Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Isaiah » Chapter 26 » Verse 21

Isaiah 26:21 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

21 For, behold, the LORD H3068 cometh out H3318 of his place H4725 to punish H6485 the inhabitants H3427 of the earth H776 for their iniquity: H5771 the earth H776 also shall disclose H1540 her blood, H1818 and shall no more cover H3680 her slain. H2026

Cross Reference

Job 16:18 STRONG

O earth, H776 cover H3680 not thou my blood, H1818 and let my cry H2201 have no place. H4725

Ezekiel 24:7-8 STRONG

For her blood H1818 is in the midst H8432 of her; she set H7760 it upon the top H6706 of a rock; H5553 she poured H8210 it not upon the ground, H776 to cover H3680 it with dust; H6083 That it might cause fury H2534 to come up H5927 to take H5358 vengeance; H5359 I have set H5414 her blood H1818 upon the top H6706 of a rock, H5553 that it should not be covered. H3680

Revelation 18:24 STRONG

And G2532 in G1722 her G846 was found G2147 the blood G129 of prophets, G4396 and G2532 of saints, G40 and G2532 of all G3956 that were slain G4969 upon G1909 the earth. G1093

Revelation 16:6 STRONG

For G3754 they have shed G1632 the blood G129 of saints G40 and G2532 prophets, G4396 and G2532 thou hast given G1325 them G846 blood G129 to drink; G4095 for G1063 they are G1526 worthy. G514

Revelation 6:9-11 STRONG

And G2532 when G3753 he had opened G455 the fifth G3991 seal, G4973 I saw G1492 under G5270 the altar G2379 the souls G5590 of them that were slain G4969 for G1223 the word G3056 of God, G2316 and G2532 for G1223 the testimony G3141 which G3739 they held: G2192 And G2532 they cried G2896 with a loud G3173 voice, G5456 saying, G3004 How G2193 long, G4219 O Lord, G1203 holy G40 and G2532 true, G228 dost thou G2919 not G3756 judge G2919 and G2532 avenge G1556 our G2257 blood G129 on G575 them that dwell G2730 on G1909 the earth? G1093 And G2532 white G3022 robes G4749 were given G1325 unto every one of them; G1538 and G2532 it was said G4483 unto them, G846 that G2443 they should rest G373 yet G2089 for a little G3398 season, G5550 until G2193 their G846 fellowservants G4889 also G2532 and G2532 their G846 brethren, G80 that should G3195 be killed G615 as G5613 G2532 they G846 were, should G3739 be fulfilled. G4137

Jude 1:14-15 STRONG

And G1161 Enoch G1802 also, G2532 the seventh G1442 from G575 Adam, G76 prophesied G4395 of these, G5125 saying, G3004 Behold, G2400 the Lord G2962 cometh G2064 with G1722 ten thousands G3461 of his G846 saints, G40 To execute G4160 judgment G2920 upon G2596 all, G3956 and G2532 to convince G1827 all G3956 that are ungodly G765 among them G846 of G4012 all G3956 their G846 ungodly G763 deeds G2041 which G3739 they have ungodly committed, G764 and G2532 of G4012 all G3956 their hard G4642 speeches which G3739 ungodly G765 sinners G268 have spoken G2980 against G2596 him. G846

2 Thessalonians 1:7-10 STRONG

And G2532 to you G5213 who are troubled G2346 rest G425 with G3326 us, G2257 when G1722 the Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 shall be revealed G602 from G575 heaven G3772 with G3326 his G846 mighty G1411 angels, G32 In G1722 flaming G5395 fire G4442 taking G1325 vengeance G1557 on them that know G1492 not G3361 God, G2316 and G2532 that obey G5219 not G3361 the gospel G2098 of our G2257 Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ: G5547 Who G3748 shall be punished G1349 G5099 with everlasting G166 destruction G3639 from G575 the presence G4383 of the Lord, G2962 and G2532 from G575 the glory G1391 of his G846 power; G2479 When G3752 he shall come G2064 to be glorified G1740 in G1722 his G846 saints, G40 and G2532 to be admired G2296 in G1722 all G3956 them that believe G4100 (because G3754 our G2257 testimony G3142 among G1909 you G5209 was believed G4100 ) in G1722 that G1565 day. G2250

Luke 11:50 STRONG

That G2443 the blood G129 of all G3956 the prophets, G4396 which G3588 was shed G1632 from G575 the foundation G2602 of the world, G2889 may be required G1567 of G575 this G5026 generation; G1074

Luke 11:40 STRONG

Ye fools, G878 did G4160 not G3756 he that made G4160 that which G3588 is without G1855 make G4160 that which G3588 is within G2081 also? G2532

Micah 1:3-8 STRONG

For, behold, the LORD H3068 cometh forth H3318 out of his place, H4725 and will come down, H3381 and tread H1869 upon the high places H1116 of the earth. H776 And the mountains H2022 shall be molten H4549 under him, and the valleys H6010 shall be cleft, H1234 as wax H1749 before H6440 the fire, H784 and as the waters H4325 that are poured H5064 down a steep place. H4174 For the transgression H6588 of Jacob H3290 is all this, and for the sins H2403 of the house H1004 of Israel. H3478 What is the transgression H6588 of Jacob? H3290 is it not Samaria? H8111 and what are the high places H1116 of Judah? H3063 are they not Jerusalem? H3389 Therefore I will make H7760 Samaria H8111 as an heap H5856 of the field, H7704 and as plantings H4302 of a vineyard: H3754 and I will pour down H5064 the stones H68 thereof into the valley, H1516 and I will discover H1540 the foundations H3247 thereof. And all the graven images H6456 thereof shall be beaten to pieces, H3807 and all the hires H868 thereof shall be burned H8313 with the fire, H784 and all the idols H6091 thereof will I lay H7760 desolate: H8077 for she gathered H6908 it of the hire H868 of an harlot, H2181 and they shall return H7725 to the hire H868 of an harlot. H2181 Therefore I will wail H5594 and howl, H3213 I will go H3212 stripped H7758 H7758 and naked: H6174 I will make H6213 a wailing H4553 like the dragons, H8577 and mourning H60 as the owls. H1323 H3284

Hosea 5:14-15 STRONG

For I will be unto Ephraim H669 as a lion, H7826 and as a young lion H3715 to the house H1004 of Judah: H3063 I, even I, will tear H2963 and go away; H3212 I will take away, H5375 and none shall rescue H5337 him. I will go H3212 and return H7725 to my place, H4725 till they acknowledge their offence, H816 and seek H1245 my face: H6440 in their affliction H6862 they will seek me early. H7836

Genesis 4:10-11 STRONG

And he said, H559 What H4100 hast thou done? H6213 the voice H6963 of thy brother's H251 blood H1818 crieth H6817 unto me from the ground. H127 And now art thou cursed H779 from the earth, H127 which hath opened H6475 her mouth H6310 to receive H3947 thy brother's H251 blood H1818 from thy hand; H3027

Ezekiel 10:18-19 STRONG

Then the glory H3519 of the LORD H3068 departed H3318 from off the threshold H4670 of the house, H1004 and stood H5975 over the cherubims. H3742 And the cherubims H3742 lifted up H5375 their wings, H3671 and mounted up H7426 from the earth H776 in my sight: H5869 when they went out, H3318 the wheels H212 also were beside H5980 them, and every one stood H5975 at the door H6607 of the east H6931 gate H8179 of the LORD'S H3068 house; H1004 and the glory H3519 of the God H430 of Israel H3478 was over them above. H4605

Ezekiel 10:3-5 STRONG

Now the cherubims H3742 stood H5975 on the right side H3225 of the house, H1004 when the man H376 went in; H935 and the cloud H6051 filled H4390 the inner H6442 court. H2691 Then the glory H3519 of the LORD H3068 went up H7311 from the cherub, H3742 and stood over the threshold H4670 of the house; H1004 and the house H1004 was filled H4390 with the cloud, H6051 and the court H2691 was full H4390 of the brightness H5051 of the LORD'S H3068 glory. H3519 And the sound H6963 of the cherubims' H3742 wings H3671 was heard H8085 even to the outer H2435 court, H2691 as the voice H6963 of the Almighty H7706 God H410 when he speaketh. H1696

Ezekiel 9:3-6 STRONG

And the glory H3519 of the God H430 of Israel H3478 was gone up H5927 from the cherub, H3742 whereupon he was, to the threshold H4670 of the house. H1004 And he called H7121 to the man H376 clothed H3847 with linen, H906 which had the writer's H5608 inkhorn H7083 by his side; H4975 And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto him, Go through H5674 the midst H8432 of the city, H5892 through the midst H8432 of Jerusalem, H3389 and set H8427 a mark H8420 upon the foreheads H4696 of the men H582 that sigh H584 and that cry H602 for all the abominations H8441 that be done H6213 in the midst H8432 thereof. And to the others H428 he said H559 in mine hearing, H241 Go H5674 ye after H310 him through the city, H5892 and smite: H5221 let not your eye H5869 spare, H2347 neither have ye pity: H2550 Slay H2026 utterly H4889 old H2205 and young, H970 both maids, H1330 and little children, H2945 and women: H802 but come not near H5066 any man H376 upon whom is the mark; H8420 and begin H2490 at my sanctuary. H4720 Then they began H2490 at the ancient H2205 men H582 which were before H6440 the house. H1004

Ezekiel 8:6 STRONG

He said H559 furthermore unto me, Son H1121 of man, H120 seest H7200 thou what they do? H6213 even the great H1419 abominations H8441 that the house H1004 of Israel H3478 committeth H6213 here, that I should go far off H7368 from my sanctuary? H4720 but turn H7725 thee yet again, and thou shalt see H7200 greater H1419 abominations. H8441

Isaiah 30:12-14 STRONG

Wherefore thus saith H559 the Holy One H6918 of Israel, H3478 Because ye despise H3988 this word, H1697 and trust H982 in oppression H6233 and perverseness, H3868 and stay H8172 thereon: Therefore this iniquity H5771 shall be to you as a breach H6556 ready to fall, H5307 swelling out H1158 in a high H7682 wall, H2346 whose breaking H7667 cometh H935 suddenly H6597 at an instant. H6621 And he shall break H7665 it as the breaking H7667 of the potters' H3335 vessel H5035 that is broken in pieces; H3807 he shall not spare: H2550 so that there shall not be found H4672 in the bursting H4386 of it a sherd H2789 to take H2846 fire H784 from the hearth, H3344 or to take H2834 water H4325 withal out of the pit. H1360

Isaiah 18:4 STRONG

For so H3541 the LORD H3068 said H559 unto me, I will take my rest, H8252 and I will consider H5027 in my dwelling place H4349 like a clear H6703 heat H2527 upon herbs, H216 and like a cloud H5645 of dew H2919 in the heat H2527 of harvest. H7105

Isaiah 13:11 STRONG

And I will punish H6485 the world H8398 for their evil, H7451 and the wicked H7563 for their iniquity; H5771 and I will cause the arrogancy H1347 of the proud H2086 to cease, H7673 and will lay low H8213 the haughtiness H1346 of the terrible. H6184

Psalms 50:2-3 STRONG

Out of Zion, H6726 the perfection H4359 of beauty, H3308 God H430 hath shined. H3313 Our God H430 shall come, H935 and shall not keep silence: H2790 a fire H784 shall devour H398 before H6440 him, and it shall be very H3966 tempestuous H8175 round about H5439 him.

Numbers 35:32-33 STRONG

And ye shall take H3947 no satisfaction H3724 for him that is fled H5127 to the city H5892 of his refuge, H4733 that he should come again H7725 to dwell H3427 in the land, H776 until the death H4194 of the priest. H3548 So ye shall not pollute H2610 the land H776 wherein ye are: for blood H1818 it defileth H2610 the land: H776 and the land H776 cannot be cleansed H3722 of the blood H1818 that is shed H8210 therein, but by the blood H1818 of him that shed H8210 it.

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Isaiah 26

Commentary on Isaiah 26 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verse 1

Thus the second hymnic echo has its confirmation in a prophecy against Moab, on the basis of which a third hymnic echo now arises. Whilst on the other side, in the land of Moab, the people are trodden down, and its lofty castles demolished, the people in the land of Judah can boast of an impregnable city. “In that day will this song be sung in the land of Judah: A city of defence is ours; salvation He sets for walls and bulwark.” According to the punctuation, this ought to be rendered, “A city is a shelter for us;” but עז עיר seem rather to be connected, according to Proverbs 17:19, “a city of strong, i.e., of impregnable offence and defence.” The subject of ישׁית is Jehovah. The figure indicates what He is constantly doing, and ever doing afresh; for the walls and bulwarks of Jerusalem ( chēl , as in Lamentations 2:8, the small outside wall which encloses all the fortifications) are not dead stone, but yeshuâh , ever living and never exhausted salvation (Isaiah 60:18). In just the same sense Jehovah is called elsewhere the wall of Jerusalem, and even a wall of fire in Zechariah 2:9 - parallels which show that yeshuâh is intended to be taken as the accusative of the object, and not as the accusative of the predicate, according to Isaiah 5:6; Psalms 21:7; Psalms 84:7; Jeremiah 22:6 (Luzzatto).

Verse 2

In Isaiah 26:1 this city is thought of as still empty: for, like paradise, in which man was placed, it is first of all a creation of God; and hence the exclamation in Isaiah 26:2 : “Open ye the gates, that a righteous people may enter, one keeping truthfulness.” The cry is a heavenly one; and those who open, if indeed we are at liberty to inquire who they are, must be angels. We recall to mind Psalms 24:1-10, but the scene is a different one. The author of Ps 118 has given individuality to this passage in Psalms 118:19, Psalms 118:20. Goi tzaddik (a righteous nation) is the church of the righteous, as in Isaiah 24:16. Goi (nation) is used here, as in Isaiah 26:15 and Isaiah 9:2, with reference to Israel, which has now by grace become a righteous nation, and has been established in covenant truth towards God, who keepeth truth ( 'emunim , from 'ēmūn , Psalms 31:24).

Verse 3

The relation of Israel and Jehovah to one another is now a permanent one. “Thou keepest the firmly-established mind in peace, peace; for his confidence rests on Thee.” A gnome (borrowed in Psalms 112:7-8), but in a lyrical connection, and with a distinct reference to the church of the last days. There is no necessity to take סמוּ יצר as standing for יצר סמוּ ך , as Knobel does. The state of mind is mentioned here as designating the person possessing it, according to his inmost nature. יצר (the mind) is the whole attitude and habit of a man as inwardly constituted, i.e., as a being capable of thought and will. סמוּ ך is the same, regarded as having a firm hold in itself, and this it has whenever it has a firm hold on God (Isaiah 10:20). This is the mind of the new Israel, and Jehovah keeps it, shâlom , shâlom (peace, peace; accusative predicates, used in the place of a consequential clause), i.e., so that deep and constant peace abides therein (Philippians 4:7). Such a mind is thus kept by Jehovah, because its trust is placed in Jehovah. בּטוּח refers to יצר , according to Ewald, §149, d , and is therefore equivalent to הוּא בּטוּח (cf., Psalms 7:10; Psalms 55:20), the passive participle, like the Latin confisus , fretus . To hang on God, or to be thoroughly devoted to Him, secures both stability and peace.

Verse 4

A cry goes forth again, as if from heaven, exhorting Israel to continue in this mind. “Hang confidently on Jehovah for ever: for in Jah, Jehovah, is an everlasting rock.” The combination Jah Jehovah is only met with here and in Isaiah 12:2. It is the proper name of God the Redeemer in the most emphatic form. The Beth essentiae frequently stands before the predicate (Ges.

Verse 5-6

He has already proved Himself to be such a rock, on which everything breaks that would attack the faithful whom He surrounds. “For He hath bent down them that dwell on high; the towering castle, He tore it down, tore it down to the earth, cast it into dust. The foot treads it to pieces, feet of the poor, steps of the lowly.” Passing beyond the fall of Moab, the fall of the imperial city is celebrated, to which Moab was only an annex (Isaiah 25:1-2; Isaiah 24:10-12). The futures are determined by the preterite; and the anadiplosis , which in other instances (e.g., Isaiah 25:1, cf., Psalms 118:11) links together derivatives or variations of form, is satisfied in this instance with changing the forms of the suffix. The second thought of Isaiah 26:6 is a more emphatic repetition of the first: it is trodden down; the oppression of those who have been hitherto oppressed is trodden down.

Verse 7

The righteous, who go astray according to the judgment of the world, thus arrive at a goal from which their way appears in a very different light. “The path that the righteous man takes is smoothness; Thou makest the course of the righteous smooth.” ישׁר is an accusative predicate: Thou rollest it, i.e., Thou smoothest it, so that it is just as if it had been bevelled with a rule, and leads quite straight (on the derivative peles , a level, see at Job 37:16) and without interruption to the desired end. The song has here fallen into the language of a mashal of Solomon (vid., Proverbs 4:26; Proverbs 5:6, Proverbs 5:21). It pauses here to reflect, as if at the close of a strophe.

Verse 8-9

It then commences again in a lyrical tone in Isaiah 26:8 and Isaiah 26:9 : “We have also waited for Thee, that Thou shouldest come in the path of Thy judgments; the desire of the soul went after Thy name, and after Thy remembrance. With my soul I desired Thee in the night; yea, with my spirit deep within me, I longed to have Thee here: for when Thy judgments strike the earth, the inhabitants of the earth learn righteousness.” In the opinion of Hitzig, Knobel, Drechsler, and others, the prophet here comes back from the ideal to the actual present. But this is not the case. The church of the last days, looking back to the past, declares with what longing it has waited for that manifestation of the righteousness of God which has now taken place. “The path of Thy judgments:” 'orach m ishpâtēkâ belongs to the te ; venientem (or venturum ) being understood. The clause follows the poetical construction ארח בּוא , after the analogy of דר ך הל ך . They longed for God to come as a Redeemer in the way of His judgments. The “name” and “remembrance” ad the nature of God, that has become nameable and memorable through self-assertion and self-manifestation (Exodus 3:15). They desired that God should present Himself again to the consciousness and memory of man, by such an act as should break through His concealment and silence. The prophet says this more especially of himself; for he feels himself “in spirit” to be a member of the perfected church. “My soul” and “my spirit” are accusatives giving a more precise definition (Ewald, §281, c ). “ The night ” is the night of affliction, as in Isaiah 21:11. In connection with this, the word shichēr (lit. to dig for a thing, to seek it eagerly) is employed here, with a play upon shachar . The dawning of the morning after a night of suffering was the object for which he longed, naphshi (my soul), i.e., with his entire personality ( Pyschol . p. 202), and ruchi b'kirbi (my spirit within me), i.e., with the spirit of his mind, πνεῦμα τοῦ νοός ( Psychol . p. 183). And why? Because, as often as God manifested Himself in judgment, this brought men to the knowledge, and possibly also to the recognition, of what was right (cf., Psalms 9:17). “ Will learn: lâmdu is a praet. gnomicum , giving the result of much practical experience.

Verse 10

Here again the shiir has struck the note of a m âshâl . And proceeding in this tone, it pauses here once more to reflect as at the close of a strophe. “If favour is shown to the wicked man, he does not learn righteousness; in the most upright land he acts wickedly, and has no eye for the majesty of Jehovah.” רשׁע יחן is a hypothetical clause, which is left to be indicated by the emphasis, like Nehemiah 1:8 (Ewald, §357, b ): granting that favour ( chēn = “goodness,” Romans 2:4) is constantly shown to the wicked man. “ The most upright land: 'eretz necochoth is a land in which everything is right, and all goes honourably. A worthless man, supposing he were in such a land, would still act knavishly; and of the majesty of Jehovah, showing itself in passing punishments of sin, though still sparing him, he would have no perception whatever. The prophet utters this with a painful feeling of indignation; the word bal indicating denial with emotion.

Verses 11-13

The situation still remains essentially the same as in Isaiah 26:11-13 : “Jehovah, Thy hand has been exalted, but they did not see: they will see the zeal for a people, being put to shame; yea, fire will devour Thine adversaries. Jehovah, Thou wilt establish peace for us: for Thou hast accomplished all our work for us. Jehovah our God, lords besides Thee had enslaved us; but through Thee we praise Thy name.” Here are three forms of address beginning with Jehovah, and rising in the third to “Jehovah our God.” The standpoint of the first is the time before the judgment; the standpoint of the other two is in the midst of the redemption that has been effected through judgment. Hence what the prophet states in Isaiah 26:11 will be a general truth, which has now received its most splendid confirmation through the overthrow of the empire. The complaint of the prophet here is the same as in Isaiah 53:1. We may also compare Exodus 14:8, not Psalms 10:5; ( rūm does not mean to remain beyond and unrecognised, but to prove one's self to be high.) The hand of Jehovah had already shown itself to be highly exalted ( râmâh , 3 pr .), by manifesting itself in the history of the nations, by sheltering His congregation, and preparing the way for its exaltation in the midst of its humiliation; but as they had no eye for this hand, they would be made to feel it upon themselves as the avenger of His nation. The “zeal for a people,” when reduced from this ideal expression into a concrete one, is the zeal of Jehovah of hosts (Isaiah 9:6; Isaiah 37:32) for His own nation (as in Isaiah 49:8). Kin'ath ‛ âm (zeal for a people) is the object to yechezū (they shall see); v'yēbōshū (and be put to shame) being a parenthetical interpolation, which does not interfere with this connection. “ Thou wilt establish peace ” ( tishpōt shâlom , Isaiah 26:12) expresses the certain hope of a future and imperturbable state of peace ( pones , stabilies ); and this hope is founded upon the fact, that all which the church has hitherto accomplished ( ma‛aseh , the acting out of its calling, as in Psalms 90:17, see at Isaiah 5:12) has not been its own work, but the work of Jehovah for it . And the deliverance just obtained from the yoke of the imperial power is the work of Jehovah also. The meaning of the complaint, “other lords beside Thee had enslaved us,” is just the same as that in Isaiah 63:18; but there the standpoint is in the midst of the thing complained of, whereas here it is beyond it. Jehovah is Israel's King. He seemed indeed to have lost His rule, since the masters of the world had done as they liked with Israel. But it was very different now, and it was only through Jehovah (“through Thee”) that Israel could now once more gratefully celebrate Jehovah's name.

Verse 14

The tyrants who usurped the rule over Israel have now utterly disappeared. “Dead men live not again, shades do not rise again: so hast Thou visited and destroyed them, and caused all their memory to perish.” The meaning is not that Jehovah had put them to death because there was no resurrection at all after death; for, as we shall see further on, the prophet was acquainted with such a resurrection. In mēthim (dead men) and rephâ'im (shades) he had directly in mind the oppressors of Israel, who had been thrust down into the region of the shades (like the king of Babylon in chapter 14), so that there was no possibility of their being raised up or setting themselves up again. The לכן is not argumentative (which would be very freezing in this highly lyrical connection), but introduces what must have occurred eo ipso when the other had taken place (it corresponds to the Greek ἄρα , and is used here in the same way as in Isaiah 61:7; Jeremiah 5:2; Jeremiah 2:33; Zechariah 11:7; Job 34:25; Job 42:3). They had fallen irrevocably into Sheol (Psalms 49:15), and consequently God had swept them away, so that not even their name was perpetuated.

Verse 15

Israel, when it has such cause as this for praising Jehovah, will have become a numerous people once more. “Thou hast added to the nation, O Jehovah, hast added to the nation; glorified Thyself; moved out all the borders of the land.” The verb יסף , which is construed in other cases with על , אל , , here with ל , carried its object within itself: to add, i.e., to give an increase. The allusion is to the same thing as that which caused the prophet to rejoice in Isaiah 9:2 (compare Isaiah 49:19-20; Isaiah 54:1., Micah 2:12; Micah 4:7; Obadiah 1:19-20, and many other passages; and for richaktâ , more especially Micah 7:11). Just as Isaiah 26:13 recals the bondage in Egypt, and Isaiah 26:14 the destruction of Pharaoh in the Red Sea, so Isaiah 26:16 recals the numerical strength of the nation, and the extent of the country in the time of David and Solomon. At the same time, we cannot say that the prophet intended to recall these to mind. The antitypical relation, in which the last times stand to these events and circumstances of the past, is a fact in sacred history, though not particularly referred to here.

Verses 16-18

The tephillâh now returns to the retrospective glance already cast in Isaiah 26:8, Isaiah 26:9 into that night of affliction, which preceded the redemption that had come. “Jehovah, in trouble they missed Thee, poured out light supplication when Thy chastisement came upon them. As a woman with child, who draws near to her delivery, writhes and cries out in her pangs, so were we in Thy sight, O Jehovah. We went with child, we writhed; it was as if we brought forth wind. We brought no deliverance to the land, and the inhabitants of the world did not come to the light.” The substantive circumstantial clause in the parallel line, למו מוּסר , c astigatione tua eos affilgente ( ל as in Isaiah 26:9), corresponds to בּצּר ; and לחשׁ צקוּן , a preterite עצוּק etire = יצק , Job 28:2; Job 29:6, to be poured out and melt away) with Nun paragogic (which is only met with again in Deuteronomy 8:3, Deuteronomy 8:16, the yekōshūn in Isaiah 29:21 being, according to the syntax, the future of kōsh ), answers to pâkad , which is used here as in Isaiah 34:16; 1 Samuel 20:6; 1 Samuel 25:15, in the sense of lustrando desiderare . Lachash is a quiet, whispering prayer (like the whispering of forms of incantation in Isaiah 3:3); sorrow renders speechless in the long run; and a consciousness of sin crushes so completely, that a man does not dare to address God aloud (Isaiah 29:4). Pregnancy and pangs are symbols of a state of expectation strained to the utmost, the object of which appears all the closer the more the pains increase. Often, says the perfected church, as it looks back upon its past history, often did we regard the coming of salvation as certain; but again and again were our hopes deceived. The first כּמו is equivalent to כּ , “as a woman with child,” etc. (see at Isaiah 8:22); the second is equivalent to כּאשׁר , “as it were, we brought forth wind.” This is not an inverted expression, signifying we brought forth as it were wind; but כמו governs the whole sentence in the sense of “(it was) as if .” The issue of all their painful toil was like the result of a false pregnancy ( empneumatosis ), a delivery of wind. This state of things also proceeded from Jehovah, as the expression “before Thee” implies. It was a consequence of the sins of Israel, and of a continued want of true susceptibility to the blessings of salvation. Side by side with their disappointed hope, Isaiah 26:18 places the ineffectual character of their won efforts. Israel's own doings - no, they could never make the land into ישׁוּעת (i.e., bring it into a state of complete salvation); and (so might the final clause be understood) they waited in vain for the judgment of Jehovah upon the sinful world that was at enmity against them, or they made ineffectual efforts to overcome it. This explanation is favoured by the fact, that throughout the whole of this cycle of prophecies yōshbē tēbēl does not mean the inhabitants of the holy land, but of the globe at large in the sense of “the world” (Isaiah 26:21; Isaiah 24:5-6). Again, the relation of יפּלוּ to the תּפּיל in Isaiah 26:19, land the figure previously employed of the pains of child-birth, speak most strongly in favour of the conclusion, that nâphal is here used for the falling of the fruit of the womb (cf., Wis. 7:3, Il . xix. 110, καταπεσεῖν and πεσεῖν ). And yōshbē tēbēl (the inhabitants of the world) fits in with this sense (viz., that the expected increase of the population never came), from the fact that in this instance the reference is not to the inhabitants of the earth; but the words signify inhabitants generally, or, as we should say, young, new-born “mortals.” The punishment of the land under the weight of the empire still continued, and a new generation did not come to the light of day to populate the desolate land (cf., Psychol. p. 414).

Verse 19

But now all this had taken place. Instead of singing what has occurred, the tephillah places itself in the midst of the occurrence itself. “Thy dead will live, my corpses rise again. Awake and rejoice, ye that lie in the dust! For thy dew is dew of the lights, and the earth will bring shades to the day.” The prophet speaks thus out of the heart of the church of the last times. In consequence of the long-continued sufferings and chastisements, it has been melted down to a very small remnant; and many of those whom it could once truly reckon as its own, are now lying as corpses in the dust of the grave. The church, filled with hope which will not be put to shame, now calls to itself, “Thy dead will live” ( מתיך יחיוּ , reviviscent, as in המּתים תּסהיּת , the resurrection of the dead), and consoles itself with the working of divine grace ad power, which is even now setting itself in motion: “my corpses will rise again” ( יקמוּן נבלתי , nebēlah : a word without a plural, but frequently used in a plural sense, as in Isaiah 5:25, and therefore connected with יקמוּן , equivalent to תקמנה : here before a light suffix, with the retained, which is lost in other cases). It also cries out, in full assurance of the purpose of God, the believing word of command over the burial-ground of the dead, “Wake up and rejoice, ye that sleep in the dust,” and then justifies to itself this believing word of command by looking up to Jehovah, and confessing, “Thy dew is dew born out of (supernatural) lights,” as the dew of nature is born out of the womb of the morning dawn (Psalms 110:3). Others render it “dew upon herbs,” taking אורות as equivalent to ירקות , as in 2 Kings 4:39. We take it as from אורה (Psalms 139:12), in the sense of החיּים אור . The plural implies that there is a perfect fulness of the lights of life in God (“the Father of lights,” James 1:17). Out of these there is born the gentle dew, which gives new life to the bones that have been sown in the ground (Psalms 141:7) - a figure full of mystery, which is quite needlessly wiped away by Hofmann's explanation, viz., that it is equivalent to tal hōrōth , “dew of thorough saturating.” Luther, who renders it, “Thy dew is a dew of the green field,” stands alone among the earlier translators. The Targum, Syriac, Vulgate, and Saad. all render it, “Thy dew is light dew;” and with the uniform connection in which the Scriptures place 'or (light) and c hayyı̄m (life), this rendering is natural enough. We now translate still further, “and the earth ( vâ'âretz , as in Isaiah 65:17; Proverbs 25:3, whereas ואר ץ is almost always in the construct state) will bring shades to the day” ( hippil , as a causative of nâphal , Isaiah 26:18), i.e., bring forth again the dead that have sunken into it (like Luther's rendering, “and the land will cast out the dead” - the rendering of our English version also: Tr.). The dew from the glory of God falls like a heavenly seed into the bosom of the earth; and in consequence of this, the earth gives out from itself the shades which have hitherto been held fast beneath the ground, so that they appear alive again on the surface of the earth. Those who understand Isaiah 26:18 as relating to the earnestly descried overthrow of the lords of the world, interpret this passage accordingly, as meaning either, “and thou castest down shades to the earth” ( אר ץ , acc. loci , = עד־אר ץ , Isaiah 26:5, לאר ץ , Isaiah 25:12), or, “and the earth causeth shades to fall,” i.e., to fall into itself. This is Rosenmüller's explanation ( terra per prosopopaeiam , ut supra Isaiah 24:20, inducta , deturbare in orcum sistitur impios , eo ipso manes eos reddens ). But although rephaim , when so interpreted, agrees with Isaiah 26:14, where this name is given to the oppressors of the people of God, it would be out of place here, where it would necessarily mean, “those who are just becoming shades.” But, what is of greater importance still, if this concluding clause is understood as applying to the overthrow of the oppressors, it does not give any natural sequence to the words, “dew of the lights is thy dew;” whereas, according to our interpretation, it seals the faith, hope, and prayer of the church for what is to follow. When compared with the New Testament Apocalypse, it is “the first resurrection” which is here predicted by Isaiah. The confessors of Jehovah are awakened in their graves to form one glorious church with those who are still in the body. In the case of Ezekiel also (Ez. Ezekiel 37:1-14), the resurrection of the dead which he beholds is something more than a figurative representation of the people that were buried in captivity. The church of the period of glory on this side is a church of those who have been miraculously saved and wakened up from the dead. Their persecutors lie at their feet beneath the ground.

Verse 20-21

The judgment upon them is not mentioned, indeed, till after the completion of the church through those of its members that have died, although it must have actually preceded the latter. Thus the standpoint of the prophecy is incessantly oscillating backwards and forwards in these four chapters (Isaiah 24-27). This explains the exhortation in the next verses, and the reason assigned. “Go in, my people, into thy chambers, and shut the door behind thee; hide thyself a little moment, till the judgment of wrath passes by. For, behold, Jehovah goeth out from His place to visit the iniquity of the inhabitants of the earth upon them; and the earth discloses the blood that it has sucked up, and no more covers her slain.” The shı̄r is now at an end. The prophecy speaks once more as a prophet. Whilst the judgment of wrath ( za‛am ) is going forth, and until it shall have passed by (on the fut. exact. , see Isaiah 10:12; Isaiah 4:4; and on the fact itself, acharith hazza‛am , Daniel 8:19), the people of God are to continue in the solitude of prayer (Matthew 6:6, cf., Psalms 27:5; Psalms 31:21). They can do so, for the judgment by which they get rid of their foes is the act of Jehovah alone; and they are to do so because only he who is hidden in God by prayer can escape the wrath. The judgment only lasts a little while (Isaiah 10:24-25; Isaiah 54:7-8,. cf., Psalms 30:6), a short time which is shortened for the elect's sake. Instead of the dual דּלתי ך (as the house-door is called, though not the chamber-door), the word is pointed דּלת (from דּלה = דּלת ), just as the prophet intentionally chooses the feminine חבי instead of חבה . The nation is thought of as feminine in this particular instance (cf., Isaiah 54:7-8); because Jehovah, its avenger and protector, is acting on its behalf, whilst in a purely passive attitude it hides itself in Him. Just as Noah, behind whom Jehovah shut the door of the ark, was hidden in the ark whilst the water-floods of the judgment poured down without, so should the church be shut off from the world without in its life of prayer, because a judgment of Jehovah was at hand. “He goeth out of His place” (verbatim the same as in Micah 1:3), i.e., not out of His own divine life, as it rests within Himself, but out of the sphere of the manifested glory in which He presents Himself to the spirits. He goeth forth thence equipped for judgment, to visit the iniquity of the inhabitant of the earth upon him (the singular used collectively), and more especially their blood-guiltiness. The prohibition of murder was given to the sons of Noah, and therefore was one of the stipulations of “the covenant of old” (Isaiah 24:5). The earth supplies two witnesses: (1.) the innocent blood which has been violently shed (on dâmim , see Isaiah 1:15), which she has had to suck up, and which is now exposed, and cries for vengeance; and (2.) the persons themselves who have been murdered in their innocence, and who are slumbering within her. Streams of blood come to light and bear testimony, and martyrs arise to bear witness against their murderers.