Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Hosea » Chapter 7 » Verse 6

Hosea 7:6 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

6 For they have made ready H7126 their heart H3820 like an oven, H8574 whiles they lie in wait: H693 their baker H644 sleepeth H3463 all the night; H3915 in the morning H1242 it burneth H1197 as a flaming H3852 fire. H784

Cross Reference

1 Samuel 19:11-15 STRONG

Saul H7586 also sent H7971 messengers H4397 unto David's H1732 house, H1004 to watch H8104 him, and to slay H4191 him in the morning: H1242 and Michal H4324 David's H1732 wife H802 told H5046 him, saying, H559 If thou save H4422 not thy life H5315 to night, H3915 to morrow H4279 thou shalt be slain. H4191 So Michal H4324 let H3381 David H1732 down H3381 through a window: H2474 and he went, H3212 and fled, H1272 and escaped. H4422 And Michal H4324 took H3947 an image, H8655 and laid H7760 it in the bed, H4296 and put H7760 a pillow H3523 of goats' H5795 hair for his bolster, H4763 and covered H3680 it with a cloth. H899 And when Saul H7586 sent H7971 messengers H4397 to take H3947 David, H1732 she said, H559 He is sick. H2470 And Saul H7586 sent H7971 the messengers H4397 again to see H7200 David, H1732 saying, H559 Bring him up H5927 to me in the bed, H4296 that I may slay H4191 him.

2 Samuel 13:28-29 STRONG

Now Absalom H53 had commanded H6680 his servants, H5288 saying, H559 Mark H7200 ye now when Amnon's H550 heart H3820 is merry H2896 with wine, H3196 and when I say H559 unto you, Smite H5221 Amnon; H550 then kill H4191 him, fear H3372 not: have not I commanded H6680 you? be courageous, H2388 and be valiant. H1121 H2428 And the servants H5288 of Absalom H53 did H6213 unto Amnon H550 as Absalom H53 had commanded. H6680 Then all the king's H4428 sons H1121 arose, H6965 and every man H376 gat him up H7392 upon his mule, H6505 and fled. H5127

Psalms 10:8-9 STRONG

He sitteth H3427 in the lurking places H3993 of the villages: H2691 in the secret places H4565 doth he murder H2026 the innocent: H5355 his eyes H5869 are privily set H6845 against the poor. H2489 He lieth in wait H693 secretly H4565 as a lion H738 in his den: H5520 he lieth in wait H693 to catch H2414 the poor: H6041 he doth catch H2414 the poor, H6041 when he draweth H4900 him into his net. H7568

Psalms 21:9 STRONG

Thou shalt make H7896 them as a fiery H784 oven H8574 in the time H6256 of thine anger: H6440 the LORD H3068 shall swallow them up H1104 in his wrath, H639 and the fire H784 shall devour H398 them.

Proverbs 4:16 STRONG

For they sleep H3462 not, except they have done mischief; H7489 and their sleep H8142 is taken away, H1497 unless they cause some to fall. H3782 H3782

Hosea 7:4 STRONG

They are all adulterers, H5003 as an oven H8574 heated H1197 by the baker, H644 who ceaseth H7673 from raising H5782 after he hath kneaded H3888 the dough, H1217 until it be leavened. H2556

Hosea 7:7 STRONG

They are all hot H2552 as an oven, H8574 and have devoured H398 their judges; H8199 all their kings H4428 are fallen: H5307 there is none among them that calleth H7121 unto me.

Micah 2:1 STRONG

Woe H1945 to them that devise H2803 iniquity, H205 and work H6466 evil H7451 upon their beds! H4904 when the morning H1242 is light, H216 they practise H6213 it, because it is H3426 in the power H410 of their hand. H3027

Commentary on Hosea 7 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ho 7:1-16. Reproof of Israel.

Probably delivered in the interreign and civil war at Pekah's death; for Ho 7:7, "all their kings … fallen," refers to the murder of Zechariah, Shallum, Menahem, Pekahiah, and Pekah. In Ho 7:8 the reference seems to be to Menahem's payment of tribute to Pul, in order to secure himself in the usurped throne, also to Pekah's league with Rezin of Syria, and to Hoshea's connection with Assyria during the interregnum at Pekah's death [Maurer].

1. I would have healed Israel—Israel's restoration of the two hundred thousand Jewish captives at God's command (2Ch 28:8-15) gave hope of Israel's reformation [Henderson]. Political, as well as moral, healing is meant. When I would have healed Israel in its calamitous state, then their iniquity was discovered to be so great as to preclude hope of recovery. Then he enumerates their wickedness: "The thief cometh in (indoors stealthily), and the troop of robbers spoileth without" (out-of-doors with open violence).

2. consider not in their hearts—literally, "say not to," &c. (Ps 14:1).

that I remember—and will punish.

their own doings have beset them about—as so many witnesses against them (Ps 9:16; Pr 5:22).

before my face—(Ps 90:8).

3. Their princes, instead of checking, "have pleasure in them that do" such crimes (Ro 1:32).

4. who ceaseth from raising—rather, "heating" it, from an Arabic root, "to be hot." So the Septuagint. Their adulterous and idolatrous lust is inflamed as the oven of a baker who has it at such a heat that he ceaseth from heating it only from the time that he hath kneaded the dough, until it be leavened; he only needs to omit feeding it during the short period of the fermentation of the bread. Compare 2Pe 2:14, "that cannot cease from sin" [Henderson].

5. the day of our king—his birthday or day of inauguration.

have made him sick—namely, the king. Maurer translates, "make themselves sick."

with bottles of wine—drinking not merely glasses, but bottles. Maurer translates, "Owing to the heat of wine."

he stretched out his hand with scorners—the gesture of revellers in holding out the cup and in drinking to one another's health. Scoffers were the king's boon companions.

6. they have made ready—rather, "they make their heart approach," namely their king, in going to drink with him.

like an oven—following out the image in Ho 7:4. As it conceals the lighted fire all night while the baker sleeps but in the morning burns as a flaming fire, so they brood mischief in their hearts while conscience is lulled asleep, and their wicked designs wait only for a fair occasion to break forth [Horsley]. Their heart is the oven, their baker the ringleader of the plot. In Ho 7:7 their plots appear, namely, the intestine disturbances and murders of one king after another, after Jeroboam II.

7. all hot—All burn with eagerness to cause universal disturbance (2Ki 15:1-38).

devoured their judges—magistrates; as the fire of the oven devours the fuel.

all their kings … fallen—See on Ho 7:1.

none … calleth unto me—Such is their perversity that amid all these national calamities, none seeks help from Me (Isa 9:13; 64:7).

8. mixed … among the people—by leagues with idolaters, and the adoption of their idolatrous practices (Ho 7:9, 11; Ps 106:35).

Ephraim … cake not turned—a cake burnt on one side and unbaked on the other, and so uneatable; an image of the worthlessness of Ephraim. The Easterners bake their bread on the ground, covering it with embers (1Ki 19:6), and turning it every ten minutes, to bake it thoroughly without burning it.

9. Strangers—foreigners: the Syrians and Assyrians (2Ki 13:7; 15:19, 20; 17:3-6).

gray hairs—that is, symptoms of approaching national dissolution.

are here and there upon—literally, "are sprinkled on" him.

yet he knoweth not—Though old age ought to bring with it wisdom, he neither knows of his senile decay, nor has the true knowledge which leads to reformation.

10. Repetition of Ho 5:5.

not return to … Lord … for all this—notwithstanding all their calamities (Isa 9:13).

11. like a silly dove—a bird proverbial for simplicity: easily deceived.

without heart—that is, understanding.

call to Egypt—Israel lying between the two great rival empires Egypt and Assyria, sought each by turns to help her against the other. As this prophecy was written in the reign of Hoshea, the allusion is probably to the alliance with So or Sabacho II (of which a record has been found on the clay cylindrical seals in Koyunjik), which ended in the overthrow of Hoshea and the deportation of Israel (2Ki 17:3-6). As the dove betrays its foolishness by fleeing in alarm from its nest only to fall into the net of the fowler, so Israel, though warned that foreign alliances would be their ruin, rushed into them.

12. When they shall go—to seek aid from this or that foreign state.

spread my net upon them—as on birds taken on the ground (Eze 12:13), as contrasted with "bringing them down" as the "fowls of the heavens," namely, by the use of missiles.

as their congregation hath heard—namely, by My prophets through whom I threatened "chastisement" (Ho 5:9; 2Ki 17:13-18).

13. fled—as birds from their nest (Pr 27:8; Isa 16:2).

me—who both could and would have healed them (Ho 7:1), had they applied to Me.

redeemed them—from Egypt and their other enemies (Mic 6:4).

lies—(Ps 78:36; Jer 3:10). Pretending to be My worshippers, when they all the while worshipped idols (Ho 7:14; Ho 12:1); also defrauding Me of the glory of their deliverance, and ascribing it and their other blessings to idols [Calvin].

14. not cried unto me—but unto other gods [Maurer], (Job 35:9, 10). Or, they did indeed cry unto Me, but not "with their heart": answering to "lies," Ho 7:13 (see on Ho 7:13).

when they howled upon their beds—sleepless with anxiety; image of deep affliction. Their cry is termed "howling," as it is the cry of anguish, not the cry of repentance and faith.

assemble … for corn, &c.—namely in the temples of their idols, to obtain from them a good harvest and vintage, instead of coming to Me, the true Giver of these (Ho 2:5, 8, 12), proving that their cry to God was "not with their heart."

rebel against me—literally, "withdraw themselves against Me," that is, not only withdraw from Me, but also rebel against Me.

15. I … bound—when I saw their arms as it were relaxed with various disasters, I bound them so as to strengthen their sinews; image from surgery [Calvin]. Maurer translates, "I instructed them" to war (Ps 18:34; 144:1), namely, under Jeroboam II (2Ki 14:25). Grotius explains, "Whether I chastised them (Margin) or strengthened their arms, they imagined mischief against Me." English Version is best.

16. return, but not to the Most High—or, "to one who is not the Most High," one very different from Him, a stock or a stone. So the Septuagint.

deceitful bow—(Ps 78:57). A bow which, from its faulty construction, shoots wide of the mark. So Israel pretends to seek God, but turns aside to idols.

for the rage of their tongue—their boast of safety from Egyptian aid, and their "lies" (Ho 7:13), whereby they pretended to serve God, while worshipping idols; also their perverse defense for their idolatries and blasphemies against God and His prophets (Ps 73:9; 120:2, 3).

their derision in … Egypt—Their "fall" shall be the subject of "derision" to Egypt, to whom they had applied for help (Ho 9:3, 6; 2Ki 17:4).