Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Isaiah » Chapter 24 » Verse 21

Isaiah 24:21 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

21 And it shall come to pass in that day, H3117 that the LORD H3068 shall punish H6485 the host H6635 of the high ones H4791 that are on high, H4791 and the kings H4428 of the earth H127 upon the earth. H127

Cross Reference

Psalms 76:12 STRONG

He shall cut off H1219 the spirit H7307 of princes: H5057 he is terrible H3372 to the kings H4428 of the earth. H776

Isaiah 10:12 STRONG

Wherefore it shall come to pass, that when the Lord H136 hath performed H1214 his whole work H4639 upon mount H2022 Zion H6726 and on Jerusalem, H3389 I will punish H6485 the fruit H6529 of the stout H1433 heart H3824 of the king H4428 of Assyria, H804 and the glory H8597 of his high H7312 looks. H5869

Psalms 149:6-9 STRONG

Let the high H7319 praises of God H410 be in their mouth, H1627 and a twoedged H6374 sword H2719 in their hand; H3027 To execute H6213 vengeance H5360 upon the heathen, H1471 and punishments H8433 upon the people; H3816 To bind H631 their kings H4428 with chains, H2131 and their nobles H3513 with fetters H3525 of iron; H1270 To execute H6213 upon them the judgment H4941 written: H3789 this honour H1926 have all his saints. H2623 Praise H1984 ye the LORD. H3050

Isaiah 10:25-27 STRONG

For yet a very H4213 little while, H4592 and the indignation H2195 shall cease, H3615 and mine anger H639 in their destruction. H8399 And the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 shall stir up H5782 a scourge H7752 for him according to the slaughter H4347 of Midian H4080 at the rock H6697 of Oreb: H6159 and as his rod H4294 was upon the sea, H3220 so shall he lift it up H5375 after the manner H1870 of Egypt. H4714 And it shall come to pass in that day, H3117 that his burden H5448 shall be taken away H5493 from off thy shoulder, H7926 and his yoke H5923 from off thy neck, H6677 and the yoke H5923 shall be destroyed H2254 because H6440 of the anointing. H8081

Isaiah 14:1-2 STRONG

For the LORD H3068 will have mercy H7355 on Jacob, H3290 and will yet choose H977 Israel, H3478 and set H3240 them in their own land: H127 and the strangers H1616 shall be joined H3867 with them, and they shall cleave H5596 to the house H1004 of Jacob. H3290 And the people H5971 shall take H3947 them, and bring H935 them to their place: H4725 and the house H1004 of Israel H3478 shall possess H5157 them in the land H127 of the LORD H3068 for servants H5650 and handmaids: H8198 and they shall take them captives, H7617 whose captives H7617 they were; and they shall rule H7287 over their oppressors. H5065

Isaiah 25:10-12 STRONG

For in this mountain H2022 shall the hand H3027 of the LORD H3068 rest, H5117 and Moab H4124 shall be trodden down H1758 under him, even as straw H4963 is trodden down H1758 for the dunghill. H1119 H4087 H4325 And he shall spread forth H6566 his hands H3027 in the midst H7130 of them, as he that swimmeth H7811 spreadeth forth H6566 his hands to swim: H7811 and he shall bring down H8213 their pride H1346 together with the spoils H698 of their hands. H3027 And the fortress H4013 of the high fort H4869 of thy walls H2346 shall he bring down, H7817 lay low, H8213 and bring H5060 to the ground, H776 even to the dust. H6083

Isaiah 34:2-17 STRONG

For the indignation H7110 of the LORD H3068 is upon all nations, H1471 and his fury H2534 upon all their armies: H6635 he hath utterly destroyed H2763 them, he hath delivered H5414 them to the slaughter. H2874 Their slain H2491 also shall be cast out, H7993 and their stink H889 shall come up H5927 out of their carcases, H6297 and the mountains H2022 shall be melted H4549 with their blood. H1818 And all the host H6635 of heaven H8064 shall be dissolved, H4743 and the heavens H8064 shall be rolled together H1556 as a scroll: H5612 and all their host H6635 shall fall down, H5034 as the leaf H5929 falleth off H5034 from the vine, H1612 and as a falling H5034 fig from the fig tree. H8384 For my sword H2719 shall be bathed H7301 in heaven: H8064 behold, it shall come down H3381 upon Idumea, H123 and upon the people H5971 of my curse, H2764 to judgment. H4941 The sword H2719 of the LORD H3068 is filled H4390 with blood, H1818 it is made fat H1878 with fatness, H2459 and with the blood H1818 of lambs H3733 and goats, H6260 with the fat H2459 of the kidneys H3629 of rams: H352 for the LORD H3068 hath a sacrifice H2077 in Bozrah, H1224 and a great H1419 slaughter H2874 in the land H776 of Idumea. H123 And the unicorns H7214 shall come down H3381 with them, and the bullocks H6499 with the bulls; H47 and their land H776 shall be soaked H7301 with blood, H1818 and their dust H6083 made fat H1878 with fatness. H2459 For it is the day H3117 of the LORD'S H3068 vengeance, H5359 and the year H8141 of recompences H7966 for the controversy H7379 of Zion. H6726 And the streams H5158 thereof shall be turned H2015 into pitch, H2203 and the dust H6083 thereof into brimstone, H1614 and the land H776 thereof shall become burning H1197 pitch. H2203 It shall not be quenched H3518 night H3915 nor day; H3119 the smoke H6227 thereof shall go up H5927 for ever: H5769 from generation H1755 to generation H1755 it shall lie waste; H2717 none shall pass through H5674 it for ever H5331 and ever. H5331 But the cormorant H6893 and the bittern H7090 shall possess H3423 it; the owl H3244 also and the raven H6158 shall dwell H7931 in it: and he shall stretch out H5186 upon it the line H6957 of confusion, H8414 and the stones H68 of emptiness. H922 They shall call H7121 the nobles H2715 thereof to the kingdom, H4410 but none shall be there, and all her princes H8269 shall be nothing. H657 And thorns H5518 shall come up H5927 in her palaces, H759 nettles H7057 and brambles H2336 in the fortresses H4013 thereof: and it shall be an habitation H5116 of dragons, H8577 and a court H2681 for owls. H1323 H3284 The wild beasts of the desert H6728 shall also meet H6298 with the wild beasts of the island, H338 and the satyr H8163 shall cry H7121 to his fellow; H7453 the screech owl H3917 also shall rest H7280 there, and find H4672 for herself a place of rest. H4494 There shall the great owl H7091 make her nest, H7077 and lay, H4422 and hatch, H1234 and gather H1716 under her shadow: H6738 there shall the vultures H1772 also be gathered, H6908 every one H802 with her mate. H7468 Seek ye out H1875 of the book H5612 of the LORD, H3068 and read: H7121 no one H259 of these H2007 shall fail, H5737 none H802 shall want H6485 her mate: H7468 for my mouth H6310 it hath commanded, H6680 and his spirit H7307 it hath gathered H6908 them. And he hath cast H5307 the lot H1486 for them, and his hand H3027 hath divided H2505 it unto them by line: H6957 they shall possess H3423 it for H5704 ever, H5769 from generation H1755 to generation H1755 shall they dwell H7931 therein.

Ezekiel 38:1-23 STRONG

And the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 came unto me, saying, H559 Son H1121 of man, H120 set H7760 thy face H6440 against Gog, H1463 the land H776 of Magog, H4031 the chief H7218 prince H5387 of Meshech H4902 and Tubal, H8422 and prophesy H5012 against him, And say, H559 Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, H1463 the chief H7218 prince H5387 of Meshech H4902 and Tubal: H8422 And I will turn thee back, H7725 and put H5414 hooks H2397 into thy jaws, H3895 and I will bring thee forth, H3318 and all thine army, H2428 horses H5483 and horsemen, H6571 all of them clothed H3847 with all sorts H4358 of armour, even a great H7227 company H6951 with bucklers H6793 and shields, H4043 all of them handling H8610 swords: H2719 Persia, H6539 Ethiopia, H3568 and Libya H6316 with them; all of them with shield H4043 and helmet: H3553 Gomer, H1586 and all his bands; H102 the house H1004 of Togarmah H8425 of the north H6828 quarters, H3411 and all his bands: H102 and many H7227 people H5971 with thee. Be thou prepared, H3559 and prepare H3559 for thyself, thou, and all thy company H6951 that are assembled H6950 unto thee, and be thou a guard H4929 unto them. After many H7227 days H3117 thou shalt be visited: H6485 in the latter H319 years H8141 thou shalt come H935 into the land H776 that is brought back H7725 from the sword, H2719 and is gathered H6908 out of many H7227 people, H5971 against the mountains H2022 of Israel, H3478 which have been always H8548 waste: H2723 but it is brought forth H3318 out of the nations, H5971 and they shall dwell H3427 safely H983 all of them. Thou shalt ascend H5927 and come H935 like a storm, H7722 thou shalt be like a cloud H6051 to cover H3680 the land, H776 thou, and all thy bands, H102 and many H7227 people H5971 with thee. Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 It shall also come to pass, that at the same time H3117 shall things H1697 come H5927 into thy mind, H3824 and thou shalt think H2803 an evil H7451 thought: H4284 And thou shalt say, H559 I will go up H5927 to the land H776 of unwalled villages; H6519 I will go H935 to them that are at rest, H8252 that dwell H3427 safely, H983 all of them dwelling H3427 without walls, H2346 and having neither bars H1280 nor gates, H1817 To take H7997 a spoil, H7998 and to take H962 a prey; H957 to turn H7725 thine hand H3027 upon the desolate places H2723 that are now inhabited, H3427 and upon the people H5971 that are gathered H622 out of the nations, H1471 which have gotten H6213 cattle H4735 and goods, H7075 that dwell H3427 in the midst H2872 of the land. H776 Sheba, H7614 and Dedan, H1719 and the merchants H5503 of Tarshish, H8659 with all the young lions H3715 thereof, shall say H559 unto thee, Art thou come H935 to take H7997 a spoil? H7998 hast thou gathered H6950 thy company H6951 to take H962 a prey? H957 to carry away H5375 silver H3701 and gold, H2091 to take away H3947 cattle H4735 and goods, H7075 to take H7997 a great H1419 spoil? H7998 Therefore, son H1121 of man, H120 prophesy H5012 and say H559 unto Gog, H1463 Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 In that day H3117 when my people H5971 of Israel H3478 dwelleth H3427 safely, H983 shalt thou not know H3045 it? And thou shalt come H935 from thy place H4725 out of the north H6828 parts, H3411 thou, and many H7227 people H5971 with thee, all of them riding H7392 upon horses, H5483 a great H1419 company, H6951 and a mighty H7227 army: H2428 And thou shalt come up H5927 against my people H5971 of Israel, H3478 as a cloud H6051 to cover H3680 the land; H776 it shall be in the latter H319 days, H3117 and I will bring H935 thee against my land, H776 that the heathen H1471 may know H3045 me, when I shall be sanctified H6942 in thee, O Gog, H1463 before their eyes. H5869 Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Art thou he of whom I have spoken H1696 in old H6931 time H3117 by H3027 my servants H5650 the prophets H5030 of Israel, H3478 which prophesied H5012 in those days H3117 many years H8141 that I would bring H935 thee against them? And it shall come to pass at the same time H3117 when H3117 Gog H1463 shall come H935 against the land H127 of Israel, H3478 saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD, H3069 that my fury H2534 shall come up H5927 in my face. H639 For in my jealousy H7068 and in the fire H784 of my wrath H5678 have I spoken, H1696 Surely in that day H3117 there shall be a great H1419 shaking H7494 in the land H127 of Israel; H3478 So that the fishes H1709 of the sea, H3220 and the fowls H5775 of the heaven, H8064 and the beasts H2416 of the field, H7704 and all creeping things H7431 that creep H7430 upon the earth, H127 and all the men H120 that are upon the face H6440 of the earth, H127 shall shake H7493 at my presence, H6440 and the mountains H2022 shall be thrown down, H2040 and the steep places H4095 shall fall, H5307 and every wall H2346 shall fall H5307 to the ground. H776 And I will call H7121 for a sword H2719 against him throughout all my mountains, H2022 saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD: H3069 every man's H376 sword H2719 shall be against his brother. H251 And I will plead H8199 against him with pestilence H1698 and with blood; H1818 and I will rain H4305 upon him, and upon his bands, H102 and upon the many H7227 people H5971 that are with him, an overflowing H7857 rain, H1653 and great hailstones, H417 H68 fire, H784 and brimstone. H1614 Thus will I magnify H1431 myself, and sanctify H6942 myself; and I will be known H3045 in the eyes H5869 of many H7227 nations, H1471 and they shall know H3045 that I am the LORD. H3068

Joel 3:9-17 STRONG

Proclaim H7121 ye this among the Gentiles; H1471 Prepare H6942 war, H4421 wake up H5782 the mighty men, H1368 let all the men H582 of war H4421 draw near; H5066 let them come up: H5927 Beat H3807 your plowshares H855 into swords, H2719 and your pruninghooks H4211 into spears: H7420 let the weak H2523 say, H559 I am strong. H1368 Assemble H5789 yourselves, and come, H935 all ye heathen, H1471 and gather yourselves together H6908 round about: H5439 thither cause thy mighty ones H1368 to come down, H5181 O LORD. H3068 Let the heathen H1471 be wakened, H5782 and come up H5927 to the valley H6010 of Jehoshaphat: H3092 for there will I sit H3427 to judge H8199 all the heathen H1471 round about. H5439 Put H7971 ye in the sickle, H4038 for the harvest H7105 is ripe: H1310 come, H935 get you down; H3381 for the press H1660 is full, H4390 the fats H3342 overflow; H7783 for their wickedness H7451 is great. H7227 Multitudes, H1995 multitudes H1995 in the valley H6010 of decision: H2742 for the day H3117 of the LORD H3068 is near H7138 in the valley H6010 of decision. H2742 The sun H8121 and the moon H3394 shall be darkened, H6937 and the stars H3556 shall withdraw H622 their shining. H5051 The LORD H3068 also shall roar H7580 out of Zion, H6726 and utter H5414 his voice H6963 from Jerusalem; H3389 and the heavens H8064 and the earth H776 shall shake: H7493 but the LORD H3068 will be the hope H4268 of his people, H5971 and the strength H4581 of the children H1121 of Israel. H3478 So shall ye know H3045 that I am the LORD H3068 your God H430 dwelling H7931 in Zion, H6726 my holy H6944 mountain: H2022 then shall Jerusalem H3389 be holy, H6944 and there shall no strangers H2114 pass through H5674 her any more.

Joel 3:19 STRONG

Egypt H4714 shall be a desolation, H8077 and Edom H123 shall be a desolate H8077 wilderness, H4057 for the violence H2555 against the children H1121 of Judah, H3063 because they have shed H8210 innocent H5355 blood H1818 in their land. H776

Haggai 2:21-22 STRONG

Speak H559 to Zerubbabel, H2216 governor H6346 of Judah, H3063 saying, H559 I will shake H7493 the heavens H8064 and the earth; H776 And I will overthrow H2015 the throne H3678 of kingdoms, H4467 and I will destroy H8045 the strength H2392 of the kingdoms H4467 of the heathen; H1471 and I will overthrow H2015 the chariots, H4818 and those that ride H7392 in them; and the horses H5483 and their riders H7392 shall come down, H3381 every one H376 by the sword H2719 of his brother. H251

Zechariah 14:12-19 STRONG

And this shall be the plague H4046 wherewith the LORD H3068 will smite H5062 all the people H5971 that have fought H6633 against Jerusalem; H3389 Their flesh H1320 shall consume away H4743 while they stand H5975 upon their feet, H7272 and their eyes H5869 shall consume away H4743 in their holes, H2356 and their tongue H3956 shall consume away H4743 in their mouth. H6310 And it shall come to pass in that day, H3117 that a great H7227 tumult H4103 from the LORD H3068 shall be among them; and they shall lay hold H2388 every one H376 on the hand H3027 of his neighbour, H7453 and his hand H3027 shall rise up H5927 against the hand H3027 of his neighbour. H7453 And Judah H3063 also shall fight H3898 at Jerusalem; H3389 and the wealth H2428 of all the heathen H1471 round about H5439 shall be gathered together, H622 gold, H2091 and silver, H3701 and apparel, H899 in great H3966 abundance. H7230 And so shall be the plague H4046 of the horse, H5483 of the mule, H6505 of the camel, H1581 and of the ass, H2543 and of all the beasts H929 that shall be in these H1992 tents, H4264 as this plague. H4046 And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left H3498 of all the nations H1471 which came H935 against Jerusalem H3389 shall even go up H5927 from H1767 year H8141 to year H8141 to worship H7812 the King, H4428 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 and to keep H2287 the feast H2282 of tabernacles. H5521 And it shall be, that whoso will not come up H5927 of all the families H4940 of the earth H776 unto Jerusalem H3389 to worship H7812 the King, H4428 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 even upon them shall be no rain. H1653 And if the family H4940 of Egypt H4714 go not up, H5927 and come H935 not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague, H4046 wherewith the LORD H3068 will smite H5062 the heathen H1471 that come not up H5927 to keep H2287 the feast H2282 of tabernacles. H5521 This shall be the punishment H2403 of Egypt, H4714 and the punishment H2403 of all nations H1471 that come not up H5927 to keep H2287 the feast H2282 of tabernacles. H5521

Revelation 6:14-17 STRONG

And G2532 the heaven G3772 departed G673 as G5613 a scroll G975 when it is rolled together; G1507 and G2532 every G3956 mountain G3735 and G2532 island G3520 were moved G2795 out of G1537 their G846 places. G5117 And G2532 the kings G935 of the earth, G1093 and G2532 the great men, G3175 and G2532 the rich men, G4145 and G2532 the chief captains, G5506 and G2532 the mighty men, G1415 and G2532 every G3956 bondman, G1401 and G2532 every G3956 free man, G1658 hid G2928 themselves G1438 in G1519 the dens G4693 and G2532 in G1519 the rocks G4073 of the mountains; G3735 And G2532 said G3004 to the mountains G3735 and G2532 rocks, G4073 Fall G4098 on G1909 us, G2248 and G2532 hide G2928 us G2248 from G575 the face G4383 of him that sitteth G2521 on G1909 the throne, G2362 and G2532 from G575 the wrath G3709 of the Lamb: G721 For G3754 the great G3173 day G2250 of his G846 wrath G3709 is come; G2064 and G2532 who G5101 shall be able G1410 to stand? G2476

Revelation 17:14 STRONG

These G3778 shall make war G4170 with G3326 the Lamb, G721 and G2532 the Lamb G721 shall overcome G3528 them: G846 for G3754 he is G2076 Lord G2962 of lords, G2962 and G2532 King G935 of kings: G935 and G2532 they that are with G3326 him G846 are called, G2822 and G2532 chosen, G1588 and G2532 faithful. G4103

Revelation 18:9 STRONG

And G2532 the kings G935 of the earth, G1093 who G3588 have committed fornication G4203 and G2532 lived deliciously G4763 with G3326 her, G846 shall bewail G2799 her, G846 and G2532 lament G2875 for G1909 her, G846 when G3752 they shall see G991 the smoke G2586 of her G846 burning, G4451

Revelation 19:18-21 STRONG

That G2443 ye may eat G5315 the flesh G4561 of kings, G935 and G2532 the flesh G4561 of captains, G5506 and G2532 the flesh G4561 of mighty men, G2478 and G2532 the flesh G4561 of horses, G2462 and G2532 of them that sit G2521 on G1909 them, G846 and G2532 the flesh G4561 of all G3956 men, both free G1658 and G2532 bond, G1401 both G2532 small G3398 and G2532 great. G3173 And G2532 I saw G1492 the beast, G2342 and G2532 the kings G935 of the earth, G1093 and G2532 their G846 armies, G4753 gathered together G4863 to make G4160 war G4171 against G3326 him that sat G2521 on G1909 the horse, G2462 and G2532 against G3326 his G846 army. G4753 And G2532 the beast G2342 was taken, G4084 and G2532 with G3326 him G5127 the false prophet G5578 that wrought G4160 miracles G4592 before G1799 him, G846 with G1722 which G3739 he deceived G4105 them that had received G2983 the mark G5480 of the beast, G2342 and G2532 them that worshipped G4352 his G846 image. G1504 These both G1417 were cast G906 alive G2198 into G1519 a lake G3041 of fire G4442 burning G2545 with G1722 brimstone. G2303 And G2532 the remnant G3062 were slain G615 with G1722 the sword G4501 of him that sat G2521 upon G1909 the horse, G2462 which G3588 sword proceeded G1607 out of G1537 his G846 mouth: G4750 and G2532 all G3956 the fowls G3732 were filled G5526 with G1537 their G846 flesh. G4561

Commentary on Isaiah 24 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Isa 24:1-23. The Last Times of the World in General, and of Judah and the Church in Particular.

The four chapters (the twenty-fourth through the twenty-seventh) form one continuous poetical prophecy: descriptive of the dispersion and successive calamities of the Jews (Isa 24:1-12); the preaching of the Gospel by the first Hebrew converts throughout the world (Isa 24:13-16); the judgments on the adversaries of the Church and its final triumph (Isa 24:16-23); thanksgiving for the overthrow of the apostate faction (Isa 25:1-12), and establishment of the righteous in lasting peace (Isa 26:1-21); judgment on leviathan and entire purgation of the Church (Isa 27:1-13). Having treated of the several nations in particular—Babylon, Philistia, Moab, Syria, Israel, Egypt, Edom, and Tyre (the miniature representative of all, as all kingdoms flocked into it)—he passes to the last times of the world at large and of Judah the representative and future head of the churches.

1. the earth—rather, "the land" of Judah (so in Isa 24:3, 5, 6; Joe 1:2). The desolation under Nebuchadnezzar prefigured that under Titus.

2. as with the people, so with the priest—All alike shall share the same calamity: no favored class shall escape (compare Eze 7:12, 13; Ho 4:9; Re 6:15).

4. world—the kingdom of Israel; as in Isa 13:11, Babylon.

haughty—literally, "the height" of the people: abstract for concrete, that is, the high people; even the nobles share the general distress.

5. earth—rather, "the land."

defiled under … inhabitants—namely, with innocent blood (Ge 4:11; Nu 35:33; Ps 106:38).

laws … ordinance … everlasting covenant—The moral laws, positive statutes, and national covenant designed to be for ever between God and them.

6. earth—the land.

burned—namely, with the consuming wrath of heaven: either internally, as in Job 30:30 [Rosenmuller]; or externally, the prophet has before his eyes the people being consumed with the withering dryness of their doomed land (so Joe 1:10, 12), [Maurer].

7. mourneth—because there are none to drink it [Barnes]. Rather, "is become vapid" [Horsley].

languisheth—because there are none to cultivate it now.

8. (Re 18:22).

9. with a song—the usual accompaniment of feasts.

strong drink—(See on Isa 5:11). "Date wine" [Horsley].

bitter—in consequence of the national calamities.

10. city of confusion—rather, "desolation." What Jerusalem would be; by anticipation it is called so. Horsley translates, "The city is broken down; it is a ruin."

shut up—through fear; or rather, "choked up by ruins."

11. crying for wine—to drown their sorrows in drink (Isa 16:9); Joe 1:5, written about the same time, resembles this.

12. with destruction—rather "crash" [Gesenius]. "With a great tumult the gate is battered down" [Horsley].

13. the land—Judea. Put the comma after "land," not after "people." "There shall be among the people (a remnant left), as the shaking (the after-picking) of an olive tree"; as in gathering olives, a few remain on the highest boughs (Isa 17:5, 6).

14. They—those who are left: the remnant.

sing for the majesty of the Lord—sing a thanksgiving for the goodness of the Lord, who has so mercifully preserved them.

from the sea—from the distant lands beyond the sea, whither they have escaped.

15. in the fires—Vitringa translates, "in the caves." Could it mean the fires of affliction (1Pe 1:7)? They were exiles at the time. The fires only loose the carnal bonds off the soul, without injuring a hair, as in the case of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego. Lowth reads, in the islands (Eze 26:18). Rather translate for "fires," "in the regions of morning light," that is, the east, in antithesis to the "isles of the sea," that is, the west [Maurer]. Wheresoever ye be scattered, east or west, still glorify the Lord (Mal 1:11).

16. Songs to God come in together to Palestine from distant lands, as a grand chorus.

glory to the righteous—the burden of the songs (Isa 26:2, 7). Amidst exile, the loss of their temple, and all that is dear to man, their confidence in God is unshaken. These songs recall the joy of other times and draw from Jerusalem in her present calamities, the cry, "My leanness." Horsley translates, "glory to the Just One"; then My leanness expresses his sense of man's corruption, which led the Jews, "the treacherous dealers" (Jer 5:11), to crucify the Just One; and his deficiency of righteousness which made him need to be clothed with the righteousness of the Just One (Ps 106:15).

treacherous dealers—the foreign nations that oppress Jerusalem, and overcome it by stratagem (so in Isa 21:2) [Barnes].

17. This verse explains the wretchedness spoken of in Isa 24:16. Jeremiah (Jer 48:43, 44) uses the same words. They are proverbial; Isa 24:18 expressing that the inhabitants were nowhere safe; if they escaped one danger, they fell into another, and worse, on the opposite side (Am 5:19). "Fear" is the term applied to the cords with feathers of all colors which, when fluttered in the air, scare beasts into the pitfall, or birds into the snare. Horsley makes the connection. Indignant at the treatment which the Just One received, the prophet threatens the guilty land with instant vengeance.

18. noise of … fear—the shout designed to rouse the game and drive it into the pitfall.

windows … open—taken from the account of the deluge (Ge 7:11); the flood-gates. So the final judgments of fire on the apostate world are compared to the deluge (2Pe 3:5-7).

19. earth—the land: image from an earthquake.

20. removed like a cottage—(See on Isa 1:8). Here, a hanging couch, suspended from the trees by cords, such as Niebuhr describes the Arab keepers of lands as having, to enable them to keep watch, and at the same time to be secure from wild beasts. Translate, "Shall wave to and fro like a hammock" swung about by the wind.

heavy upon it—like an overwhelming burden.

not rise again—not meaning, that it never would rise (Isa 24:23), but in those convulsions it would not rise, it would surely fall.

21. host of … high ones—the heavenly host, that is, either the visible host of heaven (the present economy of nature, affected by the sun, moon, and stars, the objects of idolatry, being abolished, Isa 65:17; 60:19, simultaneously with the corrupt polity of men); or rather, "the invisible rulers of the darkness of this world," as the antithesis to "kings of the earth" shows. Angels, moreover, preside, as it were, over kingdoms of the world (Da 10:13, 20, 21).

22. in the pit—rather, "for the pit" [Horsley]. "In the dungeon" [Maurer]. Image from captives thrust together into a dungeon.

prison—that is, as in a prison. This sheds light on the disputed passage, 1Pe 3:19, where also the prison is figurative: The "shutting up" of the Jews in Jerusalem under Nebuchadnezzar, and again under Titus, was to be followed by a visitation of mercy "after many days"—seventy years in the case of the former—the time is not yet elapsed in the case of the latter. Horsley takes "visited" in a bad sense, namely, in wrath, as in Isa 26:14; compare Isa 29:6; the punishment being the heavier in the fact of the delay. Probably a double visitation is intended, deliverance to the elect, wrath to hardened unbelievers; as Isa 24:23 plainly contemplates judgments on proud sinners, symbolized by the "sun" and "moon."

23. (Jer 3:17). Still future: of which Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem amidst hosannas was a pledge.

his ancients—the elders of His people; or in general, His ancient people, the Jews. After the overthrow of the world kingdoms. Jehovah's shall be set up with a splendor exceeding the light of the sun and moon under the previous order of things (Isa 60:19, 20).