sending the raven, and after that always left an interval of seven days, is not to be accounted for on the supposition that these numbers were already regarded as significant. The 40 days correspond to the 40 days during which the rain fell and the waters rose; and Noah might assume that they would require the same time to recede as to rise. The seven days constituted the week established at the creation, and God had already conformed to it in arranging their entrance into the ark (Genesis 7:4, Genesis 7:10). The selection which Noah made of the birds may also be explained quite simply from the difference in their nature, with which Noah must have been acquainted; that is to say, from the fact that the raven in seeking its food settles upon every carcase that it sees, whereas the dove will only settle upon what is dry and clean.

Verses 13-19

Noah waited some time, and then, on the first day of the first month, in the 601st year of his life, removed the covering from the ark, that he might obtain a freer prospect over the earth. He could see that the surface of the earth was dry; but it was not till the 27th day of the second month, 57 days, therefore, after the removal of the roof, that the earth was completely dried up. Then God commanded him to leave the ark with his family and all the animals; and so far as the latter were concerned, He renewed the blessing of the creation (Genesis 8:17 cf. Genesis 1:22). As the flood commenced on the 17th of the second month of the 600th year of Noah's life, and ended on the 27th of the second month of the 601st year, it lasted a year and ten days; but whether a solar year of 360 of 365 days, or a lunar year of 352, is doubtful. The former is the more probable, as the first five months are said to have consisted of 150 days, which suits the solar year better than the lunar. The question cannot be decided with certainty, because we neither know the number of days between the 17th of the seventh month and the 1st of the tenth month, nor the interval between the sending out of the dove and the 1st day of the first month of the 601st year.

Verses 20-22

The first thing which Noah did, was to build an altar for burnt sacrifice, to thank the Lord for gracious protection, and pray for His mercy in time to come. This altar - מזבּח , lit., a place for the offering of slain animals, from זבח , like θυσιαστήριον from θύειν - is the first altar mentioned in history. The sons of Adam had built no altar for their offerings, because God was still present on the earth in paradise, so that they could turn their offerings and hearts towards that abode. But with the flood God had swept paradise away, withdrawn the place of His presence, and set up His throne in heaven, from which He would henceforth reveal Himself to man (cf. Genesis 9:5, Genesis 9:7). In future, therefore, the hearts of the pious had to be turned towards heaven, and their offerings and prayers needed to ascend on high if they were to reach the throne of God. To give this direction to their offerings, heights or elevated places were erected, from which they ascended towards heaven in fire. From this the offerings received the name of עלת from עולה , the ascending, not so much because the sacrificial animals ascended or were raised upon the altar, as because they rose from the altar to haven (cf. Judges 20:40; Jeremiah 48:15; Amos 4:10). Noah took his offerings from every clean beast and every clean fowl - from those animals, therefore, which were destined for man's food; probably the seventh of every kind, which he had taken into the ark. “ And Jehovah smelled the smell of satisfaction, ” i.e., He graciously accepted the feelings of the offerer which rose to Him in the odour of the sacrificial flame. In the sacrificial flame the essence of the animal was resolved into vapour; so that when man presented a sacrifice in his own stead, his inmost being, his spirit, and his heart ascended to God in the vapour, and the sacrifice brought the feeling of his heart before God. This feeling of gratitude for gracious protection, and of desire for further communications of grace, was well-pleasing to God. He “ said to His heart ' (to, or in Himself; i.e., He resolved), “ I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake, because the image (i.e., the thought and desire) of man's heart is evil from his youth up (i.e., from the very time when he begins to act with consciousness).” This hardly seems an appropriate reason. As Luther says: “ Hic inconstantiae videtur Deus accusari posse. Supra puniturus hominem causam consilii dicit, quia figmentum cordis humani malum est. Hic promissurus homini gratiam, quod posthac tali ira uti nolit, eandem causam allegat .” Both Luther and Calvin express the same thought, though without really solving the apparent discrepancy. It was not because the thoughts and desires of the human heart are evil that God would not smite any more every living thing, that is to say, would not exterminate it judicially; but because they are evil from his youth up , because evil is innate in man, and for that reason he needs the forbearance of God; and also (and here lies the principal motive for the divine resolution) because in the offering of the righteous Noah, not only were thanks presented for past protection, and entreaty for further care, but the desire of man was expressed, to remain in fellowship with God, and to procure the divine favour. “ All the days of the earth; ” i.e., so long as the earth shall continue, the regular alternation of day and night and of the seasons of the year, so indispensable to the continuance of the human race, would never be interrupted again.