Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Isaiah » Chapter 25 » Verse 11

Isaiah 25:11 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

11 And he shall spread forth H6566 his hands H3027 in the midst H7130 of them, as he that swimmeth H7811 spreadeth forth H6566 his hands to swim: H7811 and he shall bring down H8213 their pride H1346 together with the spoils H698 of their hands. H3027

Cross Reference

Isaiah 14:26 STRONG

This is the purpose H6098 that is purposed H3289 upon the whole earth: H776 and this is the hand H3027 that is stretched out H5186 upon all the nations. H1471

Isaiah 5:25 STRONG

Therefore is the anger H639 of the LORD H3068 kindled H2734 against his people, H5971 and he hath stretched forth H5186 his hand H3027 against them, and hath smitten H5221 them: and the hills H2022 did tremble, H7264 and their carcases H5038 were torn H5478 in the midst H7130 of the streets. H2351 For all this his anger H639 is not turned away, H7725 but his hand H3027 is stretched out H5186 still.

Isaiah 16:14 STRONG

But now the LORD H3068 hath spoken, H1696 saying, H559 Within three H7969 years, H8141 as the years H8141 of an hireling, H7916 and the glory H3519 of Moab H4124 shall be contemned, H7034 with all that great H7227 multitude; H1995 and the remnant H7605 shall be very H4592 small H4213 and feeble. H3808 H3524

Isaiah 16:6 STRONG

We have heard H8085 of the pride H1347 of Moab; H4124 he is very H3966 proud: H1341 even of his haughtiness, H1346 and his pride, H1347 and his wrath: H5678 but his lies H907 shall not be so.

Isaiah 2:11 STRONG

The lofty H1365 looks H5869 of man H120 shall be humbled, H8213 and the haughtiness H7312 of men H582 shall be bowed down, H7817 and the LORD H3068 alone shall be exalted H7682 in that day. H3117

Jeremiah 51:44 STRONG

And I will punish H6485 Bel H1078 in Babylon, H894 and I will bring forth H3318 out of his mouth H6310 that which he hath swallowed up: H1105 and the nations H1471 shall not flow together H5102 any more unto him: yea, the wall H2346 of Babylon H894 shall fall. H5307

Revelation 19:18-20 STRONG

That G2443 ye may eat G5315 the flesh G4561 of kings, G935 and G2532 the flesh G4561 of captains, G5506 and G2532 the flesh G4561 of mighty men, G2478 and G2532 the flesh G4561 of horses, G2462 and G2532 of them that sit G2521 on G1909 them, G846 and G2532 the flesh G4561 of all G3956 men, both free G1658 and G2532 bond, G1401 both G2532 small G3398 and G2532 great. G3173 And G2532 I saw G1492 the beast, G2342 and G2532 the kings G935 of the earth, G1093 and G2532 their G846 armies, G4753 gathered together G4863 to make G4160 war G4171 against G3326 him that sat G2521 on G1909 the horse, G2462 and G2532 against G3326 his G846 army. G4753 And G2532 the beast G2342 was taken, G4084 and G2532 with G3326 him G5127 the false prophet G5578 that wrought G4160 miracles G4592 before G1799 him, G846 with G1722 which G3739 he deceived G4105 them that had received G2983 the mark G5480 of the beast, G2342 and G2532 them that worshipped G4352 his G846 image. G1504 These both G1417 were cast G906 alive G2198 into G1519 a lake G3041 of fire G4442 burning G2545 with G1722 brimstone. G2303

Revelation 18:6-8 STRONG

Reward G591 her G846 even G2532 as G5613 she G846 G3778 rewarded G591 you, G5213 and G2532 double G1363 unto her G846 double G1362 according to G2596 her G846 works: G2041 in G1722 the cup G4221 which G3739 she hath filled G2767 fill G2767 to her G846 double. G1362 How much G3745 she hath glorified G1392 herself, G1438 and G2532 lived deliciously, G4763 so much G5118 torment G929 and G2532 sorrow G3997 give G1325 her: G846 for G3754 she saith G3004 in G1722 her G846 heart, G2588 I sit G2521 a queen, G938 and G2532 am G1510 no G3756 widow, G5503 and G2532 shall see G1492 no G3364 sorrow. G3997 Therefore G5124 G1223 shall G2240 her G846 plagues G4127 come G2240 in G1722 one G3391 day, G2250 death, G2288 and G2532 mourning, G3997 and G2532 famine; G3042 and G2532 she shall be utterly burned G2618 with G1722 fire: G4442 for G3754 strong G2478 is the Lord G2962 God G2316 who G3588 judgeth G2919 her. G846

James 4:6 STRONG

But G1161 he giveth G1325 more G3187 grace. G5485 Wherefore G1352 he saith, G3004 God G2316 resisteth G498 the proud, G5244 but G1161 giveth G1325 grace G5485 unto the humble. G5011

Colossians 2:15 STRONG

And having spoiled G554 principalities G746 and G2532 powers, G1849 he made a shew of them G1165 openly, G1722 G3954 triumphing over G2358 them G846 in G1722 it. G846

Daniel 4:37 STRONG

Now H3705 I H576 Nebuchadnezzar H5020 praise H7624 and extol H7313 and honour H1922 the King H4430 of heaven, H8065 all H3606 whose works H4567 are truth, H7187 and his ways H735 judgment: H1780 and those that walk H1981 in pride H1467 he is able H3202 to abase. H8214

Psalms 2:5 STRONG

Then shall he speak H1696 unto them in his wrath, H639 and vex H926 them in his sore displeasure. H2740

Jeremiah 50:31-32 STRONG

Behold, I am against thee, O thou most proud, H2087 saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD H3069 of hosts: H6635 for thy day H3117 is come, H935 the time H6256 that I will visit H6485 thee. And the most proud H2087 shall stumble H3782 and fall, H5307 and none shall raise him up: H6965 and I will kindle H3341 a fire H784 in his cities, H5892 and it shall devour H398 all round about H5439 him.

Jeremiah 48:42 STRONG

And Moab H4124 shall be destroyed H8045 from being a people, H5971 because he hath magnified H1431 himself against the LORD. H3068

Jeremiah 48:29 STRONG

We have heard H8085 the pride H1347 of Moab, H4124 (he is exceeding H3966 proud) H1343 his loftiness, H1363 and his arrogancy, H1346 and his pride, H1347 and the haughtiness H7312 of his heart. H3820

Isaiah 65:2 STRONG

I have spread out H6566 my hands H3027 all the day H3117 unto a rebellious H5637 people, H5971 which walketh H1980 in a way H1870 that was not good, H2896 after H310 their own thoughts; H4284

Isaiah 53:12 STRONG

Therefore will I divide H2505 him a portion with the great, H7227 and he shall divide H2505 the spoil H7998 with the strong; H6099 because he hath poured out H6168 his soul H5315 unto death: H4194 and he was numbered H4487 with the transgressors; H6586 and he bare H5375 the sin H2399 of many, H7227 and made intercession H6293 for the transgressors. H6586

Isaiah 25:5 STRONG

Thou shalt bring down H3665 the noise H7588 of strangers, H2114 as the heat H2721 in a dry place; H6724 even the heat H2721 with the shadow H6738 of a cloud: H5645 the branch H2159 of the terrible ones H6184 shall be brought low. H6030

Isaiah 13:11 STRONG

And I will punish H6485 the world H8398 for their evil, H7451 and the wicked H7563 for their iniquity; H5771 and I will cause the arrogancy H1347 of the proud H2086 to cease, H7673 and will lay low H8213 the haughtiness H1346 of the terrible. H6184

Isaiah 10:33 STRONG

Behold, the Lord, H113 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 shall lop H5586 the bough H6288 with terror: H4637 and the high ones H7311 of stature H6967 shall be hewn down, H1438 and the haughty H1364 shall be humbled. H8213

Psalms 110:1-7 STRONG

[[A Psalm H4210 of David.]] H1732 The LORD H3068 said H5002 unto my Lord, H113 Sit H3427 thou at my right hand, H3225 until I make H7896 thine enemies H341 thy footstool. H1916 H7272 The LORD H3068 shall send H7971 the rod H4294 of thy strength H5797 out of Zion: H6726 rule H7287 thou in the midst H7130 of thine enemies. H341 Thy people H5971 shall be willing H5071 in the day H3117 of thy power, H2428 in the beauties H1926 of holiness H6944 from the womb H7358 of the morning: H4891 thou hast the dew H2919 of thy youth. H3208 The LORD H3068 hath sworn, H7650 and will not repent, H5162 Thou art a priest H3548 for ever H5769 after the order H1700 of Melchizedek. H4442 The Lord H136 at thy right hand H3225 shall strike H4272 through kings H4428 in the day H3117 of his wrath. H639 He shall judge H1777 among the heathen, H1471 he shall fill H4390 the places with the dead bodies; H1472 he shall wound H4272 the heads H7218 over many H7227 countries. H776 He shall drink H8354 of the brook H5158 in the way: H1870 therefore shall he lift up H7311 the head. H7218

Psalms 2:8-12 STRONG

Ask H7592 of me, and I shall give H5414 thee the heathen H1471 for thine inheritance, H5159 and the uttermost parts H657 of the earth H776 for thy possession. H272 Thou shalt break H7489 them with a rod H7626 of iron; H1270 thou shalt dash them in pieces H5310 like a potter's H3335 vessel. H3627 Be wise H7919 now therefore, O ye kings: H4428 be instructed, H3256 ye judges H8199 of the earth. H776 Serve H5647 the LORD H3068 with fear, H3374 and rejoice H1523 with trembling. H7461 Kiss H5401 the Son, H1248 lest he be angry, H599 and ye perish H6 from the way, H1870 when his wrath H639 is kindled H1197 but a little. H4592 Blessed H835 are all they that put their trust H2620 in him.

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Isaiah 25

Commentary on Isaiah 25 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


The Fourfold Melodious Echo - Isaiah 25-26

A. First Echo - Isaiah 25:1-8

Salvation of the Nations after the Fall of the Imperial City

There is not merely reflected glory, but reflected sound as well. The melodious echoes commence with Isaiah 25:1. The prophet, transported to the end of the days, commemorates what he has seen in psalms and songs. These psalms and songs not only repeat what has already been predicted; but, sinking into it, and drawing out of it, they partly expand it themselves, and partly prepare the way for its further extension.

Verses 1-5

The first echo is Isaiah 25:1-8, or more precisely Isaiah 25:1-5. The prophet, whom we already know as a psalmist from Isaiah 12:1-6, now acts as choral leader of the church of the future, and praises Jehovah for having destroyed the mighty imperial city, and proved Himself a defence and shield against its tyranny towards His oppressed church. “Jehovah, Thou art my God; I will exalt Thee, I will praise Thy name, that Thou hast wrought wonders, counsels from afar, sincerity, truth. For Thou hast turned it from a city into a heap of stones, the steep castle into a ruin; the palace of the barbarians from being a city, to be rebuilt no more for ever. Therefore a wild people will honour Thee, cities of violent nations fear Thee. For Thou provedst Thyself a stronghold to the lowly, a stronghold to the poor in his distress, as a shelter from the storm of rain, as a shadow from the burning of the sun; for the blast of violent ones was like a storm of rain against a wall. Like the burning of the sun in a parched land, Thou subduest the noise of the barbarians; ( like ) the burning of the sun through the shadow of a cloud, the triumphal song of violent ones was brought low.” The introductory clause is to be understood as in Psalms 118:28 : Jehovah ( voc. ), my God art Thou. “ Thou hast wrought wonders: ” this is taken from Exodus 15:11 (as in Psalms 77:15; Psalms 78:12; like Isaiah 12:2, from Exodus 15:2). The wonders which are now actually wrought are “ counsels from afar ” ( m ērâcōk ), counsels already adopted afar off, i.e., long before, thoughts of God belonging to the olden time; the same ideal view as in Isaiah 22:11; Isaiah 37:26 (a parallel which coincides with our passage on every side), and, in fact, throughout the whole of the second part. It is the manifold “counsel” of the Holy One of Israel (Isaiah 5:19; Isaiah 14:24-27; Isaiah 19:12, Isaiah 19:17; Isaiah 23:8; Isaiah 28:29) which displays its wonders in the events of time. To the verb עשׂית we have also a second and third object, viz., אמן אמוּנה . It is a common custom with Isaiah to place derivatives of the same word side by side, for the purpose of giving the greatest possible emphasis to the idea (Isaiah 3:1; Isaiah 16:6). אמוּנה indicates a quality, אמן in actual fact. What He has executed is the realization of His faithfulness, and the reality of His promises. The imperial city is destroyed. Jehovah, as the first clause which is defined by tzakeph affirms, has removed it away from the nature of a city into the condition of a heap of stones. The sentence has its object within itself, and merely gives prominence to the change that has been effected; the Lamed is used in the same sense as in Isaiah 23:13 (cf., Isaiah 37:26); the min , as in Isaiah 7:8; Isaiah 17:1; Isaiah 23:1; Isaiah 24:10. Mappēlâh , with kametz or tzere before the tone, is a word that can only be accredited from the book of Isaiah (Isaiah 17:1; Isaiah 23:13). עיר , קריה , and אמרון are common parallel words in Isaiah (Isaiah 1:26; Isaiah 22:2; Isaiah 32:13-14); and zârim , as in Isaiah 1:7 and Isaiah 29:5, is the most general epithet for the enemies of the people of God. The fall of the imperial kingdom is followed by the conversion of the heathen; the songs proceed from the mouths of the remotest nations. Isaiah 25:3 runs parallel with Revelation 15:3-4. Nations hitherto rude and passionate now submit to Jehovah with decorous reverence, and those that were previously oppressive ( ‛arı̄tzim , as in Isaiah 13:11, in form like pârı̄tzim , shâlı̄shı̄m ) with humble fear. The cause of this conversion of the heathen is the one thus briefly indicated in the Apocalypse, “for thy judgments are made manifest” (Revelation 15:4). דּל and אביון (cf., Isaiah 14:30; Isaiah 29:19) are names well known from the Psalms, as applying to the church when oppressed. To this church, in the distress which she had endured ( לו בּצּר , as in Isaiah 26:16; Isaiah 63:9, cf., Isaiah 33:2), Jehovah had proved Himself a strong castle ( m â'ōz ; on the expression, compare Isaiah 30:3), a shelter from storm and a shade from heat (for the figures, compare Isaiah 4:6; Isaiah 32:2; Isaiah 16:3), so that the blast of the tyrants (compare ruach on Isaiah 30:28; Isaiah 33:11, Ps. 76:13) was like a wall-storm, i.e., a storm striking against a wall (compare Isaiah 9:3, a shoulder-stick, i.e., a stick which strikes the shoulder), sounding against it and bursting upon it without being able to wash it away (Isaiah 28:17; Psalms 62:4), because it was the wall of a strong castle, and this strong castle was Jehovah Himself. As Jehovah can suddenly subdue the heat of the sun in dryness ( tzâyōn , abstract for concrete, as in Isaiah 32:2, equivalent to dry land, Isaiah 41:18), and it must give way when He brings up a shady thicket (Jeremiah 4:29), namely of clouds (Exodus 19:9; Psalms 18:12), so did He suddenly subdue the thundering ( shâ'on , as in Isaiah 17:12) of the hordes that stormed against His people; and the song of triumph ( zâmı̄r , only met with again in Song of Solomon 2:12) of the tyrants, which passed over the world like a scorching heat, was soon “brought low” ( ‛ânâh , in its neuter radical signification “to bend,” related to כּנע , as in Isaiah 31:4).

Verse 6

Thus the first hymnic echo dies away; and the eschatological prophecy, coming back to Isaiah 24:23, but with deeper prayerlike penetration, proceeds thus in Isaiah 25:6 : “And Jehovah of hosts prepares for all nations upon this mountain a feast of fat things, a feast of wines on the lees, of fat things rich in marrow, of wines on the lees thoroughly strained.” This mountain ” is Zion, the seat of God's presence, and the place of His church's worship. The feast is therefore a spiritual one. The figure is taken, as in Psalms 22:27., from the sacrificial meals connected with the shelâmim (the peace-offerings). Sh e mârim m e zukkâkim are wines which have been left to stand upon their lees after the first fermentation is over, which have thus thoroughly fermented, and have been kept a long time (from shâmar , to keep, spec . to allow to ferment), and which are then filtered before drinking (Gr. οἶνος σακκίας , i.e., διΰλισμένος or διηθικὸς , from διηθεῖν , percolare ), hence wine both strong and clear. Memuchâyı̄m might mean emedullatae (“with the marrow taken out;” compare, perhaps, Proverbs 31:3), but this could only apply to the bones, not to the fat meat itself; the meaning is therefore “mixed with marrow,” made marrowy, m edullosae . The thing symbolized in this way is the full enjoyment of blessedness in the perfected kingdom of God. The heathen are not only humbled so that they submit to Jehovah, but they also take part in the blessedness of His church, and are abundantly satisfied with the good things of His house, and made to drink of pleasure as from a river (Psalms 36:9). The ring of the v. is inimitably pictorial. It is like joyful music to the heavenly feast. The more flexible form ממחיים (from the original, ממחי = ממחה ) is intentionally chosen in the place of ממּסהי ם . It is as if we heard stringed instruments played with the most rapid movement of the bow.

Verse 7-8

Although the feast is one earth, it is on an earth which has been transformed into heaven; for the party-wall between God and the world has fallen down: death is no more, and all tears are for ever wiped away. “And He casts away upon this mountain the veil that veiled over all peoples, and the covering that covered over all nations. He puts away death for ever; and the Lord Jehovah wipes the tear from every face; and He removes the shame of His people from the whole earth: for Jehovah hath spoken it.” What Jehovah bestows is followed by what He puts away. The “veil” and “covering” ( m assēcâh , from nâsac = m âsâc , Isaiah 22:8, from sâcac , to weave, twist, and twist over = to cover) are not symbols of mourning and affliction, but of spiritual blindness, like the “veil” upon the heart of Israel mentioned in 2 Corinthians 3:15. The p e nē hallōt (cf., Job 41:5) is the upper side of the veil, the side turned towards you, by which Jehovah takes hold of the veil to lift it up. The second hallōt stands for הלּט (Ges. §71, Anm. 1), and is written in this form, according to Isaiah's peculiar style (vid., Isaiah 4:6; Isaiah 7:11; Isaiah 8:6; Isaiah 22:13), merely for the sake of the sound, like the obscurer niphal forms in Isaiah 24:3. The only difference between the two nouns is this: in lōt the leading idea is that of the completeness of the covering, and in m assēcâh that of its thickness. The removing of the veil, as well as of death, is called בּלּע , which we find applied to God in other passages, viz., Isaiah 19:3; Psalms 21:10; Psalms 55:10. Swallowing up is used elsewhere as equivalent to making a thing disappear, by taking it into one's self; but here, as in many other instances, the notion of receiving into one's self is dropped, and nothing remains but the idea of taking away, unless, indeed, abolishing of death may perhaps be regarded as taking it back into what hell shows to be the eternal principle of wrath out of which God called it forth. God will abolish death, so that there shall be no trace left of its former sway. Paul gives a free rendering of this passage in 1 Corinthians 15:54, κατεπόθη ὁ θάνατος εἰς νῖκος (after the Aramaean n e tzach , vincere ). The Syriac combines both ideas, that of the Targum and that of Paul: absorpta est mors per victoriam in sempiternum . But the abolition of death is not in itself the perfection of blessedness. There are sufferings which force out a sigh, even after death has come as a deliverance. But all these sufferings, whose ultimate ground is sin, Jehovah sweeps away. There is something very significant in the use of the expression דּמעה (a tear), which the Apocalypse renders πᾶν δάκρυον (Revelation 21:4). Wherever there is a tear on any face whatever, Jehovah wipes it away; and if Jehovah wipes away, this must be done most thoroughly: He removes the cause with the outward symptom, the sin as well as the tear. It is self-evident that this applies to the church triumphant. The world has been judged, and what was salvable has been saved. There is therefore no more shame for the people of God. Over the whole earth there is no further place to be found for this; Jehovah has taken it away. The earth is therefore a holy dwelling-place for blessed men. The new Jerusalem is Jehovah's throne, but the whole earth is Jehovah's glorious kingdom. The prophet is here looking from just the same point of view as Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:28, and John in the last page of the Apocalypse.

Verse 9

After this prophetic section, which follows the first melodious echo like an interpolated recitative, the song of praise begins again; but it is soon deflected into the tone of prophecy. The shame of the people of God, mentioned in Isaiah 25:8, recals to mind the special enemies of the church in its immediate neighbourhood, who could not tyrannize over it indeed, like the empire of the world, but who nevertheless scoffed at it and persecuted it. The representative and emblem of these foes are the proud and boasting Moab (Isaiah 16:6; Jeremiah 48:29). All such attempts as that of Knobel to turn this into history are but so much lost trouble. Moab is a mystic name. It is the prediction of the humiliation of Moab in this spiritual sense, for which the second echo opens the way by celebrating Jehovah's appearing. Jehovah is now in His manifested presence the conqueror of death, the drier of tears, the saviour of the honour of His oppressed church. “And they say in that day, Behold our God, for whom we waited to help us: this is Jehovah, for whom we waited; let us be glad and rejoice in His salvation.” The undefined but self-evident subject to v'âmar (“they say”) is the church of the last days. “Behold:” hinnēh and zeh belong to one another, as in Isaiah 21:9. The waiting may be understood as implying a retrospective glance at all the remote past, even as far back as Jacob's saying, “I wait for Thy salvation, O Jehovah” (Genesis 49:18). The appeal, “Let us be glad,” etc., has passed over into the grand hodu of Psalms 118:24.

Verses 10-12

In the land of promise there is rejoicing, but on the other side of the Jordan there is fear of ruin. Two contrasted pictures are placed here side by side. The Jordan is the same as the “great gulf” in the parable of the rich man. Upon Zion Jehovah descends in mercy, but upon the highlands of Moab in His wrath. “For the hand of Jehovah will sink down upon this mountain, and Moab is trodden down there where it is, as straw is trodden down in the water of the dung-pit. And he spreadeth out his hands in the pool therein, as the swimmer spreadeth them out to swim; but Jehovah forceth down the pride of Moab in spite of the artifices of his hands. Yea, thy steep, towering walls He bows down, forces under, and casts earthwards into dust.” Jehovah brings down His hand upon Zion ( nūach , as in Isaiah 7:2; Isaiah 11:1), not only to shelter, but also to avenge. Israel, that has been despised, He now makes glorious, and for contemptuous Moab He prepares a shameful end. In the place where it now is תּחתּיו , as in 2 Samuel 7:10; Habakkuk 3:16, “in its own place,” its own land) it is threshed down, stamped or trodden down, as straw is trodden down into a dung-pit to turn it into manure: hiddūsh , the inf. constr. , with the vowel sound u , possibly to distinguish it from the inf. absol. hiddosh (Ewald, §240, b ). Instead of בּמו (as in Isaiah 43:2), the chethib has בּמי (cf., Job 9:30); and this is probably the more correct reading, since m admēnâh , by itself, means the dunghill, and not the tank of dung water. At the same time, it is quite possible that b'mo is intended as a play upon the name Moab , just as the word m admēnâh may possibly have been chosen with a play upon the Moabitish Madmēn (Jeremiah 48:2). In Isaiah 25:11 Jehovah would be the subject, if b'kirbo (in the midst of it) referred back to Moab; but although the figure of Jehovah pressing down the pride of Moab, by spreading out His hands within it like a swimmer, might produce the impression of boldness and dignity in a different connection, yet here, where Moab has just been described as forced down into the manure-pit, the comparison of Jehovah to a swimmer would be a very offensive one. The swimmer is Moab itself, as Gesenius, Hitzig, Knobel, and in fact the majority of commentators suppose. “ In the midst of it: b'kirbo points back in a neuter sense to the place into which Moab had been violently plunged, and which was so little adapted for swimming. A man cannot swim in a manure pond; but Moab attempts it, though without success, for Jehovah presses down the pride of Moab in spite of its artifices עם , as in Nehemiah 5:18; ארבּות , written with dagesh (according to the majority of MSS, from ארבּה , like the Arabic urbe , irbe , cleverness, wit, sharpness), i.e., the skilful and cunning movement of its hands. Saad. gives it correctly, as m uchâtale , wiles and stratagems; Hitzig also renders it “machinations,” i.e., twistings and turnings, which Moab makes with its arms, for the purpose of keeping itself up in the water. What Isaiah 25:11 affirms in figure, Isaiah 25:12 illustrates without any figure. If the reading were מבצר ך חומות משׂגּב , the reference would be to Kir-Moab (Isaiah 15:1; Isaiah 16:7). But as the text stands, we are evidently to understand by it the strong and lofty walls of the cities of Moab in general.