Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Habakkuk » Chapter 3 » Verse 6

Habakkuk 3:6 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

6 He stood, H5975 and measured H4128 the earth: H776 he beheld, H7200 and drove asunder H5425 the nations; H1471 and the everlasting H5703 mountains H2042 were scattered, H6327 the perpetual H5769 hills H1389 did bow: H7817 his ways H1979 are everlasting. H5769

Cross Reference

Nahum 1:5 STRONG

The mountains H2022 quake H7493 at him, and the hills H1389 melt, H4127 and the earth H776 is burned H5375 at his presence, H6440 yea, the world, H8398 and all that dwell H3427 therein.

Deuteronomy 33:15 STRONG

And for the chief things H7218 of the ancient H6924 mountains, H2042 and for the precious things H4022 of the lasting H5769 hills, H1389

Genesis 49:26 STRONG

The blessings H1293 of thy father H1 have prevailed H1396 above the blessings H1293 of my progenitors H2029 unto the utmost bound H8379 of the everlasting H5769 hills: H1389 they shall be on the head H7218 of Joseph, H3130 and on the crown of the head H6936 of him that was separate H5139 from his brethren. H251

Isaiah 51:6 STRONG

Lift up H5375 your eyes H5869 to the heavens, H8064 and look H5027 upon the earth H776 beneath: for the heavens H8064 shall vanish away H4414 like smoke, H6227 and the earth H776 shall wax old H1086 like a garment, H899 and they that dwell H3427 therein shall die H4191 in like H3644 manner: H3654 but my salvation H3444 shall be for ever, H5769 and my righteousness H6666 shall not be abolished. H2865

Hebrews 13:8 STRONG

Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 the same G846 yesterday, G5504 and G2532 to day, G4594 and G2532 for G1519 ever. G165

Acts 17:26 STRONG

And G5037 hath made G4160 of G1537 one G1520 blood G129 all G3956 nations G1484 of men G444 for to dwell G2730 on G1909 all G3956 the face G4383 of the earth, G1093 and hath determined G3724 the times G2540 before appointed, G4384 and G2532 the bounds G3734 of their G846 habitation; G2733

Luke 1:50 STRONG

And G2532 his G846 mercy G1656 is on them that fear G5399 him G846 from G1519 generation G1074 to generation. G1074

Matthew 24:35 STRONG

Heaven G3772 and G2532 earth G1093 shall pass away, G3928 but G1161 my G3450 words G3056 shall G3928 not G3364 pass away. G3928

Zechariah 14:4-5 STRONG

And his feet H7272 shall stand H5975 in that day H3117 upon the mount H2022 of Olives, H2132 which is before H6440 Jerusalem H3389 on the east, H6924 and the mount H2022 of Olives H2132 shall cleave H1234 in the midst H2677 thereof toward the east H4217 and toward the west, H3220 and there shall be a very H3966 great H1419 valley; H1516 and half H2677 of the mountain H2022 shall remove H4185 toward the north, H6828 and half H2677 of it toward the south. H5045 And ye shall flee H5127 to the valley H1516 of the mountains; H2022 for the valley H1516 of the mountains H2022 shall reach H5060 unto Azal: H682 yea, ye shall flee, H5127 like as ye fled H5127 from before H6440 the earthquake H7494 in the days H3117 of Uzziah H5818 king H4428 of Judah: H3063 and the LORD H3068 my God H430 shall come, H935 and all the saints H6918 with thee.

Habakkuk 3:10 STRONG

The mountains H2022 saw H7200 thee, and they trembled: H2342 the overflowing H2230 of the water H4325 passed by: H5674 the deep H8415 uttered H5414 his voice, H6963 and lifted up H5375 his hands H3027 on high. H7315

Micah 5:8 STRONG

And the remnant H7611 of Jacob H3290 shall be among the Gentiles H1471 in the midst H7130 of many H7227 people H5971 as a lion H738 among the beasts H929 of the forest, H3293 as a young lion H3715 among the flocks H5739 of sheep: H6629 who, if he go through, H5674 both treadeth down, H7429 and teareth in pieces, H2963 and none can deliver. H5337

Isaiah 64:1-3 STRONG

Oh H3863 that thou wouldest rend H7167 the heavens, H8064 that thou wouldest come down, H3381 that the mountains H2022 might flow down H2151 at thy presence, H6440 As when the melting H2003 fire H784 burneth, H6919 the fire H784 causeth the waters H4325 to boil, H1158 to make thy name H8034 known H3045 to thine adversaries, H6862 that the nations H1471 may tremble H7264 at thy presence! H6440 When thou didst H6213 terrible things H3372 which we looked H6960 not for, thou camest down, H3381 the mountains H2022 flowed down H2151 at thy presence. H6440

Isaiah 51:8 STRONG

For the moth H6211 shall eat them up H398 like a garment, H899 and the worm H5580 shall eat H398 them like wool: H6785 but my righteousness H6666 shall be for ever, H5769 and my salvation H3444 from generation H1755 to generation. H1755

Exodus 15:17 STRONG

Thou shalt bring H935 them in, and plant H5193 them in the mountain H2022 of thine inheritance, H5159 in the place, H4349 O LORD, H3068 which thou hast made H6466 for thee to dwell in, H3427 in the Sanctuary, H4720 O Lord, H136 which thy hands H3027 have established. H3559

Psalms 135:8-12 STRONG

Who smote H5221 the firstborn H1060 of Egypt, H4714 both of man H120 and beast. H929 Who sent H7971 tokens H226 and wonders H4159 into the midst H8432 of thee, O Egypt, H4714 upon Pharaoh, H6547 and upon all his servants. H5650 Who smote H5221 great H7227 nations, H1471 and slew H2026 mighty H6099 kings; H4428 Sihon H5511 king H4428 of the Amorites, H567 and Og H5747 king H4428 of Bashan, H1316 and all the kingdoms H4467 of Canaan: H3667 And gave H5414 their land H776 for an heritage, H5159 an heritage H5159 unto Israel H3478 his people. H5971

Psalms 114:4-7 STRONG

The mountains H2022 skipped H7540 like rams, H352 and the little hills H1389 like lambs. H1121 H6629 What ailed thee, O thou sea, H3220 that thou fleddest? H5127 thou Jordan, H3383 that thou wast driven H5437 back? H268 Ye mountains, H2022 that ye skipped H7540 like rams; H352 and ye little hills, H1389 like lambs? H1121 H6629 Tremble, H2342 thou earth, H776 at the presence H6440 of the Lord, H113 at the presence H6440 of the God H433 of Jacob; H3290

Psalms 103:17 STRONG

But the mercy H2617 of the LORD H3068 is from everlasting H5769 to H5704 everlasting H5769 upon them that fear H3373 him, and his righteousness H6666 unto children's H1121 children; H1121

Psalms 90:2 STRONG

Before the mountains H2022 were brought forth, H3205 or ever thou hadst formed H2342 the earth H776 and the world, H8398 even from everlasting H5769 to H5704 everlasting, H5769 thou art God. H410

Psalms 68:16 STRONG

Why leap H7520 ye, ye high H1386 hills? H2022 this is the hill H2022 which God H430 desireth H2530 to dwell in; H3427 yea, the LORD H3068 will dwell H7931 in it for ever. H5331

Nehemiah 9:22-24 STRONG

Moreover thou gavest H5414 them kingdoms H4467 and nations, H5971 and didst divide H2505 them into corners: H6285 so they possessed H3423 the land H776 of Sihon, H5511 and the land H776 of the king H4428 of Heshbon, H2809 and the land H776 of Og H5747 king H4428 of Bashan. H1316 Their children H1121 also multipliedst H7235 thou as the stars H3556 of heaven, H8064 and broughtest H935 them into the land, H776 concerning which thou hadst promised H559 to their fathers, H1 that they should go in H935 to possess H3423 it. So the children H1121 went in H935 and possessed H3423 the land, H776 and thou subduedst H3665 before H6440 them the inhabitants H3427 of the land, H776 the Canaanites, H3669 and gavest H5414 them into their hands, H3027 with their kings, H4428 and the people H5971 of the land, H776 that they might do H6213 with them as they would. H7522

Judges 5:5 STRONG

The mountains H2022 melted H5140 from before H6440 the LORD, H3068 even that Sinai H5514 from before H6440 the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel. H3478

Joshua 11:18-23 STRONG

Joshua H3091 made H6213 war H4421 a long H7227 time H3117 with all those kings. H4428 There was not a city H5892 that made peace H7999 with the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 save the Hivites H2340 the inhabitants H3427 of Gibeon: H1391 all other they took H3947 in battle. H4421 For it was of the LORD H3068 to harden H2388 their hearts, H3820 that they should come against H7125 Israel H3478 in battle, H4421 that he might destroy them utterly, H2763 and that they might have no favour, H8467 but that he might destroy H8045 them, as the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 Moses. H4872 And at that time H6256 came H935 Joshua, H3091 and cut off H3772 the Anakims H6062 from the mountains, H2022 from Hebron, H2275 from Debir, H1688 from Anab, H6024 and from all the mountains H2022 of Judah, H3063 and from all the mountains H2022 of Israel: H3478 Joshua H3091 destroyed them utterly H2763 with their cities. H5892 There was none of the Anakims H6062 left H3498 in the land H776 of the children H1121 of Israel: H3478 only in Gaza, H5804 in Gath, H1661 and in Ashdod, H795 there remained. H7604 So Joshua H3091 took H3947 the whole land, H776 according to all that the LORD H3068 said H1696 unto Moses; H4872 and Joshua H3091 gave H5414 it for an inheritance H5159 unto Israel H3478 according to their divisions H4256 by their tribes. H7626 And the land H776 rested H8252 from war. H4421

Joshua 10:42 STRONG

And all these kings H4428 and their land H776 did Joshua H3091 take H3920 at one H259 time, H6471 because the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel H3478 fought H3898 for Israel. H3478

Deuteronomy 32:8 STRONG

When the most High H5945 divided H5157 to the nations H1471 their inheritance, H5157 when he separated H6504 the sons H1121 of Adam, H120 he set H5324 the bounds H1367 of the people H5971 according to the number H4557 of the children H1121 of Israel. H3478

Numbers 34:1-29 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 spake H1696 unto Moses, H4872 saying, H559 Command H6680 the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 and say H559 unto them, When ye come H935 into the land H776 of Canaan; H3667 (this is the land H776 that shall fall H5307 unto you for an inheritance, H5159 even the land H776 of Canaan H3667 with the coasts H1367 thereof:) Then your south H5045 quarter H6285 shall be from the wilderness H4057 of Zin H6790 along by the coast H3027 of Edom, H123 and your south H5045 border H1366 shall be the outmost coast H7097 of the salt H4417 sea H3220 eastward: H6924 And your border H1366 shall turn H5437 from the south H5045 to the ascent H4608 of Akrabbim, H4610 and pass on H5674 to Zin: H6790 and the going forth H8444 thereof shall be from the south H5045 to Kadeshbarnea, H6947 and shall go on H3318 to Hazaraddar, H2692 and pass on H5674 to Azmon: H6111 And the border H1366 shall fetch a compass H5437 from Azmon H6111 unto the river H5158 of Egypt, H4714 and the goings out H8444 of it shall be at the sea. H3220 And as for the western H3220 border, H1366 ye shall even have the great H1419 sea H3220 for a border: H1366 this shall be your west H3220 border. H1366 And this shall be your north H6828 border: H1366 from the great H1419 sea H3220 ye shall point out H8376 for you mount H2022 Hor: H2023 From mount H2022 Hor H2023 ye shall point out H8376 your border unto the entrance H935 of Hamath; H2574 and the goings forth H8444 of the border H1366 shall be to Zedad: H6657 And the border H1366 shall go on H3318 to Ziphron, H2202 and the goings out H8444 of it shall be at Hazarenan: H2704 this shall be your north H6828 border. H1366 And ye shall point out H184 your east H6924 border H1366 from Hazarenan H2704 to Shepham: H8221 And the coast H1366 shall go down H3381 from Shepham H8221 to Riblah, H7247 on the east side H6924 of Ain; H5871 and the border H1366 shall descend, H3381 and shall reach H4229 unto the side H3802 of the sea H3220 of Chinnereth H3672 eastward: H6924 And the border H1366 shall go down H3381 to Jordan, H3383 and the goings out H8444 of it shall be at the salt H4417 sea: H3220 this shall be your land H776 with the coasts H1367 thereof round about. H5439 And Moses H4872 commanded H6680 the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 saying, H559 This is the land H776 which ye shall inherit H5157 by lot, H1486 which the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 to give H5414 unto the nine H8672 tribes, H4294 and to the half H2677 tribe: H4294 For the tribe H4294 of the children H1121 of Reuben H7206 according to the house H1004 of their fathers, H1 and the tribe H4294 of the children H1121 of Gad H1425 according to the house H1004 of their fathers, H1 have received H3947 their inheritance; and half H2677 the tribe H4294 of Manasseh H4519 have received H3947 their inheritance: H5159 The two H8147 tribes H4294 and the half H2677 tribe H4294 have received H3947 their inheritance H5159 on this side H5676 Jordan H3383 near Jericho H3405 eastward, H6924 toward the sunrising. H4217 And the LORD H3068 spake H1696 unto Moses, H4872 saying, H559 These are the names H8034 of the men H582 which shall divide H5157 the land H776 unto you: Eleazar H499 the priest, H3548 and Joshua H3091 the son H1121 of Nun. H5126 And ye shall take H3947 one H259 prince H5387 of every tribe, H4294 to divide H5157 the land H776 by inheritance. H5157 And the names H8034 of the men H582 are these: Of the tribe H4294 of Judah, H3063 Caleb H3612 the son H1121 of Jephunneh. H3312 And of the tribe H4294 of the children H1121 of Simeon, H8095 Shemuel H8050 the son H1121 of Ammihud. H5989 Of the tribe H4294 of Benjamin, H1144 Elidad H449 the son H1121 of Chislon. H3692 And the prince H5387 of the tribe H4294 of the children H1121 of Dan, H1835 Bukki H1231 the son H1121 of Jogli. H3020 The prince H5387 of the children H1121 of Joseph, H3130 for the tribe H4294 of the children H1121 of Manasseh, H4519 Hanniel H2592 the son H1121 of Ephod. H641 And the prince H5387 of the tribe H4294 of the children H1121 of Ephraim, H669 Kemuel H7055 the son H1121 of Shiphtan. H8204 And the prince H5387 of the tribe H4294 of the children H1121 of Zebulun, H2074 Elizaphan H469 the son H1121 of Parnach. H6535 And the prince H5387 of the tribe H4294 of the children H1121 of Issachar, H3485 Paltiel H6409 the son H1121 of Azzan. H5821 And the prince H5387 of the tribe H4294 of the children H1121 of Asher, H836 Ahihud H282 the son H1121 of Shelomi. H8015 And the prince H5387 of the tribe H4294 of the children H1121 of Naphtali, H5321 Pedahel H6300 the son H1121 of Ammihud. H5989 These are they whom the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 to divide the inheritance H5157 unto the children H1121 of Israel H3478 in the land H776 of Canaan. H3667

Exodus 21:31 STRONG

Whether he have gored H5055 a son, H1121 or H176 have gored H5055 a daughter, H1323 according to this judgment H4941 shall it be done H6213 unto him.

Commentary on Habakkuk 3 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Hab 3:1-19. Habakkuk's Prayer to God: God's Glorious Revelation of Himself at Sinai and at Gibeon, a Pledge of His Interposing Again in Behalf of Israel against Babylon, and All Other Foes; Hence the Prophet's Confidence Amid Calamities.

This sublime ode begins with an exordium (Hab 3:1, 2), then follows the main subject, then the peroration (Hab 3:16-19), a summary of the practical truth, which the whole is designed to teach. (De 33:2-5; Ps 77:13-20 are parallel odes). This was probably designed by the Spirit to be a fit formula of prayer for the people, first in their Babylonian exile, and now in their dispersion, especially towards the close of it, just before the great Deliverer is to interpose for them. It was used in public worship, as the musical term, "Selah!" (Hab 3:3, 9, 13), implies.

1. prayer—the only strictly called prayers are in Hab 3:2. But all devotional addresses to God are called "prayers" (Ps 72:20). The Hebrew is from a root "to apply to a judge for a favorable decision." Prayers in which praises to God for deliverance, anticipated in the sure confidence of faith, are especially calculated to enlist Jehovah on His people's side (2Ch 20:20-22, 26).

upon Shigionoth—a musical phrase, "after the manner of elegies," or mournful odes, from an Arabic root [Lee]; the phrase is singular in Ps 7:1, title. More simply, from a Hebrew root to "err," "on account of sins of ignorance." Habakkuk thus teaches his countrymen to confess not only their more grievous sins, but also their errors and negligences, into which they were especially likely to fall when in exile away from the Holy Land [Calvin]. So Vulgate and Aquila, and Symmachus. "For voluntary transgressors" [Jerome]. Probably the subject would regulate the kind of music. Delitzsch and Henderson translate, "With triumphal music," from the same root "to err," implying its enthusiastic irregularity.

2. I have heard thy speech—Thy revelation to me concerning the coming chastisement of the Jews [Calvin], and the destruction of their oppressors. This is Habakkuk's reply to God's communication [Grotius]. Maurer translates, "the report of Thy coming," literally, "Thy report."

and was afraid—reverential fear of God's judgments (Hab 3:16).

revive thy work—Perfect the work of delivering Thy people, and do not let Thy promise lie as if it were dead, but give it new life by performing it [Menochius]. Calvin explains "thy work" to be Israel; called "the work of My hands" (Isa 45:11). God's elect people are peculiarly His work (Isa 43:1), pre-eminently illustrating His power, wisdom, and goodness. "Though we seem, as it were, dead nationally, revive us" (Ps 85:6). However (Ps 64:9), where "the work of God" refers to His judgment on their enemies, favors the former view (Ps 90:16, 17; Isa 51:9, 10).

in the midst of the years—namely, of calamity in which we live. Now that our calamities are at their height; during our seventy years' captivity. Calvin more fancifully explains it, in the midst of the years of Thy people, extending from Abraham to Messiah; if they be cut off before His coming, they will be cut off as it were in the midst of their years, before attaining their maturity. So Bengel makes the midst of the years to be the middle point of the years of the world. There is a strikingly similar phrase (Da 9:27), In the midst of the week. The parallel clause, "in wrath" (that is, in the midst of wrath), however, shows that "in the midst of the years" means "in the years of our present exile and calamity."

make known—Made it (Thy work) known by experimental proof; show in very deed, that this is Thy work.

3. God—singular in the Hebrew, "Eloah," instead of "Elohim," plural, usually employed. The singular is not found in any other of the minor prophets, or Jeremiah, or Ezekiel; but it is in Isaiah, Daniel, Job, and Deuteronomy.

from Teman—the country south of Judea and near Edom, in which latter country Mount Paran was situated [Henderson]. "Paran" is the desert region, extending from the south of Judah to Sinai. Seir, Sinai, and Paran are adjacent to one another, and are hence associated together, in respect to God's giving of the law (De 33:2). Teman is so identified with Seir or Edom, as here to be substituted for it. Habakkuk appeals to God's glorious manifestations to His people at Sinai, as the ground for praying that God will "revive His work" (Hab 3:2) now. For He is the same God now as ever.

Selah—a musical sign, put at the close of sections and strophes, always at the end of a verse, except thrice; namely, here, and Hab 3:9, and Ps 55:19; 57:3, where, however, it closes the hemistich. It implies a change of the modulation. It comes from a root to "rest" or "pause" [Gesenius]; implying a cessation of the chant, during an instrumental interlude. The solemn pause here prepares the mind for contemplating the glorious description of Jehovah's manifestation which follows.

earth … full of his praise—that is, of His glories which were calculated to call forth universal praise; the parallelism to "glory" proves this to be the sense.

4. as the light—namely, of the sun (Job 37:21; Pr 4:18).

horns—the emblem of power wielded by "His hand" [Ludovicus De Dieu]. "Rays" emanating from "His hand," compared by the Arabs to the horns of the gazelle (compare "hind of the morning," Ps 22:1, title, Margin). The Hebrew verb for to "emit rays," is from the root meaning "horns" (Ex 34:29, 30, 35) [Grotius]. The rays are His lightnings (Ps 18:8), [Maurer].

there—in that "brightness." In it, notwithstanding its brilliancy, there was but the veil "(the hiding) of His power." Even "light," God's "garment," covers, instead of revealing fully, His surpassing glory (Ps 104:2) [Henderson]. Or, on Mount Sinai [Drusius]. (Compare Ex 24:17). The Septuagint and Syriac versions read for "there," He made a hiding, &c.; He hid Himself with clouds. English Version is better, which Calvin explains, there is said to be "a hiding of God's power," because God did not reveal it indiscriminately to all, but specially to His people (Ps 31:20). The contrast seems to me to be between the "horns" or emanations out of His power ("hand"), and that "power" itself. The latter was hidden, whereas the "horns" or emanations alone were manifested. If the mere scintillations were so awfully overwhelming, how much more so the hidden power itself! This was especially true of His manifestation at Sinai (Ps 18:11; compare Isa 45:15, 17).

5. pestilence—to destroy His people's foes (1Sa 5:9, 11). As Jehovah's advent is glorious to His people, so it is terrible to His foes.

burning coals—Ps 18:8 favors English Version. But the parallelism requires, as the Margin translates, "burning disease" (compare De 32:24; Ps 91:6).

went … at his feet—that is, after Him, as His attendants (Jud 4:10).

6. He stood, and measured the earth—Jehovah, in His advance, is represented as stopping suddenly, and measuring the earth with His all-seeing glance, whereat there is universal consternation. Maurer, from a different root, translates, "rocked the earth"; which answers better to the parallel "drove asunder"; the Hebrew for which latter, however, may be better translated, "made to tremble."

everlasting mountains—which have ever been remembered as retaining the same place and form from the foundation of the world.

did bow—as it were, in reverent submission.

his ways are everlasting—His marvellous ways of working for the salvation of His people mark His everlasting character: such as He was in His workings for them formerly, such shall He be now.

7. the tents—that is, the dwellers.

Cushan—the same as Cush; made "Cush-an" to harmonize with "Midi-an" in the parallel clause. So Lotan is found in the Hebrew of Genesis for Lot. Bochart therefore considers it equivalent to Midian, or a part of Arabia. So in Nu 12:1, Moses' Midianite wife is called an Ethiopian (Hebrew, Cushite). Maurer thinks the dwellers on both sides of the Arabian Gulf, or Red Sea, are meant; for in Hab 3:6 God's everlasting or ancient ways of delivering His people are mentioned; and in Hab 3:8, the dividing of the Red Sea for them. Compare Miriam's song as to the fear of Israel's foes far and near caused thereby (Ex 15:14-16). Hebrew expositors refer it to Chushan-rishathaim, king of Mesopotamia, or Syria, the first oppressor of Israel (Jud 3:8, 10), from whom Othniel delivered them. Thus the second hemistich of the verse will refer to the deliverance of Israel from Midian by Gideon (Jud 6:1-7:25) to which Hab 3:11 plainly refers. Whichever of these views be correct, the general reference is to God's interpositions against Israel's foes of old.

in affliction—rather, "under affliction" (regarded) as a heavy burden. Literally, "vanity" or "iniquity," hence the punishment of it (compare Nu 25:17, 18).

curtains—the coverings of their tents; the shifting habitations of the nomad tribes, which resembled the modern Bedouins.

tremble—namely, at Jehovah's terrible interposition for Israel against them.

8. Was the Lord displeased against the rivers?—"Was the cause of His dividing the Red Sea and Jordan His displeasure against these waters?" The answer to this is tacitly implied in "Thy chariots of salvation." "Nay; it was not displeasure against the waters, but His pleasure in interposing for His people's salvation" (compare Hab 3:10).

thy chariots—in antithesis to Thy foe, Pharaoh's chariots," which, notwithstanding their power and numbers, were engulfed in the waters of destruction. God can make the most unlikely means work for His people's salvation (Ex 14:7, 9, 23, 25-28; 15:3-8, 19). Jehovah's chariots are His angels (Ps 68:17), or the cherubim, or the ark (Jos 3:13; 4:7; compare So 1:9).

9. bow … made … naked—that is, was drawn forth from its cover, in which bows usually were cased when not in use. Compare Isa 22:6, "Kir uncovered the shield."

according to the oaths of the tribes even thy word—that is, Thy oaths of promise to the tribes of Israel (Ps 77:8; Lu 1:73, 74). Habakkuk shows that God's miraculous interpositions for His people were not limited to one time, but that God's oaths to His people are sure ground for their always expecting them. The mention of the tribes, rather than Abraham or Moses, is in order that they may not doubt that to them belongs this grace of which Abraham was the depository [Calvin and Jerome]. Maurer translates, "The spears were glutted with blood, the triumphal song!" that is, no sooner did Jehovah begin the battle by baring His bow, than the spears were glutted with blood and the triumphal song sung.

Thou didst cleave the earth with rivers—the result of the earthquake caused by God's approach [Maurer]. Grotius refers it to the bringing forth water from the rock (Ex 17:6; Nu 20:10, 11; Ps 78:15, 16; 105:4). But the context implies not the giving of water to His people to drink, but the fearful physical phenomena attending Jehovah's attack on Israel's foes.

10. The mountains—repetition with increased emphasis of some of the tremendous phenomena mentioned in Hab 3:6.

overflowing of the water passed by—namely, of the Red Sea; and again, of the Jordan. God marked His favor to His people in all the elements, causing every obstacle, whether mountains or waters, which impeded their progress, to "pass away" [Calvin]. Maurer, not so well, translates, "torrents (rains) of water rush down."

lifted … hands on high—namely, its billows lifted on high by the tempest. Personification. As men signify by voice or gesture of hand that they will do what they are commanded, so these parts of nature testified their obedience to God's will (Ex 14:22; Jos 3:16; Ps 77:17, 18; 114:4).

11. sun … moon stood still—at Joshua's command (Jos 10:12, 13). Maurer wrongly translates, "stand" (withdrawn, or hidden from view, by the clouds which covered the sky during the thunders).

light of thine arrows—hail mixed with lightnings (Jos 10:10, 11).

they went—The sun and moon "went," not as always heretofore, but according to the light and direction of Jehovah's arrows, namely, His lightnings hurled in defense of His people; astonished at these they stood still [Calvin]. Maurer translates, "At the light of Thine arrows (which) went" or flew.

12. march—implying Jehovah's majestic and irresistible progress before His people (Jud 5:4; Ps 68:7). Israel would not have dared to attack the nations, unless Jehovah had gone before.

thresh—(Mic 4:13).

13. with thine anointed—with Messiah; of whom Moses, Joshua, and David, God's anointed leaders of Israel, were the types (Ps 89:19, 20, 38). God from the beginning delivered His people in person, or by the hand of a Mediator (Isa 63:11). Thus Habakkuk confirms believers in the hope of their deliverance, as well because God is always the same, as also because the same anointed Mediator is ready now to fulfil God's will and interpose for Israel, as of old [Calvin]. Maurer translates to suit the parallelism, "for salvation to Thine anointed," namely, Israel's king in the abstract, answering to the "people" in the former clause (compare Ps 28:8; La 4:20). Or Israel is meant, the anointed, that is, consecrated people of Jehovah (Ps 105:15).

woundedst the head out of the house of the wicked—probably an allusion to Ps 68:21. Each head person sprung from and belonging to the house of Israel's wicked foes; such as Jabin, whose city Hazor was "the head of all the kingdoms" of Canaan (Jos 11:10; compare Jud 4:2, 3, 13).

discovering the foundation—Thou destroyedst high and low. As "the head of the house" means the prince, so the "foundation" means the general host of the enemy.

unto the neck—image from a flood reaching to the neck (Isa 8:8; 30:28). So God, by His wrath overflowing on the foe, caused their princes' necks to be trodden under foot by Israel's leaders (Jos 10:24; 11:8, 12).

14. strike … with his staves—with the "wicked" (Hab 3:13) foe's own sword (Maurer translates, "spears") (Jud 7:22).

head of his villages—Not only kings were overthrown by God's hand, but His vengeance passed through the foe's villages and dependencies. A just retribution, as the foe had made "the inhabitants of Israel's villages to cease" (Jud 5:7). Grotius translates, "of his warriors"; Gesenius, "the chief of his captains."

to scatter me—Israel, with whom Habakkuk identifies himself (compare Hab 1:12).

rejoicing … to devour the poor secretly—"The poor" means the Israelites, for whom in their helpless state the foe lurks in his lair, like a wild beast, to pounce on and devour (Ps 10:9; 17:12).

15. Thou didst walk through the sea with thine horses—(Hab 3:8). No obstacle could prevent Thy progress when leading Thy people in safety to their inheritance, whether the Red Sea, Jordan, or the figurative waves of foes raging against Israel (Ps 65:7; 77:19).

16. When I heard … trembled—namely, at the judgments which God had declared (Hab 1:1-17) were to be inflicted on Judea by the Chaldeans.

belly—The bowels were thought by the Hebrews to be the seat of yearning compassion (Jer 31:20). Or "heard" may refer to Hab 3:2, "When I heard as to Jehovah's coming interposition for Israel against the Chaldeans being still at some distance" (Hab 2:3); so also the voice" [Maurer].

at the voice—of the divine threatenings (Hab 1:6). The faithful tremble at the voice alone of God before He inflicts punishment. Habakkuk speaks in the person of all the faithful in Israel.

trembled in myself—that is, I trembled all over [Grotius].

that I might rest in the day of trouble—The true and only path to rest is through such fear. Whoever is securely torpid and hardened towards God, will be tumultuously agitated in the day of affliction, and so will bring on himself a worse destruction; but he who in time meets God's wrath and trembles at His threats, prepares the best rest for himself in the day of affliction [Calvin]. Henderson translates, "Yet I shall have rest." Habakkuk thus consoling his mind, Though trembling at the calamity coming, yet I shall have rest in God (Isa 26:3). But that sentiment does not seem to be directly asserted till Hab 3:17, as the words following at the close of this verse imply.

when he cometh up unto the people, he will invade—rather (as English Version is a mere truism), connected with the preceding clause, "that I might rest … when he (the Chaldean foe) cometh up unto the people (the Jews), that he may cut them off" [Calvin]. The Hebrew for "invade" means, to rush upon, or to attack and cut off with congregated troops.

17. Destroy the "vines" and "fig trees" of the carnal heart, and his mirth ceases. But those who when full enjoyed God in all, when emptied can enjoy all in God. They can sit down upon the heap of ruined creature comforts, and rejoice in Him as the "God of their salvation." Running in the way of His commandments, we outrun our troubles. Thus Habakkuk, beginning his prayer with trembling, ends it with a song of triumph (Job 13:15; Ps 4:7; 43:3, 5).

labour of the olive—that is, the fruit expected from the olive.

fail—literally, "lie," that is, disappoint the hope (Isa 58:11, Margin).

fields—from a Hebrew root meaning "to be yellow"; as they look at harvest-time.

meat—food, grain.

cut off—that is, cease.

18. yet I will rejoice—The prophet speaks in the name of his people.

19. hinds' feet … walk upon … high places—Habakkuk has here before his mind Ps 18:33, 34; De 32:13. "Hinds' (gazelles') feet" imply the swiftness with which God enables him (the prophet and his people) to escape from his enemies, and return to his native land. The "high places" are called "mine," to imply that Israel shall be restored to his own land, a land of hills which are places of safety and of eminence (compare Ge 19:17; Mt 24:16). Probably not only the safety, but the moral elevation, of Israel above all the lands of the earth is implied (De 33:29).

on my stringed instruments—neginoth. This is the prophet's direction to the precentor ("chief singer") as to how the preceding ode (Hab 3:1-19) is to be performed (compare Ps 4:1; 6:1, titles). The prophet had in mind a certain form of stringed instrument adapted to certain numbers and measures. This formula at the end of the ode, directing the kind of instrument to be used, agrees with that in the beginning of it, which directs the kind of melody (compare Isa 38:20).