Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Isaiah » Chapter 23 » Verse 17

Isaiah 23:17 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

17 And it shall come to pass after the end H7093 of seventy H7657 years, H8141 that the LORD H3068 will visit H6485 Tyre, H6865 and she shall turn H7725 to her hire, H868 and shall commit fornication H2181 with all the kingdoms H4467 of the world H776 upon the face H6440 of the earth. H127

Cross Reference

Nahum 3:4 STRONG

Because of the multitude H7230 of the whoredoms H2183 of the wellfavoured H2896 H2580 harlot, H2181 the mistress H1172 of witchcrafts, H3785 that selleth H4376 nations H1471 through her whoredoms, H2183 and families H4940 through her witchcrafts. H3785

Ezekiel 27:6-36 STRONG

Of the oaks H437 of Bashan H1316 have they made H6213 thine oars; H4880 the company H1323 of the Ashurites H839 have made H6213 thy benches H7175 of ivory, H8127 brought out of the isles H339 of Chittim. H3794 Fine linen H8336 with broidered work H7553 from Egypt H4714 was that which thou spreadest forth H4666 to be thy sail; H5251 blue H8504 and purple H713 from the isles H339 of Elishah H473 was that which covered H4374 thee. The inhabitants H3427 of Zidon H6721 and Arvad H719 were thy mariners: H7751 thy wise H2450 men, O Tyrus, H6865 that were in thee, were thy pilots. H2259 The ancients H2205 of Gebal H1380 and the wise H2450 men thereof were in thee thy calkers: H919 H2388 all the ships H591 of the sea H3220 with their mariners H4419 were in thee to occupy H6148 thy merchandise. H4627 They of Persia H6539 and of Lud H3865 and of Phut H6316 were in thine army, H2428 thy men H582 of war: H4421 they hanged H8518 the shield H4043 and helmet H3553 in thee; they set forth H5414 thy comeliness. H1926 The men H1121 of Arvad H719 with thine army H2428 were upon thy walls H2346 round about, H5439 and the Gammadims H1575 were in thy towers: H4026 they hanged H8518 their shields H7982 upon thy walls H2346 round about; H5439 they have made H3634 thy beauty H3308 perfect. H3634 Tarshish H8659 was thy merchant H5503 by reason of the multitude H7230 of all kind of riches; H1952 with silver, H3701 iron, H1270 tin, H913 and lead, H5777 they traded H5414 in thy fairs. H5801 Javan, H3120 Tubal, H8422 and Meshech, H4902 they were thy merchants: H7402 they traded H5414 the persons H5315 of men H120 and vessels H3627 of brass H5178 in thy market. H4627 They of the house H1004 of Togarmah H8425 traded H5414 in thy fairs H5801 with horses H5483 and horsemen H6571 and mules. H6505 The men H1121 of Dedan H1719 were thy merchants; H7402 many H7227 isles H339 were the merchandise H5506 of thine hand: H3027 they brought H7725 thee for a present H814 horns H7161 of ivory H8127 and ebony. H1894 Syria H758 was thy merchant H5503 by reason of the multitude H7230 of the wares of thy making: H4639 they occupied H5414 in thy fairs H5801 with emeralds, H5306 purple, H713 and broidered work, H7553 and fine linen, H948 and coral, H7215 and agate. H3539 Judah, H3063 and the land H776 of Israel, H3478 they were thy merchants: H7402 they traded H5414 in thy market H4627 wheat H2406 of Minnith, H4511 and Pannag, H6436 and honey, H1706 and oil, H8081 and balm. H6875 Damascus H1834 was thy merchant H5503 in the multitude H7230 of the wares of thy making, H4639 for the multitude H7230 of all riches; H1952 in the wine H3196 of Helbon, H2463 and white H6713 wool. H6785 Dan H2051 H1835 also and Javan H3120 going to and fro H235 occupied H5414 in thy fairs: H5801 bright H6219 iron, H1270 cassia, H6916 and calamus, H7070 were in thy market. H4627 Dedan H1719 was thy merchant H7402 in precious H2667 clothes H899 for chariots. H7396 Arabia, H6152 and all the princes H5387 of Kedar, H6938 they occupied H5503 with thee H3027 in lambs, H3733 and rams, H352 and goats: H6260 in these were they thy merchants. H5503 The merchants H7402 of Sheba H7614 and Raamah, H7484 they were thy merchants: H7402 they occupied H5414 in thy fairs H5801 with chief H7218 of all spices, H1314 and with all precious H3368 stones, H68 and gold. H2091 Haran, H2771 and Canneh, H3656 and Eden, H5729 the merchants H7402 of Sheba, H7614 Asshur, H804 and Chilmad, H3638 were thy merchants. H7402 These were thy merchants H7402 in all sorts H4360 of things, in blue H8504 clothes, H1545 and broidered work, H7553 and in chests H1595 of rich apparel, H1264 bound H2280 with cords, H2256 and made of cedar, H729 among thy merchandise. H4819 The ships H591 of Tarshish H8659 did sing H7788 of thee in thy market: H4627 and thou wast replenished, H4390 and made very H3966 glorious H3513 in the midst H3820 of the seas. H3220 Thy rowers H7751 have brought H935 thee into great H7227 waters: H4325 the east H6921 wind H7307 hath broken H7665 thee in the midst H3820 of the seas. H3220 Thy riches, H1952 and thy fairs, H5801 thy merchandise, H4627 thy mariners, H4419 and thy pilots, H2259 thy calkers, H919 H2388 and the occupiers H6148 of thy merchandise, H4627 and all thy men H582 of war, H4421 that are in thee, and in all thy company H6951 which is in the midst H8432 of thee, shall fall H5307 into the midst H3820 of the seas H3220 in the day H3117 of thy ruin. H4658 The suburbs H4054 shall shake H7493 at the sound H6963 of the cry H2201 of thy pilots. H2259 And all that handle H8610 the oar, H4880 the mariners, H4419 and all the pilots H2259 of the sea, H3220 shall come down H3381 from their ships, H591 they shall stand H5975 upon the land; H776 And shall cause their voice H6963 to be heard H8085 against thee, and shall cry H2199 bitterly, H4751 and shall cast up H5927 dust H6083 upon their heads, H7218 they shall wallow H6428 themselves in the ashes: H665 And they shall make themselves utterly H7144 bald H7139 for thee, and gird H2296 them with sackcloth, H8242 and they shall weep H1058 for thee with bitterness H4751 of heart H5315 and bitter H4751 wailing. H4553 And in their wailing H5204 they shall take up H5375 a lamentation H7015 for thee, and lament H6969 over thee, saying, What city is like Tyrus, H6865 like the destroyed H1822 in the midst H8432 of the sea? H3220 When thy wares H5801 went forth H3318 out of the seas, H3220 thou filledst H7646 many H7227 people; H5971 thou didst enrich H6238 the kings H4428 of the earth H776 with the multitude H7230 of thy riches H1952 and of thy merchandise. H4627 In the time H6256 when thou shalt be broken H7665 by the seas H3220 in the depths H4615 of the waters H4325 thy merchandise H4627 and all thy company H6951 in the midst H8432 of thee shall fall. H5307 All the inhabitants H3427 of the isles H339 shall be astonished H8074 at thee, and their kings H4428 shall be sore H8178 afraid, H8175 they shall be troubled H7481 in their countenance. H6440 The merchants H5503 among the people H5971 shall hiss H8319 at thee; thou shalt be a terror, H1091 and never shalt be any more. H5704 H5769

Acts 15:14 STRONG

Simeon G4826 hath declared G1834 how G2531 God G2316 at the first G4412 did visit G1980 the Gentiles, G1484 to take G2983 out of G1537 them a people G2992 for G1909 his G846 name. G3686

Revelation 19:2 STRONG

For G3754 true G228 and G2532 righteous G1342 are his G846 judgments: G2920 for G3754 he hath judged G2919 the great G3173 whore, G4204 which G3748 did corrupt G5351 the earth G1093 with G1722 her G846 fornication, G4202 and G2532 hath avenged G1556 the blood G129 of his G846 servants G1401 at G1537 her G846 hand. G5495

Revelation 18:9-14 STRONG

And G2532 the kings G935 of the earth, G1093 who G3588 have committed fornication G4203 and G2532 lived deliciously G4763 with G3326 her, G846 shall bewail G2799 her, G846 and G2532 lament G2875 for G1909 her, G846 when G3752 they shall see G991 the smoke G2586 of her G846 burning, G4451 Standing G2476 afar G3113 off G575 for G1223 the fear G5401 of her G846 torment, G929 saying, G3004 Alas, G3759 alas, G3759 that great G3173 city G4172 Babylon, G897 that mighty G2478 city! G4172 for G3754 in G1722 one G3391 hour G5610 is G2064 thy G4675 judgment G2920 come. G2064 And G2532 the merchants G1713 of the earth G1093 shall weep G2799 and G2532 mourn G3996 over G1909 her; G846 for G3754 no man G3762 buyeth G59 their G846 merchandise G1117 any more: G3765 The merchandise G1117 of gold, G5557 and G2532 silver, G696 and G2532 precious G5093 stones, G3037 and G2532 of pearls, G3135 and G2532 fine linen, G1040 and G2532 purple, G4209 and G2532 silk, G4596 and G2532 scarlet, G2847 and G2532 all G3956 thyine G2367 wood, G3586 and G2532 all manner G3956 vessels G4632 of ivory, G1661 and G2532 all manner G3956 vessels G4632 of G1537 most precious G5093 wood, G3586 and G2532 of brass, G5475 and G2532 iron, G4604 and G2532 marble, G3139 And G2532 cinnamon, G2792 and G2532 odours, G2368 and G2532 ointments, G3464 and G2532 frankincense, G3030 and G2532 wine, G3631 and G2532 oil, G1637 and G2532 fine flour, G4585 and G2532 wheat, G4621 and G2532 beasts, G2934 and G2532 sheep, G4263 and G2532 horses, G2462 and G2532 chariots, G4480 and G2532 slaves, G4983 and G2532 souls G5590 of men. G444 And G2532 the fruits G3703 that thy G4675 soul G5590 lusted after G1939 are departed G565 from G575 thee, G4675 and G2532 all things G3956 which G3588 were dainty G3045 and G2532 goodly G2986 are departed G565 from G575 thee, G4675 and G2532 thou shalt find G2147 them G846 no more G3765 at all. G3364

Revelation 17:1-5 STRONG

And G2532 there came G2064 one G1520 of G1537 the seven G2033 angels G32 which G3588 had G2192 the seven G2033 vials, G5357 and G2532 talked G2980 with G3326 me, G1700 saying G3004 unto me, G3427 Come hither; G1204 I will shew G1166 unto thee G4671 the judgment G2917 of the great G3173 whore G4204 that sitteth G2521 upon G1909 many G4183 waters: G5204 With G3326 whom G3739 the kings G935 of the earth G1093 have committed fornication, G4203 and G2532 the inhabitants G2730 of the earth G1093 have been made drunk G3184 with G1537 the wine G3631 of her G846 fornication. G4202 So G2532 he carried G667 me G3165 away G667 in G1722 the spirit G4151 into G1519 the wilderness: G2048 and G2532 I saw G1492 a woman G1135 sit G2521 upon G1909 a scarlet coloured G2847 beast, G2342 full of G1073 names G3686 of blasphemy, G988 having G2192 seven G2033 heads G2776 and G2532 ten G1176 horns. G2768 And G2532 the woman G1135 was G2258 arrayed G4016 in purple G4209 and G2532 scarlet colour, G2847 and G2532 decked G5558 with gold G5557 and G2532 precious G5093 stones G3037 and G2532 pearls, G3135 having G2192 a golden G5552 cup G4221 in G1722 her G846 hand G5495 full of G1073 abominations G946 and G2532 filthiness G168 of her G846 fornication: G4202 And G2532 upon G1909 her G846 forehead G3359 was a name G3686 written, G1125 MYSTERY, G3466 BABYLON G897 THE GREAT, G3173 THE MOTHER G3384 OF HARLOTS G4204 AND G2532 ABOMINATIONS G946 OF THE EARTH. G1093

1 Peter 5:2 STRONG

Feed G4165 the flock G4168 of God G2316 which is among G1722 you, G5213 taking the oversight G1983 thereof, not G3361 by constraint, G317 but G235 willingly; G1596 not G3366 for filthy lucre, G147 but G235 of a ready mind; G4290

1 Timothy 3:8 STRONG

Likewise G5615 must the deacons G1249 be grave, G4586 not G3361 doubletongued, G1351 not G3361 given G4337 to much G4183 wine, G3631 not G3361 greedy of filthy lucre; G146

1 Timothy 3:3 STRONG

Not G3361 given to wine, G3943 no G3361 striker, G4131 not G3361 greedy of filthy lucre; G146 but G235 patient, G1933 not a brawler, G269 not covetous; G866

Deuteronomy 23:18 STRONG

Thou shalt not bring H935 the hire H868 of a whore, H2181 or the price H4242 of a dog, H3611 into the house H1004 of the LORD H3068 thy God H430 for any vow: H5088 for even both H8147 these are abomination H8441 unto the LORD H3068 thy God. H430

Zephaniah 2:7 STRONG

And the coast H2256 shall be for the remnant H7611 of the house H1004 of Judah; H3063 they shall feed H7462 thereupon: in the houses H1004 of Ashkelon H831 shall they lie down H7257 in the evening: H6153 for the LORD H3068 their God H430 shall visit H6485 them, and turn away H7725 their captivity. H7622 H7622

Micah 3:11 STRONG

The heads H7218 thereof judge H8199 for reward, H7810 and the priests H3548 thereof teach H3384 for hire, H4242 and the prophets H5030 thereof divine H7080 for money: H3701 yet will they lean H8172 upon the LORD, H3068 and say, H559 Is not the LORD H3068 among H7130 us? none evil H7451 can come H935 upon us.

Micah 1:7 STRONG

And all the graven images H6456 thereof shall be beaten to pieces, H3807 and all the hires H868 thereof shall be burned H8313 with the fire, H784 and all the idols H6091 thereof will I lay H7760 desolate: H8077 for she gathered H6908 it of the hire H868 of an harlot, H2181 and they shall return H7725 to the hire H868 of an harlot. H2181

Hosea 12:7-8 STRONG

He is a merchant, H3667 the balances H3976 of deceit H4820 are in his hand: H3027 he loveth H157 to oppress. H6231 And Ephraim H669 said, H559 Yet I am become rich, H6238 I have found me out H4672 substance: H202 in all my labours H3018 they shall find H4672 none iniquity H5771 in me that were sin. H2399

Ezekiel 22:13 STRONG

Behold, therefore I have smitten H5221 mine hand H3709 at thy dishonest gain H1215 which thou hast made, H6213 and at thy blood H1818 which hath been in the midst H8432 of thee.

Ezekiel 16:31 STRONG

In that thou buildest H1129 thine eminent place H1354 in the head H7218 of every way, H1870 and makest H6213 thine high place H7413 in every street; H7339 and hast not been as an harlot, H2181 in that thou scornest H7046 hire; H868

Ezekiel 16:26 STRONG

Thou hast also committed fornication H2181 with the Egyptians H1121 H4714 thy neighbours, H7934 great H1432 of flesh; H1320 and hast increased H7235 thy whoredoms, H8457 to provoke me to anger. H3707

Jeremiah 29:10 STRONG

For thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 That after H6310 seventy H7657 years H8141 be accomplished H4390 at Babylon H894 I will visit H6485 you, and perform H6965 my good H2896 word H1697 toward you, in causing you to return H7725 to this place. H4725

Commentary on Isaiah 23 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Isa 23:1-18. Prophecy Respecting Tyre.

Menander, the historian, notices a siege of Tyre by Shalmaneser, about the time of the siege of Samaria. Sidon, Acco, and Old Tyre, on the mainland, were soon reduced; but New Tyre, on an island half a mile from the shore, held out for five years. Sargon probably finished the siege. Sennacherib does not, however, mention it among the cities which the Assyrian kings conquered (thirty-sixth and thirty-seventh chapters). The expression, "Chaldeans" (Isa 23:13), may imply reference to its siege under Nebuchadnezzar, which lasted thirteen years. Alexander the Great destroyed New Tyre after a seven months' siege.

1. Tyre—Hebrew, Tsur, that is, "Rock."

ships of Tarshish—ships of Tyre returning from their voyage to Tarshish, or Tartessus in Spain, with which the Phœnicians had much commerce (Eze 27:12-25). "Ships of Tarshish" is a phrase also used of large and distant-voyaging merchant vessels (Isa 2:16; 1Ki 10:22; Ps 48:7).

no house—namely, left; such was the case as to Old Tyre, after Nebuchadnezzar's siege.

no entering—There is no house to enter (Isa 24:10) [G. V. Smith]. Or, Tyre is so laid waste, that there is no possibility of entering the harbor [Barnes]; which is appropriate to the previous "ships."

Chittim—Cyprus, of which the cities, including Citium in the south (whence came "Chittim"), were mostly Phœnician (Eze 27:6). The ships from Tarshish on their way to Tyre learn the tidings ("it is revealed to them") of the downfall of Tyre. At a later period Chittim denoted the islands and coasts of the Mediterranean (Da 11:30).

2. Be still—"struck dumb with awe." Addressed to those already in the country, eye-witnesses of its ruin (La 2:10); or, in contrast to the busy din of commerce once heard in Tyre; now all is hushed and still.

isle—strictly applicable to New Tyre: in the sense coast, to the mainland city, Old Tyre (compare Isa 23:6; Isa 20:6).

Zidon—of which Tyre was a colony, planted when Zidon was conquered by the Philistines of Ascalon. Zidon means a "fishing station"; this was its beginning.

replenished—with wealth and an industrious population (Eze 27:3, 8, 23). Here "Zidon," as the oldest city of Phœnicia, includes all the Phœnician towns on the strip of "coast." Thus, Eth-baal, king of Tyre [Josephus, Antiquities, 8.3,2], is called king of the Sidonians (1Ki 16:31); and on coins Tyre is called the metropolis of the Sidonians.

3. great waters—the wide waters of the sea.

seed—"grain," or crop, as in 1Sa 8:15; Job 39:12.

Sihor—literally, "dark-colored"; applied to the Nile, as the Egyptian Jeor, and the Greek Melas, to express the "dark, turbid" colors given to its waters by the fertilizing soil which it deposits at its yearly overflow (Jer 2:18).

harvest of the river—the growth of the Delta; the produce due to the overflow of the Nile: Egypt was the great granary of corn in the ancient world (Ge 41:1-57; 42:1-38; 43:1-34).

her revenue—Tyrian vessels carried Egyptian produce obtained in exchange for wine, oil, glass, &c., into various lands, and so made large profits.

mart—(Eze 27:3). No city was more favorably situated for commerce.

4. Zidon—called on, as being the parent country of Tyre (Isa 23:12), and here equivalent to Phœnicia in general, to feel the shame (as it was esteemed in the East) of being now as childless as if she never had any. "I (no more now) travail, nor bring forth," &c. "Strength of the sea," that is, stronghold, namely, New Tyre, on a rock (as "Tyre" means) surrounded by the sea (Eze 26:4, 14-17; so Venice was called "Bride of the sea"; Zec 9:3).

5. As, &c.—rather, "When the report (shall reach) the people of Egypt, they shall be sorely pained at the report concerning Tyre" (namely, its overthrow). So Jerome, "When the Egyptians shall hear that so powerful a neighboring nation has been destroyed, they must know their own end is near" [Lowth, &c.].

6. Pass … over—Escape from Tyre to your colonies as Tarshish (compare Isa 23:12). The Tyrians fled to Carthage and elsewhere, both at the siege under Nebuchadnezzar and that under Alexander.

7. Is this silent ruin all that is left of your once joyous city (Isa 23:12)?

antiquity—The Tyrian priests boasted in Herodotus' time that their city had already existed 2300 years: an exaggeration, but still implying that it was ancient even then.

her own feet—walking on foot as captives to an enemy's land.

8. Who—answered in Isa 23:9, "The Lord of hosts."

crowning—crown-giving; that is, the city from which dependent kingdoms had arisen, as Tartessus in Spain, Citium in Cyprus, and Carthage in Africa (Eze 27:33).

traffickers—literally, "Canaanites," who were famed for commerce (compare Ho 12:7, Margin).

9. Whoever be the instruments in overthrowing haughty sinners, God, who has all hosts at His command, is the First Cause (Isa 10:5-7).

stain—rather, "to profane"; as in Ex 31:14, the Sabbath, and other objects of religious reverence; so here, "the pride of all glory" may refer to the Tyrian temple of Hercules, the oldest in the world, according to Arrian (Isa 2:16); the prophet of the true God would naturally single out for notice the idol of Tyre [G. V. Smith]. It may, however, be a general proposition; the destruction of Tyre will exhibit to all how God mars the luster of whatever is haughty (Isa 2:11).

10. a river—Hebrew, "the river," namely, Nile.

daughter of Tarshish—Tyre and its inhabitants (Isa 1:8), about henceforth, owing to the ruin of Tyre, to become inhabitants of its colony, Tartessus: they would pour forth from Tyre, as waters flow on when the barriers are removed [Lowth]. Rather, Tarshish, or Tartessus and its inhabitants, as the phrase usually means: they had been kept in hard bondage, working in silver and lead mines near Tarshish, by the parent city (Eze 26:17): but now "the bond of restraint" (for so "strength," Margin, "girdle," that is, bond, Ps 2:3, ought to be translated) is removed, since Tyre is no more.

11. He—Jehovah.

kingdoms—the Phœnician cities and colonies.

the merchant city—rather, Canaan, meaning the north of it, namely, Phœnicia. On their coins, they call their country Canaan.

12. he—God.

rejoice—riotously (Isa 23:7).

oppressed—"deflowered"; laying aside the figure "taken by storm"; the Arabs compare a city never taken to an undefiled virgin (compare Na 3:5, &c.).

daughter of Zidon—Tyre: or else, sons of Zidon, that is, the whole land and people of Phœnicia (see on Isa 23:2) [Maurer].

Chittim—Citium in Cyprus (Isa 23:1).

there also … no rest—Thy colonies, having been harshly treated by thee, will now repay thee in kind (see on Isa 23:10). But Vitringa refers it to the calamities which befell the Tyrians in their settlements subsequently, namely, Sicily, Corcyra, Carthage, and Spain, all flowing from the original curse of Noah against the posterity of Canaan (Ge 9:25-27).

13. Behold—Calling attention to the fact, so humiliating to Tyre, that a people of yesterday, like the Chaldees, should destroy the most ancient of cities, Tyre.

was not—had no existence as a recognized nation; the Chaldees were previously but a rude, predatory people (Job 1:17).

Assyrian founded it—The Chaldees ("them that dwell in the wilderness") lived a nomadic life in the mountains of Armenia originally (Arphaxad, in Ge 10:22, refers to such a region of Assyria near Armenia), north and east of Assyria proper. Some may have settled in Mesopotamia and Babylonia very early and given origin to the astrologers called Chaldees in later times. But most of the people had been transferred only a little before the time of this prophecy from their original seats in the north to Mesopotamia, and soon afterwards to South Babylonia. "Founded it," means "assigned it (the land) to them who had (heretofore) dwelt in the wilderness" as a permanent settlement (so in Ps 104:8) [Maurer]. It was the Assyrian policy to infuse into their own population of the plain the fresh blood of hardy mountaineers, for the sake of recruiting their armies. Ultimately the Chaldees, by their powerful priest-caste, gained the supremacy and established the later or Chaldean empire. Horsley refers it to Tyre, founded by an Assyrian race.

towers thereof—namely, of Babylon, whose towers, Herodotus says, were "set up" by the Assyrians [Barnes]. Rather, "The Chaldees set up their siege-towers" against Tyre, made for the attack of high walls, from which the besiegers hurled missiles, as depicted in the Assyrian sculptures [G. V. Smith].

raised up—rather, "They lay bare," namely, the foundations of "her (Tyre's) palaces," that is, utterly overthrew them (Ps 137:7).

14. strength—stronghold (compare Eze 26:15-18).

15. forgotten—Having lost its former renown, Tyre shall be in obscurity.

seventy years—(so Jer 25:11, 12; 29:10).

days of one king—that is, a dynasty. The Babylonian monarchy lasted properly but seventy years. From the first year of Nebuchadnezzar to the taking of Babylon, by Cyrus, was seventy years; then the subjected nations would be restored to liberty. Tyre was taken in the middle of that period, but it is classed in common with the rest, some conquered sooner and others later, all, however, alike to be delivered at the end of the period. So "king" is used for dynasty (Da 7:17; 8:20): Nebuchadnezzar, his son Evil-merodach, and his grandson, Belshazzar, formed the whole dynasty (Jer 25:11, 12; 27:7; 29:10).

shall Tyre sing as … harlot—It shall be to Tyre as the song of the harlot, namely, a harlot that has been forgotten, but who attracts notice again by her song. Large marts of commerce are often compared to harlots seeking many lovers, that is, they court merchants of all nations, and admit any one for the sake of gain (Na 3:4; Re 18:3). Covetousness is closely akin to idolatry and licentiousness, as the connection (Eph 5:5; Col 3:5) proves (compare Isa 2:6-8, 16).

16. Same figure [Isa 23:15] to express that Tyre would again prosper and attract commercial intercourse of nations to her, and be the same joyous, self-indulging city as before.

17. visit—not in wrath, but mercy.

hire—image from a harlot: her gains by commerce. After the Babylonian dynasty was ended, Tyre was rebuilt; also, again, after the destruction under Alexander.

18. merchandise … holiness—Her traffic and gains shall at last (long after the restoration mentioned in Isa 23:17) be consecrated to Jehovah. Jesus Christ visited the neighborhood of Tyre (Mt 15:21); Paul found disciples there (Ac 21:3-6); it early became a Christian bishopric, but the full evangelization of that whole race, as of the Ethiopians (Isa 18:1-7), of the Egyptians and Assyrians (Isa 19:1-25), is yet to come (Isa 60:5).

not treasured—but freely expended in His service.

them that dwell before the Lord—the ministers of religion. But Horsley translates, "them that sit before Jehovah" as disciples.

durable clothing—Changes of raiment constituted much of the wealth of former days.