Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Isaiah » Chapter 17 » Verse 6

Isaiah 17:6 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

6 Yet gleaning grapes H5955 shall be left H7604 in it, as the shaking H5363 of an olive tree, H2132 two H8147 or three H7969 berries H1620 in the top H7218 of the uppermost bough, H534 four H702 or five H2568 in the outmost fruitful H6509 branches H5585 thereof, saith H5002 the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel. H3478

Cross Reference

Isaiah 24:13 STRONG

When thus it shall be in the midst H7130 of the land H776 among H8432 the people, H5971 there shall be as the shaking H5363 of an olive tree, H2132 and as the gleaning grapes H5955 when the vintage H1210 is done. H3615

Deuteronomy 4:27 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 shall scatter H6327 you among the nations, H5971 and ye shall be left H7604 few H4962 in number H4557 among the heathen, H1471 whither the LORD H3068 shall lead H5090 you.

Obadiah 1:5 STRONG

If thieves H1590 came H935 to thee, if robbers H7703 by night, H3915 (how art thou cut off!) H1820 would they not have stolen H1589 till they had enough? H1767 if the grapegatherers H1219 came H935 to thee, would they not leave H7604 some grapes? H5955

Judges 8:2 STRONG

And he said H559 unto them, What have I done H6213 now in comparison of you? Is not the gleaning H5955 of the grapes of Ephraim H669 better H2896 than the vintage H1210 of Abiezer? H44

1 Kings 19:18 STRONG

Yet I have left H7604 me seven H7651 thousand H505 in Israel, H3478 all the knees H1290 which have not bowed H3766 unto Baal, H1168 and every mouth H6310 which hath not kissed H5401 him.

Isaiah 1:9 STRONG

Except H3884 the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 had left H3498 unto us a very small H4592 remnant, H8300 we should have been H1961 as Sodom, H5467 and we should have been like H1819 unto Gomorrah. H6017

Isaiah 10:22 STRONG

For though thy people H5971 Israel H3478 be as the sand H2344 of the sea, H3220 yet a remnant H7605 of them shall return: H7725 the consumption H3631 decreed H2782 shall overflow H7857 with righteousness. H6666

Isaiah 27:12 STRONG

And it shall come to pass in that day, H3117 that the LORD H3068 shall beat off H2251 from the channel H7641 of the river H5104 unto the stream H5158 of Egypt, H4714 and ye shall be gathered H3950 one H259 by one, H259 O ye children H1121 of Israel. H3478

Ezekiel 36:8-15 STRONG

But ye, O mountains H2022 of Israel, H3478 ye shall shoot forth H5414 your branches, H6057 and yield H5375 your fruit H6529 to my people H5971 of Israel; H3478 for they are at hand H7126 to come. H935 For, behold, I am for you, and I will turn H6437 unto you, and ye shall be tilled H5647 and sown: H2232 And I will multiply H7235 men H120 upon you, all the house H1004 of Israel, H3478 even all of it: and the cities H5892 shall be inhabited, H3427 and the wastes H2723 shall be builded: H1129 And I will multiply H7235 upon you man H120 and beast; H929 and they shall increase H7235 and bring fruit: H6509 and I will settle H3427 you after your old estates, H6927 and will do better H2895 unto you than at your beginnings: H7221 and ye shall know H3045 that I am the LORD. H3068 Yea, I will cause men H120 to walk H3212 upon you, even my people H5971 Israel; H3478 and they shall possess H3423 thee, and thou shalt be their inheritance, H5159 and thou shalt no more H3254 henceforth bereave H7921 them of men. Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Because they say H559 unto you, Thou land devourest up H398 men, H120 and hast bereaved H7921 thy nations; H1471 Therefore thou shalt devour H398 men H120 no more, neither bereave H7921 H3782 thy nations H1471 any more, saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD. H3069 Neither will I cause men to hear H8085 in thee the shame H3639 of the heathen H1471 any more, neither shalt thou bear H5375 the reproach H2781 of the people H5971 any more, neither shalt thou cause thy nations H1471 to fall H3782 any more, saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD. H3069

Ezekiel 37:19-25 STRONG

Say H1696 unto them, Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Behold, I will take H3947 the stick H6086 of Joseph, H3130 which is in the hand H3027 of Ephraim, H669 and the tribes H7626 of Israel H3478 his fellows, H2270 and will put H5414 them with him, even with the stick H6086 of Judah, H3063 and make H6213 them one H259 stick, H6086 and they shall be one H259 in mine hand. H3027 And the sticks H6086 whereon thou writest H3789 shall be in thine hand H3027 before their eyes. H5869 And say H1696 unto them, Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Behold, I will take H3947 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 from among H996 the heathen, H1471 whither they be gone, H1980 and will gather H6908 them on every side, H5439 and bring H935 them into their own land: H127 And I will make H6213 them one H259 nation H1471 in the land H776 upon the mountains H2022 of Israel; H3478 and one H259 king H4428 shall be king H4428 to them all: and they shall be H5750 no more two H8147 nations, H1471 neither shall they be divided H2673 into two H8147 kingdoms H4467 any more at all: Neither shall they defile H2930 themselves any more with their idols, H1544 nor with their detestable things, H8251 nor with any of their transgressions: H6588 but I will save H3467 them out of all their dwellingplaces, H4186 wherein they have sinned, H2398 and will cleanse H2891 them: so shall they be my people, H5971 and I will be their God. H430 And David H1732 my servant H5650 shall be king H4428 over them; and they all shall have one H259 shepherd: H7462 they shall also walk H3212 in my judgments, H4941 and observe H8104 my statutes, H2708 and do H6213 them. And they shall dwell H3427 in the land H776 that I have given H5414 unto Jacob H3290 my servant, H5650 wherein your fathers H1 have dwelt; H3427 and they shall dwell H3427 therein, even they, and their children, H1121 and their children's H1121 children H1121 for ever: H5769 and my servant H5650 David H1732 shall be their prince H5387 for H5704 ever. H5769

Ezekiel 39:29 STRONG

Neither will I hide H5641 my face H6440 any more from them: for I have poured out H8210 my spirit H7307 upon the house H1004 of Israel, H3478 saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD. H3069

Micah 7:1 STRONG

Woe H480 is me! for I am as when they have gathered H625 the summer fruits, H7019 as the grapegleanings H5955 of the vintage: H1210 there is no cluster H811 to eat: H398 my soul H5315 desired H183 the firstripe fruit. H1063

Romans 9:27 STRONG

Esaias G2268 also G1161 crieth G2896 concerning G5228 Israel, G2474 Though G1437 the number G706 of the children G5207 of Israel G2474 be G5600 as G5613 the sand G285 of the sea, G2281 a remnant G2640 shall be saved: G4982

Romans 11:4-6 STRONG

But G235 what G5101 saith G3004 the answer of God G5538 unto him? G846 I have reserved G2641 to myself G1683 seven thousand G2035 men, G435 who G3748 have G2578 not G3756 bowed G2578 the knee G1119 to the image of Baal. G896 Even so G3779 then G3767 at G1722 this present G3568 time G2540 also G2532 there is G1096 a remnant G3005 according G2596 to the election G1589 of grace. G5485 And G1161 if G1487 by grace, G5485 then is it no more G2089 G3765 of G1537 works: G2041 otherwise G1893 grace G5485 is G1096 no more G2089 G3765 grace. G5485 But G1161 if G1487 it be of G1537 works, G2041 then is it G2076 no more G2089 G3765 grace: G5485 otherwise G1893 work G2041 is G2076 no more G2089 G3765 work. G2041

Romans 11:26 STRONG

And G2532 so G3779 all G3956 Israel G2474 shall be saved: G4982 as G2531 it is written, G1125 There shall come G2240 out of G1537 Sion G4622 the Deliverer, G4506 and G2532 shall turn away G654 ungodliness G763 from G575 Jacob: G2384

Commentary on Isaiah 17 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Isa 17:1-11. Prophecy Concerning Damascus and Its Ally Samaria, that is, Syria and Israel, which had leagued together (seventh and eighth chapters).

Already, Tiglath-pileser had carried away the people of Damascus to Kir, in the fourth year of Ahaz (2Ki 16:9); but now in Hezekiah's reign a further overthrow is foretold (Jer 49:23; Zec 9:1). Also, Shalmaneser carried away Israel from Samaria to Assyria (2Ki 17:6; 18:10, 11) in the sixth year of Hezekiah of Judah (the ninth year of Hoshea of Israel). This prophecy was, doubtless, given previously in the first years of Hezekiah when the foreign nations came into nearer collision with Judah, owing to the threatening aspect of Assyria.

1. Damascus—put before Israel (Ephraim, Isa 17:3), which is chiefly referred to in what follows, because it was the prevailing power in the league; with it Ephraim either stood or fell (Isa 7:1-25).

2. cities of Aroer—that is, the cities round Aroer, and under its jurisdiction [Gesenius]. So "cities with their villages" (Jos 15:44); "Heshbon and all her cities" (Jos 13:17). Aroer was near Rabbahammon, at the river of Gad, an arm of the Jabbok (2Sa 24:5), founded by the Gadites (Nu 32:34).

for flocks—(Isa 5:17).

3. fortress … cease—The strongholds shall be pulled down (Samaria especially: Ho 10:14; Mic 1:6; Hab 1:10).

remnant of Syria—all that was left after the overthrow by Tiglath-pileser (2Ki 16:9).

as the glory of … Israel—They shall meet with the same fate as Israel, their ally.

4. glory of Jacob—the kingdom of Ephraim and all that they rely on (Ho 12:2; Mic 1:5).

fatness … lean—(See on Isa 10:16).

5. harvestman, &c.—The inhabitants and wealth of Israel shall be swept away, and but few left behind just as the husbandman gathers the corn and the fruit, and leaves only a few gleaning ears and grapes (2Ki 18:9-11).

with his arm—He collects the standing grain with one arm, so that he can cut it with the sickle in the other hand.

Rephaim—a fertile plain at the southwest of Jerusalem toward Beth-lehem and the country of the Philistines (2Sa 5:18-22).

6. in it—that is, in the land of Israel.

two or three … in the top—A few poor inhabitants shall be left in Israel, like the two or three olive berries left on the topmost boughs, which it is not worth while taking the trouble to try to reach.

7. look to his Maker—instead of trusting in their fortresses—(Isa 17:3; Mic 7:7).

8. groves—A symbolical tree is often found in Assyrian inscriptions, representing the hosts of heaven ("Saba"), answering to Ashteroth or Astarte, the queen of heaven, as Baal or Bel is the king. Hence the expression, "image of the grove," is explained (2Ki 21:7).

images—literally, "images to the sun," that is, to Baal, who answers to the sun, as Astarte to the hosts of heaven (2Ki 23:5; Job 31:26).

9. forsaken bough—rather "the leavings of woods," what the axeman leaves when he cuts down the grove (compare Isa 17:6).

which they left because of—rather, "which (the enemies) shall leave for the children of Israel"; literally, "shall leave (in departing) from before the face of the children of Israel" [Maurer]. But a few cities out of many shall be left to Israel, by the purpose of God, executed by the Assyrian.

10. forgotten … God of … salvation … rock—(De 32:15, 18).

plants—rather, "nursery grounds," "pleasure-grounds" [Maurer].

set in—rather, "set them," the pleasure-grounds.

strange slips—cuttings of plants from far, and therefore valuable.

11. In the day … thy plant—rather, "In the day of thy planting" [Horsley].

shalt … make … grow—Maurer translates, "Thou didst fence it," namely, the pleasure-ground. The parallel clause, "Make … flourish," favors English Version. As soon as thou plantest, it grows.

in the morning—that is, immediately after; so in Ps 90:14, the Hebrew, "in the morning," is translated "early."

but … shall be a heap—rather, "but (promising as was the prospect) the harvest is gone" [Horsley].

in … day of grief—rather, "in the day of (expected) possession" [Maurer]. "In the day of inundation" [Horsley].

of desperate sorrow—rather, "And the sorrow shall be desperate or irremediable." In English Version "heap" and "sorrow" may be taken together by hendiadys. "The heap of the harvest shall be desperate sorrow" [Rosenmuller].

Isa 17:12-18:7. Sudden Destruction of a Great Army in Judea (namely that of the Assyrian Sennacherib), AND Announcement of the Event to the Ethiopian Ambassadors.

The connection of this fragment with what precedes is: notwithstanding the calamities coming on Israel, the people of God shall not be utterly destroyed (Isa 6:12, 13); the Assyrian spoilers shall perish (Isa 17:13, 14).

12. Woe … multitude—rather, "Ho (Hark)! a noise of," &c. The prophet in vision perceives the vast and mixed Assyrian hosts (Hebrew, "many peoples," see on Isa 5:26): on the hills of Judah (so "mountains," Isa 17:13): but at the "rebuke" of God, they shall "flee as chaff."

to the rushing … that make—rather, "the roaring … roareth" (compare Isa 8:7; Jer 6:23).

13. shall … shall—rather, "God rebuketh (Ps 9:5) them, and they flee—are chased"; the event is set before the eyes as actually present, not future.

chaff of … mountains—Threshing floors in the East are in the open air on elevated places, so as to catch the wind which separates the chaff from the wheat (Ps 88:13; Ho 13:3).

rolling thing—anything that rolls: stubble.

14. eventide … before morning—fulfilled to the letter in the destruction "before morning" of the vast host that "at eveningtide" was such a terror ("trouble") to Judah; on the phrase see Ps 90:6; 30:5.

he is not—namely, the enemy.

us—the Jews. A general declaration of the doom that awaits the foes of God's people (Isa 54:17).