Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Habakkuk » Chapter 2 » Verse 7

Habakkuk 2:7 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

7 Shall they not rise up H6965 suddenly H6621 that shall bite H5391 thee, and awake H3364 that shall vex H2111 thee, and thou shalt be for booties H4933 unto them?

Cross Reference

Proverbs 29:1 STRONG

He, H376 that being often reproved H8433 hardeneth H7185 his neck, H6203 shall suddenly H6621 be destroyed, H7665 and that without remedy. H4832

Jeremiah 8:17 STRONG

For, behold, I will send H7971 serpents, H5175 cockatrices, H6848 among you, which will not be charmed, H3908 and they shall bite H5391 you, saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

1 Thessalonians 5:3 STRONG

For G1063 when G3752 they shall say, G3004 Peace G1515 and G2532 safety; G803 then G5119 sudden G160 destruction G3639 cometh upon G2186 them, G846 as G5618 travail G5604 upon G1722 a woman with child; G1064 G2192 and G2532 they shall G1628 not G3364 escape. G1628

Nahum 1:9-10 STRONG

What do ye imagine H2803 against the LORD? H3068 he will make H6213 an utter end: H3617 affliction H6869 shall not rise up H6965 the second time. H6471 For while they be folden together H5440 as thorns, H5518 and while they are drunken H5433 as drunkards, H5435 they shall be devoured H398 as stubble H7179 fully H4392 dry. H3002

Daniel 5:25-31 STRONG

And this H1836 is the writing H3792 that was written, H7560 MENE, H4484 MENE, H4484 TEKEL, H8625 UPHARSIN. H6537 This H1836 is the interpretation H6591 of the thing: H4406 MENE; H4484 God H426 hath numbered H4483 thy kingdom, H4437 and finished H8000 it. TEKEL; H8625 Thou art weighed H8625 in the balances, H3977 and art found H7912 wanting. H2627 PERES; H6537 Thy kingdom H4437 is divided, H6537 and given H3052 to the Medes H4076 and Persians. H6540 Then H116 commanded H560 Belshazzar, H1113 and they clothed H3848 Daniel H1841 with scarlet, H711 and put a chain H2002 of gold H1722 about H5922 his neck, H6676 and made a proclamation H3745 concerning H5922 him, that he should be H1934 the third H8531 ruler H7990 in the kingdom. H4437 In that night H3916 was Belshazzar H1113 the king H4430 of the Chaldeans H3779 slain. H6992 And Darius H1868 the Median H4077 took H6902 the kingdom, H4437 being about threescore H8361 and two H8648 years H8140 old. H1247

Jeremiah 51:57 STRONG

And I will make drunk H7937 her princes, H8269 and her wise H2450 men, her captains, H6346 and her rulers, H5461 and her mighty men: H1368 and they shall sleep H3462 a perpetual H5769 sleep, H8142 and not wake, H6974 saith H5002 the King, H4428 whose name H8034 is the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635

Jeremiah 51:27-28 STRONG

Set ye up H5375 a standard H5251 in the land, H776 blow H8628 the trumpet H7782 among the nations, H1471 prepare H6942 the nations H1471 against her, call together H8085 against her the kingdoms H4467 of Ararat, H780 Minni, H4508 and Ashchenaz; H813 appoint H6485 a captain H2951 against her; cause the horses H5483 to come up H5927 as the rough H5569 caterpillers. H3218 Prepare H6942 against her the nations H1471 with the kings H4428 of the Medes, H4074 the captains H6346 thereof, and all the rulers H5461 thereof, and all the land H776 of his dominion. H4475

Jeremiah 51:11 STRONG

Make bright H1305 the arrows; H2671 gather H4390 the shields: H7982 the LORD H3068 hath raised up H5782 the spirit H7307 of the kings H4428 of the Medes: H4074 for his device H4209 is against Babylon, H894 to destroy H7843 it; because it is the vengeance H5360 of the LORD, H3068 the vengeance H5360 of his temple. H1964

Jeremiah 50:21-32 STRONG

Go up H5927 against the land H776 of Merathaim, H4850 even against it, and against the inhabitants H3427 of Pekod: H6489 waste H2717 and utterly destroy H2763 after H310 them, saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 and do H6213 according to all that I have commanded H6680 thee. A sound H6963 of battle H4421 is in the land, H776 and of great H1419 destruction. H7667 How is the hammer H6360 of the whole earth H776 cut asunder H1438 and broken! H7665 how is Babylon H894 become a desolation H8047 among the nations! H1471 I have laid a snare H3369 for thee, and thou art also taken, H3920 O Babylon, H894 and thou wast not aware: H3045 thou art found, H4672 and also caught, H8610 because thou hast striven H1624 against the LORD. H3068 The LORD H3068 hath opened H6605 his armoury, H214 and hath brought forth H3318 the weapons H3627 of his indignation: H2195 for this is the work H4399 of the Lord H136 GOD H3069 of hosts H6635 in the land H776 of the Chaldeans. H3778 Come H935 against her from the utmost border, H7093 open H6605 her storehouses: H3965 cast her up H5549 as heaps, H6194 and destroy her utterly: H2763 let nothing of her be left. H7611 Slay H2717 all her bullocks; H6499 let them go down H3381 to the slaughter: H2874 woe H1945 unto them! for their day H3117 is come, H935 the time H6256 of their visitation. H6486 The voice H6963 of them that flee H5127 and escape out H6405 of the land H776 of Babylon, H894 to declare H5046 in Zion H6726 the vengeance H5360 of the LORD H3068 our God, H430 the vengeance H5360 of his temple. H1964 Call together H8085 the archers H7228 against Babylon: H894 all ye that bend H1869 the bow, H7198 camp H2583 against it round about; H5439 let none thereof escape: H6413 recompense H7999 her according to her work; H6467 according to all that she hath done, H6213 do H6213 unto her: for she hath been proud H2102 against the LORD, H3068 against the Holy One H6918 of Israel. H3478 Therefore shall her young men H970 fall H5307 in the streets, H7339 and all her men H582 of war H4421 shall be cut off H1826 in that day, H3117 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068 Behold, I am against thee, O thou most proud, H2087 saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD H3069 of hosts: H6635 for thy day H3117 is come, H935 the time H6256 that I will visit H6485 thee. And the most proud H2087 shall stumble H3782 and fall, H5307 and none shall raise him up: H6965 and I will kindle H3341 a fire H784 in his cities, H5892 and it shall devour H398 all round about H5439 him.

Ecclesiastes 10:8 STRONG

He that diggeth H2658 a pit H1475 shall fall H5307 into it; and whoso breaketh H6555 an hedge, H1447 a serpent H5175 shall bite H5391 him.

Isaiah 48:14-15 STRONG

All ye, assemble H6908 yourselves, and hear; H8085 which among them hath declared H5046 these things? The LORD H3068 hath loved H157 him: he will do H6213 his pleasure H2656 on Babylon, H894 and his arm H2220 shall be on the Chaldeans. H3778 I, even I, have spoken; H1696 yea, I have called H7121 him: I have brought H935 him, and he shall make his way H1870 prosperous. H6743

Isaiah 47:11 STRONG

Therefore shall evil H7451 come H935 upon thee; thou shalt not know H3045 from whence it riseth: H7837 and mischief H1943 shall fall H5307 upon thee; thou shalt not be able H3201 to put it off: H3722 and desolation H7722 shall come H935 upon thee suddenly, H6597 which thou shalt not know. H3045

Isaiah 46:11 STRONG

Calling H7121 a ravenous bird H5861 from the east, H4217 the man H376 that executeth my counsel H6098 from a far H4801 country: H776 yea, I have spoken H1696 it, I will also bring H935 it to pass; I have purposed H3335 it, I will also do H6213 it.

Isaiah 45:1-3 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 to his anointed, H4899 to Cyrus, H3566 whose right hand H3225 I have holden, H2388 to subdue H7286 nations H1471 before H6440 him; and I will loose H6605 the loins H4975 of kings, H4428 to open H6605 before H6440 him the two leaved gates; H1817 and the gates H8179 shall not be shut; H5462 I will go H3212 before H6440 thee, and make H3474 the crooked places H1921 straight: H3474 H3474 I will break in pieces H7665 the gates H1817 of brass, H5154 and cut in sunder H1438 the bars H1280 of iron: H1270 And I will give H5414 thee the treasures H214 of darkness, H2822 and hidden riches H4301 of secret places, H4565 that thou mayest know H3045 that I, the LORD, H3068 which call H7121 thee by thy name, H8034 am the God H430 of Israel. H3478

Isaiah 41:25 STRONG

I have raised up H5782 one from the north, H6828 and he shall come: H857 from the rising H4217 of the sun H8121 shall he call H7121 upon my name: H8034 and he shall come H935 upon princes H5461 as upon morter, H2563 and as the potter H3335 treadeth H7429 clay. H2916

Isaiah 21:2-9 STRONG

A grievous H7186 vision H2380 is declared H5046 unto me; the treacherous dealer H898 dealeth treacherously, H898 and the spoiler H7703 spoileth. H7703 Go up, H5927 O Elam: H5867 besiege, H6696 O Media; H4074 all the sighing H585 thereof have I made to cease. H7673 Therefore are my loins H4975 filled H4390 with pain: H2479 pangs H6735 have taken hold H270 upon me, as the pangs H6735 of a woman that travaileth: H3205 I was bowed down H5753 at the hearing H8085 of it; I was dismayed H926 at the seeing H7200 of it. My heart H3824 panted, H8582 fearfulness H6427 affrighted H1204 me: the night H5399 of my pleasure H2837 hath he turned H7760 into fear H2731 unto me. Prepare H6186 the table, H7979 watch H6822 in the watchtower, H6844 eat, H398 drink: H8354 arise, H6965 ye princes, H8269 and anoint H4886 the shield. H4043 For thus hath the Lord H136 said H559 unto me, Go, H3212 set H5975 a watchman, H6822 let him declare H5046 what he seeth. H7200 And he saw H7200 a chariot H7393 with a couple H6776 of horsemen, H6571 a chariot H7393 of asses, H2543 and a chariot H7393 of camels; H1581 and he hearkened H7181 diligently H7182 with much H7227 heed: H7182 And he cried, H7121 A lion: H738 My lord, H136 I stand H5975 continually H8548 upon the watchtower H4707 in the daytime, H3119 and I am set H5324 in my ward H4931 whole nights: H3915 And, behold, here cometh H935 a chariot H7393 of men, H376 with a couple H6776 of horsemen. H6571 And he answered H6030 and said, H559 Babylon H894 is fallen, H5307 is fallen; H5307 and all the graven images H6456 of her gods H430 he hath broken H7665 unto the ground. H776

Isaiah 13:16-18 STRONG

Their children H5768 also shall be dashed to pieces H7376 before their eyes; H5869 their houses H1004 shall be spoiled, H8155 and their wives H802 ravished. H7901 H7693 Behold, I will stir up H5782 the Medes H4074 against them, which shall not regard H2803 silver; H3701 and as for gold, H2091 they shall not delight H2654 in it. Their bows H7198 also shall dash H7376 the young men H5288 to pieces; H7376 and they shall have no pity H7355 on the fruit H6529 of the womb; H990 their eye H5869 shall not spare H2347 children. H1121

Isaiah 13:1-5 STRONG

The burden H4853 of Babylon, H894 which Isaiah H3470 the son H1121 of Amoz H531 did see. H2372 Lift ye up H5375 a banner H5251 upon the high H8192 mountain, H2022 exalt H7311 the voice H6963 unto them, shake H5130 the hand, H3027 that they may go H935 into the gates H6607 of the nobles. H5081 I have commanded H6680 my sanctified ones, H6942 I have also called H7121 my mighty ones H1368 for mine anger, H639 even them that rejoice H5947 in my highness. H1346 The noise H6963 of a multitude H1995 in the mountains, H2022 like as H1823 of a great H7227 people; H5971 a tumultuous H7588 noise H6963 of the kingdoms H4467 of nations H1471 gathered together: H622 the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 mustereth H6485 the host H6635 of the battle. H4421 They come H935 from a far H4801 country, H776 from the end H7097 of heaven, H8064 even the LORD, H3068 and the weapons H3627 of his indignation, H2195 to destroy H2254 the whole land. H776

Commentary on Habakkuk 2 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Hab 2:1-20. The Prophet, Waiting Earnestly for an Answer to His Complaints (First Chapter), Receives a Revelation, Which Is to Be Fulfilled, Not Immediately, Yet in Due Time, and Is Therefore to Be Waited for in Faith: The Chaldeans Shall Be Punished for Their Cruel Rapacity, nor Can Their False GodS Avert the Judgment of Jehovah, the Only True God.

1. stand upon … watch—that is, watch-post. The prophets often compare themselves, awaiting the revelations of Jehovah with earnest patience, to watchmen on an eminence watching with intent eye all that comes within their view (Isa 21:8, 11; Jer 6:17; Eze 3:17; 33:2, 3; compare Ps 5:3; 85:8). The "watch-post" is the withdrawal of the whole soul from earthly, and fixing it on heavenly, things. The accumulation of synonyms, "stand upon … watch … set me upon … tower … watch to see" implies persevering fixity of attention.

what he will say unto me—in answer to my complaints (Hab 1:13). Literally, "in me," God speaking, not to the prophet's outward ear, but inwardly. When we have prayed to God, we must observe what answers God gives by His word, His Spirit, and His providences.

what I shall answer when I am reproved—what answer I am to make to the reproof which I anticipate from God on account of the liberty of my expostulation with Him. Maurer translates, "What I am to answer in respect to my complaint against Jehovah" (Hab 1:12-17).

2. Write the vision—which I am about to reveal to thee.

make it plain—(De 27:8). In large legible characters.

upon tables—boxwood tables covered with wax, on which national affairs were engraved with an iron pen, and then hung up in public, at the prophets' own houses, or at the temple, that those who passed might read them. Compare Lu 1:63, "writing table," that is, tablet.

that he may run that readeth it—commonly explained, "so intelligible as to be easily read by any one running past"; but then it would be, "that he that runneth may read it." The true sense is, "so legible that whoever readeth it, may run to tell all whom he can the good news of the foe's coming doom, and Judah's deliverance." Compare Da 12:4, "many shall run to and fro," namely, with the explanation of the prophecy, then unsealed; also, Re 22:17, "let him that heareth (the good news) say (to every one within his reach), Come." "Run" is equivalent to announce the divine revelation (Jer 23:21); as everyone who becomes informed of a divine message is bound to run, that is, use all despatch to make it known to others [Henderson]. Grotius, Ludovicus De Dieu, and Maurer interpret it: "Run" is not literal running, but "that he who reads it may run through it," that is, read it at once without difficulty.

3. for—assigning the cause why it ought to be committed to writing: because its fulfilment belongs to the future.

the vision is yet for an appointed time—(Da 10:14; 11:27, 35). Though the time appointed by God for the fulfilment be yet future, it should be enough for your faith that God hath spoken it (La 3:26).

at the end it shall speak—Maurer translates, "it pants for the end." But the antithesis between, "it shall speak," and "not be silent," makes English Version the better rendering. So the Hebrew is translated in Pr 12:17. Literally, "breathe out words," "break forth as a blast."

though it tarry, wait for it—(Ge 49:18).

4. his soul which is lifted up—the Chaldean's [Maurer]. The unbelieving Jew's [Henderson].

is not upright in him—that is, is not accounted upright in God's sight; in antithesis to "shall live." So Heb 10:38, which with inspired authority applies the general sense to the particular case which Paul had in view, "If any man draw back (one result of being 'lifted up' with overweening arrogancy), my soul shall have no pleasure in him."

the just shall live by his faith—the Jewish nation, as opposed to the unbelieving Chaldean (compare Hab 2:5, &c.; Hab 1:6, &c.; Hab 1:13) [Maurer]. Henderson's view is that the believing Jew is meant, as opposed to the unbelieving Jew (compare Ro 1:17; Ga 3:11). The believing Jew, though God's promise tarry, will wait for it; the unbelieving "draws back," as Heb 10:38 expresses it. The sense, in Maurer's view, which accords better with the context (Hab 2:5, &c.). is: the Chaldean, though for a time seeming to prosper, yet being lifted up with haughty unbelief (Hab 1:11, 16), is not upright; that is, has no right stability of soul resting on God, to ensure permanence of prosperity; hence, though for a time executing God's judgments, he at last becomes "lifted up" so as to attribute to his own power what is the work of God, and in this sense "draws back" (Heb 10:38), becoming thereby a type of all backsliders who thereby incur God's displeasure; as the believing Jew is of all who wait for God's promises with patient faith, and so "live" (stand accepted) before God. The Hebrew accents induce Bengel to translate, "he who is just by his faith shall live." Other manuscripts read the accents as English Version, which agrees better with Hebrew syntax.

5. Yea also, because—additional reason why the Jews may look for God punishing their Chaldean foe, namely, because … he is

a proud man—rather, this clause continues the reason for the Jews expecting the punishment of the Chaldeans, "because he transgresseth by wine (a besetting sin of Babylon, compare Da 5:1-31, and Curtius [5.1]), being a proud man." Love of wine often begets a proud contempt of divine things, as in Belshazzar's case, which was the immediate cause of the fall of Babylon (Da 5:2-4, 30; compare Pr 20:1; 30:9; 31:5).

enlargeth his desire as hell—the grave, or the unseen world, which is "never full" (Pr 27:20; 30:16; Isa 5:14). The Chaldeans under Nebuchadnezzar were filled with an insatiable desire of conquest. Another reason for their punishment.

6. Shall not all these—the "nations" and "peoples" (Hab 2:5) "heaped unto him" by the Chaldean.

take up a parable—a derisive song. Habakkuk follows Isaiah (Isa 14:4) and Micah (Mic 2:4) in the phraseology.

against him—when dislodged from his former eminence.

Woe—The "derisive song" here begins, and continues to the end of the chapter. It is a symmetrical whole, and consists of five stanzas, the first three consisting of three verses each, the fourth of four verses, and the last of two. Each stanza has its own subject, and all except the last begin with "Woe"; and all have a closing verse introduced with "for," "because," or "but."

how long?—how long destined to retain his ill-gotten gains? But for a short time, as his fall now proves [Maurer]. "Covetousness is the greatest bane to men. For they who invade others' goods, often lose even their own" [Menander]. Calvin makes "how long?" to be the cry of those groaning under the Chaldean oppression while it still lasted: How long shall such oppression be permitted to continue? But it is plainly part of the derisive song, after the Chaldean tyranny had passed away.

ladeth himself with thick clay—namely, gold and silver dug out of the "clay," of which they are a part. The covetous man in heaping them together is only lading himself with a clay burden, as he dares not enjoy them, and is always anxious about them. Lee and Fuller translate the Hebrew as a reduplicated single noun, and not two words, "an accumulation of pledges" (De 24:10-13). The Chaldean is compared to a harsh usurer, and his ill-gotten treasures to heaps of pledges in the hands of a usurer.

7. suddenly—the answer to the question, "How long?" (Hab 2:6).

bite—often used of usury; so favoring Lee's rendering (Hab 2:6). As the Chaldean, like a usurer, oppressed others, so other nations shall, like usurers, take pledges of, that is, spoil, him.

8. the remnant of the people—Those remaining of the peoples spoiled by thee, though but a remnant, will suffice to inflict vengeance on thee.

the violence of the land … city—that is, on account of thy violent oppression of the lands and cities of the earth [Grotius] (compare Hab 2:5, 6, 12). The same phrase occurs in Hab 2:17, where the "land" and "city" are Judea and Jerusalem.

9. coveteth an evil covetousness—that is, a covetousness so surpassingly evil as to be fatal to himself.

to his house—greedily seizing enormous wealth, not merely for himself, but for his family, to which it is destined to be fatal. The very same "evil covetousness" that was the cause of Jehoiakim's being given up to the Chaldean oppressor (Jer 22:13) shall be the cause of the Chaldean's own destruction.

set his nest on high—(Nu 24:21; Jer 49:16; Ob 4). The image is from an eagle (Job 39:27). The royal citadel is meant. The Chaldean built high towers, like the Babel founders, to "be delivered from the power of evil" (Ge 11:4).

10. Thou hast consulted shame … by cutting off many—Maurer, more literally, "Thou hast consulted shame … to destroy many," that is, in consulting (determining) to cut off many, thou hast consulted shame to thy house.

sinned against thy soul—that is, against thyself; thou art the guilty cause of thine own ruin (Pr 8:36; 20:2). They who wrong their neighbors, do much greater wrong to their own souls.

11. stone … cry out—personification. The very stones of thy palace built by rapine shall testify against thee (Lu 19:40).

the beam out of the timber—the crossbeam or main rafter connecting the timbers in the walls.

shall answer it—namely, the stone. The stone shall begin and the crossbeam continue the cry against thy rapine.

12. buildeth a town with blood—namely, Babylon rebuilt and enlarged by blood-bought spoils (compare Da 4:30).

13. is it not of the Lord of hosts—Jehovah, who has at His command all the hosts of heaven and earth, is the righteous author of Babylon's destruction. "Shall not God have His turn, when cruel rapacious men have triumphed so long, though He seem now to be still?" [Calvin].

people … labour in the … fire … weary themselves for … vanity—The Chaldeans labor at what is to be food for the fire, namely, their city and fortresses which shall be burnt. Jer 51:58 adopts the same phraseology to express the vanity of the Chaldean's labor on Babylon, as doomed to the flames.

14. Adapted from Isa 11:9. Here the sense is, "The Jews shall be restored and the temple rebuilt, so that God's glory in saving His people, and punishing their Chaldean foe, shall be manifested throughout the world," of which the Babylonian empire formed the greatest part; a type of the ultimate full manifestation of His glory in the final salvation of Israel and His Church, and the destruction of all their foes.

waters cover the sea—namely, the bottom of the sea; the sea-bed.

15. giveth … neighbour drink … puttest … bottle to him—literally, "skin," as the Easterns use "bottles" of skin for wine. Maurer, from a different Hebrew root, translates, "that pourest in thy wrath." English Version keeps up the metaphor better. It is not enough for thee to be "drunken" thyself, unless thou canst lead others into the same state. The thing meant is, that the Chaldean king, with his insatiable desires (a kind of intoxication), allured neighboring states into the same mad thirst for war to obtain booty, and then at last exposed them to loss and shame (compare Isa 51:17; Ob 16). An appropriate image of Babylon, which at last fell during a drunken revel (Da 5:1-31).

that thou mayest look on their nakedness!—with light, like Ham of old (Ge 9:22).

16. art filled—now that thou art fallen. "Thou art filled" indeed (though so insatiable), but it is "with shame."

shame for glory—instead of thy former glory (Ho 4:7).

drink thou also—The cup of sorrow is now in thy turn to pass to thee (Jer 25:15-17; La 4:21).

thy foreskin—expressing in Hebrew feeling the most utter contempt. So of Goliath (1Sa 17:36). It is not merely thy "nakedness," as in Hab 2:15, that shall be "uncovered," but the foreskin, the badge of thy being an uncircumcised alien from God. The same shall be done to thee, as thou didst to others, and worse.

cup … shall be turned unto thee—literally, "shall turn itself," namely, from the nations whom thou hast made to drink it. "Thou shalt drink it all, so that it may be turned as being drained" [Grotius].

shameful spewing—that is, vomiting; namely, that of the king of Babylon, compelled to disgorge the spoil he had swallowed. It expresses also the ignominious state of Babylon in its calamity (Jer 25:27). "Be drunken, spew, and fall." Less appropriately it is explained of the foe spewing in the face of the Babylonian king.

17. the violence of Lebanon—thy "violence" against "Lebanon," that is, Jerusalem (Isa 37:24; Jer 22:23; Eze 17:3, 12; for Lebanon's cedars were used in building the temple and houses of Jerusalem; and its beauty made it a fit type of the metropolis), shall fall on thine own head.

cover—that is, completely overwhelm.

the spoil of beasts, which made them afraid—Maurer explains, "the spoiling inflicted on the beasts of Lebanon (that is, on the people of Jerusalem, of which city 'Lebanon' is the type), which made them afraid (shall cover thee)." But it seems inappropriate to compare the elect people to "beasts." I therefore prefer explaining, "the spoiling of beasts," that is, such as is inflicted on beasts caught in a net, and "which makes them afraid (shall cover thee)." Thus the Babylonians are compared to wild beasts terrified at being caught suddenly in a net. In cruel rapacity they resembled wild beasts. The ancients read, "the spoiling of wild beasts shall make THEE afraid." Or else explain, "the spoiling of beasts (the Medes and Persians) which (inflicted by thee) made them afraid (shall in turn cover thyself—revert on thyself from them)." This accords better with the parallel clause, "the violence of Lebanon," that is, inflicted by thee on Lebanon. As thou didst hunt men as wild beasts, so shalt thou be hunted thyself as a wild beast, which thou resemblest in cruelty.

because of men's blood—shed by thee; repeated from Hab 2:8. But here the "land" and "city" are used of Judea and Jerusalem: not of the earth and cities generally, as in Hab 2:8.

the violence of the land, &c.—that is, inflicted on the land by thee.

18. The powerlessness of the idols to save Babylon from its doom is a fitting introduction to the last stanza (Hab 2:19), which, as the former four, begins with "Woe."

teacher of lies—its priests and prophets uttering lying oracles, as if from it.

make dumb idols—Though men can "make" idols, they cannot make them speak.

19. Awake—Arise to my help.

it shall teach!—rather, An exclamation of the prophet, implying an ironical question to which a negative answer must be given. What! "It teach?" Certainly not [Maurer]. Or, "It (the idol itself) shall (that is, ought to) teach you that it is deaf, and therefore no God" [Calvin]. Compare "they are their own witnesses" (Isa 44:9).

Behold—The Hebrew is nominative, "There it is" [Henderson].

it is laid over with gold … no breath … in the midst—Outside it has some splendor, within none.

20. But the Lord—Jehovah; in striking contrast with the idols.

in his holy temple—"His place" (Isa 26:21); heaven (Ps 11:4; Jon 2:7; Mic 1:2). The temple at Jerusalem is a type of it, and there God is to be worshipped. He does not lie hid under gold and silver, as the idols of Babylon, but reigns in heaven and fills heaven, and thence succors His people.

keep silence—in token of reverent submission and subjection to His judgments (Job 40:4; Ps 76:8; Zep 1:7; Zec 2:13).