Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Isaiah » Chapter 44 » Verse 26

Isaiah 44:26 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

26 That confirmeth H6965 the word H1697 of his servant, H5650 and performeth H7999 the counsel H6098 of his messengers; H4397 that saith H559 to Jerusalem, H3389 Thou shalt be inhabited; H3427 and to the cities H5892 of Judah, H3063 Ye shall be built, H1129 and I will raise up H6965 the decayed places H2723 thereof:

Cross Reference

Zechariah 1:6 STRONG

But my words H1697 and my statutes, H2706 which I commanded H6680 my servants H5650 the prophets, H5030 did they not take hold H5381 of your fathers? H1 and they returned H7725 and said, H559 Like as the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 thought H2161 to do H6213 unto us, according to our ways, H1870 and according to our doings, H4611 so hath he dealt H6213 with us.

Jeremiah 32:15 STRONG

For thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 the God H430 of Israel; H3478 Houses H1004 and fields H7704 and vineyards H3754 shall be possessed again H7069 in this land. H776

Jeremiah 31:38-40 STRONG

Behold, the days H3117 come, H935 saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 that the city H5892 shall be built H1129 to the LORD H3068 from the tower H4026 of Hananeel H2606 unto the gate H8179 of the corner. H6438 And the measuring H4060 line H6957 H6961 shall yet go forth H3318 over against it upon the hill H1389 Gareb, H1619 and shall compass about H5437 to Goath. H1601 And the whole valley H6010 of the dead bodies, H6297 and of the ashes, H1880 and all the fields H7709 H8309 unto the brook H5158 of Kidron, H6939 unto the corner H6438 of the horse H5483 gate H8179 toward the east, H4217 shall be holy H6944 unto the LORD; H3068 it shall not be plucked up, H5428 nor thrown down H2040 any more for ever. H5769

Jeremiah 32:44 STRONG

Men shall buy H7069 fields H7704 for money, H3701 and subscribe H3789 evidences, H5612 and seal H2856 them, and take H5749 witnesses H5707 in the land H776 of Benjamin, H1144 and in the places about H5439 Jerusalem, H3389 and in the cities H5892 of Judah, H3063 and in the cities H5892 of the mountains, H2022 and in the cities H5892 of the valley, H8219 and in the cities H5892 of the south: H5045 for I will cause their captivity H7622 to return, H7725 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

Jeremiah 33:7 STRONG

And I will cause the captivity H7622 of Judah H3063 and the captivity H7622 of Israel H3478 to return, H7725 and will build H1129 them, as at the first. H7223

Ezekiel 36:10 STRONG

And I will multiply H7235 men H120 upon you, all the house H1004 of Israel, H3478 even all of it: and the cities H5892 shall be inhabited, H3427 and the wastes H2723 shall be builded: H1129

Ezekiel 36:33-36 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 In the day H3117 that I shall have cleansed H2891 you from all your iniquities H5771 I will also cause you to dwell H3427 in the cities, H5892 and the wastes H2723 shall be builded. H1129 And the desolate H8074 land H776 shall be tilled, H5647 whereas it lay desolate H8077 in the sight H5869 of all that passed by. H5674 And they shall say, H559 This H1977 land H776 that was desolate H8074 is become like the garden H1588 of Eden; H5731 and the waste H2720 and desolate H8074 and ruined H2040 cities H5892 are become fenced, H1219 and are inhabited. H3427 Then the heathen H1471 that are left H7604 round about H5439 you shall know H3045 that I the LORD H3068 build H1129 the ruined H2040 places, and plant H5193 that that was desolate: H8074 I the LORD H3068 have spoken H1696 it, and I will do H6213 it.

Ezekiel 38:17 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Art thou he of whom I have spoken H1696 in old H6931 time H3117 by H3027 my servants H5650 the prophets H5030 of Israel, H3478 which prophesied H5012 in those days H3117 many years H8141 that I would bring H935 thee against them?

Daniel 9:25 STRONG

Know H3045 therefore and understand, H7919 that from the going forth H4161 of the commandment H1697 to restore H7725 and to build H1129 Jerusalem H3389 unto the Messiah H4899 the Prince H5057 shall be seven H7651 weeks, H7620 and threescore H8346 and two H8147 weeks: H7620 the street H7339 shall be built H1129 again, H7725 and the wall, H2742 even in troublous H6695 times. H6256

Amos 9:14 STRONG

And I will bring again H7725 the captivity H7622 of my people H5971 of Israel, H3478 and they shall build H1129 the waste H8074 cities, H5892 and inhabit H3427 them; and they shall plant H5193 vineyards, H3754 and drink H8354 the wine H3196 thereof; they shall also make H6213 gardens, H1593 and eat H398 the fruit H6529 of them.

Zechariah 2:4 STRONG

And said H559 unto him, Run, H7323 speak H1696 to this H1975 young man, H5288 saying, H559 Jerusalem H3389 shall be inhabited H3427 as towns without walls H6519 for the multitude H7230 of men H120 and cattle H929 therein: H8432

Zechariah 12:6 STRONG

In that day H3117 will I make H7760 the governors H441 of Judah H3063 like an hearth H3595 of fire H784 among the wood, H6086 and like a torch H3940 of fire H784 in a sheaf; H5995 and they shall devour H398 all the people H5971 round about, H5439 on the right hand H3225 and on the left: H8040 and Jerusalem H3389 shall be inhabited H3427 again in her own place, even in Jerusalem. H3389

Zechariah 14:10-11 STRONG

All the land H776 shall be turned H5437 as a plain H6160 from Geba H1387 to Rimmon H7417 south H5045 of Jerusalem: H3389 and it shall be lifted up, H7213 and inhabited H3427 in her place, from Benjamin's H1144 gate H8179 unto the place H4725 of the first H7223 gate, H8179 unto the corner H6434 gate, H8179 and from the tower H4026 of Hananeel H2606 unto the king's H4428 winepresses. H3342 And men shall dwell H3427 in it, and there shall be no more utter destruction; H2764 but Jerusalem H3389 shall be safely H983 inhabited. H3427

Matthew 5:18 STRONG

For G1063 verily G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 Till G2193 G302 heaven G3772 and G2532 earth G1093 pass, G3928 one G1520 jot G2503 or G2228 one G3391 tittle G2762 shall in no wise G3364 pass G3928 from G575 the law, G3551 till G2193 G302 all G3956 be fulfilled. G1096

Matthew 26:56 STRONG

But G1161 all G3650 this G5124 was done, G1096 that G2443 the scriptures G1124 of the prophets G4396 might be fulfilled. G4137 Then G5119 all G3956 the disciples G3101 forsook G863 him, G846 and fled. G5343

Luke 24:44 STRONG

And G1161 he said G2036 unto them, G846 These G3778 are the words G3056 which G3739 I spake G2980 unto G4314 you, G5209 while G5607 I was yet G2089 with G4862 you, G5213 that G3754 all things G3956 must G1163 be fulfilled, G4137 which G3588 were written G1125 in G1722 the law G3551 of Moses, G3475 and G2532 in the prophets, G4396 and G2532 in the psalms, G5568 concerning G4012 me. G1700

Acts 2:25-28 STRONG

For G1063 David G1138 speaketh G3004 concerning G1519 him, G846 I foresaw G4308 the Lord G2962 always G1223 G3956 before G1799 my G3450 face, for G3754 he is G2076 on G1537 my G3450 right hand, G1188 that G3363 I should G4531 not G3363 be moved: G4531 Therefore G1223 G5124 did G2165 my G3450 heart G2588 rejoice, G2165 and G2532 my G3450 tongue G1100 was glad; G21 moreover G1161 G2089 also G2532 my G3450 flesh G4561 shall rest G2681 in G1909 hope: G1680 Because G3754 thou wilt G1459 not G3756 leave G1459 my G3450 soul G5590 in G1519 hell, G86 neither G3761 wilt thou suffer G1325 thine G4675 Holy One G3741 to see G1492 corruption. G1312 Thou hast made known G1107 to me G3427 the ways G3598 of life; G2222 thou shalt make G4137 me G3165 full G4137 of joy G2167 with G3326 thy G4675 countenance. G4383

2 Peter 1:19-21 STRONG

We have G2192 also G2532 a more sure G949 word G3056 of prophecy; G4397 whereunto G3739 ye do G4160 well G2573 that ye take heed, G4337 as G5613 unto a light G3088 that shineth G5316 in G1722 a dark G850 place, G5117 until G2193 G3757 the day G2250 dawn, G1306 and G2532 the day star G5459 arise G393 in G1722 your G5216 hearts: G2588 Knowing G1097 this G5124 first, G4412 that G3754 no G3756 G3956 prophecy G4394 of the scripture G1124 is G1096 of any private G2398 interpretation. G1955 For G1063 the prophecy G4394 came G5342 not G3756 in old time G4218 by the will G2307 of man: G444 but G235 holy G40 men G444 of God G2316 spake G2980 as they were moved G5342 by G5259 the Holy G40 Ghost. G4151

Psalms 147:2 STRONG

The LORD H3068 doth build up H1129 Jerusalem: H3389 he gathereth together H3664 the outcasts H1760 of Israel. H3478

Exodus 12:29-30 STRONG

And it came to pass, that at midnight H2677 H3915 the LORD H3068 smote H5221 all the firstborn H1060 in the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 from the firstborn H1060 of Pharaoh H6547 that sat H3427 on his throne H3678 unto the firstborn H1060 of the captive H7628 that was in the dungeon; H1004 H953 and all the firstborn H1060 of cattle. H929 And Pharaoh H6547 rose up H6965 in the night, H3915 he, and all his servants, H5650 and all the Egyptians; H4714 and there was a great H1419 cry H6818 in Egypt; H4714 for there was not a house H1004 where there was not one dead. H4191

1 Kings 13:3-5 STRONG

And he gave H5414 a sign H4159 the same day, H3117 saying, H559 This is the sign H4159 which the LORD H3068 hath spoken; H1696 Behold, the altar H4196 shall be rent, H7167 and the ashes H1880 that are upon it shall be poured out. H8210 And it came to pass, when king H4428 Jeroboam H3379 heard H8085 the saying H1697 of the man H376 of God, H430 which had cried H7121 against the altar H4196 in Bethel, H1008 that he put forth H7971 his hand H3027 from the altar, H4196 saying, H559 Lay hold H8610 on him. And his hand, H3027 which he put forth H7971 against him, dried up, H3001 so that he could H3201 not pull it in again H7725 to him. The altar H4196 also was rent, H7167 and the ashes H1880 poured out H8210 from the altar, H4196 according to the sign H4159 which the man H376 of God H430 had given H5414 by the word H1697 of the LORD. H3068

1 Kings 18:36-38 STRONG

And it came to pass at the time of the offering H5927 of the evening sacrifice, H4503 that Elijah H452 the prophet H5030 came near, H5066 and said, H559 LORD H3068 God H430 of Abraham, H85 Isaac, H3327 and of Israel, H3478 let it be known H3045 this day H3117 that thou art God H430 in Israel, H3478 and that I am thy servant, H5650 and that I have done H6213 all these things at thy word. H1697 Hear H6030 me, O LORD, H3068 hear H6030 me, that this people H5971 may know H3045 that thou art the LORD H3068 God, H430 and that thou hast turned H5437 their heart H3820 back H5437 again. H322 Then the fire H784 of the LORD H3068 fell, H5307 and consumed H398 the burnt sacrifice, H5930 and the wood, H6086 and the stones, H68 and the dust, H6083 and licked up H3897 the water H4325 that was in the trench. H8585

Ezra 2:70 STRONG

So the priests, H3548 and the Levites, H3881 and some of the people, H5971 and the singers, H7891 and the porters, H7778 and the Nethinims, H5411 dwelt H3427 in their cities, H5892 and all Israel H3478 in their cities. H5892

Nehemiah 1:3 STRONG

And they said H559 unto me, The remnant H7604 that are left H7604 of the captivity H7628 there in the province H4082 are in great H1419 affliction H7451 and reproach: H2781 the wall H2346 of Jerusalem H3389 also is broken down, H6555 and the gates H8179 thereof are burned H3341 with fire. H784

Nehemiah 2:3 STRONG

And said H559 unto the king, H4428 Let the king H4428 live H2421 for ever: H5769 why should not my countenance H6440 be sad, H3415 when the city, H5892 the place H1004 of my fathers' H1 sepulchres, H6913 lieth waste, H2720 and the gates H8179 thereof are consumed H398 with fire? H784

Nehemiah 3:1-32 STRONG

Then Eliashib H475 the high H1419 priest H3548 rose up H6965 with his brethren H251 the priests, H3548 and they builded H1129 the sheep H6629 gate; H8179 they sanctified H6942 it, and set up H5975 the doors H1817 of it; even unto the tower H4026 of Meah H3968 they sanctified H6942 it, unto the tower H4026 of Hananeel. H2606 And next unto him H3027 builded H1129 the men H582 of Jericho. H3405 And next to them builded H1129 Zaccur H2139 the son H1121 of Imri. H566 But the fish H1709 gate H8179 did the sons H1121 of Hassenaah H5570 build, H1129 who also laid the beams H7136 thereof, and set up H5975 the doors H1817 thereof, the locks H4514 thereof, and the bars H1280 thereof. And next unto them H3027 repaired H2388 Meremoth H4822 the son H1121 of Urijah, H223 the son H1121 of Koz. H6976 And next unto them H3027 repaired H2388 Meshullam H4918 the son H1121 of Berechiah, H1296 the son H1121 of Meshezabeel. H4898 And next unto them H3027 repaired H2388 Zadok H6659 the son H1121 of Baana. H1195 And next unto them H3027 the Tekoites H8621 repaired; H2388 but their nobles H117 put H935 not their necks H6677 to the work H5656 of their Lord. H113 Moreover the old H3465 gate H8179 repaired H2388 Jehoiada H3111 the son H1121 of Paseah, H6454 and Meshullam H4918 the son H1121 of Besodeiah; H1152 they laid the beams H7136 thereof, and set up H5975 the doors H1817 thereof, and the locks H4514 thereof, and the bars H1280 thereof. And next unto them H3027 repaired H2388 Melatiah H4424 the Gibeonite, H1393 and Jadon H3036 the Meronothite, H4824 the men H582 of Gibeon, H1391 and of Mizpah, H4709 unto the throne H3678 of the governor H6346 on this side H5676 the river. H5104 Next unto him H3027 repaired H2388 Uzziel H5816 the son H1121 of Harhaiah, H2736 of the goldsmiths. H6884 Next unto him H3027 also repaired H2388 Hananiah H2608 the son H1121 of one of the apothecaries, H7546 and they fortified H5800 Jerusalem H3389 unto the broad H7342 wall. H2346 And next unto them H3027 repaired H2388 Rephaiah H7509 the son H1121 of Hur, H2354 the ruler H8269 of the half H2677 part H6418 of Jerusalem. H3389 And next unto them H3027 repaired H2388 Jedaiah H3042 the son H1121 of Harumaph, H2739 even over against his house. H1004 And next unto him H3027 repaired H2388 Hattush H2407 the son H1121 of Hashabniah. H2813 Malchijah H4441 the son H1121 of Harim, H2766 and Hashub H2815 the son H1121 of Pahathmoab, H6355 repaired H2388 the other H8145 piece, H4060 and the tower H4026 of the furnaces. H8574 And next unto him H3027 repaired H2388 Shallum H7967 the son H1121 of Halohesh, H3873 the ruler H8269 of the half H2677 part H6418 of Jerusalem, H3389 he and his daughters. H1323 The valley H1516 gate H8179 repaired H2388 Hanun, H2586 and the inhabitants H3427 of Zanoah; H2182 they built H1129 it, and set up H5975 the doors H1817 thereof, the locks H4514 thereof, and the bars H1280 thereof, and a thousand H505 cubits H520 on the wall H2346 unto the dung H830 gate. H8179 But the dung H830 gate H8179 repaired H2388 Malchiah H4441 the son H1121 of Rechab, H7394 the ruler H8269 of part H6418 of Bethhaccerem; H1021 he built H1129 it, and set up H5975 the doors H1817 thereof, the locks H4514 thereof, and the bars H1280 thereof. But the gate H8179 of the fountain H5869 repaired H2388 Shallun H7968 the son H1121 of Colhozeh, H3626 the ruler H8269 of part H6418 of Mizpah; H4709 he built H1129 it, and covered H2926 it, and set up H5975 the doors H1817 thereof, the locks H4514 thereof, and the bars H1280 thereof, and the wall H2346 of the pool H1295 of Siloah H7975 by the king's H4428 garden, H1588 and unto the stairs H4609 that go down H3381 from the city H5892 of David. H1732 After H310 him repaired H2388 Nehemiah H5166 the son H1121 of Azbuk, H5802 the ruler H8269 of the half H2677 part H6418 of Bethzur, H1049 unto the place over against the sepulchres H6913 of David, H1732 and to the pool H1295 that was made, H6213 and unto the house H1004 of the mighty. H1368 After H310 him repaired H2388 the Levites, H3881 Rehum H7348 the son H1121 of Bani. H1137 Next unto him H3027 repaired H2388 Hashabiah, H2811 the ruler H8269 of the half H2677 part H6418 of Keilah, H7084 in his part. H6418 After H310 him repaired H2388 their brethren, H251 Bavai H942 the son H1121 of Henadad, H2582 the ruler H8269 of the half H2677 part H6418 of Keilah. H7084 And next to him H3027 repaired H2388 Ezer H5829 the son H1121 of Jeshua, H3442 the ruler H8269 of Mizpah, H4709 another H8145 piece H4060 over against the going up H5927 to the armoury H5402 at the turning H4740 of the wall. After H310 him Baruch H1263 the son H1121 of Zabbai H2079 earnestly H2734 repaired H2388 the other H8145 piece, H4060 from the turning H4740 of the wall unto the door H6607 of the house H1004 of Eliashib H475 the high H1419 priest. H3548 After H310 him repaired H2388 Meremoth H4822 the son H1121 of Urijah H223 the son H1121 of Koz H6976 another H8145 piece, H4060 from the door H6607 of the house H1004 of Eliashib H475 even to the end H8503 of the house H1004 of Eliashib. H475 And after H310 him repaired H2388 the priests, H3548 the men H582 of the plain. H3603 After H310 him repaired H2388 Benjamin H1144 and Hashub H2815 over against their house. H1004 After H310 him repaired H2388 Azariah H5838 the son H1121 of Maaseiah H4641 the son H1121 of Ananiah H6055 by H681 his house. H1004 After H310 him repaired H2388 Binnui H1131 the son H1121 of Henadad H2582 another H8145 piece, H4060 from the house H1004 of Azariah H5838 unto the turning H4740 of the wall, even unto the corner. H6438 Palal H6420 the son H1121 of Uzai, H186 over against the turning H4740 of the wall, and the tower H4026 which lieth out H3318 from the king's H4428 high H5945 house, H1004 that was by the court H2691 of the prison. H4307 After H310 him Pedaiah H6305 the son H1121 of Parosh. H6551 Moreover the Nethinims H5411 dwelt H3427 in Ophel, H6077 unto the place over against the water H4325 gate H8179 toward the east, H4217 and the tower H4026 that lieth out. H3318 After H310 them the Tekoites H8621 repaired H2388 another H8145 piece, H4060 over against the great H1419 tower H4026 that lieth out, H3318 even unto the wall H2346 of Ophel. H6077 From above the horse H5483 gate H8179 repaired H2388 the priests, H3548 every one H376 over against H5048 his house. H1004 After H310 them repaired H2388 Zadok H6659 the son H1121 of Immer H564 over against his house. H1004 After H310 him repaired H2388 also Shemaiah H8098 the son H1121 of Shechaniah, H7935 the keeper H8104 of the east H4217 gate. H8179 After H310 him repaired H2388 Hananiah H2608 the son H1121 of Shelemiah, H8018 and Hanun H2586 the sixth H8345 son H1121 of Zalaph, H6764 another H8145 piece. H4060 After H310 him repaired H2388 Meshullam H4918 the son H1121 of Berechiah H1296 over against his chamber. H5393 After H310 him repaired H2388 Malchiah H4441 the goldsmith's H6885 son H1121 unto the place H1004 of the Nethinims, H5411 and of the merchants, H7402 over against the gate H8179 Miphkad, H4663 and to the going up H5944 of the corner. H6438 And between the going up H5944 of the corner H6438 unto the sheep H6629 gate H8179 repaired H2388 the goldsmiths H6884 and the merchants. H7402

Psalms 102:13-16 STRONG

Thou shalt arise, H6965 and have mercy H7355 upon Zion: H6726 for the time H6256 to favour H2603 her, yea, the set time, H4150 is come. H935 For thy servants H5650 take pleasure H7521 in her stones, H68 and favour H2603 the dust H6083 thereof. So the heathen H1471 shall fear H3372 the name H8034 of the LORD, H3068 and all the kings H4428 of the earth H776 thy glory. H3519 When the LORD H3068 shall build up H1129 Zion, H6726 he shall appear H7200 in his glory. H3519

Exodus 11:4-6 STRONG

And Moses H4872 said, H559 Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 About midnight H3915 H2676 will I go out H3318 into the midst H8432 of Egypt: H4714 And all the firstborn H1060 in the land H776 of Egypt H4714 shall die, H4191 from the firstborn H1060 of Pharaoh H6547 that sitteth H3427 upon his throne, H3678 even unto the firstborn H1060 of the maidservant H8198 that is behind H310 the mill; H7347 and all the firstborn H1060 of beasts. H929 And there shall be H1961 a great H1419 cry H6818 throughout all the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 such as there was none H3808 like it, nor H3808 shall be like it any more. H3254

Isaiah 42:9 STRONG

Behold, the former things H7223 are come to pass, H935 and new things H2319 do I declare: H5046 before they spring forth H6779 I tell H8085 you of them.

Isaiah 54:3 STRONG

For thou shalt break forth H6555 on the right hand H3225 and on the left; H8040 and thy seed H2233 shall inherit H3423 the Gentiles, H1471 and make the desolate H8074 cities H5892 to be inhabited. H3427

Isaiah 54:11-12 STRONG

O thou afflicted, H6041 tossed with tempest, H5590 and not comforted, H5162 behold, I will lay H7257 thy stones H68 with fair colours, H6320 and lay thy foundations H3245 with sapphires. H5601 And I will make H7760 thy windows H8121 of agates, H3539 and thy gates H8179 of carbuncles, H68 H688 and all thy borders H1366 of pleasant H2656 stones. H68

Isaiah 58:12 STRONG

And they that shall be of thee shall build H1129 the old H5769 waste places: H2723 thou shalt raise up H6965 the foundations H4146 of many H1755 generations; H1755 and thou shalt be called, H7121 The repairer H1443 of the breach, H6556 The restorer H7725 of paths H5410 to dwell in. H3427

Isaiah 60:10 STRONG

And the sons H1121 of strangers H5236 shall build up H1129 thy walls, H2346 and their kings H4428 shall minister H8334 unto thee: for in my wrath H7110 I smote H5221 thee, but in my favour H7522 have I had mercy H7355 on thee.

Isaiah 61:4 STRONG

And they shall build H1129 the old H5769 wastes, H2723 they shall raise up H6965 the former H7223 desolations, H8074 and they shall repair H2318 the waste H2721 cities, H5892 the desolations H8074 of many H1755 generations. H1755

Jeremiah 30:18 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 Behold, I will bring again H7725 the captivity H7622 of Jacob's H3290 tents, H168 and have mercy H7355 on his dwellingplaces; H4908 and the city H5892 shall be builded H1129 upon her own heap, H8510 and the palace H759 shall remain H3427 after the manner H4941 thereof.

Jeremiah 31:4 STRONG

Again I will build H1129 thee, and thou shalt be built, H1129 O virgin H1330 of Israel: H3478 thou shalt again be adorned H5710 with thy tabrets, H8596 and shalt go forth H3318 in the dances H4234 of them that make merry. H7832

Commentary on Isaiah 44 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Isa 44:1-28. Continuation of the Previous Chapter.

1-5. Yet—Though thou hast sinned, yet hear God's gracious promise as to thy deliverance.

chosen—(Isa 41:8).

2. (Isa 43:1, 7).

formed … from … womb—(So Isa 44:24; Isa 49:1, 5). The sense is similar to that in Isa 1:2, "I have nourished and brought up children."

Jesurun—A diminutive term of endearment applied to Israel. The full title of affection was Israelun; contracted it became Jeshurun, with an allusion to the Hebrew root, jashar, "upright," "perfect" (see on Isa 42:19, note on "He that is perfect") [Gesenius], (De 32:15).

3. (Isa 41:18).

him … thirsty—rather, "the land" (Isa 35:6, 7), figuratively for man thirsting after righteousness (Mt 5:6).

floods—the abundant influences of the Holy Spirit, stronger than "water."

spirit—including all spiritual and temporal gifts, as the parallel, "blessing," proves (Isa 11:2; 32:15).

seed—(Isa 59:21).

4. they—thy "seed" and "offspring" (Isa 44:3).

as among—needlessly inserted in English Version. Rather, "The seed shall spring up as willows among the grass beside canals of water" [Horsley]. Or, "They shall spring up among the grass (that is, luxuriantly; for what grows in the midst of grass grows luxuriantly) as willows by the water-courses," which makes the parallel clauses better balanced [Maurer].

5. The third clause answers in parallelism to the first, the fourth to the second.

I am the Lord's—(Jer 50:5; 1Co 6:19, 20; 2Co 8:5).

call himself by the name of Jacob—The Gentiles (as the result of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Israel, the Lord's "seed," first) shall join themselves to the children of Jacob, in order to worship their God (compare Isa 43:7; Ps 49:11). Or, "calls," that is, invokes and celebrates the name of Jacob, attaches himself to his nation and religion [Maurer], (Ps 24:6).

subscribe … hand unto … Lord—in solemn and public covenant, pledging himself to God's service (compare Ne 9:38), before "witnesses" (Heb 12:1), after the manner of a civil contract (Jer 32:10, 12, 44). So the Christian in the sacraments [Barnes]. Literally, "shall fill his hand with letters (Ex 32:15; Eze 2:10) in honor of Jehovah"; or "shall write upon his hand, I am Jehovah's" (compare Isa 49:16; Re 13:16); alluding to the puncture with ink on the hand, whereby a soldier marked himself as bound to his commander; and whereby the Christians used to mark themselves with the name of Christ [Lowth]. The former view is simpler.

surname himself … Israel—Maurer and Gesenius interpret this as the Hebrew sanctions, answering to their rendering of the parallel second clause, "calls blandly (speaks in honorable terms of) the name of Israel." Retaining English Version, we must, from the Hebrew understand it thus, "Surname himself by the honorable name of Israel" (Isa 45:4).

6. Here follows an argument for Jehovah, as the only God, and against the idols, as vanity (see on Isa 41:4; Isa 43:1; Isa 43:10-12).

7. Who but God can predict future events and declare also the order and time of each (see on Isa 41:22, 23; Isa 45:21)?

call—"openly proclaim" (Isa 40:6) things to come [Maurer]. Or, "call forth" the event; command that it happen (Isa 46:11; 48:15), [Barnes].

set … in order—There is no chance or confusion; all events occur in the order best fitted to subserve God's plans.

for me—It is FOR God that all things exist and take place (Re 4:11). But Maurer translates, "Let him set it forth (Job 37:19) to me."

since … ancient people—I have given the Jews predictions of the future ever since I appointed them as My people in ancient times; therefore they were qualified to be His witnesses (Isa 44:8). As to their being God's "ancient (everlasting) people," see De 32:7-9; Jer 31:3; the type of the redeemed Church (Eph 1:4).

8. be afraid—literally, "be astounded," or "distracted with fear."

from that time—namely, from the time that "I appointed the ancient people" (Isa 44:7). From the time of Abraham's call, his family were the depositories of the predictions of the Redeemer, whereas the promise of Cyrus was not heard of till Isaiah's time; therefore, the event to the prediction and accomplishment of which God appeals in proof of His sole Godhead, is the redemption of man by a descendant of Abraham, in whose person "the ancient people" was first formally "appointed." The deliverance of the Jews, by Cyrus, is mentioned afterwards only as an earnest of that greater mercy [Horsley].

no God—Hebrew, tsur, "rock" (De 32:4); that is, a stronghold to take refuge in, and a solid foundation to build on.

9. (Isa 40:18, 20; 41:29).

delectable things—the idols in which they take such pride and delight.

not profit—(Hab 2:18).

they are their own witnesses—contrasted with, "Ye are My witnesses" (Isa 44:8). "They," that is, both the makers and the idols, are witnesses against themselves, for the idols palpably see and know nothing (Ps 115:4-8).

that they may be ashamed—the consequence deducible from the whole previous argument, not merely from the words immediately preceding, as in Isa 28:13; 36:12. I say all this to show that they are doomed to perish with shame, which is their only fitting end.

10. Who … ?—Sarcastic question: "How debased the man must be who forms a god!" It is a contradiction in terms. A made god, worshipped by its maker (1Co 8:4)!

11. his fellows—the associates of him who makes an idol; or of the idol (see De 7:26; Ps 115:8; Ho 4:17).

they are of men—They are mortal men themselves; what better, then, can the idol be than its maker?

gathered together … stand up—as in a court of justice, to try the issue between God and them (see on Isa 41:1; Isa 41:21).

yet—wrongly inserted in English Version. The issue of the trial shall be, "they shall fear," &c.

12. tongs—rather, "prepareth (to be supplied) an axe," namely, with which to cut down the tree designed as the material of the idol. The "smith" (Hebrew, "workman in iron") here answers to the "carpenter" (Hebrew, "workman in wood"). "He worketh it (the axe, not the idol, which was wood, not metal) in the coals," &c. The axe was wrought, not cast. The smith makes the axe for the carpenter.

hungry … drinketh no water—so eager is he to expedite his work while the iron is hot. If the god were worth anything, it would not let him grow "faint" with hunger and thirst. Williams, the missionary, states that the South Sea islanders when they make an idol abstain from food and drink.

13. After the smith's work in preparing the instruments comes the carpenter's work in forming the idol.

rule—rather, "line" [Barnes].

with a line—rather, a "pencil," [Horsley]. Literally, "red ochre," which he uses to mark on the wood the outline of the figure [Lowth]. Or best, the stylus or graver, with which the incision of the outline is made [Gesenius].

planes—rather, "chisels" or "carving tools," for a plane would not answer for carving.

compass—from a Hebrew root, "to make a circle"; by it, symmetry of form is secured.

according to … beauty of a man—irony. The highest idea the heathen could form of a god was one of a form like their own. Jerome says, "The more handsome the statue the more august the god was thought." The incarnation of the Son of God condescends to this anthropomorphic feeling so natural to man, but in such a way as to raise man's thoughts up to the infinite God who "is a spirit."

that it may remain in … house—the only thing it was good for; it could not hear nor save (compare Wisdom 13:15).

14. Description of the material out of which the idol is formed.

cypress—rather, from Hebrew root, "to be hard," the holm oak," an evergreen abundant in Palestine [Gesenius].

strengtheneth—literally, "and he getteth strength to himself in the trees of the forest;" that is, he layeth in a great store of timber [Lowth]. Or, "chooseth," as "madest strong for thyself," that is, hast chosen (Ps 80:15, 17) [Gesenius]. But English Version gives a good sense: "strengtheneth"; that is, rears to maturity; a meaning suitable also to the context of Ps 80:15, 17, where Israel is compared to a vine planted by Jehovah [Maurer].

rain doth nourish it—Though the man planted the tree, yet he could not make it grow. In preparing to make an idol, he has to depend on the true God for rain from heaven (Jer 14:22).

15. The same tree that furnishes the material for the god is in part used as fuel for a fire to cook his meals and warm himself!

thereto—rather, "he falleth down before them," that is, such images [Maurer].

16. part … part—not distinct parts, but the same part of the wood (compare Isa 44:17).

eateth—that is, cooks so as to eat (Isa 44:19).

I have seen—I feel its power.

18. he, &c.—God hath given them over to judicial blindness; not His direct physical, but His providential agency in administering His moral government, is meant (Isa 6:9, 10). "Shut," literally, "daubed," plastered up; it is an Eastern custom in some cases to seal up the eyes of offenders.

19. considereth—literally, "layeth it to heart," (Isa 42:25; Jer 12:11).

abomination—the scriptural term for an idol, not merely abominable, but the essence of what is so, in the eyes of a jealous God (1Ki 11:5, 7).

20. feedeth on ashes—figuratively, for the idolater delights in what is vain (Pr 15:14; Ho 12:1). "Feedeth on wind." There is an allusion, perhaps, also, to the god being made of a tree, the half of which was reduced to ashes by fire (Isa 44:15-17); the idol, it is implied, was no better, and could, and ought, to have been reduced to ashes like the other half.

deceived heart—The heart and will first go astray, then the intellect and life (Ro 1:28; Eph 4:18).

lie in … right hand—Is not my handiwork (the idol) a self-deceit?

21. Remember—"Be not like the idolaters who consider not in their heart" (Isa 44:19).

these—things just said as to the folly of idol-worship.

my servant—not like the idolaters, slaves to the stock of a tree (Isa 44:19). See Isa 44:1, 2.

thou … not … forgotten of me—Therefore thou oughtest to "remember" Me.

22. blotted out—the debt of thy sin from the account-book in which it was entered (Ex 32:32, 33; Re 20:12).

as a thick cloud—scattered away by the wind (Ps 103:12).

as a cloud—a descending gradation. Not only the "thick cloud" of the heavier "transgressions," but the "cloud" ("vapor" [Lowth], not so dense, but covering the sky as a mist) of the countless "sins." These latter, though not thought much of by man, need, as much as the former, to be cleared away by the Sun of righteousness; else they will be a mist separating us from heaven (Ps 19:12, 13; 1Jo 1:7-9).

return … for—The antecedent redemption is the ground of, and motive to, repentance. We do not repent in order that He may redeem us, but because He hath redeemed us (Zec 12:10; Lu 24:47; Ac 3:18,19). He who believes in his being forgiven cannot but love (Lu 7:43, 47).

23. Call to inanimate nature to praise God; for it also shall share in the coming deliverance from "the bondage of corruption" (Ro 8:20, 21).

done it—effected redemption for both the literal and spiritual Israel.

lower parts, &c.—antithetical to "heavens"; "mountains," "forest," and "tree," are the intermediate objects in a descending gradation (see Ps 96:11, 12).

24-28. Confirmation of His promises to the Church and Israel, by various instances of His omnipotence; among these the restoration of the Jews by Cyrus.

alone—literally, "Who was with Me?" namely, when I did it; answering to "by Myself," in the parallel clause (compare similar phrases, Ho 8:4; Joh 5:30) [Maurer].

25. tokens—prognostics; the pretended miracles which they gave as proofs of their supernatural powers.

liars—(Jer 50:36). Conjurers; or, astrologers; men leading a retired contemplative life in order to study divination by the signs of the stars [Vitringa].

backward—with shame at their predictions not being verified. "To turn away the face" is to frustrate defeat (Isa 36:9; 1Ki 2:15). The "wise men" are the diviners who, when Babylon was attacked by Cyrus, predicted his overthrow.

26. servant—in a collective sense, for the prophets in general, who foretold the return from Babylon; answering to "His messengers" (plural, in the parallel clause) [Maurer]. Antitypically, and ultimately, Messiah, who is the consummating embodiment of all the prophets and messengers of God (Mal 3:1; Mt 21:34, 36, 37; Joh 10:36); hence the singular, "His servant."

counsel—predictions; prophets' counsels concern the future (compare "counsellor," Isa 41:28).

Jerusalem—regarded prophetically, as lying in ruins.

27. Referring to the Euphrates, which was turned into a different channel, close to Babylon, by Cyrus, who thereby took the city. "The deep" is applied to Euphrates as "sea" (Jer 51:32, 36). "Rivers" refers to the artificial canals from the Euphrates made to irrigate the country; when it was turned off into a different bed (namely, a lake, forty miles square, which was originally formed to receive the superfluous water in an inundation), the canals became dry.

28. my shepherd—type of Messiah (Isa 40:11; Ps 23:1; 77:20; Eze 34:23).

all my pleasure—so Messiah (Isa 42:1; 53:10). This is the first time Cyrus is named expressly; and that, a hundred fifty years before the time when in 550 B.C. he began his reign. The name comes from the Persian khorschid, "the sun"; kings often taking their names from the gods; the sun was worshipped as a god in Persia.

saying—rather, "and that saith"; construed with God, not with Cyrus. God's word is instantaneously efficient in accomplishing His will.

to … to—or, "of Jerusalem … of the temple," as previously, the same Hebrew word is translated, "of Cyrus" [Barnes]. English Version is more graphic. Cyrus, according to Josephus, heard of this prophecy of Isaiah delivered so long before; hence he was induced to do that which was so contrary to Oriental policy, to aid in restoring the captive Jews and rebuilding their temple and city.