Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Isaiah » Chapter 20 » Verse 1

Isaiah 20:1 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

1 In the year H8141 that Tartan H8661 came H935 unto Ashdod, H795 (when Sargon H5623 the king H4428 of Assyria H804 sent H7971 him,) and fought H3898 against Ashdod, H795 and took H3920 it;

Cross Reference

2 Kings 18:17 STRONG

And the king H4428 of Assyria H804 sent H7971 Tartan H8661 and Rabsaris H7249 and Rabshakeh H7262 from Lachish H3923 to king H4428 Hezekiah H2396 with a great H3515 host H2426 against Jerusalem. H3389 And they went up H5927 and came H935 to Jerusalem. H3389 And when they were come up, H5927 they came H935 and stood H5975 by the conduit H8585 of the upper H5945 pool, H1295 which is in the highway H4546 of the fuller's H3526 field. H7704

1 Samuel 5:1 STRONG

And the Philistines H6430 took H3947 the ark H727 of God, H430 and brought H935 it from Ebenezer H72 unto Ashdod. H795

1 Samuel 6:17 STRONG

And these are the golden H2091 emerods H2914 which the Philistines H6430 returned H7725 for a trespass offering H817 unto the LORD; H3068 for Ashdod H795 one, H259 for Gaza H5804 one, H259 for Askelon H831 one, H259 for Gath H1661 one, H259 for Ekron H6138 one; H259

Jeremiah 25:20 STRONG

And all the mingled H6153 people, and all the kings H4428 of the land H776 of Uz, H5780 and all the kings H4428 of the land H776 of the Philistines, H6430 and Ashkelon, H831 and Azzah, H5804 and Ekron, H6138 and the remnant H7611 of Ashdod, H795

Jeremiah 25:29-30 STRONG

For, lo, I begin H2490 to bring evil H7489 on the city H5892 which is called H7121 by my name, H8034 and should ye be utterly H5352 unpunished? H5352 Ye shall not be unpunished: H5352 for I will call H7121 for a sword H2719 upon all the inhabitants H3427 of the earth, H776 saith H5002 the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635 Therefore prophesy H5012 thou against them all these words, H1697 and say H559 unto them, The LORD H3068 shall roar H7580 from on high, H4791 and utter H5414 his voice H6963 from his holy H6944 habitation; H4583 he shall mightily H7580 roar H7580 upon his habitation; H5116 he shall give H6030 a shout, H1959 as they that tread H1869 the grapes, against all the inhabitants H3427 of the earth. H776

Amos 1:8 STRONG

And I will cut off H3772 the inhabitant H3427 from Ashdod, H795 and him that holdeth H8551 the sceptre H7626 from Ashkelon, H831 and I will turn H7725 mine hand H3027 against Ekron: H6138 and the remnant H7611 of the Philistines H6430 shall perish, H6 saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD. H3069

Commentary on Isaiah 20 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



This chapter contains a prophecy of the destruction of the Egyptians and Ethiopians by the Assyrians, which had been prophesied of separately in the two preceding chapters Isaiah 18:1, and now conjunctly in this: the time of it is given, Isaiah 20:1 the sign of it, the prophet's walking naked, and barefoot, Isaiah 20:2 the explanation and accommodation of the sign to the captivity of Egypt and Ethiopia, Isaiah 20:3 the use of this to the Jews, and the effect it had upon them; shame for their trust and dependence on the above nations, and despair of deliverance from the Assyrians by their means, Isaiah 20:5.

Verse 1

In the year that Tartan came unto Ashdod,.... Or Azotus, as the Septuagint here call it; and which is its name in the New Testament; see Gill on Acts 8:40. This Tartan, or whom the Septuagint names Tanathan, and the Arabic version Tathan, was one of Sennacherib's generals, 2 Kings 18:17,

(when Sargon the king of Assyria sent him); to the above place to besiege it. This Sargon is generally thought to be the same with Sennacherib, since Tartan was one of his generals, who might have more names than one. Jerom says he had seven; the Jewish RabbinsF8T. Bab. Sanhedrin, fol. 94. 1. eight; though some think a predecessor of his is meant, Shalmaneser; and others his son Esarhaddon, who in the Apocrypha:

"And there passed not five and fifty days, before two of his sons killed him, and they fled into the mountains of Ararath; and Sarchedonus his son reigned in his stead; who appointed over his father's accounts, and over all his affairs, Achiacharus my brother Anael's son.' (Tobit 1:21)

is called Sarchedon, which might easily pass by pronunciation into Sargon:

and fought against Ashdod, and took it; which was held by the Assyrians till the time of Psammiticus, and was so strong a city, and so well fortified, that it held out a siege of twenty nine years before he could be master of itF9Herodot. l. 2. c. 157. ; how long Tartan lay against it, before he took it, is not said; nor is it certain what year he came against it; those who take Sargon to be Shalmaneser place it in the fourth year of Hezekiah's reign, who sent Tartan to Ashdod at the same time that he went against Samaria, 2 Kings 18:9 but others, who think Sennacherib is Sargon, fix it to the fourteenth year of Hezekiah's reign, as Kimchi; who, hearing of Tirhakah king of Ethiopia and Egypt coming against him, went forth to meet him, and subdued him; and at the same time sent Tartan against Ashdod; or rather this was done when he took the fenced cities of Judah, of which this was one, having been taken a little before by Hezekiah from the Philistines; see 2 Kings 18:8 though, if Esarhaddon is Sargon, this must be in the times of Manasseh, perhaps about the twenty second year of his reign, by whom he was taken, and carried captive; but it is most likely to have been in Hezekiah's time.

Verse 2

At the same time spake the Lord by Isaiah the son of Amoz,.... Or, "by the hand of Isaiah", by his means; and it was to him likewise, as the following words show; and so the Septuagint version renders it; he spoke by him, by the sign he used, according to his order, and he spoke to him to use the sign:

saying; so the Arabic version, "with him"; and with these versions Noldius agrees:

go, and loose the sackcloth from off thy loins; a token of mourning, and which the prophet wore, as Kimchi thinks, because of the captivity of the ten tribes; and it may be also on account of the miseries that were coming upon the people of the Jews; though some think this was his common garb, and the same with the royal garment the prophets used to wear, Zechariah 13:4 but that he had put off, and had put on sackcloth in its room, which he is now bid to take off:

and put off thy shoe from thy foot; as a sign of distress and mourning also, 2 Samuel 15:30,

and he did so, walking naked and barefoot; Kimchi thinks this was only visionally, or in the vision of prophecy, as he calls it, and not in reality; but the latter seems most probable, and best to agree with what follows; for he was obedient to the divine command, not regarding the disgrace which might attend it, nor the danger of catching cold, to which he was exposed; and hence he has the character of a servant of the Lord, in the next words, and a faithful obedient one he was.

Verse 3

And the Lord said,.... Here follows the explanation of the sign, and the accommodation of it to the thing signified by it:

like as my servant Isaiah hath walked naked and barefoot; not wholly naked, for that would have been very indecent and dangerous indeed; but without his upper garment, as Saul, 1 Samuel 19:24 and David, 2 Samuel 6:14 or with rent and ragged clothes, and old shoes, as JarchiF11T. Bab. Yoma, fol. 77. 1. & Sabbat, fol. 114. 1. interprets it, and which might be only when he appeared abroad; and how long he thus walked is not certain, whether only one day, as some, or three days, as others, or three years, which is not said, though our version inclines to it; but the three years next mentioned are not to be joined to Isaiah's walking, but to the thing signified by it; for the accent "athnach" is at the word which is rendered "barefoot", and distinguishes this clause from the following. The Septuagint indeed puts the phrase "three years" into both clauses, but it only belongs to the latter:

three years for a sign and wonder upon Egypt, and upon Ethiopia; that is, the prophet's walking naked and barefoot was a sign that three years after this Egypt and Ethiopia should be subdued by the Assyrians; or, that so long he should be in subduing them, or their calamities should last such a term of time. This sign was only seen by the Jews, for whose sake chiefly this prophecy was, to take off their dependence on the above nations; though probably this might be made known to the Egyptians and Ethiopians.

Verse 4

So shall the king of Assyria lead away the Egyptians prisoners, and the Ethiopians captives,.... As beasts are led or driven, being taken prisoners, and carried captive by the king of Assyria, namely Sargon, whoever is intended by him:

young and old; without any regard to age, sparing none for their tender years or gray hairs:

naked and barefoot; as prisoners of war commonly are, being stripped by their conquerors of their clothes, and having only a few rags given them to cover their nakedness with, and obliged to travel without shoes on their feet:

even with their buttocks uncovered, to the shame of Egypt; having no clothes on them to cover those parts; or the skirts of their garments cut off, as David's servants were by the Ammonites, 2 Samuel 10:4 and this to humble and mortify the pride of the Egyptians.

Verse 5

And they shall be afraid and ashamed,.... That is, those that trusted and depended upon the Egyptians and Ethiopians, particularly the Jews after mentioned, shall be "afraid" that it will be their turn next, that they also shall be taken and carried captive; and they shall be "ashamed" that they have put their trust and confidence in those nations, and not in the Lord:

of Ethiopia their expectation; from whom they expected assistance and protection, particularly when Tirhakah king of Ethiopia went out against the king of Assyria, that he would have been a match for him, and have overcome him, and so have freed them from such a powerful enemy:

and of Egypt their glory; who was their ally, and a very potent one, and in whom they gloried; but now should be ashamed, when both those people on whom they relied were carried captive.

Verse 6

And the inhabitants of this isle shall say, in that day,.... Not of Ashdod, Isaiah 20:1 or the isle of Caphtor, Jeremiah 47:4 but the land of Israel, as both Jarchi and Kimchi interpret it; so called, because it bordered on the sea, as such countries are sometimes called isles; see Jeremiah 25:22. Ben Melech interprets it of Jerusalem, and observes that the word signifies a place or country, whether it has a river or sea encompassing it, or not; besides, the land of Canaan had the Mediterranean sea on one side of it, and the sea of Galilee and Tiberias on the other, and was moreover separated from all other countries by the power, providence, and presence of God:

behold, such is our expectation, whither we flee for help, to be delivered from the king of Assyria; signifying that it was vain and foolish, and they had acted a very weak, as well as a wicked part, in having recourse to the Egyptians and Ethiopians to help them against the Assyrians, as it plainly appeared by both nations now being conquered by them:

and how shall we escape? seeing they had not, who were more powerful than they were; and how could they think that they could save them, who could not save themselves? and so the Targum,

"if they have not delivered their souls (themselves), how shall we be delivered?'