Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Isaiah » Chapter 38 » Verse 9

Isaiah 38:9 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

9 The writing H4385 of Hezekiah H2396 king H4428 of Judah, H3063 when he had been sick, H2470 and was recovered H2421 of his sickness: H2483

Cross Reference

Exodus 15:1-21 STRONG

Then sang H7891 Moses H4872 and the children H1121 of Israel H3478 this song H7892 unto the LORD, H3068 and spake, H559 saying, H559 I will sing H7891 unto the LORD, H3068 for he hath triumphed H1342 gloriously: H1342 the horse H5483 and his rider H7392 hath he thrown H7411 into the sea. H3220 The LORD H3050 is my strength H5797 and song, H2176 and he is become my salvation: H3444 he H2088 is my God, H410 and I will prepare him an habitation; H5115 my father's H1 God, H430 and I will exalt H7311 him. The LORD H3068 is a man H376 of war: H4421 the LORD H3068 is his name. H8034 Pharaoh's H6547 chariots H4818 and his host H2428 hath he cast H3384 into the sea: H3220 his chosen H4005 captains H7991 also are drowned H2883 in the Red H5488 sea. H3220 The depths H8415 have covered H3680 them: they sank H3381 into the bottom H4688 as H3644 a stone. H68 Thy right hand, H3225 O LORD, H3068 is become glorious H142 in power: H3581 thy right hand, H3225 O LORD, H3068 hath dashed in pieces H7492 the enemy. H341 And in the greatness H7230 of thine excellency H1347 thou hast overthrown H2040 them that rose up against H6965 thee: thou sentest forth H7971 thy wrath, H2740 which consumed H398 them as stubble. H7179 And with the blast H7307 of thy nostrils H639 the waters H4325 were gathered together, H6192 the floods H5140 stood upright H5324 as an heap, H5067 and the depths H8415 were congealed H7087 in the heart H3820 of the sea. H3220 The enemy H341 said, H559 I will pursue, H7291 I will overtake, H5381 I will divide H2505 the spoil; H7998 my lust H5315 shall be satisfied H4390 upon them; I will draw H7324 my sword, H2719 my hand H3027 shall destroy H3423 them. Thou didst blow H5398 with thy wind, H7307 the sea H3220 covered H3680 them: they sank H6749 as lead H5777 in the mighty H117 waters. H4325 Who is like unto thee, O LORD, H3068 among the gods? H410 who is like thee, glorious H142 in holiness, H6944 fearful H3372 in praises, H8416 doing H6213 wonders? H6382 Thou stretchedst out H5186 thy right hand, H3225 the earth H776 swallowed H1104 them. Thou in thy mercy H2617 hast led forth H5148 the people H5971 which H2098 thou hast redeemed: H1350 thou hast guided H5095 them in thy strength H5797 unto thy holy H6944 habitation. H5116 The people H5971 shall hear, H8085 and be afraid: H7264 sorrow H2427 shall take hold H270 on the inhabitants H3427 of Palestina. H6429 Then H227 the dukes H441 of Edom H123 shall be amazed; H926 the mighty men H352 of Moab, H4124 trembling H7461 shall take hold H270 upon them; all the inhabitants H3427 of Canaan H3667 shall melt away. H4127 Fear H367 and dread H6343 shall fall H5307 upon them; by the greatness H1419 of thine arm H2220 they shall be as still H1826 as a stone; H68 till thy people H5971 pass over, H5674 O LORD, H3068 till the people H5971 pass over, H5674 which H2098 thou hast purchased. H7069 Thou shalt bring H935 them in, and plant H5193 them in the mountain H2022 of thine inheritance, H5159 in the place, H4349 O LORD, H3068 which thou hast made H6466 for thee to dwell in, H3427 in the Sanctuary, H4720 O Lord, H136 which thy hands H3027 have established. H3559 The LORD H3068 shall reign H4427 for ever H5769 and ever. H5703 For the horse H5483 of Pharaoh H6547 went in H935 with his chariots H7393 and with his horsemen H6571 into the sea, H3220 and the LORD H3068 brought again H7725 the waters H4325 of the sea H3220 upon them; but the children H1121 of Israel H3478 went H1980 on dry H3004 land in the midst H8432 of the sea. H3220 And Miriam H4813 the prophetess, H5031 the sister H269 of Aaron, H175 took H3947 a timbrel H8596 in her hand; H3027 and all the women H802 went out H3318 after H310 her with timbrels H8596 and with dances. H4246 And Miriam H4813 answered H6030 them, Sing H7891 ye to the LORD, H3068 for he hath triumphed H1342 gloriously; H1342 the horse H5483 and his rider H7392 hath he thrown H7411 into the sea. H3220

Deuteronomy 32:39 STRONG

See H7200 now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god H430 with me: I kill, H4191 and I make alive; H2421 I wound, H4272 and I heal: H7495 neither is there any that can deliver H5337 out of my hand. H3027

Judges 5:1-31 STRONG

Then sang H7891 Deborah H1683 and Barak H1301 the son H1121 of Abinoam H42 on that day, H3117 saying, H559 Praise H1288 ye the LORD H3068 for the avenging H6544 H6546 of Israel, H3478 when the people H5971 willingly offered H5068 themselves. Hear, H8085 O ye kings; H4428 give ear, H238 O ye princes; H7336 I, even I, will sing H7891 unto the LORD; H3068 I will sing H2167 praise to the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel. H3478 LORD, H3068 when thou wentest out H3318 of Seir, H8165 when thou marchedst out H6805 of the field H7704 of Edom, H123 the earth H776 trembled, H7493 and the heavens H8064 dropped, H5197 the clouds H5645 also dropped H5197 water. H4325 The mountains H2022 melted H5140 from before H6440 the LORD, H3068 even that Sinai H5514 from before H6440 the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel. H3478 In the days H3117 of Shamgar H8044 the son H1121 of Anath, H6067 in the days H3117 of Jael, H3278 the highways H734 were unoccupied, H2308 and the travellers H1980 walked H3212 through byways. H6128 H5410 The inhabitants of the villages H6520 ceased, H2308 they ceased H2308 in Israel, H3478 until that I Deborah H1683 arose, H6965 that I arose H6965 a mother H517 in Israel. H3478 They chose H977 new H2319 gods; H430 then was war H3901 in the gates: H8179 was there a shield H4043 or spear H7420 seen H7200 among forty H705 thousand H505 in Israel? H3478 My heart H3820 is toward the governors H2710 of Israel, H3478 that offered themselves willingly H5068 among the people. H5971 Bless H1288 ye the LORD. H3068 Speak, H7878 ye that ride H7392 on white H6715 asses, H860 ye that sit H3427 in judgment, H4055 and walk H1980 by the way. H1870 They that are delivered from the noise H6963 of archers H2686 in the places of drawing water, H4857 there shall they rehearse H8567 the righteous acts H6666 of the LORD, H3068 even the righteous acts H6666 toward the inhabitants of his villages H6520 in Israel: H3478 then shall the people H5971 of the LORD H3068 go down H3381 to the gates. H8179 Awake, H5782 awake, H5782 Deborah: H1683 awake, H5782 awake, H5782 utter H1696 a song: H7892 arise, H6965 Barak, H1301 and lead thy captivity H7628 captive, H7617 thou son H1121 of Abinoam. H42 Then he made him that remaineth H8300 have dominion H7287 over the nobles H117 among the people: H5971 the LORD H3068 made me have dominion H7287 over the mighty. H1368 Out of Ephraim H669 was there a root H8328 of them against Amalek; H6002 after H310 thee, Benjamin, H1144 among thy people; H5971 out of Machir H4353 came down H3381 governors, H2710 and out of Zebulun H2074 they that handle H4900 the pen H7626 of the writer. H5608 And the princes H8269 of Issachar H3485 were with Deborah; H1683 even Issachar, H3485 and also Barak: H1301 he was sent H7971 on foot H7272 into the valley. H6010 For the divisions H6390 of Reuben H7205 there were great H1419 thoughts H2711 of heart. H3820 Why abodest H3427 thou among H996 the sheepfolds, H4942 to hear H8085 the bleatings H8292 of the flocks? H5739 For the divisions H6390 of Reuben H7205 there were great H1419 searchings H2714 of heart. H3820 Gilead H1568 abode H7931 beyond H5676 Jordan: H3383 and why did Dan H1835 remain H1481 in ships? H591 Asher H836 continued H3427 on the sea H3220 shore, H2348 and abode H7931 in his breaches. H4664 Zebulun H2074 and Naphtali H5321 were a people H5971 that jeoparded H2778 their lives H5315 unto the death H4191 in the high places H4791 of the field. H7704 The kings H4428 came H935 and fought, H3898 then fought H3898 the kings H4428 of Canaan H3667 in Taanach H8590 by the waters H4325 of Megiddo; H4023 they took H3947 no gain H1215 of money. H3701 They fought H3898 from heaven; H8064 the stars H3556 in their courses H4546 fought H3898 against Sisera. H5516 The river H5158 of Kishon H7028 swept them away, H1640 that ancient H6917 river, H5158 the river H5158 Kishon. H7028 O my soul, H5315 thou hast trodden down H1869 strength. H5797 Then were the horsehoofs H6119 H5483 broken H1986 by the means of the pransings, H1726 the pransings H1726 of their mighty ones. H47 Curse H779 ye Meroz, H4789 said H559 the angel H4397 of the LORD, H3068 curse H779 ye bitterly H779 the inhabitants H3427 thereof; because they came H935 not to the help H5833 of the LORD, H3068 to the help H5833 of the LORD H3068 against the mighty. H1368 Blessed H1288 above women H802 shall Jael H3278 the wife H802 of Heber H2268 the Kenite H7017 be, blessed H1288 shall she be above women H802 in the tent. H168 He asked H7592 water, H4325 and she gave H5414 him milk; H2461 she brought forth H7126 butter H2529 in a lordly H117 dish. H5602 She put H7971 her hand H3027 to the nail, H3489 and her right hand H3225 to the workmen's H6001 hammer; H1989 and with the hammer she smote H1986 Sisera, H5516 she smote off H4277 his head, H7218 when she had pierced H4272 and stricken through H2498 his temples. H7541 At her feet H7272 he bowed, H3766 he fell, H5307 he lay down: H7901 at her feet H7272 he bowed, H3766 he fell: H5307 where H834 he bowed, H3766 there he fell down H5307 dead. H7703 The mother H517 of Sisera H5516 looked H8259 out at a window, H2474 and cried H2980 through the lattice, H822 Why is his chariot H7393 so long H954 in coming? H935 why tarry H309 the wheels H6471 of his chariots? H4818 Her wise H2450 ladies H8282 answered H6030 her, yea, she returned H7725 answer H561 to herself, Have they not sped? H4672 have they not divided H2505 the prey; H7998 to every H7218 man H1397 a damsel H7356 or two; H7361 to Sisera H5516 a prey H7998 of divers colours, H6648 a prey H7998 of divers colours H6648 of needlework, H7553 of divers colours H6648 of needlework on both sides, H7553 meet for the necks H6677 of them that take the spoil? H7998 So let all thine enemies H341 perish, H6 O LORD: H3068 but let them that love H157 him be as the sun H8121 when he goeth forth H3318 in his might. H1369 And the land H776 had rest H8252 forty H705 years. H8141

1 Samuel 2:1-10 STRONG

And Hannah H2584 prayed, H6419 and said, H559 My heart H3820 rejoiceth H5970 in the LORD, H3068 mine horn H7161 is exalted H7311 in the LORD: H3068 my mouth H6310 is enlarged H7337 over mine enemies; H341 because I rejoice H8055 in thy salvation. H3444 There is none holy H6918 as the LORD: H3068 for there is none beside H1115 thee: neither is there any rock H6697 like our God. H430 Talk H1696 no more H7235 so exceeding H1364 proudly; H1364 let not arrogancy H6277 come H3318 out of your mouth: H6310 for the LORD H3068 is a God H410 of knowledge, H1844 and by him actions H5949 are weighed. H8505 The bows H7198 of the mighty men H1368 are broken, H2844 and they that stumbled H3782 are girded H247 with strength. H2428 They that were full H7649 have hired out H7936 themselves for bread; H3899 and they that were hungry H7457 ceased: H2308 so that the barren H6135 hath born H3205 seven; H7651 and she that hath many H7227 children H1121 is waxed feeble. H535 The LORD H3068 killeth, H4191 and maketh alive: H2421 he bringeth down H3381 to the grave, H7585 and bringeth up. H5927 The LORD H3068 maketh poor, H3423 and maketh rich: H6238 he bringeth low, H8213 and H637 lifteth up. H7311 He raiseth up H6965 the poor H1800 out of the dust, H6083 and lifteth up H7311 the beggar H34 from the dunghill, H830 to set H3427 them among princes, H5081 and to make them inherit H5157 the throne H3678 of glory: H3519 for the pillars H4690 of the earth H776 are the LORD'S, H3068 and he hath set H7896 the world H8398 upon them. He will keep H8104 the feet H7272 of his saints, H2623 and the wicked H7563 shall be silent H1826 in darkness; H2822 for by strength H3581 shall no man H376 prevail. H1396 The adversaries H7378 of the LORD H3068 shall be broken to pieces; H2865 out of heaven H8064 shall he thunder H7481 upon them: the LORD H3068 shall judge H1777 the ends H657 of the earth; H776 and he shall give H5414 strength H5797 unto his king, H4428 and exalt H7311 the horn H7161 of his anointed. H4899

2 Chronicles 29:30 STRONG

Moreover Hezekiah H3169 the king H4428 and the princes H8269 commanded H559 the Levites H3881 to sing praise H1984 unto the LORD H3068 with the words H1697 of David, H1732 and of Asaph H623 the seer. H2374 And they sang praises H1984 with gladness, H8057 and they bowed their heads H6915 and worshipped. H7812

Job 5:18 STRONG

For he maketh sore, H3510 and bindeth up: H2280 he woundeth, H4272 and his hands H3027 make whole. H7495

Psalms 18:1 STRONG

[[To the chief Musician, H5329 A Psalm of David, H1732 the servant H5650 of the LORD, H3068 who spake H1696 unto the LORD H3068 the words H1697 of this song H7892 in the day H3117 that the LORD H3068 delivered H5337 him from the hand H3709 of all his enemies, H341 and from the hand H3027 of Saul: H7586 And he said,]] H559 I will love H7355 thee, O LORD, H3068 my strength. H2391

Psalms 30:11-12 STRONG

Thou hast turned H2015 for me my mourning H4553 into dancing: H4234 thou hast put off H6605 my sackcloth, H8242 and girded H247 me with gladness; H8057 To the end that my glory H3519 may sing H2167 praise to thee, and not be silent. H1826 O LORD H3068 my God, H430 I will give thanks H3034 unto thee for ever. H5769

Psalms 107:17-22 STRONG

Fools H191 because H1870 of their transgression, H6588 and because of their iniquities, H5771 are afflicted. H6031 Their soul H5315 abhorreth H8581 all manner of meat; H400 and they draw near H5060 unto the gates H8179 of death. H4194 Then they cry H2199 unto the LORD H3068 in their trouble, H6862 and he saveth H3467 them out of their distresses. H4691 He sent H7971 his word, H1697 and healed H7495 them, and delivered H4422 them from their destructions. H7825 Oh that men would praise H3034 the LORD H3068 for his goodness, H2617 and for his wonderful works H6381 to the children H1121 of men! H120 And let them sacrifice H2076 the sacrifices H2077 of thanksgiving, H8426 and declare H5608 his works H4639 with rejoicing. H7440

Psalms 116:1-4 STRONG

I love H157 the LORD, H3068 because he hath heard H8085 my voice H6963 and my supplications. H8469 Because he hath inclined H5186 his ear H241 unto me, therefore will I call H7121 upon him as long as I live. H3117 The sorrows H2256 of death H4194 compassed H661 me, and the pains H4712 of hell H7585 gat hold H4672 upon me: I found H4672 trouble H6869 and sorrow. H3015 Then called H7121 I upon the name H8034 of the LORD; H3068 O LORD, H3068 I beseech H577 thee, deliver H4422 my soul. H5315

Psalms 118:18-19 STRONG

The LORD H3050 hath chastened H3256 me sore: H3256 but he hath not given me over H5414 unto death. H4194 Open H6605 to me the gates H8179 of righteousness: H6664 I will go H935 into them, and I will praise H3034 the LORD: H3050

Isaiah 12:1-6 STRONG

And in that day H3117 thou shalt say, H559 O LORD, H3068 I will praise H3034 thee: though thou wast angry H599 with me, thine anger H639 is turned away, H7725 and thou comfortedst H5162 me. Behold, God H410 is my salvation; H3444 I will trust, H982 and not be afraid: H6342 for the LORD H3050 JEHOVAH H3068 is my strength H5797 and my song; H2176 he also is become my salvation. H3444 Therefore with joy H8342 shall ye draw H7579 water H4325 out of the wells H4599 of salvation. H3444 And in that day H3117 shall ye say, H559 Praise H3034 the LORD, H3068 call H7121 upon his name, H8034 declare H3045 his doings H5949 among the people, H5971 make mention H2142 that his name H8034 is exalted. H7682 Sing H2167 unto the LORD; H3068 for he hath done H6213 excellent things: H1348 this is known H3045 H3045 in all the earth. H776 Cry out H6670 and shout, H7442 thou inhabitant H3427 of Zion: H6726 for great H1419 is the Holy One H6918 of Israel H3478 in the midst H7130 of thee.

Hosea 6:1-2 STRONG

Come, H3212 and let us return H7725 unto the LORD: H3068 for he hath torn, H2963 and he will heal H7495 us; he hath smitten, H5221 and he will bind us up. H2280 After two days H3117 will he revive H2421 us: in the third H7992 day H3117 he will raise us up, H6965 and we shall live H2421 in his sight. H6440

Jonah 2:1-9 STRONG

Then Jonah H3124 prayed H6419 unto the LORD H3068 his God H430 out of the fish's H1710 belly, H4578 And said, H559 I cried H7121 by reason of mine affliction H6869 unto the LORD, H3068 and he heard H6030 me; out of the belly H990 of hell H7585 cried H7768 I, and thou heardest H8085 my voice. H6963 For thou hadst cast H7993 me into the deep, H4688 in the midst H3824 of the seas; H3220 and the floods H5104 compassed H5437 me about: all thy billows H4867 and thy waves H1530 passed over H5674 me. Then I said, H559 I am cast out H1644 of thy sight; H5869 yet I will look H5027 again H3254 toward thy holy H6944 temple. H1964 The waters H4325 compassed me about, H661 even to the soul: H5315 the depth H8415 closed me round about, H5437 the weeds H5488 were wrapped about H2280 my head. H7218 I went down H3381 to the bottoms H7095 of the mountains; H2022 the earth H776 with her bars H1280 was about me for ever: H5769 yet hast thou brought up H5927 my life H2416 from corruption, H7845 O LORD H3068 my God. H430 When my soul H5315 fainted H5848 within me I remembered H2142 the LORD: H3068 and my prayer H8605 came in H935 unto thee, into thine holy H6944 temple. H1964 They that observe H8104 lying H7723 vanities H1892 forsake H5800 their own mercy. H2617 But I will sacrifice H2076 unto thee with the voice H6963 of thanksgiving; H8426 I will pay H7999 that that I have vowed. H5087 Salvation H3444 is of the LORD. H3068

Commentary on Isaiah 38 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



This chapter gives an account of Hezekiah's sickness, recovery, and thanksgiving on that account. His sickness, and the nature of it, and his preparation for it, as directed to by the prophet, Isaiah 38:1, his prayer to God upon it, Isaiah 38:2 the answer returned unto it, by which he is assured of living fifteen years more, and of the deliverance and protection of the city of Jerusalem from the Assyrians, Isaiah 38:4, the token of his recovery, the sun going back ten degrees on the dial of Ahaz, Isaiah 38:7, a writing of Hezekiah's upon his recovery, in commemoration of it, Isaiah 38:9, in which he represents the deplorable condition he had been in, the terrible apprehensions he had of things, especially of the wrath and fury of the Almighty, and his sorrowful and mournful complaints, Isaiah 38:10, he observes his deliverance according to the word of God; expresses his faith in it; promises to retain a cheerful sense of it; owning that it was by the promises of God that he had lived as other saints did; and ascribes his preservation from the grave to the love of God to him, of which the forgiveness of his sins was an evidence, Isaiah 38:15, the end of which salvation was, that he might praise the Lord, which he determined to do, on stringed instruments, Isaiah 38:18, and the chapter is closed with observing the means of curing him of his boil; and that it was at his request that the sign of his recovery was given him, Isaiah 38:21.

Verse 1

In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death,.... This was about the time that Sennacherib invaded Judea, threatened Jerusalem with a siege, and his army was destroyed by an angel from heaven; but, whether it was before or after the destruction of his army, interpreters are not agreed. Some of the Jewish writers, as Jarchi upon the place, and othersF1Seder Olam Rabba, c. 23. p. 65. , say, it was three days before the ruin of Sennacherib's army; and that it was on the third day that Hezekiah recovered, and went up to the temple, that the destruction was; and that it was the first day of the passover; and that this was before the city of Jerusalem was delivered from him; and the fears of him seem clear from Isaiah 38:6 and some are of opinion that his sickness was occasioned by the consternation and terror he was thrown into, by reason of the Assyrian army, which threatened ruin to him and his kingdom. Though JosephusF2Antiqu. l. 10. c. 2. sect. 1. says, that it was after his deliverance from it, and when he had given thanks to God for it; however, it is certain it was in the same year, since it was in the fourteenth year of Hezekiah's reign that Sennacherib invaded Judea, and from this his sickness and recovery fifteen years were added to his days, and he reigned no more than twenty nine years, 2 Kings 8:2 what this sickness was cannot be said with certainty; some have conjectured it to be the plague, since he had a malignant ulcer, of which he was cured by a plaster of figs; but, be it what it will, it was a deadly one in its own nature, it was a sickness unto death, a mortal one; though it was not eventually so, through the interposition of divine power, which prevented it. The reason of this sickness, which Jarchi gives, that it was because he did not take to himself a wife, is without foundation; more likely the reason of it was, to keep him humble, and that he might not be lifted up with the deliverance, or be more thankful for it:

and Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amoz, came unto him: not of his own accord to visit him, but was sent by the Lord with a message to him:

and said unto him, thus saith the Lord, set thine house in order; or, "give orders to thine house"F3צו לביתך "praecipe domui tuae", Musculus, Vatablus, Pagniaus, Montanus. : to the men of thine house, as the Targum; his domestics, his counsellors and courtiers, what they should do after his death; how his personal estate should be disposed of; how the throne should be filled up; who should succeed him, since he had no son: the family and secular affairs of men should be put in order, and direction given for the management of them, and their substance and estates should be disposed of by will before their death; and much more a concern should be shown for the setting in order their spiritual affairs, or that they may be habitually ready for death and eternity;

for thou shall die, and not live: or not recover of thy sickness, as the Targum adds: "for thou art a dead man", as it may be rendered, in all human appearance; the disease being deadly, and of which he could not recover by the help of any medicine; nothing but almighty power could save him; and this is said, to observe to him his danger, to give him the sentence of death in himself, and to set him a praying, as it did.

Verse 2

Then Hezekiah turned his face to the wall,.... Not figuratively to the wall of his heart, as Jerom; but literally, either to the wall of his bedchamber where he lay sick, that his tears might not be seen, and his prayers interrupted, and that he might deliver them with more privacy, freedom, and fervency; or else to the wall of the temple, as the Targum, towards which good men used to look when they prayed, 1 Kings 8:38, which was a type of Christ, to whom we should have respect in all our petitions, as being the only Mediator between God and man: and prayed unto the Lord; as follows:

Verse 3

And said, remember now, O Lord, I beseech thee,.... He puts the Lord in mind of his good walk and works, which are never forgotten by him, though they may seem to be: and this he the rather did, because it might be thought that he had been guilty of some very enormous crime, which he was not conscious to himself he had; it being unusual to cut men off in the prime of their days, but in such a case:

how I have walked before thee in truth, and with a perfect heart; or rather, "that I have walked before thee", as Noldius, since the manner of walking is declared in express terms; so the Targum, Syriac, and Arabic versions, and others; that the course of his life in the sight of God, having the fear of him upon his heart, and before his eyes, was according to the truth of his word, institutions, and appointments; that he walked in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord, and in the sincerity, integrity, and uprightness of his soul; and however imperfect his services were, as no man so walks as to be free from sin, yet he was sincere and without dissimulation in the performance of them; his intentions were upright, his views were purely to the glory of God:

and have done that which is good in thy sight; agreeably both to the moral and ceremonial law, in his own private and personal capacity as a man, in the administration of justice in his government as a king; and particularly in reforming the nation; in destroying idols, and idol worship; in breaking in pieces the brazen serpent, when used to idolatrous purposes; and in setting up the pure worship of God, and his ordinances; and which he does not plead as meritorious, but mentions as well pleasing to God, which he graciously accepts of, and encourages with promises of reward:

and Hezekiah wept sore; not only because of his death, the news of which might be shocking to nature; but because of the distressed condition the nation would be in, having now the Assyrian army in it, or at least not wholly free from fears, by reason of that monarch; and besides, had no son to succeed him in the throne, and so difficulties and troubles might arise within themselves about a successor; and it may be, what troubled him most of all was, that dying without issue, the Messiah could not spring from his seed.

Verse 4

Then came the word of the Lord to Isaiah,.... Before he had got out into the middle court, 2 Kings 20:4,

saying, as follows:

Verse 5

Go and say to Hezekiah,.... Turn again, and tell him, 2 Kings 20:5,

thus saith the Lord the God of David thy father; this is said, to show that he remembered the covenant he made with David his father, concerning the kingdom, and the succession of his children in it; and that he had a regard to him, as walking in his steps:

I have heard thy prayer; and therefore was not surely a foolish one, as Luther somewhere calls it, since it was heard and answered so quickly:

I have seen thy tears; which he shed in prayer, and so studiously concealed from others, when he turned his face to the wall:

behold, I will add unto thy days fifteen years; that is, to the days he had lived already, and beyond which it was not probable, according to the nature of his disease, he could live; and besides, he had the sentence of death pronounced on him, and had it within himself, nor did he pray for his life; so that these fifteen years were over and above what he could or did expect to live; and because it was unusual in such a case, and after such a declaration made, that a man should live, and especially so long a time after, it is ushered in with a "behold", as a note of admiration; it being a thing unheard of, and unprecedented, and entirely the Lord's doing, and which, no doubt, was marvellous in the eyes of the king.

Verse 6

And I will deliver thee and this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria,.... So that it seems that Hezekiah's sickness was while the king of Assyria was near the city of Jerusalem, and about to besiege it, and before the destruction of the Assyrian army; unless this is said to secure Hezekiah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem from all fears of a return of that king, to give them fresh trouble:

and I will defend this city; from the present siege laid to it, ruin threatened it, or from any attack upon it, by the Assyrian monarch.

Verse 7

And this shall be a sign unto thee from the Lord,.... And which it seems Hezekiah asked, and it was put to him which he would choose, whether the shadow on the sundial should go forward or backward ten degrees, and he chose the latter, 2 Kings 20:8, which was a token confirming and assuring

that the Lord will do this thing that he hath spoken; recover Hezekiah from his sickness, so that on the third day he should go up to the temple; have fifteen years added to his days; and the city of Jerusalem protected from the attempts of the Assyrian monarch.

Verse 8

Behold, I will bring again the shadow of the degrees,.... Or lines made on a dial plate, to show the progress of the sun, and what time of day it was. Some think only the shadow was brought back by the power of God, the sun keeping its course as usual; but in the next clause the sun is expressly said to return ten degrees: besides, it is not easy to conceive how the shadow of the sun should go back, unless the sun itself did; if it had been only the shadow of it on Ahaz's dial, it would not have fallen under the notice of other nations, or have been the subject of their inquiry, as it was of the Babylonians, 2 Chronicles 32:31,

which is gone down on the sundial of Ahaz, the first sundial we read of; and though there might be others at this time, yet the lines or degrees might be more plain in this; and besides, this might be near the king's bedchamber, and to which he could look out at, and see the wonder himself, the shadow to return ten degrees backward; what those degrees, lines, or marks on the dial showed, is not certain. The Targum makes them to be hours, paraphrasing the words thus;

"behold, I will bring again the shadow of the stone of hours, by which the sun is gone down on the dial of Ahaz, backwards ten degrees; and the sun returned ten hours on the figure of the stone of hours, in which it went down;'

but others think they pointed out half hours; and others but quarters of hours; but, be it which it will, it matters not, the miracle was the same:

so the sun returned ten degrees, by which degrees it was gone down; and so this day was longer by these degrees than a common day, be they what they will, and according as we suppose the sun went back, suddenly, or as it usually moved, though in a retrograde way, and made the same progress again through these degrees. The Jews have a fable, that the day King Ahaz died was shortened ten hours, and now lengthened the same at this season, which brought time right again. According to Gussetius, these were not degrees or marks on a sundial, to know the time of day, for this was a later invention, ascribed to Anaximene's, a disciple of AnaximanderF3, two hundred years after this; but were steps or stairs built by Ahaz, to go up from the ground to the roof of the house, on the outside of it, and which might consist of twenty steps or more; and on which the sun cast a shadow all hours of the day, "and this declined ten of these steps", which might be at the window of Hezekiah's bedchamber.F4Vid. Comment. Ebr. p. 859. .

Verse 9

The writing of Hezekiah king of Judah,.... The Septuagint and Arabic versions call it a "prayer": but the Targum, much better,

"a writing of confession;'

in which the king owns his murmurings and complaints under his affliction, and acknowledges the goodness of God in delivering him out of it: this he put into writing, as a memorial of it, for his own benefit, and for the good of posterity; very probably he carried this with him to the temple, whither he went on the third day of his illness, and hung it up in some proper place, that it might be read by all, and be sung by the priests and the Levites; and the Prophet Isaiah has thought fit to give it a place among his prophecies, that it might be transmitted to future ages:

when he had been sick, and was recovered of his sickness; or, "on his being sickF5בחלותו "in aegrotando ipsum", Montanus. "; on his sickness and recovery, which were the subject matter of his writing, as the following show; though it is true also of the time of writing it, which was after he had been ill, and was well again.

Verse 10

I said, in the cutting off of my days,.... When he was told that he should die, and he believed he should; this he calls a "cutting off" in allusion to the weaver's web, Isaiah 38:12 and a cutting off "his days", he being now in the prime of his age, about thirty nine or forty years of age, and not arrived to the common period of life, and to which, according to his constitution, and the course of nature, he might have attained. The Jews call such a death a cutting off, that is, by the hand of God, which is before a man is fifty years of age. The Vulgate Latin version is, "in the midst of my days"; as it was, according to the common term of life, being threescore and ten, and at most eighty, Psalm 90:10,

I shall go to the gates of the grave; and enter there into the house appointed for all living, which he saw were open for him, and ready to receive him:

I am deprived of the residue of my days; the other thirty or forty years which he might expect to have lived, according to the course of nature; of these he was bereaved, according to the sentence of death he now had in him; what if the words were rendered, "I am visited with more of my yearsF6פקדתי יתר שנותי "visitatus sum, eum adhuc superessent anni", Tigurine version. ?" and so the sense be, when I was apprehensive that I was just going to be cut off, and to be deprived of the days and years I might have lived, and hoped I should, to the glory of God, and the good of my subjects; just when I saw it was all over with me, I had a gracious visit or message from the Lord, assuring me that fifteen years should be added to my life: and so this is mentioned as a singular instance of divine goodness, in the midst of his distress; and to this sense the Targum agrees,

"because he remembered me for good, an addition was made to my years.'

Verse 11

I said, I shall not see the Lord, even the Lord in the land of the living,.... Not any more, in this world, though in the other, and that more clearly, even face to face: his meaning is, that he should no more see him in the glass of the word; no more praise him in his house; worship him in his temple; enjoy him in his ordinances; and see his beauty, power, and glory, in the sanctuary; and confess unto him, and praise his nameF7Ben Melech observes, that seeing or appearing before the Creator signifies confession and praise before him, and consideration of his ways; and this sense of the words, he says, R. Sandiah gives. . The Targum is,

"I shall no more appear before the face of the Lord in the land of the house of his Shechinah, in which is length of life; and I shall no more serve him in the house of the sanctuary.'

In the Hebrew text it is, "I shall not see Jah, Jah"; a word, the same with Jehovah; and is repeated, to show the vehemency of his affection for the Lord, and his ardent desire of communion with him: unless it should be rendered, "I shall not see the Lord's Lord in the land of the livingF8לא אראה יה יה ουκετι ου μη ιδω το σωτηριον του θεου, Sept. "non videbo Jah Jah", Montanus, Vatablus. "; or the Lord's Christ in the flesh:

I shall behold man no more with the inhabitants of the world; or "time"F9יושבי חדל "cum habitoribus temporis", Montanus. So Ben Melech explains it; and which will quickly cease. חדל, "mundus, tempus cito desinens"----ldx, "prodit mundi cessabilitatem, quatenus est colectio rerum pereuntium", Gusset. Ebr. Comment. p. 242. "cum habitatoribus terrae cessationis", Vitringa. ; of this fading transitory world, which will quickly cease, as the word for it signifies: next to God, his concern was, that he should no more enjoy the company of men, of his subjects, of his courtiers, of his relations, companions, and acquaintance; particularly of the saints, the excellent in the earth.

Verse 12

Mine age is departed, and is removed from me as a shepherd's tent,.... Or, my habitationF11דורי "habitatio mea", Vatablus, Junius & Tremellius. ; meaning the earthly house of his tabernacle, his body; this was just going, in his apprehension, to be unpinned, and removed like a shepherd's tent, that is easily taken down, and removed from place to place. Some understand it of the men of his age or generation; so the Targum,

"from the children of my generation my days are taken away; they are cut off, and removed from me; they are rolled up as a shepherd's tent;'

which being made of skins, as tents frequently were, such as the Arabian shepherds used, were soon taken down, and easily rolled and folded up and carried elsewhere:

I have cut off like a weaver my life; who, when he has finished his web, or a part of it, as he pleases, cuts it off from the loom, and disposes of it: this Hezekiah ascribes to himself, either that by reason of his sins and transgressions he was the cause of his being taken away by death so soon; or this was the thought he had within himself, that his life would now be cut off, as the weaver's web from the loom; for otherwise he knew that it was the Lord that would do it, whenever it was, as in the next clause:

he will cut me off with pining sickness; which was now upon him, wasting and consuming him apace: or, "will cut me off from the thrum"F12מדלה יבצעני "a liciis resecturus est me", Piscator; "a primis filis resecat me", Vitringa. ; keeping on the metaphor of the weaver cutting off his web from the thrum, fastened to the beam of his loom:

from day even tonight wilt thou make an end of me; he means the Lord by "he" in the preceding clause, and in this he addresses him; signifying that the affliction was so sharp and heavy upon him, which was the first day of it, that he did not expect to live till night, but that God would put a period to his days, fill them up, and finish his life, and dispatch him out of this world.

Verse 13

I reckoned till morning,.... Or, "I set my time till the morningF13שויתי עד בקר "statui, vel posui usque ad mane", Pagninus, Montanus; "constitui rursum terminum usque mane", Vatablus. "; he fixed and settled it in his mind that he could live no longer than to the morning, if he lived so long; he thought he should have died before the night came on, and, now it was come, the utmost he could propose to himself was to live till morning; that was the longest time he could reckon of. According to the accents, it should be rendered, "I reckoned till morning as a lion"; or "I am like until the morning as a lion"; or, "I likened until the morning (God) as a lion"; I compared him to one; which agrees with what follows. The Targum is,

"I roared until morning, as a lion roars;'

through the force of the disease, and the pain he was in: or rather,

"I laid my bones together until the morning as a lion; "so indeed as a lion God" hath broken all my bonesF14Reinbeck de Accent Heb. p. 411. :'

so will he break all my bones; or, "it will break"; that is, the sickness, as Kimchi and Jarchi; it lay in his bones, and so violent was the pain, that he thought all his bones were breaking in pieces; such is the case in burning fevers, as Jerom observes; so Kimchi interprets it of a burning fever, which is like a fire in the bones. Some understand this of God himself, to which our version directs, who may be said to do this by the disease: compare with this Job 16:14 and to this sense the following clause inclines:

from day even tonight wilt thou make an end of me; he lived till morning, which was more than he expected, and was the longest time he could set himself; and now be reckoned that before night it would be all over with him as to this world. This was the second day of his illness; and the third day he recovered, and went to the temple with his song of praise.

Verse 14

Like a crane, or a swallow, so did I chatter,.... Rather, "like a crane and a swallow", like both; sometimes loud and clamorous, like a craneF15So it is said in the Talmud, "Resh-Lakish cried like a crane", T. Bab. Kiddushin, col. 42. 1. , when the pain was very acute and grievous; and sometimes very low, through weakness of body, like the twittering of a swallow; or the moan he made under his affliction was like the mournful voices of these birds at certain times. Some think he refers to his prayers, which were quick and short, and expressed not with articulate words, but in groans and cries; at least were not regular and orderly, but interrupted, and scarce intelligible, like the chattering of the birds mentioned:

I did mourn as a dove; silently and patiently, within himself, for his sins and transgressions; and because of his afflictions, the fruit of them:

mine eyes fail with looking upwards; or, "on high"; or, as the Septuagint and Arabic versions express it, "to the height of heaven"; to the Lord there, whose Shechinah, as the Targum, is in the highest heavens: in his distress he looked up to heaven for help, but none came; he looked and waited till his eyes were weak with looking, and he could look no longer; both his eyes and his heart failed him, and he despaired of relief; and the prayer he put up was as follows:

O Lord, I am oppressed; undertake for me; or, "it oppresseth meF16"Opprimit me, sub.infirmitas, vel morbus", Munster. "; that is, the disease; it lay so heavy upon him, it bore him down with the weight of it, he could not stand up under it; it had seized him, and crushed him; it held him fast, and he could not get clear of it; and therefore entreats the Lord to "undertake" for him, to be his surety for good, as in Psalm 119:122, he represents his disease as a bailiff that had arrested him, and was carrying him to the prison of the grave; and therefore prays that the Lord would bail him, or rescue him out of his hands, that he might not go down to the gates of the grave. So souls oppressed with the guilt of sin, and having fearful apprehensions of divine justice, should apply to Christ their surety, and take refuge in his undertakings, where only peace and safety are to be enjoyed. So Gussetius renders the words, "I have unrighteousness, be surety for me"F17עשקה לי "njustitia est mihi hoc est, habeo injustitiam, reus suro injustitia, sponde pro me", Ebr. Comment, p. 654. ; and takes them to be a confession of Hezekiah, acknowledging himself guilty of unrighteousness, praying and looking to Christ the Son of God, and to his suretyship engagements, who, though not yet come to fulfil them, certainly would.

Verse 15

What shall I say?.... In a way of praise and thankfulness, for the mercies promised and received; I know not what to say; I want words to express the gratitude of my heart for the kindness bestowed. What shall I render to God for all his benefits? So the Targum,

"what praise shall I utter, and I will say it before him?'

for here begins the account of his recovery, and his thanksgiving for it:

he hath both spoken unto me, and himself hath done it; the Lord had sent him a message by the prophet, and assured him that he should recover, and on the third day go up to the temple; and now he had performed what he had promised, he was restored, and was come to the house of God with his thank offering; whatever the Lord says, he does; what he promises, he brings to pass:

I shall go softly all my years in the bitterness of my soul; before he did not reckon of a day to live, now he speaks of his years, having fifteen added to his days, during which time he should "go softly", in a thoughtful "meditating" frame of mindF18אדדה "motitando meditabor", Tigurine version; "leniter, vel pedetentim incedam" Vatablus; "alacriter incedam", Piscator, Vitringa. ; frequently calling to remembrance, and revolving in his mind, his bitter affliction, and recovery out of it, acknowledging the goodness and kindness of God unto him: or leisurely,

step by step, without fear of any enemies, dangers, or death, having a promise of such a length of time to live: or go pleasantly and

cheerfully, after the bitterness of my soulF19על מר "post amaritudinem", Piscator. , as it may be rendered; that is, after it is over, or because of deliverance from it. So the Targum,

"with what shall I serve him, and render to him for all the years he hath added to my life, and hath delivered me from the bitterness of my soul?'

Verse 16

O Lord, by these things men live,.... Not by bread only, but by the word of God: by the promise of God, and by his power performing it; and by his favour and goodness continually bestowed; it is in him, and by his power and providence, that they live and move, and have their being, and the continuance of it; and it is his lovingkindness manifested to them that makes them live comfortably and go on cheerfully:

and in all these things is the life of my spirit; what kept his soul in life were the same things, the promise, power, and providence of God; what revived his spirit, and made him comfortable and cheerful, was the wonderful love and great goodness of God unto him, in appearing to him, and for him, and delivering him out of his sore troubles. Ben Melech renders and gives the sense of the words thus; "to all will I declare and say, that in these", in the years of addition (the fifteen years added to his days) "are the life of my spirit"; so Kimchi. The Targum interprets it of the resurrection of the dead,

"O Lord, concerning all the dead, thou hast said, that thou wilt quicken them; and before them all thou hast quickened my spirit:'

so wilt thou recover me, and make me to live; or rather, "and" or "for thou hast recoveredF20So Gataker. me, and made me to live"; for the Lord had not only promised it, but he had done it, Isaiah 38:15, and so the Targum,

"and hast quickened me, and sustained me.'

Verse 17

Behold, for peace I had great bitterness,.... Meaning not that instead of peace and prosperity, which he expected would ensue upon the destruction of Sennacherib's army, came a bitter affliction upon him; for he is not now dwelling on that melancholy subject; but rather the sense is, that he now enjoyed great peace and happiness, though he had been in great bitterness; for the words may be rendered, "behold, I am in peace, I had great bitterness"; or thus, "behold my great bitterness is unto peace": or, "he has turned it into peace"F21ותחלימני Abendana, after Joseph Kimchi, interprets it of changing bitterness into peace; he observes in the phrase לי מר לשלום מר that the first מר signifies change or permutation as in Jer. xlvlii. 11. and the second bitterness: and that the sense is this, behold, unto peace he hath changed my bitterness, that is the bitterness and distress which I had, he hath changed into peace. ; it has issued in it, and this is my present comfortable situation: "but", or rather,

and thou hast in love to my soul delivered it from the pit of corruption: the grave, where bodies rot and corrupt, and are quite abolished, as the word signifies; see Psalm 30:3 or "thou hast embraced my soul from the pit of corruptionF23ואתה חשקת נפשי משחת בלי "et tu amplexus es amore animam meam a fovea abolitionis"; Montanus; "tu vero propenso amore complexus es animam meam", Piscator; "tu tenero amore complexus animam meam", Vitringa. "; it seems to be an allusion to a tender parent, seeing his child sinking in a pit, runs with open arms to him, and embraces him, and takes him out. This may be applied to a state of nature, out of which the Lord in love delivers his people; which is signified by a pit, or dark dungeon, a lonely place, a filthy one, very uncomfortable, where they are starving and famishing; a pit, wherein is no water, Zechariah 9:11 and may fitly be called a pit of corruption, because of their corrupt nature, estate, and actions; out of this the Lord brings his people at conversion, and that because of his great love to their souls, and his delight in them; or it may be applied to their deliverance from the bottomless pit of destruction, which is owing to the Lord's being gracious to them, and having found a ransom for them, his own Son, Job 33:24, and to this sense the Septuagint, Vulgate Latin, and Arabic versions seem to incline; "for thou hast delivered my soul that it might not perish": in love to their souls, and that they may not perish, he binds them up in the bundle of life, with the Lord their God; he redeems their souls from sin, Satan, and the law; he regenerates, renews, and converts them, and preserves them safe to his everlasting kingdom and glory; in order to which, and to prevent their going down to the pit, they are put into the hands of Christ, redeemed by his precious blood, and are turned out of the broad road that leads to destruction:

for thou hast cast all my sins behind thy back; as loathsome and abominable, and so as not to be seen by him; for though God sees all the sins of his people with his eye of omniscience, and in his providence takes notice of them, and chastises for them, yet not with his eye of avenging justice; because Christ has took them on himself, and made satisfaction for them, and an end of them; they are removed from them as far as the east is from the west, and no more to be seen upon them; nor will they be any more set before his face, or in the light of his countenance; but as they are out of sight they will be out of mind, never more remembered, but forgotten; as what is cast behind the back is seen and remembered no more. The phrase is expressive of the full forgiveness of sins, even of all sins; see Psalm 85:2, the object of God's love is the souls of his people; the instance of it is the delivery of them from the pit of corruption; the evidence of it is the pardon of their sins.

Verse 18

For the grave cannot praise thee, death can not celebrate thee,.... That is, they that are in the grave, and under the power of death, they cannot celebrate the praises of God with their bodily organs; their souls may praise him in heaven, but they in their bodies cannot till the resurrection morn, or as long as they are under the dominion of the grave; so the Targum,

"they that are in the grave cannot confess before thee, and the dead cannot praise thee;'

in like manner the Septuagint and Arabic versions: this shows the design of God in restoring him from his sickness, and the view he himself had in desiring life, which was to praise the Lord; and which end could not have been answered had he died, and been laid in the grave:

they that go down to the pit cannot hope for thy truth: for the performance of promises, in which the truth and faithfulness of God appear; or for the Messiah, the truth of all the types of the former dispensation; those that go down to the pit of the grave, or are carried and laid there, can have no exercise of faith and hope concerning these things.

Verse 19

The living, the living, he shall praise thee, as I do this day,.... Every one of the living, or such who are both corporeally and spiritually alive; and therefore the word is repeated; none but such who are alive in a corporeal sense can praise the Lord in this world; and none but such who are spiritually alive can praise him aright, and such do under a true sense of the greatness of his mercies, and of their own unworthiness; and such a one was Hezekiah; for the words may be rendered, "as I am this dayF24כמני היום "quails ego sum hodie", Syr. "; that is, alive in both the above senses; and so did he praise God, in such a spiritual manner, even on the day he committed this to writing, and was now in the temple offering up this thanksgiving:

the father to the children shall make known thy truth: not meaning himself, for at this time he had no children; though, no doubt, when he had any, as he afterwards had, particularly Manasseh, he took care to acquaint him with the truth and faithfulness of God in the fulfilling of his promises to him; and which every religious parent would do, and so transmit the memory thereof to future ages.

Verse 20

The Lord was ready to save me,.... Or, "the Lord to save meF25יהוה להושיעני "Dominus ad servandum me", Montanus; "Jehova est ad salvandum me", Cocceius, Vitringa. "; he was at hand to save him; he was both able and willing to save him; he was a present help in time of need; he arose for his help, and that right early; he very quickly delivered him out of his distress; he, who one day expected death every moment, was the next day in the temple praising God:

therefore will we sing my songs; which were made by him, or concerning him, or which he ordered to be sung, as he did the Psalms of David, 2 Chronicles 29:30,

to the stringed instruments: which were touched with the fingers, or struck with a quill or bow; which distinguishes them from wind instruments, which were blown with the mouth; each of these were used in the temple service:

all the days of our life; he had before said "we will sing", meaning his family and his friends with him, his courtiers, princes, and nobles, or he and the singers of Israel; and this he determined to do as long as he and they lived; signifying, that the mercy granted would never be forgotten by him, as well as there would be new mercies every day, which would call for praise and thankfulness: and this he proposed to do

in the house of the Lord; in the temple; not only privately, but publicly; not in his closet and family only, but in the congregation of the people; that the goodness of God to him might be more known, and the praise and glory given him be the greater.

Verse 21

For Isaiah had said,.... Before the above writing was made, which ends in the preceding verse; for this and the following are added by Isaiah, or some other person, taken out of 2 Kings 20:7. The Septuagint version adds, "to Hezekiah"; but the speech seems rather directed to some of his servants, or those that were about him:

let them take a lump of figs, and lay it for a plaster upon the boil, and he shall recover; which was done, and he did accordingly recover. Aben Ezra, Jarchi, and. Kimchi, all of them say, that this was a miracle within a miracle, since figs are hurtful to ulcers; and so say others; though it is observed by some, that they are useful for the ripening and breaking of ulcers; however, it was not from the natural force of these figs, but by the power of God, that this cure was effected; for, without that, it was impossible so malignant an ulcer and so deadly a sickness as Hezekiah's were could have been cured, and especially so suddenly; nor were these figs used as a medicine, but as a sign of recovery, according to the Lord's promise, and as a means of assisting Hezekiah's faith in it.

Verse 22

Hezekiah also had said,.... Unto Isaiah, as in 2 Kings 20:8,

what is the sign that I shall go up to the house of the Lord? both of his health, and of his going up to the temple with thanksgiving for it; though the former is not here mentioned, as it is elsewhere; partly because it is supposed in the latter, for without that he could not have gone up to the temple; and partly because he was more solicitous for the worship and honour of God in his house, the for his health. The Syriac version transposes these verses, "Hezekiah had said, what is the sign? &c. and Isaiah had answered, let them take a lump of figs", &c. as if this latter was the sign; whereas it was that of the sun's going down ten degrees on the dial of Ahaz, Isaiah 38:7; see Gill on Isaiah 38:7, Isaiah 38:8.